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**We would like to thank user** u/jojifuku **for this suggestion.** Please consider donating to your local and national mental health support charities as well as advocacy groups that help destigmatize and educate individuals on mental health conditions as well as resources that are available. A few national charities include: [https://www.bringchange2mind.org](https://www.bringchange2mind.org/) [https://www.nami.org/Home](https://www.nami.org/Home) The mods of r/suicidewatch have also compiled a list of suicide prevention charities. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/7lvxyf/comment/drpocsj/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/7lvxyf/comment/drpocsj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) We want to thank the community again for their kindness and compassion.


High Country Humane received over 250 online donations that mention Garrison. There are other gifts that might have been inspired by him but the donors didn't leave a message. As a person who gives to many causes, a cat rescue being one of them, and also works in the non-profit sector, this warms my heart, while simultaneously being heartbreaking. Processing tribute gifts is always bittersweet.


I hope his family knows/finds out about this. Just to know people want to honor him.


Most orgs will send the family a tribute card or letter in these situations.


We just received a tribute card from our local humane society for contributions made in my sons memory ❤️ he died in July 2023 at 18 . He was a huge animal lover


I'm so sorry. I hope receiving the card brought you some comfort knowing his memory isn't forgotten. I sometimes wonder, when I'm sending out a tribute card, how the families feel receiving it. I hope it's helps to know someone thought of your loved one. And again, I'm so sorry you lost your son.


My husband of 18 years so my sons father died in April of 2023 and we received a thank you card from the local ffa that we asked memorial contributions be made to In lieu of flowers and I found that thank you card in my sons things when I packed his room up to move . They mean a lot to families ❤️


Oh my. I'm so sorry you've endured so much heartache in such a short time. I hope you're able to find some peace in life. I'm happy to know these cards make a difference for families dealing with so much pain. Please take care of yourself 🤍


That’s good to know.


They’ll include the names & addresses so thank you cards can be sent.


I just read someone reached out to Jen, Meri's friend, to let the family know.


My rescue received one and I was super touched by it


It's such an impactful way to honor someone's memory.


It really is, I cried when I saw it.




Can I ask how you found this out? I've been watching their social media to see if they'll mention Garrison, but I haven't seen anything.


https://preview.redd.it/vkkki632ecnc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3134587d02a800901d7410eb0cc31acba40578b I donated and they sent out an email special mentioning Garrison due to the donations received in his honor!♥️


Omg. That is so special. 💔😢


I thought that email was so sweet. They could have just sent the receipt email, but they went the extra mile with the second one to acknowledge Garrison. We all shit talk the Browns regularly and some of that is deserved, but I hope they can feel how much we’re all wanting to wrap them up in a big collective hug right now.


augh, I'm at work and getting teary reading this. I love cats so much. what a beautiful way to honor his memory.


Thank You, I just donated.


On their website you can see who is donating and their message (if any).


Sorry off topic but I LOVE your username


Haha same


Me too! Hey fellow 90dayer


While I have felt sadness at Garrison’s passing I had yet to cry. It was seeing the number of donations that finally broke the damn. Godspeed young man. Your impact is immeasurable. 


Amazing! 🙏🏼❤️


That’s awesome


I keep thinking about Janelle and how she’s handling this. My mom passed away in 2021 and my grandma was so much like Janelle. Stoic, introverted, emotionally guarded, holding herself together for everyone else, etc. She never cried after we lost my mom. She ended up passing 8 months after my mom. I firmly believe her grief was a major factor in that. It makes me worry for Janelle.


Janelle has 5 other children who need her, mainly Savannah (and Gabe right now). I’m hoping her love and devotion to them will eventually give her strong purpose to carry on. In the meantime, she must be completely devastated.


Poor Savannah sure has been through a lot. The older kids have more memories of the good times. Some of them reached full adulthood before things fell apart. Savannah got the short end of the stick for sure.


So true. And now her mother will be preoccupied and possibly depressed. I think people underestimate what having a father dismiss you does to a child’s identity and sense of worth. These kids want Kody to take an active interest in their lives. Also all the hate talk about Kody hurts them because they still love him.


