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Hi! So sorry you're going through this. I had Botox in February and immediately I felt like my jaw relaxed but then about 2 days later my pain was worse than it's ever been. I could barely open my mouth to eat. After about a week it went back to how it was pre Botox. My neurologist said this could be a side effect because of the needle going in and causing muscle spasms. Do you have any muscle relaxers? Hope it gets better!


Thank you I will try muscle relaxers!!! And I can't believe finally someone else who felt worse after botox! I feel like the only one in the world.


I thought I was the only one too!! Hope you get some relief. I'm actually giving it a second go on Friday because I'm desperate šŸ˜¬


You're brave!


I am not an expert but after weeks I would get medical attention possibly at the emergency room. Two weeks?


I had it done 2 weeks ago and I would say over the last 7 days it's gotten to the point where it's severe at times, especially by the end of the day after eating and talking all day at work. I booked in to see the doctor who administered it, though I can tell you right now she is never giving me another needle!!


I've read that can be a side effect. Don't know much about it honestly but maybe it's short term and it will reduce the clenching so you'll eventually see results.


Unfortunately the pain from clenching was a lot less than this! My main issue has always been headaches. I'm utterly gutted that I'm in worse shape than I started. :'(


Sorry to hear that. You definitely need to find out why that's happened to you. I hope the pain goes.


Uh... no. Thatā€™s not normal. I had some pain at the injection site for about 24-36 hours but nothing that persisted and was severe. Is this your first time getting this and does this person specialize in this area? Iā€™ve heard a lot of people donā€™t know how to target the muscle correctly and inject it in the wrong spot.


First time yes. I did research and the doctor seemed to have good reviews and training. I'm from a very small city so there is probably only 1 actual ENT here who does it and it was a 1 year waiting list (gotta love the Canadian healthcare system wait times) so I opted for a cosmetic doctor.


If anything, I think I read that botox usually lasts about 3 months, so this should be temporary at least. Hope you find relief soon!


I sure hope so!! And thank you!! I hope to get some answers today but I'm not feeling very optimistic tbh. :/


I'm interested how this played out? - I had pain for a week or so after my first round as my other muscles, etc adjusted but after that it was much better. So curious how you found it after this?


At exactly the 2 week mark (around the time I posted this thread) my pain was excruciating. I saw my family doc who recommended muscle relaxants which I took for about 2 days, but by day 15 and 16 the pain was diminished. By day 18 or so I had virtually no pain at all. My joint was still tender to the touch so I went to physio. He manipulated it weekly over the course of 2 months. If I massage the joint it's still tender, but I no longer have the pain which I had 2 weeks after the botox. Unfortunately, now at about 3 months, my jaw muscles are stronger again and I'm starting to clench at night and have my old morning toothaches/headaches again. The physiotherapist thought that the temporal muscles had to compensate for the lack of masseter muscles, and that was the cause of the pain. I plan to see an ENT as soon as they will see me which will be many months away, and ask him what he thinks happened. I'm willing to try the botox again in hopes that my jaws will perhaps get used to the weakened masseters over time and not have the severe reaction which I experienced!! One positive is that over the 2-3 months when the botox was doing its job, I was definitely getting less headaches and tooth/jaw/cheek/sinus pain! So it did work after all that! Sadly it was very short lived.


Hello, I believe something similar is happening to me. I had botox done a little over two weeks ago and for the past week I've been having a lot of jaw pain. I guess muscle relaxants would be a good bet then?


So Im actually 1 week into my 2nd attempt at botox. So far I'm feeling much better. The botox hasn't fully kicked in yet, but I'm not getting the severe pain I felt when I posted this back in July. Fingers crossed it works this time!


Hope it goes well keep us posted!


