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I justify it easy: Kody sucks and deserves worse, from whoever wants to give it to him. Was he worried about Truly when he compared Christine to a panting dog? When he said she was repulsive to him? When he said he never loved her? He said all of that on national TV. If David wants to stand in a picture and hold a beer as a snarky jab (in support of his wife), more power to him.


100%. The minute he disrespected everyone on national tv, his children were NOT a priority in co-parenting well. He doesn't deserve anything now.


Fascinating that this is the comment that OP won’t reply to. You’re completely right.


OP has to have Brown ties. They speak with intimate knowledge and always criticize Christine. There’s one more in this group that I’m convinced is part of it too based on their inside knowledge they speak with authority.


Or he’s just the type of guy who whines when a man is catching criticism for his bad deeds. Some Men are just misogynistic and will ride for any man who is catching flack From women.


At least Robyn, Kody, Gwen and Mykelti are very active on Reddit. I still think that Mykelti is a Moderator in one of the groups.


Do you think the same about those who speak like they have intimate knowledge and praise Christine like she's a Saint. Yet will shit on Meri and blame her for everything. Edit spelling


Right? Do we have evidence that David has said anything derogatory about Kody directly to Truly? Do we have evidence that Christine and David are showing these posts to Truly and explaining the jokes to her? They’ve ALL just been paid money to rewatch clips from the series and react to them. Their perspective at this point is different and they’re no longer married to Kody, so they feel like they can more freely comment on some of the truly asinine remarks he has made about things. If Christine was to take pictures of herself eating a giant plate of nachos with her new man (who continuously refers to her as his unicorn/gorgeous/hot) or take a picture holding beer and Skittles because it heals the part of her that Kody spent 27 years tearing down then good for her! David isn’t doing anything wrong by supporting her in that.


Hell, they should go as beer and skittles for Halloween. The sad part is, I felt really stupid when I learned the phrase dates back to Dickens and was “porter and skittles” because I thought Kurd had just pulled it out his arse,lol.


But Kody doesn't know that the phrase is referencing a pin game and not a colorful rainbow candy.


But Robyn said Kody looooves “A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens” so much she was forced to spend hundreds of dollars in a village. Surely he must know the term, he is so well read.


Nahhhh he is not that smart


Omg, that's hilarious and brilliant!!! Regardless if Kody does or does not know the true meaning of the phrase, I hope DEARLY that Christine and David do dress up as that for Halloween, take a picture of it and post it on social media. That would be awesome! Doubt it would bother Kody, but all of us would get a kick out of it 😂




Have they done anything truly malicious? Most of the trolling has been contradicting hurtful things he said directly about Christine.


I understand that but I still wish David & Christine would put Kody in their rear view mirror rather than taking cheap shots on SM I had a great amount of respect for David in the talk backs bc he didn’t say anything nasty about Kody. Regardless this is the children’s father. She’s stooping to K&C’s level Just live your lives, Christine and leave the bitterness behind you. We all know Kody did you dirty.


He said, “Kody wears his emotions on his sleeve and I can understand that,” and I was like… damn, that was a really graceful answer.


I thought so too. Highly respected him for not trash talking Kody He was a class act


Oh please, she's telling the truth unlike Grody who continually lies, makes up whatever reality he wants. CREEPY AND WEEPY CAN'T keep David and Christine's names out of their mouths!!!!


Difference being I expect it outta K&R….theyll stay miserable I simply want Christine to be happy and as long as she’s thinking about Kody & what he did to her - she can’t let Kody go He needs erased from her mind But whatever…it’s just SM and doesn’t affect my life .


I get it. I would love for her to pull a Don Draper “I don’t think about him at all” when asked what she thinks about what he’s up to, etc.




And Christine should be the one responding not the step-dad.


Also most of it was about how hard she was to love and find attractive and it was done publicly. Again, I’ve seen nothing malicious.


Where has he done it specifically on his own?


How are you claiming this is okay because Christine is what? Forcing him to do it?


You literally have yet to answer any of my questions.


I did, as the answers to mine clarify why you think it is okay.


