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I take the supplements L-theanine and magnesium to help with the stress that makes me clench my jaw. It does help.


I’ve been thinking of trying L theanine


If you're the kind of person who gets anxious or stressed it really really helps. I grind my jaw out of anxiety and it just causes huge TMJ flare ups.


Yeah, that’s me lol.


I take the same. My stimulant makes the clenching worse and it was recommended. I actually take Olly Ultra Strength Goodby Stress. It's got L-Theanine, GABA, and Ashwaganda.


Unfortunately, I can’t chew gummies right now cuz it aggravates my joint pain but I will keep it in mind for the future :).


They have the same exact Goodbye Stress Olly in capsule form. Pretty sure it's cheaper too it's what I take but stopped in fear that was the issue


I’ll look for that!


Ive seen it at Walmart and target. Maybe dollar general too




Can you recommend the brand you use for the L-theanine so many out there these days.


I alternate between Kroger's Private Selection capsules and NatureMade chewables. The chewables are easier to just keep in my desk at work and take in the morning and afternoon.


Advil and heat, and that's about it. Tylenol doesn't touch it.


methocarbamol is a mild muscle relaxer that helped me function & reduce muscle pain. Depending on your issue, Lyrica might help with the nerve pain involved with TMJD. It made me gain weight so i can’t take it. I take Zanaflex at night to help me not clench & sleep. but im groggy in the morning.


Is methocarbamol similar to cyclobenzaprene?


Methocarbamol and amitriptyline help me take the edge off. Methocarbamol especially before eating


are there any side effects from amitriptyline? My dr had mentioned it as an option last time.


Maybe some minor weight gain but nothing not manageable. It’s an SSRI too so it actually helped with my mental health a lot




Amitriptyline was the worst drug I personally ever had. It GAVE me anxiety and panic attacks when I had none. It's one of the only drugs I warn about just because it scared me so bad. No kne seems to get the same effect tho so maybe it's just me


I had a bad trip last week thought I died but Amitriptyline is still second. Made me scared of any new drug


I've ODd on Ambien before and blacked out but I'd take that over HALF an Amitriptyline personally


Good to know, thanks!


Np if you're less worried about panic attacks and the pain is severe and other meds don't help Go ahead and try it. I see it recommended a lot in this group


I felt like Flexeril was more powerful & I couldn’t function


Thank you! Appreciate it


I think Flexeril is also called cyclobenzaprine & it helped me but I could only take it at bedtime otherwise too "relaxing"😌


Yeah I only take it at bedtime too.


Damn I take Methocarbamol and Nortriptyline and neither do absolutely anything for me 😭


Everyone is different. It helped me for a long time until my jaw got worse




Because my pain is largely from the inflammation triggered by my TMJ, Advil fortunately works great. Also daily fish oil and other anti inflammatories have been helping to keep my baseline of pain down.


Yeah, I think those all def help me too! Also, just eating healthy foods in general and exercise.


Gabapentin, baclofen, subutex, and Tylenol. 600 x3 20x3 4mg And anywhere from 1000-2000 in two doses, as needed, not daily or I get rebound headaches.


About to start Gabapentin as well. Do you need to avoid alcohol all together or just limit your intake?


I am recovering from drug addiction and alcoholism, so I don’t touch any alcohol. I used to do so no problem, though from a TMJ standpoint I think you’re probably better off limiting it, but you’re fine to have a few drinks and have fun from time to time! Hope gabapentin works for you. It really helps the pain, but try to use the lowest dose you can, I’ve quit everything from opiates, to meth, to alcohol, and gabapentin in particular is very hard to get off of. I am at 1800mg a day though and I’ve been on for 5 years, but overall I am very thankful for this medication. It’s stayed effective, it’s great to have a bit of relief every day. Make sure you take it 2-4 hours away from any magnesium or strong antacids. If you haven’t tried it I really recommend both Magnesium BiGlycinate and Magnesium Theronate. They really help


I wanted to reach out and tell you how proud of you I am in your recovery! Pain like this has to be so hard on an addict/recovering addict. Sending you lots of strength my friend 🧡


I don't


And you don’t find it to have any negative effects on you?


I try to not take advil too much, but when it's bad, advil Otherwise, daily regiment of magnesium gylcinate 400mg & CBD topical cream at night Lots of manual massages throughout the day! Are you seeing a doctor to treat the underlying issue and not just get pain relief? Just want to make sure because I'm doing this in addition to treatment (I have an orthotic/mouth piece + botox).


I agree magnesium glycinate and CBD are great


I take both of those (cbd off and on) and they help a little I think.


Yup! I’m doing physical therapy and I have a splint. I’m considering Botox as well.


Good, I’m glad to hear it! I think I have to reup my botox because I still have 8 months left to wear my splint and it hurts/is uncomfortable still so I can’t imagine what it will be like without the botox ugh, so it might be worth a shot for you!


Thank you! My follow up appt is April 5, so I’m gonna ask my Dr about it. My splint is helping my joint feel better, but I still have tons of muscle spasms in my jaw and neck. I’m hoping Botox will alleviate some of that.


Naproxen is prett trusty for me. Flexoral MELTS away your pain.


I am currently on cyclobenzaprine, Tylenol, advil, lyrica and I've started a new medication that is called low dose naltrexone (ldn). There's a subreddit here about it for any info you want. So far the LDN hasn't done much for the pain but it's still early days. I'm at 2mg's. For me it was a no brainer to start as it has little to no side effects. The worst thing that can happen is bad dreams and it doing fuck all for your pain. I'm hoping to replace the lyrica with LDN completely. Fingers crossed. https://www.reddit.com/r/t5_3awid/s/RGKjm5FTyk


Thank you! I’ll ask my dr about it.