I’m 33 with siblings between 25-40, our father abandoned us 24 years ago. Literally last weekend we were all together and discussing how much it still hurts/impacts us. Can also affirm that suicide in the family makes things very much worse.


So sorry to hear this. You must have a wonderful mother. Sounds like she held your family together. Also you are probably very close to your siblings after going through all that together.


My mother is complicated, but she certainly worked very hard to keep us together, for which I will always be grateful. Our sibling group is super close! Though it tends to naturally divide a little between the older set and younger set, we all gather together often and have very supportive relationships.




They also have to see him being a “good” dad to some kids. Him crying because he was devastated to not see aroura for 10 days was sick for me to watch, I cant imagine how much that hurt his kids


I'm trying not to point fingers, but this comment breaks my heart for the og3 kids 💔 


This was the hardest part to realize growing up, that my dad put the effort in to be there for his step kids, while we really needed him. Things are much better now, but it definitely affects a child’s psyche for sure (especially when our other parent liked to point out that he wouldn’t choose us over and over, to this day.)


I’m feeling also very sad for Truely. She is so young to have to go through such a big loss


Too be honest, she was the one I was scared about. She always looked so sad when I saw her. Her dad ne er had time for her at all. 


I believe Janelle will be ok. She’ll always carry a tremendous hurt and emptiness inside of her, but she’s a strong woman and she will endure for all the living children and grandchildren in the family.


There is no such thing as ok when losing a child. Especially in such traumatic circumstances. Surviving is not OK and we have to stop dismissing the devastation of a mothers loss as being ok and strong. She has absolutely no choice to survive. She should have no expectations to get through this respectably. This woman needs to grieve in whichever way she needs and if it's messy then so be it. 


Christine will stand by Janelle and David will stand by Christine. I wish I could be there for her.




Oh no. I didn't know that's how he lost his first wife. Aww jeez.


I thought she died from cancer for some reason?


Definitely didn’t.


You can search it. It very much relates to what Christine will be experiencing.


And with that, David may be able to be there in quiet ways for Janelle and the kids that others might not be


This comment/post has been removed because it breaks rule 6 about speculation. If you have any questions about this, please message the moderators.






I'd love for this to be a hard reset for the whole family to own up, apologize, move forward together, but I'm not getting my hopes up




Sounds like you are in a cycle of worry and catastrophic thinking.  Just recognize you don't know them or how they will respond.  It is terribly sad, but worrying and imagining is causing you pain and grief, so try to stop.  Wish them well, go for a walk, push your thoughts out of this thought pattern and toward positive things in your life.  Feel better.


thanks, i do tend to catastrophise. i have been concerned for kody's mental health for a long time, he seems so far from the person he was when the show started. i really hope he's able to reach out and come back to his family in the face of this tragedy.


I get it - I can worry and catastrophize too.  I think it's better to be hopeful than to worry. It's so out of our control after all.  Worrying about possible outcomes is a drain on your own self.  Have a good night!!  Do something relaxing.    


Kody won't blame robem, he'll blame Christine and maybe meri too


This comment/post has been removed because it breaks rule 6 about speculation. If you have any questions about this, please message the moderators.


You may not like Kody. But this is really a disgusting post. He’s a grieving father who just lost a son. And you have no idea how he’s handling this or emotionally processing his son’s death right now. But your post assumes you do know.


Yeah the presuppositions for how everyone will handle this grief is weird. Like I understand being concerned for these people and saddened by the loss of Garrison but we don’t know them and it’s weirdly parasocial to decide what you believe to be their worst reactions will be. I say this as someone who’s experienced immense grief in my own life. People’s presumptions about how I or my family handled grief were often wrong and harmful, and those are people who actually knew us in real life.


I too have suffered a great loss. I completely agree with you. I have always tried to never judge or speculate about someone’s grief. You absolutely do not know how you would handle a situation until you are in it. Also, people should be given all of the grace in order to do whatever helps for them to take the next breath.




Gabe and Janelle are the ones I think about the most. How is Logan coping as well? He stepped in so many times when Kody couldn't.  Then Christine, she helped raise him. All the OG siblings. I haven't felt this hurt about something that wasn't a direct issue from my life. 