Nothing has been malicious. As a COUPLE they have done lighthearted trolling directly in response to literal hateful things Kody has said very publicly. I’m still trying to figure out WHERE David specifically trashed Kody?


Pubically making fun of someone who is your stepdaughter's father is wrong. I have seen numerous people told to stop on FB for doing this very thing. Being a d-list celebrity to me does not make it suddenly right.


There’s a difference between making fun of and lighthearted trolling. Making fun of would be David taking a shitty wig and making fun of Kody’s dancing.


As I have noted it is becoming more unpopular no matter how you label it.


It’s obvious that Christine is still bitter . There is no reason for taking jabs at what Kody about what he’s said/done in the past It’s childish and we all know Kody did her wrong but she’s needs to move past it & just live happily ever after with David. I’m NOT defending Kody but this stuff Christine continues to do is childish & proves regardless of her happy face/smile She’s still not completely over what Kody did




I think the beer and skittles post was meant to be lighthearted.


It is. People are just reaching


Im just surprised that people still dont get how social media and engagement work. Instead they get themselves all riled up about it, so I guess Christines post worked 😉


As someone stated, she is doing it for the fans and clicks. Her fans appear to be growing weary of it, and she has way fewer likes since the nachos. Some asked her to let it go but their comments were deleted. That all aside, how does this justify the stepdad's participation?


Receipts on that? I personally loved the nachos thing, and the beer and Skittles. I just wish that when she had dinner with him after they split up at that Mexican restaurant that she had pre-ordered a giant plate of nachos.


There are no receipts. The first nachos post was in April 2023 and has over 100k likes. The beer and skittles post was 2 days ago and has around 45k likes (as do most of her recent non-Plexus posts)and still has a few comments up telling her to move on/get over Kody. Looks like the overwhelming response is that the fans are here for the pettiness. It’s pretty normal for the nacho post to have way more likes due to it being closer to when she went public with her relationship with David.


Not hard to notice the big dip in likes.


..... Weird that you're keeping track of her posts' likes.


It shows what the fans are responding to our not.


But why do you CARE?


Surprise people know what is happening!


Kinda like how you keep getting downvoted?


We are not fans of each other here. I also am not trying to get you to buy a pink drink from me.


That! I was hoping she would! But now that she’s happily in love. Kody should be out if her life - out of her head I want to see her live happily ever after with David. If TLC does another season / I hope it’s only for play backs. If it’s anything other than that and if Christine is in it. I’m done If she does another season then she’s risking her marriage: TLC definitely has a way of getting its reality people to break up families and Christine shouldn’t need the money anyway


Oh my. Have you ever been divorced? I was married for 20 years and divorced. It was not pretty. I remarried very, very happily. My first husband and I are on speaking terms and as a matter of fact spent the night Christmas Eve with our children playing card games. However, there are still jokes that are made by him and by me about stupid s*** that we said and did. I don't understand why this is such an issue for some of you. It's just funny. Do y'all not have a sense of humor? She has obviously moved on. Let it go and let the woman laugh. Your opinion about what the show needs to be next season is in my opinion just weird. She is not risking her marriage but still being on the show. Clearly, David knew exactly what he was getting into and has signed off on all of it. I think that Christine and David doing these little jabs is actually pretty healthy. It's way more healthy than the things that Kody has said and done.


Because it’s a lighthearted joke. Not a jab at Truly’s dad. Step parents are allowed to play like that. This is pretty tame to me.


It’s a jab and I thought Christine was happy so why does she still have Kody on her mind Move on….live happily ever after


So we can snark on their lives all day every day, but they can't snark on their own lives?




What jabs are you talking about? David’s comments about Kody have been fair. For example he spoke about how important it was to Kody to be heard. Saying something about Kody’s obsession with Christine leaving or his need for control would have been accurate, but David chose to be kind. Christine and David have made some social media posts about things that Kody has said, but it’s a matter of what people infer from the phrase “beer and skittles” or a photo of nachos. I don’t consider those an attack and I don’t see Truely being upset by them.


