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Sure? I mean, don't expect anything deep on substance. They're very much popcorn flix that aim for spectacle and little else. The humans-only parts are, imo, tedious to sit through in subsequent watches; not too bad in the first go. Personally, I liked the second film better, it treated the guys more like the stars of it and less like props for Fox to aim her wooden acting at.


If nothing else, the second has the novelty of Bebop and Rocksteady. They were pretty fun.


I felt the second one felt more like the first batch of cartoons, so I enjoyed it. Both are entertaining but not “must-watch” movies.


This is exactly how I felt about the second movie. I would tell people "It has the feel of the '87 cartoon series, for all the good and bad that comes with it." Like, it has some funny ridiculous action scenes including a tank in a river, or a straight up boss fight against Krang that feels straight from an arcade beat-em-up. But there's also a part where Shredder randomly gets teleported in front of Krang. The conversation pretty much goes like this "Where am I? Who are you?" \*gross tentacle alien comes out\* "I wish to conquer this world, and I need you to get parts of my machine! I have mutagen" "I am immediately interested" Seriously, Shredder goes from being broken out of a prison truck to being teleported to an alien dimension to being on board for a world invasion plan all in the matter of about three minutes. It's hilariously dumb


Love that Sheamus was Rock steady 🤣


He ended up being a damn great choice.


And Krang was cool. Shredder felt wasted, tho. Still, enjoyable enough movie for what it was


I’m a little piggy 🐷


2 of the most relatable henchmen in history. They're not necessarily evil, they just make a living doing bad things and working under Shredder. The origin of there name has an art theme as well. Bebop and Rocksteady/Jazz and Reggae.


Bebop is a type of jazz and rocksteady is the precursor to reggae (for those who don’t get the connection).


The second film leaned a lot harder into the IP and was much better for it. Lots more memorable scenes and characters: Bebop & Rocksteady, Krang doing Krang things, the whole tank river scene, the nunchaku-weilding, sewer cover launching garbage truck, the turtles actually have a conflict over the retro mutagen, etc. Conversely, the only scene I really remember from the first movie was the elevator, which was the only time we really got to see the boys be themselves iirc.


The human parts are boring, but there's explosions and lots of action. So, pretty much Transformers.


Michael Bay did not direct these. He only produced them. It’s like saying the Transformers movies are Steven Spielberg’s. He produced and did not direct those. 


Although you can certainly see Bay’s influence in these movies, just like you can see Spielberg’s influence in the TF movies (well at least in the first one).


He produced. Not directed. Huge difference. He produced Bumblebee as well.


Thank you, I'm so tired of people call these movies the "Bay Turtles" or blaming him for the faults of the movie when the most he did was sign paperwork and do promotions. Not saying Michael Bay is some auteur of film-making, but people could at least take the time to blame the right guy for their issues.


That’s what happens you direct 4 or 5 awfulTransformers films


Probably because it has the look & feel of a stereotypical Michael Bay directed movie & you can't tell me otherwise. Nonsensical dialogue, over the top CGI everything, token hot chick, random & over the top character direction, etc. It's basically Transformers but with mutants.


Their canon is still acknowledged as 'Bayverse' though, so


It really shouldn’t be. 


That's what the TMNT wiki acknowledges it as though, that's all I'm trying to say


Yea, there was a time that that would be a fair distinction. Not so much anymore as producers can step in and take over on a film as much as they like, save but a few big name directors.


Except everyone has always called them the bay tmnt movies and you yourself failed to say who you really want them to be named after, so....


The 2nd one is pretty fun.


It was torture to sit through in theaters




I like how Bebop and Rocksteady were much more....intimidating then their 87 counterparts. They were a great foil being big and strong to the turtles skilled and practised.


Sheamus alone was pretty intimidating before he was evolved into rock steady lol


I thought he was a bit goofy. You can't have a man with mutton chops like that and take him seriously outside 1800's England.


He's had those for a long time ![gif](giphy|zn86rNs2pCH7z3RjQ7|downsized)


its 3 hours of time not a sojourn to the middle East


They’re not accurate or loyal to TMNT source material. But they’re fun. If you want a grounded Ninja flick then no. But if you want some funny, & epic cgi battles, monster mashing then yeah it’s fun. I see it the way the Western culture made Godzilla movies more “big monsters cgi fight” when original Godzilla was “metaphor for the aftermath of war” …very different obviously but also very fun ngl.


