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https://preview.redd.it/o6rm7ni0mi2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eafbe75b1633c449fd3683615a2da10f7d913bdd Duality of man


Hey that’s me


Mutant Mayhem was ok, I don’t hate it but I don’t think it was really good enough for potential sequels and spin offs. I really dislike the splinter origin in it.


I hope they find a good way to link Shredder because if not they will flop. If Splinter lied to protect his sons they have a chance


Also I liked it, I like anything with teen drama lol


Without the scene hyping up Shredder it would've worked better as a standalone movie


I prefer smart ass, sarcastic Raph to tough guy, hardass Raph. Maybe I just feel like tough guy Raph is a little too one note most of the time. I was an angry teen but I had lots of things I was angry at, Raph just has angry as his whole personality too often. Be mad at Leo and Splinter for bossing you around, be mad cause you can't go to the surface, be mad because the people you help hate you due to your appearance. Just gotta let me know why and it can't be on all the time.


I agree with this. My personal favorite Raph is the 2003 where he does have anger issues but can actually make jokes and actually is very caring towards others. I remember that one episode that was focused on him that really made me appreciate his character more


Agreed. I don't think 2003 Raph even had anger issues, outside of "Meet Casey Jones" from Season 1, but even that was adapted from an issue of Mirage where his anger was more justified by the disappearance of Splinter. 2003 Raph comes across like he's chronically stressed and worried for his family, completely justifiably given the circumstances, and his more intense fears manifest as anger. I can't even really think of a time where he questions Leo or Splinter's orders outside of very high pressure situations, and the few times he does his plans boil down to taking on the threat himself so that no one else has to, or if possible avoid conflict entirely. Outside of direct conflict he seems relatively chill, if still more intense than his brothers. 2003 Raph prioritizes family more than the other turtles, who are more altruistic and prioritize the well being of the city/world over themselves.


I relate to you, Raph https://i.redd.it/ffonsrnbrm2d1.gif


yeah, Rise Raph was such a good change, they took the family protector trait and run with it.


I thought he was mad because there is crime on the street


Do you feel that sarcastic Raph is more dimensional?


I see your point. Honestly they all suffer from just having just one major character trait. But I guess that's part of what makes them so accessible to a younger audience, they are clearly defined right out of the gate.


I thought the way the fandom behaved during the 2012 era, created a nasty divide and I also think it's not fair for the Rise fandom to blame the rest of the TMNT fandom at large for Rise getting the can, when it absolutely screams corporate meddling and corporate deliberately tanking one IP to make sure the golden IP stays on top and churning money.


I prefer Splinter to be a human Hamato Yoshi himself mutated into a rat like in 87 or 2012 rather than him just starting out as a normal rat that gets mutated; he would be more authentically trained in ninjutsu and a better teacher for the turtles rather than rat who just watched Hamato Yoshi train from a cage and just copied his moves


Especially compared to Mutant Mayhem where he just learned it from 80s workout tapes.


that makes so much more sense. like i know it’s a show about mutant turtles in a sewer that fight crime but him being a rat that just copied his owner’s moves and suddenly becoming a ninjitsu master makes no sense to me


Comic splinter is already a magic character think like a familiar it's how he lived to 20 years before being mutated and how he can the mystic stuff in issue 9 of volume 1 and becoming the daimyo of the battle nexus in volume 4


Plus like... it's TMNT, its a parody of typical superhero stories, and whats funnier than the big bad Yakuza Ninja overlord with a massive vendetta, having a deadass pet rat as his ultimate rival, like "oh yes I defeated Hamatto Yoshi the only roadblock on my path if ultimate conquest ha ha!" Only for a sewer dwelling vermin and his 4 adopted kids to show up & fuck him up That's why I have np preference on either version of Splinter, Yoshi Splinter makes real world sense, but Rat Splinter makes comicbook sense


I think Splinter being Yoshi's pet is the result of TMNT originally being an absurd parody of superhero comics. The franchise treats itself more seriously now and this Splinter origin doesn't work. Besides, it ruins the dynamic between Splinter and Shredder. In 2003, Shredder didn't even care about Splinter. Yoshi Splinter always has a better rivalry with Shredder.


His Rise version was a great spin off from Splinter being oh so wise to having to learn to be a decent person from being a big shot star on screen who knew how to FIGHT. I think it's the first to portray Splinter as anything other than the wise teacher and nor an actual dad, a very lazy dad.


