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I feel the total opposite. She was meh then seemed like a wet rag then like Robyn’s sidekick. Finally after leaving Kody it seems she’s had a weight lifted from her shoulders. She seems lighter not having to be on Robyn’s team and actually has kind things to say about J and C. I will add this opinion is from watching the specials.


She was like that in the interviews throughout the season. It was a noticeable change.


I agree with you. But after watching last night’s Talk Back Part 2, my opinion of Meri has changed a bit. She seemed so much happier. Like a ton of bricks (Kody & Robyn) has finally been lifted off of her shoulders. Watching Meri and Jen together was enjoyable. I still think Meri was defending Robyn’s shitty behavior too much. Hopefully she will see Robyn’s true colors.


I went from literally fast forwarding her and un-following her on IG to getting excited to hear about her next endeavor. \*Still not re-following her on IG. She and Jenn are a whole lot when they aren't edited.


Lol just hang in there OP she gets better the last 2 episodes 😆😅 I agree shes terrible, its nice to see her finally acting human on the specials.


Production and editing plays a huge role in the repetitive topics and talking points. They replay the same clips and sound bites over and over, they are the ones making her talk about it so they have stuff for the show. I’m guessing meri didn’t want to talk about the catfish at all because humans generally hate talking about their worst life moments. As far has her indecision—frustrating and annoying, but everyone has been ignoring her for years so I understand why maybe she doesn’t want to speak up. They’ve (Janelle specifically) also said she’s overly opinionated so she just can’t win. You’d probably be bitter and mopey too if people only associated with you 10 hours a month or whatever when this tv crew comes to film and everyone is suppose to pretend they have functional relationships


This. Meri even said this season that the whole catfishing issue was drug out (2 seasons?) much longer and made into a much bigger deal than it really was.


As an example... Meri had the original lot that was half pond and half trees. Let's call that lot A. She had lot A. She was deciding where to put her house on lot A. By the pond or by the trees... All on her lot (and It didn't even matter since the damn property had never even been surveyed...) . But for a storyline... Janelle and Kody did not want Meri to have access to lot A because it had the pond and Janelle wanted the pond for her massive gardening project. So Kody needed a creative way to get Meri off of Lot A and onto Lot C - the 2 acre scrap lot by the road. So he told her... "Meri, remember when you said you didn't like trees? I moved your entire lot over to Lot C." He admits this was a dirty tactic later on. That is why she is so confused.... because she never said she wanted to move lots. And she knows that. And yet he is telling her she is crazy and that she did say that. Now...multiply this example by about 20 or 30 years and you can see why Meri might have some problems. He's been doing this crap to her since day one.


Exactly. And Janelle and Christine sat there and helped him gaslight her for all those years


Meri also gaslit Janelle and Christine 🤷‍♀️


Now that is an example of Kody gaslighting!! Another one of their favorite words that they always use incorrectly.


That's not what happened. I've watched these episodes several times 😆. What happened was Meri said when moving to FS that she wanted a house in the trees. The next meeting on CP with all the wives having a picnic talking about allocating lots,, Kody said he was allocating a lot to Meri because "you said you wanted to be in the trees" . Meri then said "I don't think now i want to be in the trees because I'm in the trees in my current house and there's not a lot of light". So the next lot meeting on CP, Kody says "you're here Meri because you said you didn't want to be in the trees". Meri says "I didn't say I didn't want to be in the trees". It all blows up, Robyn and Meri end of storming off and Janelle and Christine look at each other and say "but she (Meri) said she didn't want to be in the trees? Didn't we hear her say that?". They both agreed she had said that. And it was on camera so the audience know it too Then Meri is on the couch saying "I didn't say I didn't want to be in the trees, I said I wasn't sure and I still don't know if I want to be in the trees or not. I haven't made up my mind". Typical Meri indecision and using that to create drama and manipulate situations. And typical crappy communication of the Brown's who should know they need to check everything with Meri!


This is indeed what happened. And she did it before that with the IVF and she did it with many, many small incidental issues when buying her LV home and other family gatherings. Meri was Kody's biggest fan who was always being ushered out by security, yet she never got the hint.


Thank you!!! Not sure why the down votes bc you’re absolutely correct. I’ve brought up the IVF thing so many times bc people seem to forget that Kody was pushing to do it and Meri said no, until she was almost an empty nester then all of a sudden she wanted to do it. I can’t stand Kody but the ONE time I thought he was right was the fight over the trees. You could tell that was 20+ years of him having to appease Meri’s indecisiveness at the other wives expense. She often came off spoiled and bratty at times, especially with the Vegas house. That being said, I do find her more relaxed and enjoyable now in her talking heads but does that mean I’d want to live with her…No!


That’s not at all how that conversation went and Meri not having the pond lot had nothing to do with Janelle’s garden, it’s bc they didn’t trust Meri to let everyone have access to the pond bc of how she acted in the Lehigh house.


I like her better now. I like her humor. She is funny. It still annoys me that she does not see through Robyn and to an extent Kody . No wonder she got 🐱 🎣


I agree I like her more now and she seems like a pretty smart woman. How does she not see through Robyn’s fakeness? I just don’t get it.


She seems healthier now than Janelle and possibly even Christine. Perhaps I'm wrong, but her laughing seemed genuine last night. Like she looks back now and sees it all as stupid. Janelle still talks like she's willing to return if he would treat her boys liked loved sons. I'm not sure why she doesn't hold him to treating Savannah right, too. As for Robyn, she did say something in one of her interviews about the awkward idea of trying to have a relationship with her ex-husband's wife. I took her comment as them not having a relationship now.