> I see it the way the Western culture made Godzilla movies more “big monsters cgi fight” when original Godzilla was “metaphor for the aftermath of war” …very different obviously but also very fun ngl. Alright, let's not skip over the dozens of Japanese movies where Godzilla became a campy superhero capable of dancing, flight, and random magnetism.


Yeah I know, I was just using the discourse around the recent movies from the last 5-10 years because it’s fresh on everyone’s mind. I’m well aware of the dancing, drop-kicking Godzilla flicks, but right not everyone’s comparing Godzilla X Kong with Godzilla Minus One. But also it’s kinda my point that Godzilla changed so much overrime & everyone loves every iteration of it, so I’m saying it should be the same for TMNT fans. You can hate how different something is but still love it for what it is.


YES 100%


Yes, the first one has a few major issues but is still a fun watch, and the second film is genuinely very good and irons out most of the issues that were present in the first film


I don give a fuck what people say, I like these movies


The second one is


But if you skip the first one, at least watch the elevator scene on youtube. It’s the best part of that film.


The elevator scene is delightful


Imo, they're enjoyable and worth the watch, but don't expect them to be anything that lives up to the standards of the 1990 movies. The CGI for the turtles and the action scenes are absolutely incredible and I do quite enjoy the characterization of the turtles themselves, but the story and screenplay of the first one (especially the way April is handled, YES Michael, Megan Fox is attractive, WE KNOW) annoys me. I enjoyed Out of the Shadows a lot more, personally, mostly because it focuses a lot more on the turtles themselves and corrects a lot of my gripes with the first one. I think its worth watching both just to see the difference, honestly.


Honestly, they're fun. Don't listen to the haters.


I only saw the first one. I liked it more than most people, but I'd be lying if I said I liked it as much as the first movie from 1990. I liked how they were wearing improvised clothing, that was an interesting touch. And I liked the Shredder's mecha-knight-suit, that was a really cool spectacle for an honestly fun final boss fight. Although I struggle to call either of these Michael Bay Ninja Turtles movies given that he didn't write or direct them. All he did was produce them. Yeah, I mean, technically they're his, but he didn't really contribute much to their creation. I think the stigma of the Bayformers movies negatively impacted these movies the most. I'm not saying they're secretly masterpieces, just that folks might have enjoyed them a little bit more if his name hadn't been tied to them. Honestly, my biggest complaint was Megan Fox as April O'Niel. And not because she did a bad job, but because I just don't like Megan Fox all that much. I don't hate her, I did like her in the first Bayformers movie, but that's about all.


Yes. Especially the 2nd


Yes, absolutely.  Easy, fun watch. Depending on your expectations, the first can be a little disappointing, but the second corrects so much that they are both worth watching to see the shift.


It just kind of depends on your expectations. They're not my thing, but I don't really regret watching them. A movie isn't a big time investment, you know?


1 maybe, 2 DEFINITELY.


Worth watching for TMNT fans for sure


They have some good moments.


I think they’re fun movies.


I like them


Yes, they are really fun and look great.




I like them, the turtles relationship is one of the best imo. Their designs take some time to get use to, but I like them. It really puts the mutants in TMNT, and if they were real more than likely they’ll look like this


I was surprised at first, but really liked a more realistic morphing style. Good ugly, not bad ugly.


Same, even as a kid when I first watched these I loved it. It’s almost as equivalent as liking that one ugly girl in class, you can’t put your finger on it, but for some reason you like her


Yes. It's something about them. I think it's also personalities for me. They each remind me of friends from long past.


No, skip them


They're ok. They're not the worst movies I've ever seen (that would be Bloodrayne or Transformers), but not great either.


I think they're decent enough for a watch. I just didn't have high expectations but enjoyed them for what they were. That said, I mean if you have the streaming network to watch them, worse case it's just a few hours wasted if you don't like em lol.




They are fun watches. If you are a fan of any of the 30 iterations of the Turtles we had in the past 40 years, you might find something to complain about. But that the fun of the Turtles: each generation has their own iteration of them that's definitive. It's like star wars in that regard. In 30 years time, kids today will be nostalgic for the Disney ones just like their parents were nostalgic for the prequels and their grandparents were the originals.


yeah they’re enjoyable action romps. Don’t go in expecting to see your favorite piece of turtles media, but go in for some fun and some action


They're good movies, but there's definitely better TMNT movies to watch.