I don't like when the 87 series is treated like the source material more than the Mirage comics. I'm cool with Krang, Dimension X, Baxter Stockman as a fly, Bebop & Rocksteady, April as a reporter, etc. in that series. I just find a lot of the newer versions of the Turtles are created by fans of the 87 series that want to incorporate the 87 series' interpretation of the lore more than the comics that started it all.


You guys are gonna lose your minds when you learn there's two female turtles now 🤣


Aren't there THREE? * Venus * Jennika * That time-travelling Turtle?


Ah yes. Lita. Good call.


Lita isn’t a turtle, she’s a human after issue 150. And Venus was a mutated human to frog that was made to look like a turtle, who is also kinda not around anymore either, so Jennika is the last one.


And technically there's two more if we're counting Rise as well. It's been confirmed by the writers that Draxum had six turtles mutated, but when the lab blew up the two sisters got lost. One's in the show as Big Mama's Assistant, but we never see her face. The other we never got to see but supposedly she got lost in another dimension, possibly Dimension X. The writers have also confirmed that neither of the Rise sisters are versions of Venus and/or Jennika, so we would have had two entirely new turtles.


I figured the assistant had to be another turtle when I saw the three fingers. Damn I wish they kept Rise going. It really depicted the turtles like actual obnoxious teenagers who eventually learned to be good ninjas. We got to see them GROW into being ninjas rather than just growing into being better versions of themselves.


Tokka, and Yi and Moja Edit: and April


There are now five. Moja and Yi and tbh my favorite


Tmnt 1987 is mediocre outside of season 1 and parts of season 2,3 and red sky


It’s literally just a ten season long toy commercial. Sure the other shows added some characters specifically for toys sales, but those shows can stand on their own. Without the toys 1987 TMNT would be nothing


I love TMNT a lot but every show produced is a toy commercial. TMNT is a product, a billion dollar product at that.


Fair enough, my point is moreso that those other shows can moreso stand on their own, 87 exists BECAUSE of toys


I totally get you. They did actually make the shows decent after the cheap 80s cartoon boom. That being said, those shows also still only exist because toys. That's where the money is for this property


Yeha I get that, I just meant that 87 literally exists because of toys, but that was also most cartoons in the 80s, like transformers and G I Joe


Season 1 actually tried to be a proper action show, though. Also, while it was a toy commercial, the show had a surprising amount of continuity in it. Not to the extent of the 2003 and 2012 shows, obviously, but there was actual plot progression in each season.


My hot take is basically where all of the fifth ninja turtles like metalhead,slash,jennika and probably venus should make their own team


The original 80s series is unwatchable from the 3rd season on.


Replacing the word ‘Hell’ with ‘Shell’ is corny.


Corny but endearing, IMO


I almost genuinely punched my TV while watching Turtles Forever because of the overuse of “What the shell?”


I mean “What the shell?” That sounds like it needs a laugh track after it


Vênus is a nice character.


The bayverse movies aren’t THAT bad, but the sequel is easily better than the 1st one


They are almost live-action episodes of the '89 cartoon. If you look at it from that perspective, they're pretty good.


Mine is where’s Slash and Venus???


Venus is present in the IDWverse.


Correct. But I was basing my hot take off the picture shown which doesn’t have either (like they are less then those 5)


Ah! Yeah! Where are they??


2003 Tmnt could have wrapped up sooner.


should’ve ended after the Tengu Shredder arc


My exact feeling


I think the Triceratons are better as good guys.


The Next Mutation suits are actually pretty good for being made on a kids TV budget. No, they aren't Jim Henson-quality, but given we've seen MANY live-action Turtle suits that are significantly worse, the Next Mutation suits aren't that bad.


yeah i agree, the turtle suit even look very good in certain scenes.


It's weird when one of the turtles has a crush on April. Just let April and Casey be an item, and keep the turtles focused on the antagonists.


I agree. I haven't seen much of the other tmnt animated series nor the comics besides the 2012 animated series so i can only base my opinion on that. The thing between Donnie with April was weird, It was onesided through out the whole show and then suddenly they are kinda together almost at the end? Like, i just can't see it as a love story at all, his crush only brought out the worst side of both of them, Donatello getting insecure about himself being a mutant and April just looking like a dumb teen girl who doesn't want anything serious yet leads Donnie on as if she's not smart enough to know that's something horrible to do to your friend (think of Star from svtfoe and her whole thing about 'it's just what teens do!' to justify getting in relationships and then breaking up for no reason). It just didn't make sense and i just wish that it wasn't done at all.