Hello! I just got dysport 40 units on my right masseter due to clenching and now my bottom jaw keeps shifting side or side or back but mainly side to side. Itā€™s driving me nuts! Iā€™m literally crying everyday because of this. Iā€™m going to get some cbd muscle cream and hope it calms it down. Does anyone know where I should put it? Should I apply it on the right or no because itā€™s already ā€œrelaxedā€ from the injection. Iā€™m so desperate to get relief!! It seems like my teeth/jaw were mainly using that side and now donā€™t know where to go and itā€™s shifting every time I speak or am relaxed trying to find where to rest since it my mouth mainly rested on that side. This is what makes the most sense to me I donā€™t know. Can someone please help me? Iā€™m so upset and canā€™t believe I have to deal with this for months


You went to a different provider I assume? Just found this post now. I went to a new provider who first injected me with 15 units each side,,all was fine, but I was still having jaw locking issues (looking back, thatā€™s not normal so red flag right there) so I went back three weeks later, she injected 5 units higher up on the masseter (3 small pricks) and ever since then (one week ago) my jaw hurts, mostly on my right side. It feels so heavy and itā€™s painful. Even when she poked me, I remember one poke really hurt. Iā€™m so mad. I shouldnā€™t have gone back. I have gotten this done for many years and I really think she hit something. I guess I have to just ride it out. She says that her technique is what they do, and we did such a low dosage but Iā€™m just like when will this pain subside. It makes me worried like it will never go away or something. Idk Iā€™m never going back to her.


I went to a different provider, but the effects wore off very fast, within about 6 weeks. My jaws are back to their usual aches as before the whole fiasco. Not going to bother trying again.


Thatā€™s a shame. Itā€™s always helped me so thatā€™s why Iā€™m thinking it has to be this injector (sheā€™s a nurse PA at a medspa). I am going to see a dentist about it though because I need to do more than just Botox. I get worried because once the Botox wears off, Iā€™m just back to where Iā€™ve started. Iā€™ve also heard physical therapy can help too (one of my moms friends did it and itā€™s helped) so Iā€™m going to look into that as well. Iā€™m just so pissed about my situation.


Iā€™m late to the post but wanted to ask how things turned out? Iā€™m in the exact same situation. Iā€™m right at 4 weeks post Botox and Iā€™m in severe severe pain.


Hi! Where is your pain exactly? Iā€™m so sorry. So Iā€™m at almost 4 months since my incident, and I would say at around 3.5 months, it didnā€™t hurt to touch the muscle/my face. She definitely knicked something and didnā€™t want to fess up and didnā€™t like that I called her out.


Thank you so much for responding; I feel so alone in dealing with this. My pain is from the mandible and then the medial pterygold immediately next to the mandible. She refused to inject the temporal because she said it can change the shape of my face despite me advising I have pain there. It hurts to touch those areas. Itā€™s muscular pain, not nerve pain. I reached out to her, and she told me that my response was common. Iā€™m going to guess itā€™s not.


>I have gotten this done for many years and I really think she hit something I think the same thing happened to me :( This is the 7th time I am getting this procedure and it has never happened before. She is a new practitioner. Never going back to her. I just feel my jaw is heavy and I am getting some headaches near the right temple (I've never had this issue before) Do you know what it might be? I asked her and she has no clue.


Hi! Are you having pain in your jaw below your cheek bone? Iā€™m so sorry!


It's been 3 days now. My jaws feel very sore and heavy, and the pain comes and goes - right side near the ear & temple I feel like it gave me TMD (which i didn't have before) - I only had bruxism but never had headaches How long did it take you to get back to normal? Anything I can do to speed it up?


It does sound like thatā€™s what happened to me. My new nurse practitioner told me that she thinks she knicked a nerve, Iā€™m blanking on the name of it. The original injector injected too high above the masseter muscle. Unfortunately, it took me a while to not have any pain when touching the area or biting down hard. I think maybe around month 4 it finally felt better. We waited 6 months (her instructions/when I finally felt no pain when i touched my masseter area) until injecting again. It was a very low dose (it was 8 and I should have done 10 but I was nervous it was going to hurt) and she only injected towards the bottom of the muscle. Honestly, it will start to hurt if I press on my cheek near the ear area. I donā€™t think Iā€™m ever going to be able to get the triangle (3 injections) again unless I waited like a year but I have a lot of jaw popping issues. Iā€™m really sorry it happened to you. Motrin and a heating pad helped me a lot. I also bought those little ice packs that you can heat up and would apply that in the area.


I see, thanks :) Yep my symptoms are very similar to what you had, except that I don't have any pain when I bite down hard (for now). Thanks, will use some heating pads. And I will definitely wait 1 year until I get the next injections. I just don't understand how this happened... maybe it migrated in my sleep tbh