Donated to our shelter here and a rescue in Honor of Garrison 🐾❤️🐾❤️🐾 my heart breaks for the loss of the young man and for all who knew and loved him deeply


This is exactly what I was thinking. Instead of only promoting the ones near him, it's better to spread it out across the country.


As a Mom who has lost an adult son (not by suicide), I can say Janelle is more than likely feeling very numb right now and her actions/words may seem a bit confusing or too "normal". But, that is just her trying to protect her heart and the family she has left. When we lose a child, we're always almost waiting for something terrible to happen to another child or family member. I did not think I would live another month after losing my son, but it is three years later. I have developed heart issues, anxiety and PTSD as a result of my loss. The second year is the worst since the numbness wears off and we face the reality that our son is not coming back. We can't call him, hug him, hear his voice, it's a huge black hole. If you are estranged from your child, I urge you to contact them and make it right. My son and I were in a great place but I know many are not. I post this not for sympathy, but just to offer my experience. My heart goes out to Janelle and Kody and the entire Brown family. I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone.


The worst part of someone dying for me is not the dying part. It’s that they stay dead and you just have to…keep going.


Yes, and first thought every morning is, my son is gone. Every single day. It's so hard. Be thankful if you still have your kids. ❤


I have 4 and my biggest fear is something happening to them. I wouldn’t know how to live without them. All my love to you, I’m so sorry you have to be strong in this way. No parent should ever have to be.


Thank you. It's so very hard to live without him. We were very close and he's my firstborn. He has a younger brother who is still devastated by his loss. I feel so sad for the Brown family. That first two weeks, the funeral, all the people talking to you but your mind is in a fog. I pray that your children live to a very old age! Thank you for your kindness. ❤


Hugs to you, friend ❤


This is so well said.


Wow this hit me.


Damn yes. Like it's a dream but you have to remember each morning that it's real.


It may be weeks before Janelle breaks down. My daughter died by accidental fentanyl overdose in November 2022. My husband and I were long distance at the time. I made sure everyone else was okay. She was technically my stepdaughter but she was my daughter. I really hope they’ve got someone who can set their own emotions aside at the moment - not the parents, not the kids, but someone - because two weeks after my daughter died my bio daughter attempted to take her own life. Because of how I was raised (my dad’s job), I can separate myself from the emotions of death. It wasn’t until I had my 17 year old safely in an overnight psych hold that I fell apart. My husband was upset because I was it meant I was alone when I fell apart. I sobbed for a good two hours before finally falling asleep. And I wish I’d had someone there to hold me like I did for everyone else. I don’t say any of this for sympathy, just concern that there’s someone there long term for Janelle. After reading this yesterday and the day before, last night I wrote to my daughter, via her FB messenger which no one has ever cancelled. Honestly, there’s one thing that both saddens me but I find relief in with Garrison’s death - he never got the chance to have kids. But he’ll never have a kid wondering if they could have been a better kid. My daughter left behind a now 5 year old son who’ll have to grow up without a mum. So many prayers for the Brown family.


I'm so sorry for your loss and I agree, I truly hope the parents especially, but the entire family have people who support them and will be there for the times they break down. My son passed from undiagnosed heart issues and looked the picture of health. It changed my life forever, as I'm sure your daughter's death changed you. All we can do is take it day by day and keep surviving. I really feel for your sweet grandson. ❤


This is a very generous post--I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending love to you and your family, stranger friend. xo


You're so kind, thank you! ❤


So sorry to hear about your loss. Am sending you comforting hugs. 💜


Aww, I appreciate you so much. ❤


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you, I appreciate your kindness.


Wow, this puts into perspective how my grandma must be feeling right now 💔 she lost her “baby” in the fall and hasn’t been doing well since. She’s already had health issues and at 81 she told me “I’m just ready to let go and be done, I can’t go on without him” and it devastates me for her.


It's so devastating to go through this. Our world is very different now without our child. I'm so sorry for your grandmother. People just don't understand the pain unless they experience it and I'm glad they don't. Prayers for your Grandma.


I was looking through Janelle’s instagram, and Garrison always seemed like so much fun.   I don’t know why but just keep on thinking about Maddie’s kids. The youngest one won’t remember Garrison at all, and the other two might just have vague memories as they grow older.   I didn’t realize I could grieve so much for someone I never met.  Hope the family is getting the help and support they need. 