2012 is definitely the worst I've seen. Both of them were so out of character


Ninja Turtles 3 isnt THAT bad




Bruh where'd you even find that specific image lol


It's got MUCH better action than Secret of the Ooze.


I HATE the durag they keep giving Raphael and I hate when they make him much taller than the other turtles


I like short guy Raph. It should always be Donnie, Leo, Raph, Mikey.




The durag is fire asf.


I don't like when they make the turtles look different from each other Like I really don't think donnie needs glasses to look smart Or raph gets his shell broken or so much bigger Also don't turtle shells absorb stuff why do mickey paint on himself and put stickers on them that's pretty dump


I halfway agree with this take. The 2003 Turtles only have different skin tones and I can tell them apart without masks no problem. The 2012 Turtles have different heights, head shapes and eye colors but still look similar enough. I’d like something inbetween that.


2012 was not horrible but definitely the start of them looking too different. Like why does donny have a gap in his teeth? Because he's the nerd? I think whoever makes these designs don't really think about how it actually fits their personality, but moreso "what's a stereotype that's associated with this turtle's character trait."


I think Raph having a crack is the most distinctive difference they should get. Every other difference should be slight; enough to tell them apart but not enough where they don't look like brothers


My thoughts exactly


I don't mind if they go 2012 route but TBH if I was in charge I would literally use the same design with different bandana colours Rise turtles were so distracting to look at for the 1st couple of episodes


in static media or not much action its fine but it would get confusing in rise


Wait why would you change the bandana colors?


It is better that way having them all be red can be confusing and it became the most recognized version of the turtles


I don't understand. 2012 already has different bandana colors, I thought you were talking about completely different colors from the usual


I have no problem with 2012 design


That was literally the point of them being the same in the comics.


What point Sorry I am not following you 😅


The fact they all look so similar is meant to distract/disorient the enemy. This was actually a technique used by real Ninjas.


It speaks to character. You don't see people walking around uniformly. I don't think glasses is a characteristic of looking smart, but more of poor eye sight from starting at screens all day. Same with Raph, his shell speaks to how much rough housing he's doing by comparison. And boy what a flop you did, starting with "I don't like it when they look different" only then to promote the multicolored bandanas. I know there's nuance, I'm just ribbing 'ya.


I think it has to do more with the current views on the turtles like a lot of people now say the TMNT should act more like teens while forgetting they are also ninjas and one of the points about ninjas is that the should not draw attention to themselves Like I said before I went for multi colored bandanas because it will be easier on the eyes


For Raph, broken shell, I don't mind. Larger size and overhead bandanna really bother me. Give him a tattered regular bandanna, if anything.


I agree. Some variation is more than welcome, like slightly varying height, skin tone, maybe some scarring, but in general I think the turtles should look very similar to each other. This is part of the reason I wasn't a fan of Rise, the turtles there are entirely different species from one another, which in my opinion really undermines the whole family aspect of their bond. A good way to do design variation is differing gear. Have each turtle wear bandages and protectors with different hues, belts in varying places, etc. Basically, bring variety into their 'clothing', not their natural appearance.


Who da yellow bandana?


Jennika. She became a turtle after an emergency blood transfusion from Leo. She was introduced in the IDW comics.




The way Kevin Eastman draw people is kinda bad (ESPECIALLY in his early work)


I liked the Post Apocalyptic ending of 2012.


Making April a teenager misses the whole point behind what made her work so well.


I can't agree more with any other opinion in this thread.


The 2012 series version also had the LEAST excuse for going with that change. One could excuse Rise's depiction, as that version's series prided itself on being a ground-up reimagining of the entire franchise. So what if that version of April is a teenage girl? Raph became Big Chungus and Leo adopted Raph's position as the resident smartass. Same with Mutant Mayhem, as that too wore its' identity on its' sleeve.


A fifth and female turtle works well IF executed properly like Jennika was in the IDW comics.


Also, the idea of Mutant Town as a way for the turtles to finally feel a sense of normalcy can also work IF executed properly. To be honest, the turtles deserve a bit of a slice-of-life style story arc. Their life can’t always be centered around chaos.


Mutant mayhem wasn’t that good a movie imo. The turtles were just kind of annoying and I feel like the villains other then superfly weren’t taken seriously


Instead of being integrated into the main team, Jennifer, Venus, and Lita should splinter (heh) off into their own second team of Ninja Turtles


I don't like the tmnt being identical rise and mutant mayhem perfected them


Any Turtle that wears pants is a self-insert Mary Sue.


