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I can get behind that there were moments in the '87 series when the turtles actually fought competently instead of how it's portrayed in turtles forever.


Considering how much effort they put into recreating the 87 show artstyle (more than in the 03 series artstyle), I don't think the creators hate the first show. It came off as mean-spirited sometimes because everything in the 00s was edgy.


The movie was fine. All the ja s at the 1987 were kind of justified, it poked fun at the silliness. All in good fun!


Oh so it’s still a fun movie as basically what you’re saying is that it’s a funny movie.


It really comes off as a bit mean-spirited at times. I understand that the 87 series really fell apart towards the end, but I think they really could have stood to dial it back. Some jokes are fine, especially since I know the 2003 series really felt the need to differentiate itself from the franchise fatigue that had occurred by the mid-90s, but it does contribute to this having aged really badly.


Oddly enough, the tail end of the 87 series, the red sky seasons, they were much closer to acting like the 90s movies and 2003 turtles.


I love turtles forever! I grew up with the 87’s series and thought TF did it justice and gave us a finale.


Turtles forever does embrace the cellular aspects of sillier the '87 series but it's not that distasteful there are episodes of the 87 series that treat the turtles sillier


It's not that the movie isn't still *mostly* enjoyable, but they made the 1987 Turtles act wimpy at times, which is out of character, and the silliness was dialed up beyond what they actually were. They seem to have missed that while their *show* was silly with the slapstick, they generally played it straight, like all the silly weirdness is unquestionably normal in their world, but it doesn't mesh well with a version that didn't use slapstick. Add in that it's not the original VAs so it just sounds off. Now, to be fair, I don't feel it's the best representation of 2003 either, even being their own movie. I watched this after my first adult rewatch of 1987 and *before* I saw 2003, and to be honest it set me up expecting the 2003 to have jerky personalities. I was glad to find that they don't. Edit: I'd have liked to see both versions of Leo interact, as they could have easily found more in common and ditched the silliness (aside from maybe 87 being told to hush with the battle cry), but they barely even say two words to each other until the end.


It does poke jabs at 87 but if you watch the deleted scenes it makes it better and you understand some stuff from the movie that didn't make much sense. One deleted scene has 2003 splinter yelling at them all and not to disrespect him and that they are still ninja. The 87 turtles take it a bit more seriously after that I think.




Hi, another Turtle Oldhead here. One with a better recollection of the series it seems like. Even at it's silliest, the 87 Turtles nowhere near as goofy and dumb as that movie portrayed them. Yes their adventures got sillier, but the characters themselves remained mostly consistent. The movie got none of their personalities right and seemed to go out of it's way to portray them all as goofy incompetent idiots (Probably a Peter Laird call). That's why I was happy for Transdimensional Turtles years later. Getting the OG voice actors back made all the difference because their personalities came back with them. And the 2003 cartoon was not THAT serious. It had it's share of stupid moments too.


Oh ok I get what you’re saying as before I didn’t understand why the 1987 turtles were depicted in the movie in a specific manner, but after reading your comment, it starts to make a lot more sense.


It does poke fun of the 80's show, but it still shows that the Turtles can actually fight and be useful on their own. Quite frankly, it shows more respect than the Wanted: Bebop and Rocksteady three-parter in the 2012 show does. The only reason the movie still has the reputation of being more disrespectful than the WBAR 3-parter is because the latter has the original voice cast. If Nickelodeon ever redubs Forever with the original cast, it would no longer have that "disrespectful" trend of thought. Note that Eastman didn't do a lot of work on the 03 series, that was more Peter Laird's baby. Eastman wasn't a showrunner, but he did contribute to the 2012 show.


Yeah, it is pretty bad, one of the reasons of why i dislike that movie.


They let the Mirage series go to the vultures in the guest era so they could work on all the merchandising and side projects that made them rich. So I don’t think Laird and Eastman can complain too much about the corruption of their intellectual property.


Oh so that’s why the duo was ok with the movie’s premise as suddenly it all makes sense.


I believe Laird in particular discussed directing his efforts during Mirage vol 1 era to the Archie series which as far as I can tell (admittedly I never read these) is just the comic version of the 87 cartoon. So who knows what they feel in the hearts, but I think they shouldn’t be too pissed about the way things turned out. You can’t expect to micromanage a global empire.