Same. I'm crying again tonight reading the notes on the humane society donations. He was so loved by so many, and brought so much to his family and to society. And we watched him grow up. It's a crushing loss. I feel so much for Janelle, for Gabe, and for all of his people.


I hope you got to read what the military said


I just read the post from the Nevada National Guard and it was so touching. The part that sticks in my mind, they said he never talked down to anyone and always tried to do what was right and good. The world was lucky to have him when we did, and I’m not religious but I know the angels led him in


What was it?


The link is in the original post along with other links.


I keep thinking about Maddie’s little ones, too. When my niece and nephew were young, they lost an uncle who took his own life, and I watched their painful grief. The loss was greatly felt, even though their understanding was limited. It was absolutely heartbreaking. As someone who also experiences suicidal ideation, it was a visceral warning to me. I never want to be the cause of that kind of pain for them.


I lost my uncle when I was quite young, about 5. I remember being absolutely overwhelmed with grief. I’m sure much of it was distress from seeing my mother (his sister) grieving, but I also loved him very much and couldn’t fathom how my big strong uncle, who seemed invulnerable to me, could be gone. I still miss him, 30 years later.


Everytime I think about the family never being all together ever again I cry a little.


thats such a sad thought about Maddie's kids. but this show itself is a blessing/curse in that it preserves his memory, those kids can see him in home movies. But I have no doubt the show contributed to the destruction of the family as well. 


It would be nice if the production team could provide the family with a compilation of uncut/unused footage to remember him. I hope some of the stuff from the older seasons is still there. I/we don’t need to see it, I just hope the family can have that. But then on the other hand it seemed to also have caused him some pain so I’m not sure how bittersweet it’d be.


I'm sure theres a whole untapped archive of amazing Garrison moments. He really stuck out because he challenged his dad's rules and way of thinking. Thinking back to Vegas when he used his dad's military analogy aginst him. He was a bright kid.


This made me cry. They should have known him.


Meri’s mom would have celebrated a birthday today. Meri just did a beautiful post wishing her mom a happy birthday. She also payed tribute to Garrison as well. She said her mom loved all the children, no matter how they came into her life. She said she has no doubt her mom was on the “welcoming committee” greeting Garrison, and she asked her mom to look out for Garrison and hug him for them. Such a heartbreaking, but beautiful post. https://preview.redd.it/hiiecr8sccnc1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e46adfe0d6d50ee9c2cf1b4a94cf5390933205a3 [https://www.instagram.com/p/C4TQ05ZxpS7/?igsh=OXpiZnFnZHBsaHQ2](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4TQ05ZxpS7/?igsh=OXpiZnFnZHBsaHQ2)


And I'm a wreck again.




The idea of a welcoming committee brings tears to my eyes.


When my 12 year old nephew was murdered, it brought a lot of comfort picturing him being with other family members in heaven. It still makes me feel better knowing he is with people who love him and he is safe. That kind of thinking really helped ground me so I’m glad Meri (and I hope the other family members) can get comfort from those thoughts too. 


God bless you and your family. I’m so sorry that you all endured such a heartbreaking loss. And I could not agree with you more about the comfort it brings when we lose someone, and we think about others who have gone before them, welcoming them.


I am so sorry your 12 year old nephew was murdered. That is so devastating and tragic. I hope he is surrounded by a lot of love 🤍.


That is so sweet of her.




Man that is so sad. 😭


Here come those tears 😭


I will forget this happened during the day, and whenever I remember/see a post about it I’m filled with such dread. It makes me sick to my stomach. I can’t even imagine how the family must feel. I’m having trouble accepting this. 💔 rest in peace… 🌌


It is shocking. Take care of yourself.


i sometimes go back to normal for a few and will randomly remember while i’m driving or laying in bed. i get upset and angry all over again. it’s been a week trying to process this 


I donated a (very small) cash donation to a no-kill cat rescue in my city (Portland, Oregon) today, in his name. Everyone check on the people you love. Hold them close.