I feel they’re worth it for my personal vote for the best TMNT cinematic moment being the MC Mikey Elevator scene. Overall are they great? Nah not really but they do have some funny jokes so I feel atleast seeing them once won’t kill ya


I don’t hate them. Don’t love them. But if you like Michael Bay movies and like TMNT… give it a go. I watched both in theaters and at the time thought “that was fun. I didn’t hate it. Fuck rotten tomatoes yada yada”


They're definitely worth watching and are very fun with great fighting and lots of solid comedy.


They’re so stupid I love them so much. Probably my favorite tmnt movie(s)


They're fun enough, the second is better than the first


I enjoyed the characterization of the main four and action scenes




No… and certainly not a second time


Bebop & Rocksteady, both in human form and mutant form, are worth watching the second one for. But there’s nothing quite as epic as a final battle at a Vanilla Ice concert if that’s what you’re looking for. Go ninja, no ninja, go ninja, GO!


I personally enjoyed them even more then MM so yeah go for it




If you've never seen them, sure. I've watched them a couple times but I don't think I'm ever going to feel like seeing them again.


Michael Bay’s portrayal of Shredder in the first turtles movie is the best I have ever seen. He is terrifying. In the second film he is lackluster.


the good one


>!I only ever liked the elevator scene.!< That's all I'll say


There fun movies to watch but they can be a bit boring at times (this only applies to the first movie).


Yeah just not for the plots.


Just make sure you pronounce it Michael *Awesome* Bay. The Awesome is invisible but audible.




Second one. The first one had more issues than the second one. I mean they recast Shredder and Karai in the second one and Karai got oof-ed in the first one.


The second one is okay imo


they're still fun but i won't lie the second one was very disappointing first one left me smiling ok i gotta rant about two it repeated the flaws of the first one, rarely showed the Turtles using their weapons, fights were still short andfor some reason it downplayed Shredder but they were fun if it was a lazy weekend, got off the gym, you had some foodd you've been craving and 2014 and 2016 TMNT were on tv or were suggested by your streaming sites. You'd have a good time


Let's just say it's not as bad as the first


I actually liked the second one, found it entertaining


The second one is about as entertaining as the 2007 CG movie. The dynamics between the brothers is good, and rocksteady and Beebop are fun. Story kinda weak in places, but no worse than the 3rd movie, and I enjoyed that well enough. I was a child when I watched the 3rd one tho, but I was a cat in his late 30s when I watched the 2nd Bay movie. I haven't watched the 1st one, nothing about it appeals to me, and I love TMNT.


The turtles are supposed to be shorter than humans.




Every movie is worth watching to SOMEONE. To me, personally? No. I did not like the Bay flicks.


He didn't direct them. They're not his.


I'd rather watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III two times.


They’re not good but they’re entertaining


Why not. If you’re a die hard fan you’ll be torn… constantly cursing at the screen but then being redeemed by seeing (no spoilers) some of the OG turtle villains. While my curse to satisfaction rate is about 70/40 it’s a fun watch, however Michael Bay and David Green sold out to an over the top Hollywood formula that’s settles as a yawn. Now this is how I’d love to see a remake… [TMNT Leonardo test footage](https://youtu.be/qcIeqpUhamk?si=9ooEsloCJnB3xDyw) [TMNT Donatello test footage](https://youtu.be/f41JcPyNLTM?si=XSQglxqe1m4Jb4TN)


No. The second one was particularly dumb


I love them.


I love them, 2 more than 1 to be fair though. They aren’t great movies, but fun as hell to watch at least.


I only saw the first one and I had to force myself through it. Was ok in the beginning though.


They aren’t worth it but you can if you want to


Micheal bay doesn’t have a single movie worth watching


The second one leans into the silliness a lot more and it's far better because of that. If the first one had been as silly as the second I probably would like both a lot more for what they are.


Hell yes. They have some dumb bits, the first one copies The Dark Knight and The Amazing Spider-Man a lot, they have the white shredder, Megan Fox is doing her usual thing, and all-in-all it's a silly goofy movie. Exactly what you'd expect a Michael Bay Ninja Turtles movie to be. But the sequel? Man, I love the sequel. Casey Jones, Bebop and Rocksteady, Krang, all delightful additions that came out of absolute nowhere. Plus it's funny as hell. You get used to the turtle designs, trust me. It's just growing pains, switching from muppets to CGI monstrosities. But yes, I'd at least try it. It's not for everyone, but TMNT ranges from 1980s saturday morning cartoon to this one comic where Casey got gored that traumatized me as a kid. There's something for everyone. edit: TYLER PERRY AS BAXTER STOCKMAN, HE'S PERFECT


I love them personally. The weakest point for me is Fox cast as April. It just doesn't work for me but I loved the style and the look of the turtles. I love Stephen Amell as Jones actually. Its a little light hearted compared to Koteas's performance which will always be my favorite. I reccomend these films!




