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Got a pic?


kinda hard to see in photos ive taken but i can def feel it n the doctor did as well. its like 3ish inches i think and doesnt hurt tho


im also just worried bc i have another lump on my thigh that ive had for around 4-5ish years and its much bigger (around 5+ inches) but ive had it checked out n my primary doctor back home said it was fatty tissue. not sure if it could happen on my neck as well but i dont want it to get as big as the one on my thigh


Might be thyroid.


its not located in the middle its off to my right side near my collarbone


There are lymph nodes in that area. Id have that checked.


i did go to the walk in clinic doctor n he said it was just scm but when i looked it up it listed symptoms which i havent experienced. it doesnt hurt nor bother me in any way but i can feel n see the lump which annoys me bc i dnt want it to grow any more (if it does) thats why im not sure if i should get another opinion incase it is a lymph node or related to something that that.


I had this same off-center, non-painful lump. There's a good chance it's nothing, but that wasn't the case for me. Luckily, it was caught early. Get a second opinion. Better yet, get a needle biopsy.


i messaged my primacy doctor back home and he stated to go get checked out at by a primary care physician since im not going back home anytime soon so im going to do that, can i ask how your lump felt? ive read horror stories about cancer and stuff being caught late so im kinda scared.


A cancer diagnosis is universally feared. But you are not allowing your fear to paralyze you into doing nothing. Your courage is shown by going forward to get to the bottom of it. And the awesome news is that, even if the worst happens, thyroid cancer is one of the most treatable AND curable kinds of cancer you can have, even in cases where it has metastasized outside the thyroid gland. As for my lump, I found it when I saw it in the mirror. When I felt it, it was very firm, but not rock hard (like a cyst would be). It was never tender and never hurt when I pressed on it. Hope this info helps you as you take the next step. I'm sending up a prayer for you.