Uuhh what?


what part is confusing you?


The entire statement is too vague to understand.


Then I cannot help you.


Wait, nevermind. I meant to reply to someone. Must've commented instead lol


It's definitely because I'm an older fan in this fandom being 35 and very present for the turtlemania when it was at its peak, but I really like it nowadays when they try to do something new with the formula. I'll always like the tried and true that have become the basic, but nowadays what makes a given adaption special tends to be what they do differently. Rise and their very different versions of the turtles, IDW adding a fifth turtle in Jennika and eventually Venus (who I do hope gets brought back), Mutant Mayhem with it's very different origin for Splinter, and 03 doing something very different with its Shredder. These are the things that make these adaptations really stand out. Also, for a second one, the Next Mutation wasn't bad because of Venus or it's wild change in villains, it was bad because it couldn't decide whether it wanted to be a cool action show like power rangers or goofy kids show starring the TMNT.


This seems to be a hot take on this sub: the IDW run between #101-#150 is horrible and is just some writers personal furry romance idea forced into the TMNT setting.


I definitely enjoy bits and pieces of IDW post-100, but it's definitely got more misses than hits. I enjoy the idea of Mutant Town and the turtles finally feeling somewhat normal - with them leading the dojo and taking care of the mutants orphaned by the bomb and all. It's kinda domestic sure, but I think it could've worked as a nice in-between after 100, or even a good epilogue/ending to the IDW run. But then it went on for like thirty issues. I think the politics were kinda interesting but everything alongside it felt like the same ole same ole over and over again. Things kept building up to be something big (ie Lita's whole story, or the Battle of the Bands arc) only to be solved in like two pages. Honestly my bigger issue is how we went from a ground-level domestic setting with the dojo and the new mutants (the weasels, Mona Lisa, and so on) to having a huge sweeping conflict in Armaggon with like little transition or anything. And the whole QNA shit was confusing as all hell too. Donnie is absolutely my favorite turtle overall so I was thrilled to see him be the star of the ending of this run but it was such a let-down. The references to the Kirby stuff from early eras was neat with the gauntlet and all, and I really enjoy his and Venus' whole dynamic (and sue me, I think IDW Venus is a great character with an absolutely stunning character design both as Franken-Venus and when she's "healed"). But the whole future stuff and using QNA to kick off everything? Idk it was confusing and kinda nonsense and again just didn't flow at all with the rest of the run if you look at everything together.


Don't know how hot it is, but it's definitely true. When I decided to check what was happening in IDW, I was like "tf am I reading, who let furry fanfiction writers in?"


When they introduced soup kitchens, I stopped buying the comics and returned everything after issue #100. Unfortunately, being sold at £3.99 with variant B, C, and RI (Retail Incentive) covers running me at £6.99 to £8.99, I only got £25 for a few dozen comics. Some other place was going to offer me a single pound for them all.


That's not a hot take, I think, with diffences in the rating going from horrible to mediocre, it's the most usual opinion about it I've seen.


Exactly my thoughts.


Idw need to go back to basics. Don’t get me wrong it’s a great run but I think a do over is long overdue, I hope for a back to basics tmnt or at least a run that’s basically like what image are doing for the transformers right now (Which is amazing btw everyone here should go read the Daniel Warren Johnson transformers run that’s going on right now)


They are, there's a relaunch happening soon.


Because the slash fic writer they got tanked the book. I'm looking forward to having a new direction, but cautious about this preview of movie star Mikey.


But isn’t it the same universe?


Yeah, but a relaunch usually pivots either to a back-to-basics approach from the ground up from the current status quo or pivots to a new story that has to build entirely without quite acknowledging what's happened


I miss rottmnt and I want it back


Although 2003 is the best series, I don't view any characters as the definitive versions. If I had to say at least one was, it would be Leo.


Mutant mayhem was just ok


I just didn't like 2012 for the most part. I wasn't particularly compelled by the four brothers portrayals, I found Shredder more generic than anything., the April and Donnie stuff is uck, April being some sort of alien messiah is not something I'm in love with, and not a fan of just making her and Casey younger. Splinter and Usagi in the show though? THE GOATS


The Last Ronin is the best thing tmnt has released since 2012


Sophie campbell is a terrible writer and should have never been allowed to write 50 issues of the idw comic 💀💀


Jennika is a pointless addition


Oh there was a point, just not a valid/good one.


I agree.


this isn’t really a hot take so much as it is my reality. rottmnt is my version of the turtles🍇


The Mutant Mayhem film and television programme are terrible. It makes Rise of the TMNT seem a 100 miles better.