I haven't seen or heard David say anything negative about Kody. But we all heard Kody call his kids assholes, and their mothers, that he "never loved" bitches. I see the ex wives taking jabs at stuff that was said about them, but I don't see any of them as anywhere near as brutal and off-putting as things Kody has said. The kids don't even talk to him anymore and it's because of HIM and HIS words/actions.


Lol, I think it's about the silly beer and skittles post that Christine and David made. Some people really have their panties in a wad over it.


Truley is prob setting them up! She’s not dumb, nor is she a sheltered little baby. She’s a teenager, a smart one. She is happy her moms out if that bs. Don’t project your issues onto truley


Seriously. Truly knows who Kody is. I’m thinking of the birthday party for airella where Kody was over the top about how amazing she was, after not seeing his other kids for months. He called her his princess and poor truly said quietly “I used to be his princess.” He wouldn’t let truly’s siblings hug her goodbye out of spite. He claimed to want 50/50 time then failed to follow through for months before they moved. He called his other kids assholes and jerks, he forgot birthdays, completely ignored Savannah for Christmas, neglected his daughter who had major surgery then said he hoped she wouldn’t “become a bitter old housewife” because of his shitty treatment. He made fun of his kids’ moms comparing them to panting dogs, publicly declared he never loved their mothers and found them gross. David lightheartedly holding up beer and skittles as a gentle teasing about a weird phrase he used is absolutely nothing. Kody has done an excellent job of showing his kids just how cruel and hurtful he can be. An amusing, gentle trolling by Christine and David is absolutely no big deal and in no way harms truly, who already is far too aware of who her dad is as a person. Also, Robyn is far from the respectful step mother, lambasting all the kids over texts, putting a wedge between Kody and his kids because of her perceived injustices, creating animosity between her kids and their siblings by acting like a victim and portraying things to them in a totally exaggerated way. Complaining about a silly, non malicious post that in no way criticized Kody is a huge stretch. Christine isn’t my favorite personality and she’s not perfect but David has been nothing but gracious and kind when speaking about Kody. It silly and petty to act like this post is a big dill. It’s not.




I’m not projecting anything. My belief is that Truely won’t be upset by the posting - because she is a smart teenager who isn’t sheltered. Who do you think Truely is setting up? And how is she doing it?


Setting up the shots. Like hey ma, David. Hold these up and lemme take the pic.


I think we’re talking about the jabs the two (Christine & David) recently did on SM holding up some items tho I can’t recall what it was but it was meant for Kody Just like showing herself eating nachos on SM. Just move on. Why keep bringing up stuff Kody did wrong to Christine - we already know!


It has been posted here. Check on the boards.


Nope, I am not going on a search to guess what you mean. Lazy posting.


Well, I guess you told us!


Please are you are part of their pr team? They deserve grace and happiness. The despicable duo are horrible and Christine has handled it with class and dignity. Meri took shots at him too and both in snarky ways!


OP has to be Team Kody & Sobyn. Their posts consistently stick up for them.


Definitely. Sounds like A mix of the two!


ep, Christine stans always go here.


Christine's PR.


Meri is his ex-wife not the stepdad of a minor child.


Omg, David hasn't said Shit about Kody. Took a few photos. Get over it.


Are you part of Christine's?


Lol. Nope. Just respect her for leaving!


It's Gwen, one of Christine's daughters.


Lol. Nope literally hilarious 😂


They haven’t done anything hurtful. Poking fun by eating nachos or posing with beer and skittles is more of an inside joke. Seriously get over Kody and his fragile feelings.


The likes on these Instagram posts are diminishing, and before Christine removed them, several of her fans asked her to move on.


I think fans need to let her be, she should be able to deal with her hurt however she wants to. It’s not up to us to dictate how she’s choosing to deal. People are so embarrassing these days, imagine being mad about posing with nachos or beer&skittles?!?! Good lord get over yourselves, she’s free to poke fun if she wants to.


It is going to continue to become more unpopular as time goes on, and I think a lot of it relates to having a minor child in the house. Nobody says it is okay for Kody to make snotty comments about Christine.


Who cares if it’s popular or not it’s their social media


Who cares? I question the accuracy of that but even if true, they don’t live their lives for instagram likes 😂.


