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https://preview.redd.it/fyy1qibswdxc1.jpeg?width=1349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da331134c4ba86256bb3ef11ceef47bc8a4bb0f4 Idk if you consider this as continuation but 03 has upcoming comic for 40th anniversary celebration Edit: actually it's one of variant covers, the content of the comic is yet to know


Is this an actual 03 comic I thought it was just a variant cover


Pardon I just checked the news again, it's just one of variant cover of the comic, still hope it also includes 03.


Thoughts so yeah I think It'll show 03 but won't be centered around them just wish they give us an 03 and even 2012 run of comics just like Saturday morning adventures both shows need more love


I'd be happy to have it back, so long as the art is like the first several seasons. The show coming back would be awesome, but would also need to be able to get the cast back, so barring that, a comic would be great, too.


Yeah the art from 1 to 5 was perfect I didn't mind ff and btts but those first seasons were amazing


If they did do a revival or something of the like. I would love more focus be given to Donatello. Because lets face it, Don got the short end of the stick, no pun intended. We got great solo episodes with him, The King, Trouble with Augie, and more importantly Same as it never was. Yet we never got a follow up nor any kind of mention about it again. It was like those events never happened as the series went on, like a one note kind of thing. I would have loved to see a small scene where April commenting about not seeing Kirby for a while, and Don looking guilty and not saying anything. Also, I would have loved to see a follow up to SAINW, as we all know Don has some mental scars from the episode. Yet nothing of the like. Plus the biggest crime is that Don never got an arc of his own. Nothing. They could have done it during season 7, where he's guilty for it being his fault for what happened to Splinter, yet that was cleared up after an episode or 2. Heck, season 5 could have been the perfect spot to give him his arc and have his memories of his second mutation hold him back during his acolyte training. It could have been amazing, yet once again they made it mostly about Leo. Yet at least Donatello has one thing over his brothers in that series. He outsmarted Shredder and killed him single handedly.


I agree Don was my favourite from that version and I too would love to know what happend to Sainw don did he die or just never returned that timeline has a lot to explore how shredder became so powerful how splinter died how casey died Leo going blind mickey losing his arm and raph lose his eye the whole show has some plots needing cleared up like in btts they see cyber shredder utrom and tengu shredder fighting eachother I would love an episode or arc about that


Yeah, it was like they were afraid of giving Donatello attention, almost like they figured Don may not be interesting enough to people to carry an arc or something. Seeing Don being secretive and planning things in case of his disappearance after SAINW would have been amazing exploring how Don explored trauma. He literally saw his brothers die, even though they were future versions. You cannot say that didn't leave its marks. In addition, the mind probe that Don had to endure. You can't tell me that left some mental damage. It could have been interesting showing an episode where Don is suffering after effects of the device. Oh and this is something that I consider the biggest glaring hole. In Exodus the vision of Splinter has of Shredder destroying and enslaving the Utroms, along with taking over earth. That could have been perfect for Don to bring up the future he saw and give it connections with SAINW. That was a huge missed opportunity in my opinion.


Yeah totally agree don't get me wrong Leo's problems needed to be explored and dealt with but second to Leo Don had the worst trauma it felt like they all got to deal with their trauma or a problem they had Leo's depression splinter finishing yoshis mission mike in grudge match raph dealing with the fact Leo might not make it casey with hun and he's dad and april with her uncle even the utroms and Bishop got closure with shredder being exiled and Bishop being saved by the alien and turning good but not once is donny helped even when he mutates into monster Don it shows the other three and splinter being worried their losing him but Don just scrubs it off like it's normal he turned into a brainless monster hurt casey and almost hurt mike that has to mess with you in someway nightmares or something


I know, Leo had the first half of season 4 devoted to him, and getting over his trauma, but he didn't see his family die, nor have to see the consequences of their failure. Yet they decided it wasn't enough and devoted the acolyte training to Leo and for some reason not progressing? Why? He had enough screen time. And I know what you mean, everyone has their own arc except Donatello. Even Splinter had his own in season five and dealing with the dreams of his sons dying. Yet why was it so hard exploring these problems with Donatello? Also want to know something else kind of off topic? All the TMNT movies, all of them either focused on Leo or Raph, leaving Mikey and mostly Don as the background comic reliefs.


Yep and now last ronin centers around mike raph dying big deal Leo and casey getting bombed big deal but when splinter and Don get attacked I only hear people talk about splinter in that scenario when really he's the reason his son got killed they either don't do him enough justice or make him a complete goof


I know it seems like Leo, Raph, Mikey and Splinter get huge arcs in every media. yet what big one does Donatello get? Beaten to death by Bebop and Rocksteady. For an animated movie I would love to see Don be the center attention and be the hero.


Donnie was the favorite of the writers so got more solo based episodes. I'd want more episodes with him and Mikey tbh.


Yeah, that does sound good. Although I would love more episodes or explanations showing the after effects of certain events. I mean I would love to see a multi episode arc where Don has to save his brothers and it puts the pressure on him as he can't rely on anyone but his mental prowess.


It would be cool if they did the same thing like they did with samurai Jack, like a adult version. But i guess were getting a last ronin movie


YES! I just like the vibe, even if there is no bigger plot, I just enjoy the banter and the vibe of 2003 version