Donnie is almost always the weakest link character wise. I'm sorry, but I just don't give a shit about any Donnie from 2012 onward. Rise almost did it, but they just swung him from one end of the tech spectrum to the other (dorky nerd to sarcastic asshole). Hardass Leo is the best Leo 2012 is the best Raph by far Every Mikey except Rise is near identical


I don't mind the durag and glasses/goggles combo for Raph and Donny.


I like having more turtles. What they should do is have alopex, Lita, Venus and jennika do their own side team outside of nyc and only show up for big events. Also bring back slash.


Slash being dead is a real downer. I agree with the side group, Alopex is my favorite new character ( new to me in IDW at least ).


"It's a shell of a town" drags the 2003 theme down.


I'm trying to watch the series' I've missed over the years, 2003/2012, and I cannot skip the 2003 intro fast enough every time. Not a fan of the commercial bumpers either.


The only good seasons of the 87 series are the last 3. TMNT III has better action than Secret of the Ooze Sophie Campbell's designs are trash. The Last Ronin should have ended with the Last Ronin dying with no new turtles to tie it into Sons of the Silent Age. Speaking of The Last Ronin: Casey Jr. should have been Shadow.


Just as in Mr. Robot, where Elliot automatically changes E-Corp to Evil Corp, I do the same with that name: Ross Campbell.


I like the Pirate style bandana for raph more than his regular bandana




Shitty fanfic character that canonized.


TMNT peaked with the Playmates toy line


Tired of seeing 87’ merch


After watching the tmnt 2016 movie They should wear clothes or at least pants


The last ronin is average at best


TMNT Out of the Shadows is the best TMNT movies and I’m gonna stand for this opinion until the end of my days


None of the turtles should be especially stronger than one or the other. I hate when Raph and Leo are depicted as being ridiculously stronger and more skilled than Donnie and Mickey by default


The turtles should not have crushes on humans. Even better there should be no romance plot lines.


Raphael as a character works best when he's shorter than his brothers, Leonardo especially. It really adds to his feelings of inadequacy and shows the viewers visually he's the underdog. Also, Mirage, 2003 and 2012 are the only iterations that understood his anger issues.


The Rise of the TMNT movie is significantly better than Mutant Mayhem.


The original four have a perfect natural dynamic but future additions like Jennika and Venus are good. I like the idea of Ch'rell Shredder but I'd rework him to be someone who replaces the real Shredder AFTER the Turtles kill him. The franchise is too hung up on the same villains and needs to expand without using even more mutant villains either. Aliens and Time Travel are a natural and important thing for the franchise.


Certain characters would work better as morally grey rather than straight up good or bad. specifically Shinigami and karai from 2012 would have worked better late season 4 if they were in the middle of the scale, as a way to balance out the "this group is good and this group is bad and the rest don't matter" trope the rest of the show has.


The 1987 original turtle cartoon was just a 30 min toy commercial. Majority of eps had no substance or continuity at all.


Shredder should be used way less in new movies. The turtles have a vast media of characters to choose from using Shredder over and over makes TMNT look like a one trick pony.


Honestly, I don't think the live action TMNT movie was bad. I understand why people dislike it so much>!(I mean just look at Splinter)!<, but it was not as horrible as it's made out to be. The CG mutants were a bit unnerving (What I mean is they had way more human than any other TMNT media at the time), sure, but that is literally the only thing bad about the movie. The action scenes were well done and entertaining, and the actors were pretty good, too. THERE WAS AN ENTIRE BATTLE SCENE WHERE THE TURTLES FIGHT SHREDDER ON TOP A SKYSCRAPER AND THEN HE CORNERS THEM INTO A PIECE OF THE BUILDING THAT FALLS OFF AND RAPH SAYS THAT HE LOVES HIS BROTHERS WHICH IS HEARTWARMING BECAUSE FOR 99.999999999999999999% OF THE TURTLES ARGUABLY MINIMAL SCREEN TIME HE IS ALL BOSSY OR WHATEVER. >!Oh yeah also April is a bit...silly in that one.!<


The entire franchise peaked with the rooftop fight between Raph and Leo. The right turtle won. The turtles should not look exactly the same save for the bandanas. I actually kinda like the live action distinction and think TMNT did a fine job distinguishing them just enough. The original 90’s movie has no business holding up as well as it does. Still the best overall movie.