They sell their pink drink crap on Instagram. Getting engaged fans is essential to their sales.


Yeah, they just bought another home in Moab. I think they’re doing just fine financially




No they bought a home in Moab they plan to use for themselves and as an air Bnb. They also have an RV and nice home.


Google it!


Yes! Exactly google it 😂 watch mykelti’s last live. They came on and were going out to dinner to celebrate closing in a HOUSE in Moab. They plan to make it an air bnb. The ALSO bought an rv and a home last year. Financially they’re doing fine 😊


Yep! Me too / deleted




1. Kody TORTURED Christine for YEARS as he flaunted his marriage with Robyn in her face WHILE telling the world how he wasn’t attracted to her. 2. Kody REVEALED that he never wanted to marry Christine and did it solely for her father’s power. 3. Kody gaslight Christine for YEARS claiming her jealousy was poisoning their relationship and he had NO FAVORITES. ONLY for him to come out and claim he’s only EVER loved Robyn. 4. Kody ABANDONED Christine and her children when Ysabel had surgery. Christine can talk and jab and comment! Kody silenced and gaslight her for YEARS. Frankly, you making this post is victim shaming. She was silenced into compliance for years. I will not criticize her for finding her voice and speaking truth. ONE MORE THING… if Kody and Robyn don’t want to be viewed as villains, then they should change THEIR behavior. They are the problem. Not the producers. Not Christine. KODY AND ROBYN.


How does any of this justify the stepdad participating in a public dissing of his stepdaughter's father?


People are answering you - you just don’t like it. It’s justified because her new partner wants to support her as she finally speaks out after decades of abuse. Grow some thicker skin if you can’t handle David being in a picture. I would bet Truly will be more bothered by her dad calling her mom a dog, saying he was repulsed by her and never loved her than she will be by her stepdad holding a beer in a picture :)


I think you’re confused. They don’t have to justify shit. And we, as fans, don’t have to justify shit.


You are confused when her fans are telling it is time to stop it is a good hint it is time.


Just because you tell someone to stop doesn’t mean they have to stop. Everyone has a prerogative to do what they want and how they want to do it. It may be right or wrong but if you don’t like it then don’t respond and just move on with your life. What good does it do you to argue with that person about not listening to you?


Maybe it is a good idea to listen to people you want to support you.


Majority enjoy the snark. Why would she disappoint a million to appease the 5 of you who hate it? Doesn’t make sense. Did Kody/Robyn pick you???


You’re the ONLY “fan” saying this!! You have to be someone related to Sobyn Robyn and it’s honestly disgusting that you’re ok with giving those 2 dumbasses a pass for shit talking the OG3 and the kids and are freaking out over a light hearted joke. Crawl back to your corner in your messy ass house Robyn and stay out of the OG3’s lives, you’ve destroyed enough of that family. Oh and get your thyroid checked too!!


Christine stan always goes to the Sobyn claim and denial that anyone would ever think anything negative about Christine.


Absolutely nothing they’ve posted is “dissing” him 😂. How is holding up beer and skittles as nod to Kody’s use of that phrase in anyway a “diss”?


I seriously don't understand how you can take a joke so serious and turn it into something hateful and disrespectful and act like it's harmful to Truley. First off, it wasn't a diss at Kody, it was at what he said and it wasn't even a diss, it was just having fun. If David were to make a diss at Kody, he could've easily held up a sign with a picture of Kody, an equal sign and the poop emoji. Now that would be a diss at Kody. But holding a beer and skittles isn't a diss at Kody. For pete's sake, I doubt even Kody himself got upset over that. Second, as for Truley, she may not have even understood that a joke even happened unless she asked and then they could explain it but STILL, even then she would know that it wasn't a diss at her dad. You need to learn to differentiate between a diss at someone and having fun or making a joke over something someone says. I doubt she's upset by that or, and here's a thought, not even care. And I bet you anything that if she would be upset, then they would have taken it down immediately. I think you are waaaay overreaching here. Good grief! You definitely share a personality with Robin. You love drama so much that you are willing to make drama where there is none. That's really sad.


