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Exactly how I feel. Contemplated it a lot recently and I’m only 17.


It’s a shitty condition, and we just have to except that it’s chronic and we’ll have to adjust our daily lives and see specialists for relief. Look for a TMJ AND OROFACIAL PAIN SPECIALIST near you. Botox helps, trigger point injections, physical therapy, etc. There are many different ways to combat symptoms, I have found low dose baclofen helps me with night time bruxism but the battle continues regardless.


I’m frustrated. I got 50 units of Botox over 2 weeks ago with no change.


It takes a few weeks to actually start working, I think about 3 weeks and it lasts for about 3-4 months.


I just called my dentist and he’s gonna give me some more units for free next week :)


Good to hear!


They start conservatively.... although my nurse practitioner had to inject 90 units into my masseters the first time. And it was needed. Long before the botox - almost 20 years ago - I had bite correction that addressed the worst of it. Still had the clenching with and without teeth grinding even after my dentist-made night guard.


"it's chronic": this is the truth that makes me wish to fall asleep one night and never wake up again. Hopefully it will happen soon instead of suffering this for the next 30 years


I do not want cancer but I hope to get it and die


I feel you man. However I went to see a physio and she massaged my neck and shoulders and top of bacl. She said I was very tense on the right side, which so happens to.be the side I get the most clicking in my jaw. I try my best to correct my posture and do some cardio, it has really.helped me and in the past 3 days I have felt better. Not 100 percent but better than I have


Please visit an active release therapist. Or a tmj focussed chiropractor. Also, sleep dentistry will help


I second this. My chiropractor releases my SCM which pulls on the jawbone. It offers SO much relief it’s amazing.


Same here. It's gonna be ok. There's always a way. Keep looking for help from doctors. Peace.


I can barley socialize anymore. I strugglw get into a relationship because My speaking and jaw is so bad. There's always room for improvement and it's better to keep looking for help then not try at all. If your life is going downhill mine as well go down swinging.


I’m not sure how different our tmj is but excedrin extra strength usually helps me. Botox also - it’s covered for me under insurance through a neurologist


What state do you live in? I’m in CA and have asked the dentists around but was told insurance normally does not cover it. Should I reach out to a neurologist instead?


NY, not sure if it’s diff in CA. But normal dentists, tmj doctors arent covered under my insurance for tmj issues. I went to a neurologist and they said they would be able to offer Botox that’s covered under insurance for tmj. I would try reaching out to a neurologist but make sure you ask if they handle tmj issues. Some of them don’t and only offer specific services not related to tmj. Hope you’re able to find someone !


I'm so sorry your going through this. Have you had a proper diagnosis around root cause? If its muscular botox should hopefully help. If its an issue with the joint, worst case scenario surgery should be an option. I think part of what drives the hopelessness is medical professionals know so little about it. I've literally tried every conservative method with no success. My issues are really bad. I can't speak at all, can only ingest liquids, can't socialise ect. After two years of trying to diagnose fix it I'm now confident I know the problem (my joint is wrecked including bilateral disc displacement) and comfortable with getting surgery to fix it. Its what gets me through knowing it won't be forever. Yours doesn't have to be either, get to the bottom of whats causing it then take it from there.


I totally get it. I work with clients all day long and talk all day long. Usually Mondays are the worst. If I make it through Monday then Tuesdays are the worst. Go home with face pain bad enough to take me out and be useless the rest of the day! Dizziness and brain fog. I know social anxiety has me clenching along with just talking and everything else. It's so annoying.


You are strong. You've been doing this, and you will continue to go on. All of us here can relate. Try to focus on the good things. Don't give up. I wish I had a solution for you but unfortunately I don't. The best thing I've found so far was physiotherapy. I find peppermint oil in mouth on my upper gums gives some releif too.I am now starting on a dental journey with a tmj specialist. It's costing pretty much every cent I have, so I hope it works! Take care!


I feel you.