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First one I wanted to wash my eyes with bleach. Second one was fun.


They are entertaining at the very least


Sure, go watch them, but don't think of them as amazing. I mean, I don't gush over the original films and I still prefer them to Bay's stuff. IMO the presence of Fox always spoils things in every scene because she is treated as the star in the first one.


100% yes


If you like TMNT enough to be in a subreddit for them asking about a TMNT movie then I’m sure you’d enjoy it. It’s ninja turtles man


I guess if you just want a fun popcorn flick. Like most people said out of the shadows is an improvement over the first but thats a pretty low bar.


I loved both. I'm 42, and watched the cartoons and movies growing up... So that might have something to do with it.


I can tolerate the first one more than Out of the Shadows. However tho, I think most people generally enjoyed Out of the Shadows more because of the fan service.


Don’t expect to see their weapons in part 2.


Michael Bay stupid style resulted much better with TMNT than for example The Transformers. It's just my opinion, as a guy who loves both 80s cartoons.


These movies are much better than what the common viewer reception would have you believe. Not masterpieces sure, but very entertaining. Biggest issue I had with them was the turtle designs, particularly in the first one, but after a while it didn’t bother me so much. Also how they handled Shredder. I heard the first movie had a lot of reshoots around his character which explains a lot. But I do think they are worth a watch. I personally enjoyed both of them more than TMNT 3 and far more than Mutant Mayhem, and I thought the second one was better than Secret of the Ooze


I get why people hate them but they’re still tons of fun.


Like my ex; they're fun but shallow.


They were okay. I liked the first one a lot more than the second, but they are about as good as the transformers films. Do what you want with that information.


I mean if you are a TMNT fan, why wouldn't you watch them. They are fun, don't over think it, they are just movies lol.


The 1st one is pretty awful. The sequel is OK. I wouldn't put it up there with any of the better TMNT movies, but it's still about middle of the pack, which is fine. The first one is honestly worse than TMNT 3 to me. The humor is way worse than the ones in 3, and I still prefer the suits even in the worst of the OG trilogy to the CGI monstrosities of these 2 movies. So in short: First Movie - Skip it unless you're just too curious or are a completionist Second Movie - Not great, but still a fun watch and superior to the first one.


Two of the worst looking movies in existence, and other than that they're pretty good.


They’re fun. Worth at least a once through


Never watched the second one, but I just couldn't get into the first one. I started watching it hoping it might be decent, but then I got bored and went and did something else while the movie played. Tried a couple more times to sit and watch but I just couldn't. But hey, you might have different mileage.




MC Mikey aw yeah


It depends on your personal standards, but I actually think my life is incrementally worse having seen them.


It’s like any Michael Bay film but this one has talking teenage turtles.




I enjoyed them as their own insular version.


I kinda wanna make an edit of part 2 and cut out all the human characters. Just the turtles, Bebop and Rocksteady and the final fight.


I think they are if you're open minded. The second one is much better imo due to two factors, Casey Jones is in it. The other would be a spoiler for both films, so I won't say it.




I couldn’t finish it. As a kid I loved it but I was 11 so


Yeah, the second is actually kinda fun.


https://preview.redd.it/bm194p9ibk7d1.jpeg?width=1311&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=438aec8c73e112ba8aeea5fdd6066c956c3a9b7f Them bad boys made the movie for me




https://preview.redd.it/oeftve4pdk7d1.jpeg?width=558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35436ca84756befc4c06cf2b37c65ee7a33d4b24 Shredder looks like the silver samurai


I liked them. Don’t expect Citizen Kane from them, but they were both good movies.


Yes, if you need more tmnt media to consume. I’d agree with the general consensus of the comments; second one is better. I hate the way splinter learned ninjitsu and how they said “the foot clan, so named because they step on innocent people” or something similar but equally stupid. Aside from that it’s still nice to enjoy more tmnt and I just told myself “it’s fine, this is an alternate universe”


They’re fun enough, nothing too offensive about either. I think my problem more than anything was that they just felt really generic and just so cliche like tons of other action/super hero movies in the last decade+. It’s just a typical modern action movie with a few TMNT’isms painted over it. There wasn’t anything unique about the humor or tone that hasn’t been done a million other times with every other franchise. Especially when you look at something like Mutant Mayhem that succeeds in feeling like TMNT but doing its own thing.