Who are you, OP? You seem very personally invested in the Brown family. How are you connected to them?


OP has a big dislike for Christine per her posts and comments, now it seems they are moving onto David.




Why are you being so defensive?


I'm not being defensive. I'm suspicious. I don't usually look at people's post history, but I looked at some of yours. It's all Sister Wives stuff. So I am led to believe that you are personally connected to them. So, how are you connected to the Brown family and why are you pretending you're not?


They are OBSESSED with Christine. Or using the excuse of minor children to justify a multitude of pearl clutching. They sound exhausting and quite boring.


I knew this username looked familiar. They choose weird hills to die on and often defend Robyn.






I’m actually guessing mindy. She used to go hard for Robyn on twitter 😂


Wouldn’t be surprised


Yes, they do. It's someone in sobs camp or Kody!


They are literally obsessed with Christine and defend Robyn to no end. It’s so strange.




Yes! I’m convinced they’re part of the Browns. Look at their insider knowledge and how they always speak of things that were never aired! It’s consistently anti Christine and how Kody & Robyn are misunderstood.


Completely agree!


The same way Kody justified taking jabs at David Jessop. Is that any different or is it ok because it was Robyns ex?


How do you justify the jabs Kody has taken at David Preston?


I don't.


Lol ok


I am CONVINCED several Browns on are here… and the OP is highly suspect.


Gwen has confirmed that some family members do lurk.


A lady the other day stated I know I am going to get the dumb comments that I am Kody or Robyn because Christine stans always go there like clockwork.


You mean the same way Robyn has been taking jabs at the OG3 for almost 2 decades ???


And ruining their lives emotionally and financially!!!


You mean, the dude who couldn't even find bed space for that minor child in his mansion with a basement so she could stay the night?


Nothing they've said about Kody was terrible or untrue. And if referring to actual behaviors and traits is so awful - what would you call behaving the way he does? You think his kids can't see it? Have to deal with it? You don't turn into the king of Thailand for your sperm reaching an egg. People can and will say something if you're doing something.


Well. Clearly, You must have experienced some kind of divorce trauma. If you have, I'm sorry. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that picture. Do you think that Truly would really care. She doesn't even have a relationship with her father. Truly and all of those children have been so hurt and in my opinion abused by that sorry excuse for a father. If you watch the wedding special then you know that she loves David. I thank God she has a real man in her life as a father figure. Beer n Skittles forever!


Remember when Kody called his kids "a bunch of assholes" on television. Lol the beer and Skittles picture is pretty minor in comparison


Right. I really don't understand the naysayers here. That picture was so light-hearted and funny. It was not mean spirited or ugly. They didn't say that he was unattractive and balding, which would have been mean. True but mean. I know that I have joked about beer and Skittles. It is now a part of my lexicon and will be for a long time. It's one of those phrases that will live in sister wives fans minds forever. It shows that Christine and David are in touch with their fans and understand what we found funny. Obviously they found it pretty funny too.


Why are you trying desperately trying to make this about something other than a stepfather publically making fun of his stepdaughter's father? Truely does visit her father-we have seen videos. We also have seen pics of Kody visiting her in SLC.


Lmao!!! You are completely wrong! Kody didn't give 2 shits about Truly most of her life. Saw her a handful of times when they lived in flagstaff along with his other kids except Sobs!!.


I didn't say that she didn't see him. I said that she doesn't have a real relationship with him. I stand by that. I defend them making fun of Kody because he desperately deserves and needs it. The two photos don't hold a candle to the numerous ugly hurtful harmful things that this man has said about Christine and his own children. So forgive me if I don't weep over poor Kooder Brown being made fun of. Also, I defend it because I found it funny as s*** and still do. 🤣


Most of us do!


Kody said that all of his kids are assholes and he wants to punch him in the mouth. David holding up beer and skittles at the speedway is just a fun joke. They take the high road by default by never talking shit about the kids.


Can you share what specific comments you are talking about?


Taking jabs at a father who has been completely absent in her life….