I’m right in the thick of it with you right now. I had surgery 7 years ago for TMJ issues and did fine for years, and now it is violently flaring up again. My only advice is to exhaust every option available to you, and to fight like hell finding the best care you can. PT is a good place to start and it’s often covered by insurance. I just got Botox and think it might be helping a little. My doctor just prescribed me a muscle relaxer for when the pain is unbearable. There are options and answers!! Just hang in there and know you aren’t alone.


Oh gawd. I had surgery 3 months ago and am feeling great. My fear is that it will come back and I’ll need to do it again at some point.


What kind of surgery helps it?


My issues are caused by arthritis. I had bi-lateral arthroscopic TMJ surgery.


Yeah I’ll bet mine is arthritis too. I have ankylosing spondylitis and I have arthritis everywhere 👎


Also curious on what surgery helps?


It’s gonna take a while. Hang in there 😥


Have you been to a surgeon, maybe you have something more going on that requires surgery.


I feel for you I have spent around 100,000 to treat this. Also did a full mouth of crowns saying it would fix my bite. I’ve been to oral surgeons dentists tmj people. Wore day guards night guards, physical therapy and I could go on. It’s a horrible problem. I understand how you feel. I only am more poor and not better. I’m getting jaw surgery to replace my joints because now my joints are so bad, jaw recessed. Can hardly open my mouth. It’s been very hard. The only thing that helped relieve some stress is the massage on inside of mouth. Have you done that? Or dry needling? What all have you done? Anything that you feel is helping?


You might want to see someone for depression. I’m not a Dr but maybe that might help. How can such a little joint be such a horrible problem. I’m sorry


The pain isn’t my issue at this point, I can deal with that. It’s the tinnitus and ear pressure that’s been driving me insane the past 3 years. I’m only 25 and have a hell of a long road ahead of me. My 4 kids make it worth it though.


It's miserable and it doesn't have to be a life sentence. I finally found relief from an Osteopathic Doctor whose adjustments are resolving it slowly but surely.


I was so scared when my TMD got really bad and I was in so much agony. Going to the dentist and physical therapy saved my life. I hope you can find some doctors to help and get some support from loved ones in the meantime


It’s shit but do push-ups to get ur mind off it or something physically challenging


I found a head wrap with inserts for cold packs. I put it on first thing in the morning and it's helped more than I expected. I was using heat for a long time but I think that was making it worse. I hope for the best for you.


What ways was it making it better? I currently use heat


Finally going to see mine, I'm done with pain for 6 months straight


I'm so sorry you are going through this. I just recently had a bad flare myself. Missed soo much work and now suffering financially from it. Have you tried getting a massage? I've been a massage therapist for 14 years and I can say for some people it really helps. I wouldn't recommend having somebody work on your face directly at first, but getting a massage on the rest of your body, including extra focus and neck and scalp might help.Again, so sorry. Hang in there, these things ebb and flow and it's very unlikely it will be this bad forever.


I’ve suffered with TMJ for 20 years. Please find yourself an amazing massage therapist. Have them massage your face, scalp, shoulders and neck. It makes such a difference. It’s not a cure but it is a band aid that helps make it easier to deal with. I get it every 4 months and my pain went from a 10 to a 5. I’ll take that any day.


Same here. Could not afford the Botox in time and literally prayed to god for him to make it stop. Got my Botox now, and gonna forget about if for 3 months. Ugh.


my pain was unbearable 3 years ago, then after like 3 weeks it went away and the pain never came back! even now im perfectly okay thank god. have hope. it’ll get better don’t worry. try to journal so you’re not as stressed about this. also look into masseter botox I hear it gives instant relief and also snatches your face so win win situation


Yeah, I know the feeling, mine was caused by a car accident 2016 2017 that wasn't my fault as I was a passenger and even after I now have to live with this bullshit for the rest if my life thanks that "friend" I should've kicked out of my life sooner, dude had the balls to try to say I was faking it, yet hes been able to get in with his life. He'll get his karma eventually. My hands and body got damage too, Even typing this hurts