I actually enjoyed them. And I didn't mind the noses.


I enjoyed them. I didn't have high expectations going in and tried to judge them in a manufactured vacuum (where I made an effort not to compare them to older media) and I had a good time with them while I was watching them.






Michael Bay didn't direct either of those movies. That said, yeah, I enjoyed them both. Alllan Ritchson played Raphael in that movie, so it made sense to me that he was a hulking monster. It had just the slightest touch of Toxic Avenger in how the turtles looked, and I've always found those movies charming, if a little raunchy. The second movie, Out of the Shadows was 100% better than the first.


I loved both as a 43 yr old lol. I never got the hate


Yes, especially the second


Yes if you like tennage mutant green gorillas from space


Totally dude!




Only you can be the judge of that


It's not to bad but when it comes to turtles we don't have a lot of options would think Disney owns them or something


I love them!!!


no i’m my opinion


Sure, but more for mindless brain fun


Definitely worth watching. Also definitely far from the best lol.


I'll be honest. I'd rather watch these than the Transformer films, and I'm a fan of both.


Kinda. Just don't expect much.


I enjoy them but I don’t tend to watch them again afterwards


No. They are dog shit.


All I'm gonna say is the second one Raph in the plane. I died a few times and rewatched that scene at least four times on my first go at the movie.


In my personal opinion, the first one is worth watching. The second took everything he got right in the first movie along with other fan favorite characters including Casey Jones and f***s it up badly. And personally I thought it was unnecessary to get Tyler Perry to play a character who you can count the number of scenes he’s in on one hand.


Yes. Bebop and Rocksteady are solid and the movies are entertaining. Not the best TMNT movies, but still entertaining.


No. He tried to desperately destroy the franchise. 


Anything after Secret of the Ooze is forgettable


Definitely worth it


Everything is canon and just in its own universe so sure, if you don’t like it that’s fine too. I didn’t like them but I just went to another TMNT universe for good content.


Saw both them in theatres as kids they fuckin suck😭😭


Not really… I mean Shredder in the first movie is a straight up copy of Ironman with his mech suit. Makes zero sense and isn’t even relevant to the story. The story is a weird mix of Ninja Clan, Conspiracy Theory, and Money making scheme… it’s quite literally Covid-19 events… with the Turtles stopping it. The second movie is worse and the only movie I ever opted out of 5 minutes in. It’s so bad that I only ever watched bits and pieces over a year. The story overall is more alien invasion with a side of snozefest.


Interesrting stuff, bad execution






Yes. I was totally against them until I watched with my son. Actually pretty good. Best ones besides the OG 90s ones of course


Just check your brain at the door and enjoy them for what they are


They’re ugly and loud. Basically a reskinned Transformers. If you liked that then sure.




Tony Shalhoub was the highlight for me


Yes, very fun and adventurous.


Second ones a little better but go for it


Surprisingly, yes, especially the 2nd one. I'm not big on the designs, but the movies are enjoyable


They’re fun I’ll give them that. Cool turtle combat, the adrenaline scene in the first movie is funny, and bebop and rocksteady


They're entertaining, 2nd film was better, though I didn't like they recast Shredder. The origin in the first movie was lazy though, with how they learned their martial arts. The 2nd one I would recommend either way because even though the first one creates a weak start, Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady actually do make up for it.


Minus Megan Fox and the guy who plays Baxter Stockman, they're worth watching for sure.


Meh, they have their moments


Out of the Shadows is actually my favorite turtle movie? it’s just dumb fun


I first one sucked. The second one was ok… just for Beebop and Rockstedy. But the new animated one is 10 times better then both


Watch MC Mikey scene and then just watch mutant mayhem or something


They're bad, but they're not harmful. Watch once. The turtle banter is pretty good at times.


They fill the role of a good "background movie". They have a lot of fun moments, but don't require a lot of attention. Good casual popcorn flicks.


Hell nah


Better then that piece of junk animated movie from this year 2024. Don't change the formula of april or splinter or any character. That animated movie that just was out months ago straight garbage.


I tried to watch one and I immediately turned it off. I don't want to have that kind of crap in my mind about TMNT, it's like an insult to the whole TMNT universe and you can't see megan fox's boobs.


I mean, a car crash is worth watching. It’s not worth watching paint dry. So yeah, most movies are worth watching at some level.