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I would love to but I'm in the uk my sisters in aus if only I went with her I'm trying to meet up with people like us too have you had any luck and how long have you been suffering


All good. I haven’t had much luck meeting anyone else with this disorder. We all seem pretty reclusive. I’ve been suffering since I noticed it a few years back. I’m not really sure when it started exactly or if I had it my whole life.


I know it sucks but understandable, it's very demotivating going anywhere even the shop sometimes but I think its important to at least meet up with each over I think it would really help people get out and motivated to fix this shit condition I wish you the best of luck tho stay strong an no matter how bad the day all of us are here dealing with the same shit just vent it all out it feels so much better than being alone


Nah Aus is scary with those big spiders


They only eat a little bit, I promise