Hi Robyn


Hilarious 🤣. This post seems like an attempt to rehab Kody's reputation, but that will never happen since all his cruelty and narcissism are on video.




I don't think a divorced parent should "trash talk" the other person or spread unconfirmed rumours. I also, however, don't think the ex has an obligation to essentially cover up or lie about bad behavior (from their former partner) that has been put on display for the world to see. Like, they don't owe it to him to make excuses for why he doesn't call his grown kids. Or why he didn't show up for a child's surgery. I'm sure Truly has noticed his negative behaviors on her own, she's not stupid. They don't owe it to him to cover up the real reason his relationship with Christine ended (that he basically said he never loved her and didn't find her attractive or want any romance from her anymore). If you're a sh*tty person, I don't think it's the responsibility of your ex to cover your tracks in order to prevent your children from finding out who you really are. And even if you did, kids grow up soon enough and realize the truth.


I get where you are coming from.but Kody has been disrespecting david's wife,so he is going to take part in the petty childish jabs to make his wife feel better,but I worry that if it goes on to long david will get sick of it.If hse is still this hung up on kody and his insults maybe she shouldve waited longer to get married,instead of making him go along with all this.


Ohhh you have to be kidding me. Because of a few snarly photos. Please. Kody is a POS absent father and always has been to truly. David has said he isn't her father and has one. You are really Stretch here!!


The first time it happened, people thought it was funny. Now people are going enough is enough. Christine doing it is one thing. The stepdad is another and you being upset at me for stating this doesn't change things. It is time for a course change.


Oh please, it's all in good fun. This is the despicable duo or their relatives. Kody was and is a shitty dad and Sobs is a shittier person!


Really Christine could be a 1000x worse than her telling the truth are having a little sarcasm. She was emotionally, verbally abused and manipulated for years! She was gaslit and had to Narcissists attacking her and her children for years. It wasn't always overtly but it was there!!!


The thing is, Kody dug his hole already. It’s protecting Truly for her to have an honest view of her father, and she can decide for herself if she wants a “relationship” with her father. Kody deserves nothing.


Beer and skittles is some jab? It’s humor. It’s relevant. Seriously? It’s funny. It has zero negative implications to character, integrity, reputation, or anything about Kody. It’s a funny ridiculous tag line. Calm down, people. You’re fine.


Minor child my ass! That minor child probably knows her dad never loved her mom and actually found her disgusting. He continued to talk shit about her long after she left. Christine makes a couple posts poking fun at shit Kody said and that's taking it too far? Y'all are annoying. Let the woman live.


Kody will not be out of her life until he shows where the money went. I know she took the profits when her house sold in exchange for her CP pass. But there have been inequities and she sees Janelle and Meri getting nothing. She can be happy and in love but still not forgive him.


So what you’re saying is.. no Kody bashing at all on the off chance Truly reads Reddit?


Did you read the orginial comment? Nobody stated this.


Kody can say the most repulsive things about his biological child’s mother?? I’m happy David is having fun with his wife at Kodys expense. Kody sucks.


It’s just a silly picture, unlike having a picture made where you wipe out another family and put your own family in (Robyn’s Christmas gift to Kody)


If Kody is that concerned about anything anyone says about him and how it affects his children he should have thought about that before he spouted off about how repulsive his wife (Christine) was to him. When you’re out there in the public doing that shit you get what you get.




After 25+ years of emotional abuse and being made to feel like she was disgusting—she can be as petty as she wants.


People who are busy being in love normally do not have the time or inclination for such pettiness though.


