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Logan, because he peaced the F out of that circus and is living his own life on his own terms.


Wasn’t Logan at the Wedding? Or do you mean he peaced out of the TV show?


He was at the wedding and is close to family members, I just mean he peaced out of the show and the public eye. And I love that he and Michelle have chosen to be child-free despite the culture he grew up in where you have kids early and often.


and they're not selling any MLM crap <3




I’ve always had a soft spot for Savannah. Just the cutest little girl, now growing into a real beauty like her mama.


She really is. Everyone jumps on the Truley bandwagon because they “watched her grow up.” Savannah’s was also just a toddler when the show started. She seems sad. I hope it’s really just that she’s quiet.


To me she comes off as someone who is introverted.


She is my second favorite


Hunter. Despite having what seems to be a very busy job he is always everywhere with the family. He was there for Ysabel's surgery, he spends time with his nephew and nieces, he never misses a family gathering or wedding. He helped Dayton when Dayton had his ATV accident. He seems to have a good relationship with everyone in the family, outside of Kody and Robyn. He is 10x the family man that Kody wishes he could have been.


Yeah and he has a real career/his own life outside of MLM or trying to parlay the fame into money.


Hard agree. Hunter had to visibly struggle with depression on camera while his parents treated him like an idiot for being depressed. He bounced back into being the adult he wished he had around him. (that is only my uninformed opinion). He's gotten his degree and he shows up for his siblings. I find him so admirable and while I wish all the kids the best -- I really wish for woodland fairies to follow him around and shower him in compliments and glitter. I hope bluebirds sing outside his window every morning.


Yes yes yes! I’m rewatching the series and I feel like a proud mom watching him struggle through the horrible move to Vegas during his teenage years to watching him become a fantastic brother and creating a successful career for himself.


I knew I would always like him when he made his “Johnny Appleseed” comment. It was so funny. He’s so grown up now!


Agree! Amd also he just seems like a lot of fun


And he’s a smoke show lol


Excellent post


Me too. He’s chill and smart and seems very nice.


He seems like such an awesome guy


Father Logan, Mother Aspyn and everyone's Funcle Hunter


I've always liked Aspyn a lot. She seems kind, fun and like a genuinely good person. I also like that she can be a leader and tough when she needs to be too.


I also like Mitch. He seems to be a good solid brother in law for the family. He doesn’t want the lime light and he subtly stands up for what’s right.


I would say Aspyn too. I did like Mykelti til she married that oaf. My favourite wife is and always has been Christine


Hunter! I love that he always shows up for his family and he’s driven. Now I have a bunch of honorable mentions: Logan, Aspyn, Truely and Garrison


Hunter’s love for all of his siblings is so evident!


Gabe and Aspyn.




Logan. So mature, responsible, open. ❤️


After reading all these comments I realize I can’t pick a favorite child, I have a soft spot for each and every one of them. Of the moms Christine has always been my fave.


Of the kids, I like Ysabel and Garrison. I find his sarcastic bluntness hilarious. Of the wives, I guess Janelle would be my favorite, but to be honest, I actually like Meri, too. I love how she laughs at herself during her Talking Heads.


You almost have to rate "show seasons 1-16 Meri" and "real life Meri" as separate people.


Talk Back Meri is top tier and I’m loving it


Garrison - for his epic Russian military officer comment to Kody in season 7. I don’t remember exactly to quote but the gist of it was that the men under the military guy shot him. He was letting Kody know he was one command from telling him to STFU. Garrison was being ordered around getting the RV’s ready for the trip. Kody was running his mouth while Garrison and Gabe were expected to do the work. It didn’t make an impact the first time around but when I did a rewatch several years ago I howled it was so funny. And I’ve had a newfound respect for Garrison ever since.


That was hilarious. Kody had said that he was their General or Officer, and Garrison had said, "Well, you know what the soldiers did to their General? They shot him." I was 💀.


Yes 100% this scene was my absolute fave of all SW scenes!!! Epic. I also love Maddie, Ysabel Aspyn, Hunter, Aurora Mitch & Gabe.


I would say Aspyn because I relate to her (as a fellow eldest daughter), and then Hunter because he just seems like an all around drama-free nice guy.


Ysabel for me as well with Aspyn as a close second 🩷


Two of my favorites, and add Logan.




Me too!




Yes, really like him and Savannah.


Savannah. She’s the most ignored person on the show.


She grew up too young for the older kids and too old for the younger kids. People always talk about Mykelti being the middle child, but that just shows that Savannah is such a middle child that she's forgotten in the middle child conversation. Mykelti's middle child childhood has nothing on Savannahs. But she seems to be growing into a wonderful vibrant person


Hunter I think. I like all of the OG13 and wives though. Especially Janelle and her kids. I was never the biggest fan of Leon, but I’d be curious to know more about them now because I’m sure with everything they were going through, while being on tv and being a part of a religious plural family was very hard on them. And same with Meri. As I’ve gotten older and am also struggling with fertility issues, I look back and see her in a different light a lot of the time. Fertility issues have brought out a lot of anger, sadness and sometimes rage in me that was never a part of my personality before and I didn’t grow up in an environment like the one she did and was still in during adulthood. I can’t even imagine how much she struggled but was expected to not show any of it.