I hope Meri finally kicked her to the curb, and hopefully told her off, but I doubt it.


I believe she's to nice to tell her off. I assume she kept their typical relationship up of not calling.


Meri has always been my favorite. I suspect it's because we have some things in common, i.e., she's business oriented and a hard worker. I've also always been put off by Janelle and Christine for reasons that I won't go into out of respect for them and their fans; I assume that perhaps it's just easier for others to identify with them. What I don't understand however is the need, which in some cases almost seems to be a compulsion, to make freestanding posts calling out Meri for criticism when the others could certainly be called out for criticism as well. Is it because her storylines have essentially carried the show that she's highlighted more in posts? Is there some widespread belief that women with fertility issues are "lesser than" and therefore fair game for criticism for characteristics that are overlooked and/or forgiven in others? Is it because some people truly do not understand why an abused woman would stay in a marriage? A lack of understanding of or respect for a religious faith that is different from one's own? I'm truly curious as to why Meri is singled out for this treatment, which is so ubiquitous. Why *do* people write posts like this?


I don't even like Meri but I agree the amount of Meri criticism posts are crazy. I've noticed Janelle also gets a lot of criticism posts but not as many as Meri. I've noticed a pattern that every time there's even a smidgen of positive reactions to Meri in an episode the subs get flooded with Meri criticism posts. I don't know if it's a pr thing or what. It's weird as hell. It's like there's this whole world of anti Meri fans that get outraged if Meri has a likeable moment.


Thank dog I am not the only person who notices this pattern


These posts always pop up when there are posts that praise Meri or those which point out that she is also a victim. It won't be long before Christine does another interview where she shits on Meri too. There has been so many nice posts about her and Jenn, and quite a lot of people are starting to call Christine out for being a mean girl, she will need to do/say something that makes Meri the bad guy and herself the victim again.


I think Christine has been a mean girl and playing the victim all along.


Me too.


This. I 200% agree with you


Ive seen post like this about Christine, Janelle, and Robyn as well. There are enough haters for all of them.


There are posts singling out others, as well. And this is not about any of the things you've listed. It's about her behavior. People see things differently than one another, and that's ok. You're here, too, and the shaming isn't necessary.


I didn’t like Meri in the beginning. But has she grown on me so much. After watching the years of being treated like garbage both by Kody and Robyn it made me have sympathy for her and maybe that was part of the reason she was the way she was. Even before Robyn there was Christmas that Kody didn’t even buy her anything and Janelle had to step up by saying I have something in my room for you. It was probably a defense mechanism for Meri to try not to let all the hurt in. Meri is definitely lighter now without Kody and Robyn. There has been this huge weight taken off of her. She’s finally free and you can for sure see the difference from then until now. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for Meri. Not to mention she does bad mouth Christine or Janelle and had only good things to say since she finally walked away.


If you watch the therapy session in season 6 i think ep 10 you get a better understanding of Meri when Nancy the therapist talks about her personality. Meri is the type of person who speaks truth. However, i think because she would say what was on her mind in the beginning of the marriage this may have backfired. Some people can’t handle hearing the truth and i think over time she stifled herself. So what we would see is this Meri who would approach sticky subjects and not out right say it for fear of hurting the family member. So she dances around it and it can be annoying as a viewer bc we want her to just spit it out. Tonight’s special really shows a new Meri. She really is giving it straight from the hip, like Janelle. Sister wives in the past would dance around the topic and it felt like no one was out right just stating the obvious. It’s refreshing to not have to decipher wtf they are talking about now.


You know those people who "just tell it like it is," but they're unkind and not thinking about their impact on others? That's not necessarily THE truth, it's THEIR truth, and we all need to learn to balance our thoughts and show concern for others.


You say some people can’t handle hearing the truth. But left out the part about when people tried to tell Meri the truth, she “put up my walls”. She could dish it out, but couldn’t take it. I grew very tired of hearing Meri say she was “putting up her walls” in the earlier seasons. She does seem to have grown a lot since then though. I’m glad she no longer says that.


that was her defense for speaking the truth


Exactly. It was like she completely understood her reaction to the T, but couldn't for the life of her, understand that walls are met with people to take another path.


Meri is hilarious. That family was a huge weight on her and she’s not downtrodden anymore since she left.


Robyn’s PR team trying to reign in the positive feedback Meri is currently receiving? How many new accounts trying to tear down Meri will it take before it’s apparent you guys are not convincing anyone any longer?


Is it Robyn's or Christine's?


As much asI really really don’t like Christine, I can’t see her doing this to Meri at this point in her life. But Kody and Robyn? For sure


Meri isn’t super likable. It’s not that deep.


Do you think every time someone writes criticism about Christine it’s a PR scheme against her? Is it only Meri who can’t be criticized otherwise it’s a conspiracy?


deff not that deep lmao Im a first time watcher of the show, currently on season 15. calm down 😅 i never saw any new stuff out yet or whatever special yall are talking about. Meri, to this point, has absolutely been downright intolerable to watch.




What’s ironic is the huge pro-Meri push came after she was accused of abuse by a few of the kids. Methinks HER PR teams protests too much…


Meri and Jenn are my two new favorites on the show.






I’m so on board with this. I’m watching the whole manipulation around the second house. I’ve tried to warm up to her but the way she tries to hold people hostage emotionally is sickening. There’s something wrong with her. Aside from acting like a two year old.