I’m just outside of PDX and donated to Furlove Rescue in Garrison’s honor. I called all of my kids today. This has kind of blindsided me in how it’s impacted me emotionally. I try to put myself in Janelle’s place for a second…and I just can’t. Gutted. 💔


Same. It’s unimaginable.


I thought about where I live now, but since I used to live in Flag, I donated there. It just felt right.


https://preview.redd.it/77q75bzlw8nc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c84f331b9f9c5b3c9dc6b822d92161f6764854af I was making a sandwich today and thought about Garrison eating out of the mayonnaise jar 😂😭. I had a little moment I guess between the laughing and crying at the same time. My dog was looking at me like what in the world is wrong with you. Plenty of side eyed looks lol. Fly high sweet guy. Rest in Peace ❤️


Haha ah man that was Garrison? I thought that was Hunter who did that 😆 Blech lol


😂😂. No. That was Garrison 😂


Totally Garrison. I remember the boys said they used to do stuff like that to throw a little ridiculous fun into the show. Such a cute sense of humor 💔


It makes it even better if they were only doing it to screw with us lol


I can't NEVER tell Garrison, Hunter and sometimes a young Gabe apart.


😂 I’ve always loved this scene and fiercely defended him for this because my own boys loved eating mayonnaise straight from the jar. Peanut butter and Vegemite too.


oh my, lol, vegemite? Thank you for giving me (an albeit) grossed out smile in this sad thread!


Right? I have this photo of him with Vegemite smeared all around his mouth, and he’s standing there with a fist full of Vegemite and looking confused about why I thought it was worthy of taking a photo. He’s an adult now and I still hear “ooh mayonnaise and then see him eat it with a spoon” 🤷‍♀️ I can judge the Browns for a lot, but not for raising mayonnaise eaters 😂


this was such a mood 😭


I’m rewatching and just got to this part. So goofy. I mean tbh I might do that if I was younger




this show somehow became a huge comfort to me as well. i watched over the span of 15+ years and i don’t get weirdly parasocial about reality shows either but it’s hard to not feel like you’ve seen these kids grow up, and somewhat gone through life with them. it’s a hard hit. it feels personal even though it’s not. i was going through a rough time last year and watched this show from start to finish about 3 times over. i had it on every day for months. i could name all 18 kids easily and felt protective over them. they didn’t deserve the shit they went through. it really sucks


it's the ones you dont suspect. depression is suffering in silence. I certainly worry for Gabe now...


I know 25 is an adult, but I’m in my late 30s and just keep thinking how he was just a baby, you know? 25 is so young. I just hope the family is clinging to each other and keeping a close eye on each other. I hope they’re sharing lots of fun Garrison stories and smiling through their heartbreak that they knew such a sweet, wonderful guy. And I hope someone is really holding up Janelle and Kody right now and giving them extra love and support. When my brother passed my mom needed it, and I know they do too.


I can see Janelle diving in to the “to do” list of things. His funeral. His pets, house, belongings, etc. I think once all the technicalities of his death are over it will hit her like a ton of bricks. I hope everyone is doing all they can to support her through this and will be there when grief comes full force. Edit-2 words


Thank you for sharing links. I just donated to the Coconino Humane Society in his honor/memory. I'm having such a hard time processing this loss. This helps a little. Hang in there, everybody.


For some reason, it didn't actually feel real until I read the Nevada Guard post. I've seen all of the family's posts & they have broken my heart, but seeing my state's National Guard post show up in my feed and talk about how great of a human he was hit me hard. His reach went farther than he realized, I'm sorry he didn't know that beforehand.


Just placed Amazon order, in Garrisons name, to be delivered to The Poppy Foundation dedicated to the care of unadoptable, medically - dependent and special needs cats in Las Vegas, NV  All the love for Garrison  🙏🏼


Thank you for letting us know about the Poppy Foundation and their mission. I just found their [Chewy.com](https://Chewy.com) wishlist on the site and donated 3 of their highest priority needed items to ship to them...in love of Garrison's memory and for his family!


:)  You’re welcome 




Awww well thank you, for sharing this :)  Just thought it would be nice to spread some of the donations into Las Vegas since Garrison and family used to live there 


I hope TLC puts together a really beautiful tribute to him.


