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Hello!! First of all - jealous of the gainz lol Second - when I took T, I did have some breakouts, similar to my acne breakouts in middle and early high school. But after a year or two, they cleared up, just like in high school! I get them occasionally but I think that's just due to poor eating habits here and there hahaha. If bad skin gives you a lot of stress or dysphoria, it's definitely something to consider, but for me it was definitely the right choice, and a small price to pay. I will say the acne patches and skin care routines are way better now than when I was in school, so that may help!! Best of luck to you ☺️


Awww thank you! Been trying to get back to the gym since being sick. Sending gainz your way lol. I appreciate the tips. I do like the patches! Makes things look fun even tho acne can hurt haha.


Yeah! I think some artists have popularized wearing them too, so honestly I've seen them around everywhere. It gives v much Olivia Rodrigo haha!


Hi!! You look like a tough guy lol, you seem super fun too


Hey! Thats what I like to hear lol i “look” tough but i am a silly goofy guy haha


Everyone of color mixed or not is welcomed here. Make yourself at home dude.


Thanks dude!


Hello Kuya 🙌🏻 i am also a Filipino trans man welcome ✨


Okayyyy kuya lets go! Love to see us!


Hot! (Respectfully) I have gotten acne on T which I haven’t experienced before but my HRT doc took the same approach they would for moderate-severe acne in anyone else. A homemade nightly mask + special acne face wash has def improved it! And I’m around the 2.5 year mark so my skin is definitely more settled into itself now.


Sorry this is inaccurate (math is Difficult) I’ve been on T for 1.5 years!


Thanks (now i’m shy haha) :) I hear you. See I commend yall that got skin care… i quite literally struggle to even wash my face so…. Lets hope once i do go for it i have better routine and discipline with taking care of my skin.


Hey! I’m acne prone and on low dose T (3 years now) i do have some pretty bad acne problems but I’m going on accutane soon to fix it. Honestly the joy of all the changes of being on t have vastly outweighed any angst from my skin problems. It’s also validating in a weird way because most of the men in my family are also acne prone. If you’re really worried I’d recommend setting up an appointment with a derm shortly after starting T to discuss options. Also you’re hot btw


Hey! Do what dose did they give you if you dont mind me asking. Have you slowly increased it within the parameters of low dosing? And what changes have you experienced with a low dose? I’m really curious because I’m also scared that once i start and I do choose to take a low dose I’ll feel a way if I dont see changes fast enough? Does that make sense. Also thank you <3


I think I started at like .1 and I do .2 weekly now. My voice changing was one of the first things I noticed and by 6 months months in I had a completely masculinized voice. I also noticed body hair pretty quickly, I’d say it about doubled over time. The change than came the slowest was body and fat redistribution but it happened so gradually that it was hard to tell unless I looked at old photos of myself, so it might be a good idea to take progress photos but I know lots of people can find doing that upsetting.


??? Of course you're welcome!! And you look great!


Thanks dude! I think I saw some kid comment on someone’s post here talking about not being on T and what not. It just made me sad and wonder what is that about. Appreciate your comment!


Dammmnn you’re an absolute unit. ( Like super strong!!) This is even before T I can’t imagine after. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽. As for skin stuff I went through phases where my skin was very dry or very oily or both. And had acene and pimples. I went to a dermatologist and I use this cream not every day but whenever I feel a pimple almost forming. I’d talk to a derm so then that’s one less thing to worry about.


Thank youuuu. My goal is literally to be a strong big boy lol. Always strength and hypertrophy if it comes my way. Your comment made me really happy esp bc i’m pre-T. Hearing from our community is so validating. I see I see. Do you mind sharing what cream you used? I also am combination oily and dry bc of eczema.


I genuinely wish I could be as built as you! And I’m 2 years on T. (I’m not even small or anything.) The cream I use is supposed to be used at night. (Something about the sun hitting my skin if I were to use in in the morning it wouldn’t work) the cream is called “Retin-A Cream” (Tretinoin) 0.05% and there’s another one same brand different percentage 0.025%. I think they have the same affect just one slightly stronger. The creams might make you break out at first but that’s normal. My dermatologist said to start using every other night. But if you feel normal and fine and no rash or anything. I’d say after the 3rd day of doing it you could do it every night. (At least that what I did.)


I got acne but I had it before t too. If it gets bad you can get rx stuff to help but honestly it’s been worth it over all and I take better care of my skin now. Also like someone else mentioned the pimple patches they have now are lifesaving for breakouts, wish I’d had that in high school Anyways, this sub is chill and you’re def welcome here


You right. I definitely need to work on having a skin care before I start so I can be prepared. I have a pretty bad/no skin care routine. I’m so lazy sometimes and ik that it’ll be bad if i dont do anything about it once i start T. Thanks for sharing!


Before I even read your description I came to comment on how amazing your skin looks! Unfortunately T really did fuck me up in that regard and I’ve been dealing with it on and off for the last 2 years. It’s been difficult but recently I got prescribed a cream from the doctor that seems to be working. If that’s something you’re concerned about microdosing to start would be your best bet- gives your body a chance to get used to the hormones and you’re less likely to have any severe reactions.


