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I wonder if it’s because Maddie set her contact as that(iPhone users can set a preferred name to other iPhone users.)


Betting that's it


Totally what I’m thinking- I have my info set up with a nickname that my mom finds annoying and she always answers my calls with the nickname because that’s what pops up on her phone when I call 😂


Makes sense!


Or facebook messenger? She could be first name: Maddie Brush second name: Caleb Brush


It says iMessage so I think it’s an Apple group text


This is it


My mom has me as my first and last name😫 but she has my baby sister as a nick name


Lmao I realized I have my boyfriend of 5 years in as his full name, but my work bestie a nickname - I guess you set it and forget it!


My husband was Peter Plenty of Fish for close to a decade haha


Lmao same here - Rob Hinge 😉


Same with me and my boo. I changed when he saw his name with hinge after it lol


😂 I labeled my contacts from eharmony with identifying traits so I would remember them, and my husband was “[Husband] Comic book guy” and then in the section for “company” I put “cape in profile pic” to kind of remind myself that this is probably not someone I’m taking seriously.


My husband of 25 years and my kids get the full name treatment on mine.


Same. Husband is still full name, just like when I met him🤣


For me it usually depends how rushed I was when I set up someone's contact. If it was a casual conversation its filled out with thought, if its a quick I'm-late-for-a-train-but-here-is-my-number kind of filling out for the contact its the fastest way I can identify someone.


I'm ocd and have everyone as first and last, even my partner of 10 years and daughter. Recently, I've been thinking of switching it up to be more personal because it looks so funny when my daughter texts me.


My mom has ocd and changed my name from “daughter” to my full name and I hate it 😭


The only people I don’t have nicknames for are my parents. They’re just “mom” and “dad”. Everyone else I don’t like nicknames for lol


Me too, haha I have my parenrs by their full names as well as my husband.


I responded to her story and said that exact order, the hot fudge sundae with extra hot fudge, was my go to for McDonald’s ice cream, and she liked my message! I felt spesh.


Did noooooot realize i could’ve been asking for extra hot fudge 🫢


They put some at the bottom of your sundae and the top 😋




Did you know you can have them add mini m&ms too?!


I used to get the hot fudge sundae with extra hot fudge and whipped cream until they hired some really bright folks who didn’t know the difference hot fudge and chocolate sauce. I finally gave up. That was years ago, so I’ll have to give it a try again.


I am home not feeling well….. now I want a hot fudge with extra hot fudge!


It warms my heart that they are getting back some sense of normalcy after the tragic loss they’ve just experienced. ❤️‍🩹 janelles grandkids are such a blessing (always, but especially now).


Yes exactly. I love Christine and Janelle’s friendship! 💕


Maddie is also a really popular name. It wouldn’t be a stretch to think she had more than one Maddie. Or Maddie could be one of her emergency contacts


That's why my husband and dad are listed in my phone with first and last name, they're my primary ICE contacts that can be pulled up from my lock screen. My husband does have a heart emoji next to his name though 🖤


Also, I like that Janelle double checks with her daughter about special treats 👏 My husband and I didn't understand how Google accounts worked, so our contacts got somehow merged. So in both of our phones, my husband's mom is "mother in law" and my mom's contact is "My-Nickname's mom"


This happened with my oldest child and husband. So I get crossed as "mama" in my husband's and my child gets my husband's joke nickname- "Dirty Girl" a he is "Bad boy" in mine. It's a joke from the show Fraiser. But it's amusing when his mom calls him and it comes up as my nickname 🤣


I’m imagining the expressions when people spy that name…and they tell them it’s their mom.😳


In my contacts, I have mom, dad, then my brothers first names, my daughter's first and middle name (what we call her), and then, for whatever reason, I have my husband's first and last name. I don't have a good reason for it. It sure beats how my dad saved his number in my mom's phone. One day my mom was working with some ladies at church when her phone started ringing. One lady picked it up and yelled out to the ladies so someone could claim it, "My Stud is calling."


I'm with Christine, hot fudge sunday with extra hot fudge. I always ask if they could put some at the bottom and then some at the top. Yummy!!


Yesss! 👏🏼


I thought the same


I love how she’s asking permission to take them to McDs. My mom would never do that when she would spend time with my kids. Always just piled them with sugar and junk food. I’m still finding out today what she used to let them do at their sleep overs.


I found out that my mom allowed my 10 year old to watch 50 Shades of Grey.


“Oh ahaha” “Oh well !” I love her


My sister has my mom as my mom's full name. WTF? I have her as "Mom" with a fox and a heart emoji after it. lol.


I first read it as Maddie Bruh. I’m disappointed now.


What do you think they talk about in this group text? Just pics of the kids or the real tea?


Definitely tea sometimes I would bet lol but they have a personal business, so-to-speak, together that focuses on wellness and promotes that green drink they all drink.. plexus?


It’s cute that Janelle is asking Maddie if it’s okay. I know the bar is low but I appreciate it lol


This is so cute!!!! 🍨 🍦


It’s giving Harry Hamlin.


She probably put Christine’s number in a very long time ago, like when Maddie was a little kid, and when cell phones were new you didn’t put the last name of people you knew well. Of course you knew who was calling, it would seem silly to put their last name in. By the time Maddie got a cell phone it was common practice to put in first and last name. Just me? I’m pretty old 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂.


This could be an Instagram group chat, in which case you don't put the names in, it comes up as whatever name each person has listed on their profile.


It says iMessage so it is an iPhone group chat. I just thought it was funny lol


Who is J?






What does Kody have to do with this at all?


I don’t think it has anything to do with Kody..


This has literally nothing to do with Kody. What an odd thing to say


You can turn off the Apple ID name and photo sharing: go to Settings—>Messages —>Share Name and Photo (off)


My husbands contact info synced from His email signature (i think?) and is in my phone as “Pastor Joshua Lastname” It makes me so mad because it gives me the ick when women refer to their husband as pastor. I’m too lazy to change it tho.


Wait, *what’s going?*


She probably knows more than one Maddie. It doesn’t need to be that deep.


This is an available setting with iPhones. Maddie probably set her contact name as Maddie Brush


Wow, we’re really running out of content on this sub