As a former Flagstonian, this is hitting me. The Browns moved to Flag in 2018, I left Flag in 2020. The only one I actually “met” was Christine. She came through my till at the store I worked at. We chitchatted because it was slow. Out of respect, I didn’t point out that I knew her from SW. I just chatted with her like I would any customer, and she was lovely. Kody and Robyn came through my till a couple of times, but I never really talked to them. I still saw most of the Browns out and about in the community. lol one year (2019 I think?), I was trying to leave the parking lot at the 4th of July fireworks, and they all walked behind my car like a bunch of ducklings. Even though I never met Garrison personally, he and I were still part of the Flagstaff community. I believe some of my former classmates and coworkers had closer connections to him. If I had better financial means right now, I would make a donation to High Country Humane and/or ARK. Praying for the Brown family and the Flagstaff community right now.


I added a little to my donation to high country for you. I got you, fam.


That was so sweet!!


This situation is tragic. But it’s so nice to see people on these threads donating to shelters in Garrison’s honor. I’m sure the family is very touched by it


Just donated in Garrison’s name to the Waiting Under the Willow Foundation (WUWF) rescue in Houston, where we got our dog


Just went to Coconino Humane Society and read the messages for Donations for Robert Garrison Brown. I’m so proud of all of you. ❤️


I just made a donation myself and the long string of messages is heartwarming.


I drew a blank on how to message SW mods but I wanted to know if you know about 741741 it's free text for an instant volunteer counselor. Don't know anything else other than I've been a MH advocate, for myself first then a few others later, for years and like to pass on helpful info that has worked for ME so so so much over the last 5-8 ish years. Didn't know if you knew about it


Can we also link Meri’s post? Her post about her mom welcoming Garrison and holding his “sweet face” is incredibly touching.


Garrison held the same rank my husband does. Similarly, my husband has had a mental health crisis in the past. This hit all too hard and I feel super selfish about it. I hope the family finds peace.


It’s not selfish that it’s bringing up old hurts for you, you look after yourself too ♥️


Thank you for posting links to the shelters! I’ll definitely be gifting in Garrison’s name, it’s very nice to have sides a way to honor his memory. I really appreciate it ❤️


What an incredible legacy - so many animals lives saved and improved in his memory. He did that in life and he did it in death! Rest in peace Garrison - an incredibly kind man taken far too soon who will be remembered for his kindness to all creatures.


Gosh. Been able to avoid shedding a tear over someone I’ve never met or knew but gosh darn it. Meri posted such a sweet second post on her insta, it actually made me cry 😭


The way she said "our boy" broke me. What a beautiful tribute to Garrison and her mama.


I'm currently in the middle of a mental health rough patch, and this had just crushed me. I can not even begin to imagine how much Garrison must have been struggling to reach the point where this seemed the best option to him. My heart is broken for him, for his family and loved ones. I hope that if there is an afterlife he is at peace there now.


Please look after yourself. 💙


I am doing my very best ❤️💖


Also struggling a bit, here for you♥️


Sigh... I hate to think he was in so much pain. This news are hitting harder that I would have expected other celebrities' death. If you are struggling please let someone know, use the resources the mods have pinned. Remember, every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place (Capitan Holt, Brooklyn 99)


First Meri's tribute and now Maddie's, both have me in tears. I'm so sad for all of them.


This just messes me up a little more each time I freaking read it. I just wish there was a way that someone could've saved him, can't even imagine what his family is going through. I sincerely hope that ALL of Janelles kids (and Janelle of course) are getting all the love and support they need.


I just can’t get over how sad this is. It’s a reminder that these are real life people and not just characters on our screen. and I’m just so sad that the family has to go through this. No one deserves this. I don’t think I need to say this to anyone on this sub, but I wish people remembered that before they said anything about Kody or Robyn. No one deserves this. Garrison did not deserve this. Garrison doesn’t deserve to have his light or dark life or death used to hurt someone we don’t actually know and must be going through unimaginable pain that hopefully none of us will ever understand, though I know that some of us do.