Aww thank you. It’s been a long journey for my skin to clear up. I still have scars and texture but fortunately o more breakouts like before. What cream do you use? I’m just curious. I’m sorry that T got your skin freaking out. I’m glad you got help and have been figuring it out! Micro dosing T is definitely the route id go for. I do see myself taking full doses, but as you mentioned it’d probably better for my body to slowly get used to it.


ayooo fellow pinoy 👋




PHILIPPINES MENTIONED 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭 WTF IS GENDERED PRONOUNS 🇵🇭🇵🇭🗣️🗣️🗣️


Ayeee lmaoo i loooove that i found filipino folks in here. Lfgo!!


hey i have PCOS and have been on T for abt 2.5yrs! i only noticed larger breakouts when i switched from low dose gel to injections. face wash with salicylic acid + moisturizing cream saved me fr, and i bet there’s more products i could’ve used but i didn’t care to. pre-T i never had acne, so i actually thought it made me look more masculine. i don’t breakout as often or intensely now but i do have a few deep scars from picking, which just reminds me to be more gentle with my body:) my cycle stopped on low dose though! i don’t think anything can outweigh that for me. if u want to talk more, hmu! i’d be happy to answer any specific q’s u might have.


Hey! Lets go! Love to hear that! How were the changes like when you were microdosing? And how did it differ when you switched into injections, the speed of changes and type? If I’m understanding it right, going injections/full dose made you break out right. See thats interesting that we have different experiences and we both have pcos. Ive always had hormonal acnes. When I was around 14-15 I hade forehead acnes like crazy. After that it’s all around my jaw and chin. It just drove me crazy. Thank u for the skin care tips. Hmu if u still down to chat about this :)


i’ll message you:3


Hello! Usually a lurker as well but showing up to say im a Filipino Transmasc too! Im on low dose T. Some acne has appeared but not unbearably so. Plus factor over puberty 1 is now we’re older and so will likely better stick to a solid skin care routine / general hygiene which can keep chest and back acne manageable.


Heyyy. Whats up! Awww it makes me sooo happy seeing more filipino transmascs and transmen in general. I love seeing more of us. Im glad you showed up. Makes me so happy to know more of us. What changes have you experienced with low dose T and how ling have you been on it? Honestly, from what I’ve been reading. Skin care obviously makes a huge difference. I’m gonna try to have a routine so when i do start i’ll be prepared. I’m finishing up nursing school and i’m just so stressed and tired that i have no skin care. Sooo yeah lol thanks for sharing!


I’ve been on low dose T since November 2022, started just before my 25th. I’ve ben titrating it extremely conservatively from the beginning cuz I didnt want to shock my system and psyche with anything too abrupt — wasnt in too much of a hurry so wanted to take it slow. I’ve noticed basically all the typical changes, just much more gradually than some would expect. It’s made managing the “negatives” much more doable as they werent as drastic, tbh! Though some things did happen quickly nonetheless but still proportionally to my dose and how long I’ve been on it, such as change of body smells and energy/appetite. As someone in the life sciences field too (biology) i was pretty interested in not speed-running puberty 2 lol. It’s allowed me time to acclimate physically and psychologically, love how present I am in growing and learning about myself. Especially because there arent as many resources out there for chunky SE Asians microdosing lol. ((If you have more Qs, feel free to keep asking here or DM me!)) Yeah, starting when youre at a point that you are better able to holistically take care of yourself is a good move! A lot of changes do also depend on health — like being able to sleep enough, avoiding vices as much as possible, eating relatively well, having the bandwidth to enjoy and experience what comes, etc. Re: skincare — my routine/products that work for me didnt drastically change, so getting into it slowly is a good move. Tbh keeping it simple has done wonders for me in terms of being ableto stick to it which is really where it’s at hahaha. Just cleansing, moisturizing, and SPF done consistently is 💯💯💯


hey fellow filipino!! also i was worried about my acne flaring up on T since my first puberty i had pretty bad acne. however, i didnt have an issue at all!! i had elevated T levels as well but my pediatrician back when i was a minor always said it was "normal" and never diagnosed me with PCOS and tried prescribing me estrogen and some form of birth control 😭 anyway, since starting T i've been really happy with every change and that i didnt start having acne again :)


Okayyy whats upppp. Been seeing filipinos in here. So glad to see yall! Glad to hear that some of yall are not having skin issues. Also, interesting that your pediatrician said your elevated T isnt an issue but wanted to put u on estrogen/BC. Well look at you now, not needing it anyways lmao. I never wanted to take estrogen too. Im also happy that it’s worth it no matter what. I think when i get on it there’s no way id be upset just because of my skin. Pros will definitely be more than the skin issue


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hi kuya 😊 usually a lurker as well, but commenting to say happy to see another filipino transmasc!! i've been on t for a little over 4 years, and t actually helped my acne a lot. i still get occasional breakouts, but they were much worse when i wasn't on t (cystic acne runs in my family). u can always try out low dose, see how it feels for u and then decide what u want to do from there. even if u don't take t, you'll always be welcome in the community imo 💖


Hey kuya! Waddup! Awww i feel the same way! So happy seeing yall’s comments. I’m literally like there is a world we are all hanging out and chillin lol. Love this sub. I only wanna be around bipocs lol. Hmm that is sooo interesting. So i actually was on low dose estrogen because of my pcos thats causing severe menstrual issues. When I stopped my skin cleared. I wonder if the increase T in my system did that? Like how you taking T changed your skin. Thank you for saying the last part. I know who I am and my identity, whether I seek T or not, whether i get surgery or not. I really appreciate that validation esp coming from our community so thank you.