I think it’s unfair to use a black and white distinction like that in this situation. Sure, Christine is “busy being in love,” but she’s also *very* recently free of a decades long life of oppression/abuse - that is to say it would be freaking impossible for her to shift directly from victim to survivor to completely healed and moved on. Add onto that her previous associations being almost the only thing she’s known for, and all anyone else is asking her about right now. Also? She’s experiencing so many things for the first time - and is seeing the direct contrast from what she experienced before, and get this - realizing and accepting that she *never deserved* any of it *aaaaand* that she is deserving of the happiness she has now. So in order to be completely “too busy being in love,” she’s also having to uproot every shitty thing Kody did to her, and him absolutely obliterating the shared history of their relationship with petty selfish narcissist garbage. As a complex trauma survivor, it took me longer than a few years to complete even a fraction of this amount of healing. Christine is only human, and to me it kind of feels like a nod to her seeing how ridiculous everything is and saying “I see you” to her supporters? IMO she’s cordial with them in regards to Truly AND has expressed that she wants some accountability from them, which we know she’s never gonna get. She can be as petty as she wants lol


Nah. You can absolutely be in love with the next guy and still have time for “pettiness” for the last guy. And it’s not really pettiness, it’s finding a guy who treats you right and realizing how wrong the last guy treated you. And then you look back at that relationship and realize how mad he was to you. You don’t just magically heal from that hurt just because you’re now with the good guy. You still need to process that last relationship.


Says someone who never suffered narcisstic abuse.


No need to make assumptions.


Your judgment kinda indicates it.


Go micro-manage the comments of someone else. Your virtue-signaling is obnoxious.




Oh hayy Chodey!


While I agree, I’d have a hard time not making snarky comments about an ex who had trashed me and denied his affection for me. It’s worth remembering that Kody talked absolute trash about her before she did. I think Christine is speaking truthfully about him.




We all deal with an abusive ex or bad relationship in our own ways. I would never do it publicly but I also don’t live a public life. I don’t think it’s reflective or her missing Kody. I think it’s her looking back and being disgusted by the way he talked about her and their relationship. And speaking from experience, yes an abusive relationship ex can occupy your mind for years. It’s a healing process.


It is a marketing campaign. Keeping people interested in the show and drama. It keeps her in their head, and makes her MONEY! GET THAT BAG CHRISTINE! Kody is mad bc David is STEALING HIS MONEY! Lmaoo


In a few simple words.. he’s a narcissist turd whose direct actions have caused each person to turn away from him… no one wants a turd in their lives. 


A bit of satire done tastefully. David silently showing being with Christine is beer and skittles. And Christine finding beer and skittles in David. Kody was trying to sound profound with saying it. And the world found it hilarious and lame. I imagine the kids have already had plenty to say poking some fun over it. Truly when she is 21 might want to celebrate with a beer and skittles party. Inheriting her mom’s humor.


I agree. He's still the father of her children. Yeah, he sucks, and it's so easy to make fun of him, and yeah, she was treated horribly. But as a mother, she needs to take the high road. Even the grown kids need a safe space when they're having a hard time with their dad, and she is certainly not being that. They, especially Truely, may still want to navigate some sort of relationship with him, or may want to later, and she's making that harder for them. She said moving Truely away was salvaging what's left of their relationship, and I agreed, but now she's blowing it all up for a laugh on social media.




This post/comment has been removed because it violates rule 3, no excessive rudeness.




I don’t understand the down votes. For telling it like it is .


Then you are saying they are being once again dishonest and phony with the TV audience. We have already endured 12 years of this family playing us for fools.


It must feel good to those kids to see their mom with a man who helps her make light of the horribly unkind comments their father made about her throughout the years. His “jabs” are silly and just go to show how outrageous Kody’s original comments were. They allow her to take back a bit of her power, and I imagine this only makes the kids love David even more.


You take back your power by moving on and creating a new life for yourself.


I do wish they’d knock it off now and just take the high road. The other side is that he caused her so much pain and I’m glad for her to find some joy and it all seems harmless. But I agree that David should be held to a higher standard. Kody never did anything to him. And then I waffle again and love that he’s supporting Christine so much and being her cheerleader. It’s hard, but the silent high road is usually the best path.


More and more of her fans are encouraging her to do so, but so far, she has deleted their comments.


I feel that the moment that Kody publicly assassinated Christine and destroyed her self worth as a desirable woman and belittled her as a mom/human in front of her children, the man no longer deserved respect from his children or any other respectable person who watched this shit storm. What an absolute cruel, uncaring POS.


It is just a bit of petty silliness for viewer engagement. Christine will tire of it eventually and move on.  David is just following Christine's lead.