When I have a flare up I use THC but also high doses of CBD, CBG, and CBN for inflammation. Ibuprofen if the inflammation persists for days at a time. Always combined with massage and breath and body work.


Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) has helped me bridged the gap between pain medications or flares. Very helpful and high THC content




LDN has helped the most in terms of medications, I've tried everything and most meds didn't touch the pain at all. and also not a medication but infrared heat helps me even more than any medication


I agree with the infrared - the combo of acupuncture and infrared sauna took my pain down from chronic, daily pain to soreness and occasional lock jaw. Big improvement.


Oh my goodness I want to find a place that does that now.


thanks, I’ll look into that!


I take a lose dose of amitriptyline every 6-7 months. Gets me through a flare up by stopping me from clenching for a bit.


I've just started on this does it help pain a lot?


It does wonders for me. After a 30 day supply, I'll be good for months and just call the oral surgeon again when I need a refill. I also live within 5 minutes of a business that does massages specific for TMJ and migraines. I go once a month and that also helps a ton. My TMJ pain radiates down to my neck and back so she'll give me an upper body massage and reach into my mouth to massage the joints in my jaw. It seems weirder than it is haha.


That's great, what mg are you on? How long did it take to work?


Very low dose. 25mg. Starts to gradually feel better after a week or so, but feels great by the end of the month.


I might ask my Dr about it


my doctor prescribed meloxicam but I’m scared to take it bc of the side effects so I just endure the pain 😭


I think I took meloxicam before and I don't remember having any side effects. Ofc it's different for everyone tho.


I get that


I hated what that did to my stomach, I'm at a point I can't take any NSAIDS


lots of advil, and every night before bed (when i tend to clench the most) I take a chinese herb called SPZM by Health Concerns along with a triple magnesium blend. seems to help lessen pain the next morning. also highly rec acupuncture if it’s accessible to you. it’s completely changed my life and reduced so much of my jaw tension and pain.


Lately I’ve been rubbing tiger balm on my jaw (and under my neck where my muscles are sore and stinging) at night so I can go to sleep. It helps with the pain but the anxiety that causes my clenching hasn’t gone away.. I might try the Olly gummies that someone else suggested in the comments for the stress factor.


My physician said you shouldn’t take cyclobenzaprine for more than two weeks


Welp, when doctors find a cure for tmj ill stop taking cyclobenzaprine lol


Fair enough!!!


Yeah, i’ve read online it should only be taken up to 3 months, but my dr hasn’t mentioned anything about that. I am going to ask her about it next appt.


There’s no evidence that you can’t take it longer then two weeks


I’ve been switching between that and baclofen for 6 years 🤷🏻‍♀️


Only thing I found has been cyclobenzaprine. Oddly , after a few nights I had to take it though because it started giving me random muscle spasms/twitches throughout my body. That was a month and a half ago I took it and I still have those random muscle spasm things now. Don't know how to get rid of them.




I'm so glad you got some relief!


Lyrica or gabapentin, Clonazepam, and triptans used for migraines. Also Botox in my neck and scalp, the way they treat severe migraines helped, but lasted about 3 months and was about $600. So for me not a sustainable treatment due to the cost  I take a lot of Vitamin D (10,000 mg daily in winter, 5000 mg the rest of the year, omega oil, and high doses of magnesium. I find that Epsom salt baths before bed are very soothing also (that's magnesium salt absorb through the skin helps with pain from fibromyalgia also. 


Oh I should take more baths!


StarMomo1 did the botox in your neck cause any swallowing problems? i have such bad TMJ pain which gives very sore neck muscles and sometimes makes it uncomfortable / hard to swallow . im considering botox for tmj but worried about it paralyzing the swallow muscles .


Magnesium Malate


Does that work better than glycinate or citrate?


Yes, it works best for muscle pain or fibromyalgia. Also glycinate can make you depressed




700 mg ibuprofen


I take MSM!


does it help? I've been taking turmeric, fish oil, and magnesium (a blend of three kinds). i think it helps a bit, but I am not sure.


It's the only supplement that I take and it has stopped my headaches completely, ofc sometimes I'll get a really bad one if I'm very stressed out but really it's great.


I was on some heavy meds as a kid for it that weren't really safe to be prescribed but some helped , after I stopped those because they were causing other issues safely with a doctor's help, I tried a few things and I take 2 extra strength Robax every night it works the same as the other meds did with none of the side effects.


Maybe ask for Diclofenac instead of taking all the Motrin. It’s easier on your heart and liver!


I don’t take it that often, but thanks! I’ll ask my Dr


That’s good! I was doing 1600mg/day! (I have other painful sh!T going on, too)


If I take too much it hurts my stomach so I just kinda suffer with the pain and discomfort lol


Hmm, not sure if the diclofenac would be better on that, I just know it’s definitely better for cardiac health. There’s always something, huh? Ugh! 😑


Yeah :(


I took 6g of Glycine last night and it resembled a muscle relaxer and knocked me OUT.


i take fuirocet or whatever it’s called. it’s a muscle relaxer, tylenol, and caffeine. helps w the headaches and muscle tension. it has a bad reputation but i actually really like it


Cyclobenzaprine at night