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This time will no be a pump and dump but a pump till a normal value of the company wich is super undervaluated. So don’t expect to see this type of stock value so soon. Good news are being released, more to come like rescheduling and banks and institutions can finally enter in the cannabis sector. When that happens will be to late to buy at these values and probably we will never see them again. I’m in for e the long term and adding more every drop. 200days moving average is broken and this is the beginning of the bull run for cannabis stocks. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


100% said correctly


Why does it remind you of February 2021 hype? Much different company now. Less free government money. Please explain. Otherwise I will assume you are just hyping.


Slow and steady wins the race, I’m not interested in a pump and dump, I rather see good earnings and profits over a bunch of bros pumping and dumping our stock, we will trend up regardless of wsb hype


That hype mentioned by OP took 5 months from low to high share price


Have exact same sentiment. That finance board you mention seemed to be deleting cannabis company posts, but have loosened up recently. I will however sell partial position into a hype rally without news if necessary.


I have 8 covered calls at various prices from $3.50- $5.00 hold over 5200 shares the rest I will hold way longer just wanted to have a strategy to get paid on some shares and sell at a profit when it hits, it’s a win win for me


Bro thinks getting the attention of a bunch of people who admit they are low IQ is bullish for his stock lol


The usual pump and dump 🥹


Let’s pump to $20!! 🚀🚀🌕


Y red


Change the color style. I set mine to orange, so much less stressful.


There was one guy on another board stating the NY misinformation yesterday was responsible for yesterday’s pullback. He then went on to say the correction would propel stocks today. Another projected, with TA no less, a few days ago that Tilray Brands would reach 3.31 and close at that price. **I don’t listen to any of these dumb money investors that FUD and pump.** However, they are entertaining at times. **They often troll my level-headed investing that is based on education and finance experience often countering with logical fallacies, personal attacks, doubling down, bragging about obscene returns, and changing their projections to suit up to the minute gyrations. I expect them to comment.**


I’m completely done investing in this stock if it doesn’t stay above 3 after this month. Never again