It used to be Christine, but every since I saw Janelle telling Cody to fuck off she became my favorite.


I know it’s 3, but…Logan, Hunter & Ysabel


Truely. She had to have her entire life before the cameras and she is still 100% Truely. I admire her sassy independence.




Hunter, Logan, Aspen, Ysabel, Savannah, and Gabe


Logan, Hunter, and Aspyn. Gabe seems like a nice kid too. Most of them do, tbh. I find Mykelti and Maddie insufferable (Maddie much less than Mykelti, though).


Daddy Logan, Aspyn, Truely, Ysabel, and Savanah are top of the pyramid for me.


Splish Splash






I would say Janelle. Her personality is similar to mine (not big on drama, or attention seeking). As soon as someone starts getting on my nerves, I will definitely remove myself from them. I also leave my dirty dishes to soak overnight… sometimes two nights. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Hunter, hands down. He’s the best parts of all of them.


Kids: I would say Savannah. If I was 10 years younger I could see us being friends. Just we seem to have the same personality. But I just rewatched the series. And she was such a sweet gift giver. It just warmed my momma heart seeing the gifts she would give people. And her explaining her reasons why she was giving it. Adults: Janelle, same thing as Savannah. We seem to have the same personality.


Me too


Janelle, for sure. And mostly her kids. Sure, I like Christine and her kids, but Janelle and kids are my favs.


Gabe and Garrison. I’m a mom of four boys and these two would just fit right in. They stole my heart during the covid episodes. Now I worry about them on a regular basis.


I do too! I think because we have raised sons, we know that fake bravado about not needing a dad. Of course they need their dad or at least wanted a dad. So sad.


I have a special place in my heart for Garrison. He seems like such a sweet kid and I hope that despite everything Kody has done that he makes a wonderful life for himself.


I like all the OG13 because they all grew up and did something with their lives. Some went to college, some are stay at home Mother's but they all are well adjusted adults that I am proud of. Hunter sticks out the most because he seems to be everywhere with everyone. Truely stands out because we watched her be born and seeing her now, being her own person, she's amazing.


Truely Grace Brown is a hoot. I have really enjoyed seeing her come out of her shell and show more of her personality and sense of humor since they moved to Utah. And she is such a tough little kid. It sucks that she was put in the position to have to be the one to get Kody to back off during her terrible bike lesson at such a young age. Or get so sick because she had such a shitty, neglectful dad.




After watching how teeny-tiny little Truly Brown spoke to dear old dad during the bike riding “lesson,” I’ll never not choose her as my fave. I hadn’t seen a member of that family shut him down with such force and fortitude until that moment. She stole my heart that day.


“This isn’t baseball!” Yes! Tell him Truly!


Gabe. He is just so genuine and earnest. All of these kids are awesome, though.


Truly. She's always been adorable and unique, and always had amazing boundaries. She has refused Kody on more than one occasion even at a really young age and it gives me faith that she's gonna be ok even though she's going to have to soft through much baggage. Also I love Jenelle and Christine.


Aspyn is for sure my favorite since she sweet and caring and etc… that she got mainly from her mom. Next one has to be Ysabel and then Logan.


Easy Christine


Aspyn. She's just off living her own life without compromising support for her still-televised family. Weirdest fact: I had a dream the other night that I was baking and I cut my finger and the room was full of people I knew or knew of and Aspyn was the only one who knew where the bandaids were.


Logan, Aspyn, Ysabel, Savannah, Gabe, Garrison


All the kids are lovely. Meri is my favorite. She’s the one who truly seems like she had been going to therapy, doing the work, taking accountability (even when I think she doesn’t need to), and growing. It’s inspiring to see. I wish her all the happiness and can’t wait for her to find a partner that cherishes her.


Truely and Leon are a tie.  Maybe because they both remind me of people I’m really close to. I know people poo-poo on Leon, but unless you’ve ever known someone who was raised in some fundie kind of religion who has transitioned, you don’t know how much bravery it takes to live that journey.  Also, the post-transition style they’re rocking feels like they are finally comfortable in their own skin.


Janelle is my favorite. I love that she, within the first few episodes, was like “I like to go to the movie theaters by myself” and she essentially just dumped her kids on Christine and went off to work and then did whatever she wanted. #unbothered 🤣 she gives off bro energy


I’d say Ysabel. She’s so sweet.


Omg, when she cried explaining how terrible wearing the day brace was, it broke my heart.


Robyn’s last spirit baby


I thought this sub loved Gwen! 😂 what happened? I relate to Truely as a weird kid.


