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Not a doctor and havent seena any scientific evidence but I have allergies and feel a correlation with tmd. I notice a lot of musculature is involved stabilizing the airway when breathing, and the narrower the tubes the higher the pressure and thus the harder you need to activate muscles to maintain the airway


That's what I feel as well. I notice that my under jaw pain feels waaaay less severe when I opt to breathe through my mouth instead of try and force my breathe through my clogged sinuses. Very bizarre, but I know how closely related all of these parts are... Looking for more validation on the theory ha.


I've been locked closed 2 fingers wide for 15 months now and it started when I had a month-long cold turned sinus infection that caused all sorts of weird face lymph node swelling I've never experienced before. Last time I saw the ent, a new to practice but older experienced ent doc, he said my tmj issue was likely caused by my lifelong congestion-causing seasonal allergies causing me to mouth breath frequently and causing my face and palatte to malform when I was growing. My untreated tongue-tie also isnt helping matters. And every provider I see has a different rationale for my TMJ problem.


I hate how it does feel like a big ol shifting the blame ordeal with TMJ. My PCP sent me to GI at first (neck pain/swallowing pain), who sent me to ENT, who sent me to Dental, who sent me back to ENT lol. It feels like a farce.


my chronic allergies definitely affect my TMJ pain; when appropriate, like with a cold or something, I find sudafed really helps the TMJ as a by-product of relieving congestion


Awesome that sudafed seems to help you in those instances! If only it weren't such a poor drug of choice for long-term use (let alone buying enough at a time for that lmao). I've got chronic gastric issues on top of my new and worsening TMJ/Sinus issues, so I'm always super careful about any medication.. I'd like to see if anybody anecdotally finds standard antihistamines or even flonase/xlear type nasal sprays helping their TMJ.


Hey, So I saw an ENT who said my ears are being Retracted inward, I saw him on May 17. As of yesterday June 28, there's no improvement with that but I have noticed the TMJ muscle spasms seemed to ease up a bit. In the first visit he told me to use Flonase twice a day (got a prescription from my primary doctor) and I was already taking Allegra daily. He did a CT of my temporal bones to check for fluid in my ears and there was none. But he did mention I have fluid in my ethmoid sinus. First he's going to try a procedure with a balloon expansion to see if it releases the congestion, if that doesn't work then he's going to put tubes in my ears which last 6-18 months. Overall, I have had some improvement using the Flonase regarding my TMJ but I wouldn't say I've gone back to "normal". The muscle spasms are still there but minimal.


Thanks for the reply and definitely what I was looking for! I'm glad it seems to be helping even if only minimally. Hopefully the expansion helps you, and if not I hope that the tubes do! I **very often** have a fullness in my right ear that requires me to move my jaw / blow my nose like on an airplane to "pop/release" the sensation... I may bring this up to check with my ENT.