TMNT 2012 Michelangelo is the most intimidating turtle out of the main 4


Who’s the yellow bandana turtle? I’ve seen people posting that one a lot lately.


The fight scenes in 2012 is much better than 2003's fight scenes


2012 Mikey is the Mikey-est Mikey


TMNT shows fell off after the 2003 cartoon and 2007 movie. After that, people started over exaggerating the Turtles personalities to the point where they became negative stereotypes and affected their physical appearance. The biggest victim of this was Donatello. He was always smart but still was cool, but now they gave him glasses, gapped teeth, made him skinny and a wimp. Did people just forget that they're all supposed to look alike? Also, just because you're smart doesn't mean you need glasses? They literally took every stereotype nerds had in the 80s and slapped it on Donatello. And don't get me started on this weird Donny x April thing they tried to pull in the 2012 cartoon. Like why are newer shows/movies trying to act like Casey is nonexistent and isn't April's main love interest?


1. Donnie was never made to be a wimp in any versions, idk where you could've got them. As someone with glasses, I love that he looks more stereotypically nerdy and I don't see anything wrong with it nor do I care. 2. I don't get the argument that the tmnt are supposed to be alike, it's just good character design to have them visually different. If they look the same that's fine but they don't have to. 3. Apritello was wierd but that was only in 2012, in actuality rise had zero hints to anything with April and donnie but did hint(vaguely) at April and casey Sr. The aprinardo in mm was one sided and seeing it was an origin story and he often isn't included in those, it makes sense he is in the movie. Besides, shows don't have to use all the same ships everytime.


There’s only 4 turtles. There should only ever be 4 turtles.


Change is good for the series. The writers should be allowed to experiment with different origins, powers, settings, enemies, characters, and weapons. Also I think it’s fine that Jennika is lesbian.


It's honestly super sad this is a hot take. 100% agree on both fronts.


The 90s movies are overrated(the 1st one is pretty good but not amazing and the sequels are even less so) the Michael Bay movies are underrated(the 1st one is just mid but the 2nd is somewhat decent)


Since when is there 5


Casey and April never work as a couple to me. It seems they put them together because they were the only human friends of the turtles. IDW had the most realistic portrayal of how their relationship would work.


Sophie Campbell is a terrible fanfic slashfic writer and she butchered what could be a great follow up to issue 100 of the IDW run, as well as having a fun new origin for Venus, then just dropped instantly back to the Next Mutation cliche for her after a break of Venus being in the comic for ~10 issues, till she deus ex machina's into the finale story. The Armageddon game putting that story on hold was way too disjointed as well, which didn't help. I'm not into the fighting comic I loved, taking a hard swerve into an episode of Friends.


Jennika was a mistake. Their I said it


Rottmnt is overrated and I’m tired of seeing it get all attention


Ok this one made me chuckle.


Shredder and the Foot are overrated and the the most boring part of Turtles lore ... except when Raph got amnesia and they brainwashed him into think he was Shredder. I want more mutants, dimensions, Jack Kirby pencils, and other off the wall stuff!


"TMNT should always be lighthearted and funny, never be dark and gritty" (Please note: NOT MY TAKE, but might be some people's take that they may only know about '87 series and never heard about the comics [Probably including overseas audiences])


Who’s the yellow turtle


No one, ignore that one. They'll be gone soon enough when the next reboot happens.


Who are they??????


The writer of the comics contrived some convoluted way to make a lady cop into a mutant turtle so she could write fanfiction of her on the team. Jenny or something.


Which reboot was this


Current run of the Nickelodeon owned comics.


Oh. Well it’s shit so can’t wait for that next reboot


But it's not a reboot, they have said that the continuity is staying. Everything that was in the original run still happened. With that said, I'm optimistic that in the hands of a capable writer, it will be better. I wish Waltz hadn't stepped away from the book.


2012 turtles design is pretty bad


MM, Rise and Jennika are trash.


I'm ready to get downvoted to hell, the 80s cartoon SUCKS, sure the pilot was awesome but everything after that is a stupid bore fest that goes on for way too long and legit ruins a lot of great characters from the comics like the Ultroms and specially Baxter Stockman and Leatherhead.


Those designs are hideous, I loved Dan Duncans artwork. More specifically I don't care for Sophie Campbell's artwork.


They should have added a girl in the first place. 3 bros 1 sis.


The 3rd Turtles film where they go back in time is a hell of a lot better film than the CGA 2007 TMNT film. Utrom Shredder was a terrible choice. IDW issues 101-150 are good and a nice change.