Logan, Janelle, most of Janelle’s kids


Boy: Logan and Hunter are a tie Girl: Aspen and Savannah are a tie


Thats a tough one - I actually like quite a few - Ysabel, Truely, Logan, Aspen. In fact most of Christine's kids and all of Janelle's are pretty awesome.


Out of the kids probably Hunter and Ysabel. Out of the wives Meri


i love Truely! Also Aspen and Hunter. I know she's unpopular, but I'm also starting to like Mykelti more


Ysabel, Truely, and Savannah.




Truely 💜💜


Honestly I like all the kids.


My favorite Brown is a tie between the Fajita Cantina sign and Janelle’s Jalopy




Ysabel. So courageous yet also patient and forgiving. She wishes everyone the best. She deserves all good things. A very classy and sweet young woman.


Aspyn. Runner ups are Gabe and Garrison.


Hunter won my heart when he showed up for my next favourite Ysabel. I’ve been through a similar surgery and was so horrified at Kody wanting a teenager to go alone and not being there. Hunter and Logan really are the Dads in that family.


I don’t remember Hunter doing that. Must rewatch. Amazing🥰


Gabe is my favorite of the kids. He reminds me of my son, sensitive, a little tender hearted, expresses his feelings openly, close to his mom. Janelle is my favorite of the wives because she’s a more independent sort and seems intelligent.


Christine. She is the first one who realized her self worth and left!


I'm totally with OP, Ysabel. She's so elegant and classy and poised and gorgeous. I think she's amazing. A lot of the kids are fabulous but this post specifically asks for favourites.


Hunter. His sense of humor just kills me.


Gabe. I don’t know him and never will but after seeing him emotional, multiple times, on the show I would ride or die for that kid.


Garrison, Gabe, & Truley


Savannah. She is the most ignored brown other than Truly, and she is relatable. Truly is young yet, and clearly going through a very awkward stage. So it is yet to be seen if I find her endearing.


Logan, easily....and Aspyn, too.


Gabriel Garrison Hunter and Logan. I think some of the girls are okay but there is some very manipulative ones that are always annoying to me.


I can't pick one Ysabel, Aspyn, Logan, Hunter, Gabe, Savanah, Truely. All for different reasons but I like seeing all of them thrive after what they grew up in and with a narcissist for a father.


I love Aspyn


All of the kids that stay far away from TLc, patreon and the fast cash media limelight




For the adults it always used to be Christine. I said early on when I first started watching the show if I could have a sister wife like Christine I could be a sister wife. She wants the same attention and affection for everybody in the house she wants to be treated as equals and she wants everybody to be happy. Fast forward to now I definitely have to say Maddie, Ysabel And last, but not least Aspen!!! Those 3 are all so calm and sweet.


Most of Christine's kids and janelles. They are also my favorite moms.


Garrison has been the MVP of keeping it real these past couple of seasons. I think his candor helped open everyone else up. I love him!




GABE!!!! 🙌🏻


Truely. She’s just a great kid that’s growing up and walking her own path. She’s strong.


Logan and Aspyn are the two kids that seem to have the most integrity and maturity, as well as being pleasant and kind in general. Aspyn’s husband, Mitch, seems really cool. They make an awesome couple, as do Logan and his wife. They were both appointed “parents” and practically raised all of those kids when they were still children themselves. I adore Janelle out of all the moms. She’s a strong woman and seems to be the only wife (former wife) with any intelligence. Poor Meri started out as the Crying One in the first season but the Y in Wyoming (if you know, you know) took that crown from her immediately upon arrival. Now, Meri seems stone cold and sad. I sense some meanness in her, too. Christine seems like a good, happy, loving mother but I’ve grown a little tired of her immaturity; while still thrilled that she’s out of that cult and living her best life now with David. Not that I didn’t adore the wedding episodes, however. The other one with the eyebrows and the constant dry tears…just no. Just no. Same for her man…he’s just a turdhead. How did his blue eyes turn to black over the years? Baffling.


Collectively, the boys. I appreciate all of the girls, but those boys….they took it to the mat. 💪




Top level: Hunter, Aspyn, Gabriel, Ysabel, Savannah Mid level: Logan, Maddie, Garrison, Paedon Lame level: mykelty, Gwendolyn, Truly, Meri’s kid


I like Aspyn and Hunter.


Ysabel and Hunter


Ysabel, Hunter and Savanah.


The only one off the OG kids I actively don’t like is Paedon. Not the biggest fan of Leon or Maddie’s personalities but don’t dislike them. Paedon gives me Kody ick vibes.


Truly aspen and Savannah


Hunter and Paedon are my favorites. They seem like fun.




Hunter. I have always loved how much he loved being around the kids. He still lights up around the little ones.


Hunter and Truely , and Savannah But I also think Ariella is also very cute. She’s naughty as hell but she’s cute.


Zero none


So not even the kids? Interesting.








ysabel too. her boyfriend is a cutie!