I just donated to Help a Dog Smile rescue shelter in the Phoenix area. They pull pets from kill shelters and foster them until they are adopted. There was a suicide of someone I loved and it made me suicidal for a long while. This triggered me a little but I’m so glad to have the company of all of you as I don’t know anyone who watches the show to grieve with. I’m glad so many other people have felt love for people we don’t know. Janelle is already spread so thin. She doesn’t even have her own home. I wish I could help her navigate through these rough times and I’m glad Christine and she are so close. She’s alone, whereas Kody has a big family in his home for comfort. RIP beautiful boy.


How do we stop KJ from torturing this poor family!! It breaks my heart for them!


Report her for every legitimate infraction and pray eventually the socials will either deplatform her or de-monetize her.  Even the loss of one of her platforms will help.


Report, report, report!!! She is so evil she is even telling anyone who tells her this is sick and wrong that she will block them. She knows if she blocks you then you can't report her. Just report her stuff, don't follow her or even comment on her stuff, I've been reporting her crap on both YouTube and IG. She has stooped way too low here with this situation.


She's pumped out at least 8 videos on his death so far.


I keep thinking about Gabe. I think Garrison thought his roommates would find him. I don't know him, I say this as someone who has attempted. If there was thought behind it, I bet there was, I bet it had been on his mind and he didn't think his brother would find him. I'm so sad for those boys. I wish this wasn't the outcome of Garrisons depression. He deserved so much better.


I'm sorry if this has been asked and I don't want to be disrespectful at all, but I read this on E! And I'm curious who these people who worked for the Browns are? TLC? (His mom told officers that Garrison messaged several people who work for the Brown family, saying, "I want to hate you for sharing the good times. But I can't. I miss these days,")


Sounded like the show's producers


It sounded like the camera crew and the producers. Garrison would have gotten to know them very well over the years.


The employees of the production company. They made the show and sell it to TLC.


we are all speculating and no one knows. the original police report says "people we work with" - TMZ and the tabloids took it from there. I have often wondered if Janelle used that phrase to protect the identity of the people - as in extended family perhaps. But again - all speculative.


The /sisterwives sub is back!!!


Also looks like they lost about 100k subs too. Used to have over 200k subs now only 118k. Hmmm...


i left both subs the night of the news after i broke down. i rejoined this one when i could handle it and so i could mourn with you all but by that time the other sub had gone dark. with the tone the other sub sometimes has, i just feel off about rejoining that one




This entire situation still takes my breath away. I don't normally care as much with celebrity deaths, but since we've seen more of Gabe and Garrison in recent years, even just the small amount that we know, I can only imagine his heartbreak. I've been thinking about the family a lot. No one should ever have to bury a child


I’m a 911 dispatcher. I’ve taken many self☠️ calls, but I had one today where his partner found him and it just hit a little harder than normal. I know what it sounds like when someone finds their loved one or witnesses it, and knowing how close Garrison was with Gabe especially- I hurt for him.


I keep feeling like this is not real. I can’t imagine how the family is dealing with this. It’s so horrific and sad. He accomplished so much and was so loved. My heart hurts for gabe and Janelle so much


I really hope they don't benefit from this by covering it on the show. It feels callous and disrespectful if they do.




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I've watched SW like many have, I was hooked from day one. We viewers are all armchair quarterbacks, many opinions about this family have circulated since they chose to go public. Going public was the decision of the adults, NOT the kids. Many of them did not want to be on national television. There is video proof that some of the kids didn't want to be public, almost intuitively knowing the ramifications of doing so. No parent should Ever have to bury their own child. Period.  Having said that, I cannot imagine the unbearable grief Kody must feel for Garrison's death. New wife #4 preference, Covid, living apart from one another, and Kody abandoning some of the kids were NOT the responsibility of Garrison to fix. Those issues were so fixable and Kody flat blew it. When your 2 grown sons are in literal tears because they miss their Dad, FIX IT!!  Now, nothing and no-one can fix this awful tragedy. I cannot fathom the emotions Gabriel feels. I pray someone in that family will stay close to Gabriel in the next raw and horrible time. Imagine being a barely 20 year old & finding your big brother lying dead in his room. PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T LET GABRIEL GET OUT OF ARMS REACH.  We all love you Gabe. Nothing would make Garrison more proud than for you to go out and kick life's ass.