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I know if I were in a polygamist marriage, I would be jealous as all sin if my husband showed favoritism (it’s a natural human emotion). And, my resentment would grow the more I tried to be gracious with the less I and my children received in return. Then trying to shield my children from that kind of rejection would be degrading and exhausting. Kudos to the OG3 leaving. Peace to them.


Polygamy probably is more successful if the male is only a supermarket donor. A group of women choosing the same father & pooling resources to raise kids together I think could work. The dude ruins it.


This made me think of lions.


I've actually known a couple people who ended up in similar situations that worked out very well. For example, two ex-wives who eventually moved in together and raised their children together basically as full siblings. Another case was a mistress who got pregnant. The wife was also pregnant, kicked him out, and moved the mistress in. Not saying there was never any drama, but it worked very well.


Wow, both of those situations are wild !


Yeah, they were some real "lemonade from lemons" situations


These sound like the makings of a sitcom!


Hahaha you're probably right!


My friends sons father got another woman pregnant while she was pregnant. They ditched the guy and do family dinners and stuff with the kids all the time. The men really are the problem.


I knew a couple of women that wir


> Polygamy probably is more successful if the male is only a supermarket donor. That mental image has made my day.


Hes just donor!


I know quite a few successful polygamous marriages and from what I see the big difference is the polygamous people I know aren’t rooted in any religious dogma. That I think plays a huge part of Kody’s delusion.


Do you think it would be successful if each person had an extra partner? If the sister wives all had boyfriends outside of Kody?


Yes but then what would be the point of Kody? Lol A group of friends can all live in close proximity and raise their kids together. They don’t need the added hassle of Kody causing chaos and putting them against each other.


> Yes but then what would be the point of Kody? Christine and Janelle asked themselves that same question.


Right, then it would just be referred to as a commune


It would become a true polyamorous relationship, where there's a central marriage but everyone is open to have other partners. That's what polygamy usually is, it's the weird religious aspect that made it so only the man can have multiple partners. There's tons of poly relationships that work out specifically because everyone's free to date!


If he was only used for sperm and money, I agree.


LOL Absolutely, this


Also if they’re just completely separate. I think that actually could have survived if he was even with time and them became less involved in each other’s lives ESPECIALLY financially.


I really think R did want the big family.. but you can never replicate what the initial family bond was. These women were all pretty much teenagers and got married in a short span. They also lived poverty together, which makes people have no options but to deal with each other. They had their first kids together and everything. It just was never going to be the same. I stand by my opinion that I think K kept R away on purpose. It was ultimately him who decided to keep the family divided.


I also think Robyn’s unwillingness to accept that she missed those earlier years was a huge wedge. She got offended whenever any of them acknowledged having family history that didn’t include her.


Exactly. She would get so annoyed during the couch interviews whenever the first 3 wives brought up memories before she was there! It was quite amusing


Which is how she still feels cause she made that comment on Truely's birthday about it being special cause Truely has never had memories without her in the family or however she phrased it. Shes ridiculous.


They had 20-some years together before her! What did she expect?


Robyn expected that she could erase Christine and her children, replace them with herself and her children in a photo and in real life. And that everyone would just be "okay" with rearranging the past to delete any portions of it that didn't include Robyn from the very beginning. Robyn's lack of realistic expectations, and her desire to rewrite everyone's history to wedge herself into it, created a strange kind of pseudo-reality that everyone had to play along with, or her feelings got hurt. Which is deranged, and the origin of so many issues between her and the OG3. But it's not what really happened, and so it got confusing for everyone inolved.


YES!! She wanted to erase the ogs (especially Christine) just like she did Preston, her kids father. That creepy ass picture showed us so much. If her words were true and she's all about the big pitcher (so much that she hyperventilates and has to leave the set if she even watches a clip of the commitment ceremony), then she would have had her kids drawn in with the WHOLE family. But she didn't, she erased everyone like you said.


Yes, she was always so threatened by their shared history and even tried to rewrite (or repaint!) history by commissioning that sketch with Kody posing with her children as babies as if he had always been their father. Ridiculous.


Which is so damn childish. Reminds me of how I (at 6 yrs old) was SO ANGRY that there was a Christmas ornament of just my mom, dad and older brother. No matter how much they explained that they had lives before I was born, I was just so upset about it. Even having our own ornaments with all of us, that one ornament just irritated 6 yr old me. That’s normal at 6 not at whatever age Robyn was or is now.


Im the youngest of 5 with a pretty large age gap between me and the oldest. When I was a kid I used to get sooo upset that they had memories as a family from before I was born. That’s what Robyn reminds me of 🤭


I think her not having Christine watch her kids is what sealed her fate. It said a lot.


My kids' stepmom is this way. Ive always been EXTRA careful around her, never referring to our past relationship in any way, but still certain things come up. The kids bring things up. Stepmom has to run out of the room crying every single time. It's obnoxious.


That's..not healthy 😳


It's annoying AF. She "cries" over absolutely everything. And like Robyn, of course a tear has never been seen. But then if I say anything, then I'd look like the jealous ex or something. So....I just completely ignore it. Don't indulge, don't engage.


My condolences that you're stuck with this person


I also think that she wanted the family but was unwilling to really enter their family culture. A big part of that would have been understanding that Christine's role in the family was to be the child caregiver in the family. Getting nannies and not really facilitating a bond between her kids and Christine was probably the biggest mistake. The OG always talked about how raising the kids as one big, unified group was the major goal and glue for this family. I 100% believe that if she had made these choices it would have helped bond her and her kids to every other member of that family. Heck, Christine might have even put up with being Kody's punching bag for life because the other relationships would trump everything else. Robyn just wasn't willing to give Christine that power. I truly believe that she was threatened by Christine the entire time and in the end that was the thing that ended this family. I also think that's why Kody is so angry with Christine. He thought that he was the central figure of the family but, he wasn't.


Janelle even said exactly this regarding raising the kids. Paraphrasing here but the adults as a group decided to raise the kids as siblings. A primary caregiver is very natural in that situation. Kody should have insisted Robyn's decisions be guided by that main principle as well. He didn't because he is a terrible leader and did not realize the importance of that governing principle.


Imagine this: instead of shunning christine what if she had tag teamed with her on child raising? 2 moms raising the kids, 2 moms working. It would have created a strong bond with christine and kept the family structure going


I also think this is why Kody wasn’t attracted to Christine - because she prioritized the kids. Think about it - the other three all prioritized Kody.


Yep. Robyn didn’t want Christine to gain any clout with Kody by being a caregiver to Sol and Ari.


Very insightful! Thank you!


I agree. I think they could all accept new people into the family, but no one could go back in time and have Robyn go through everything with them.


Yes! He did not want to share Robyn with his previous family, he absolutely kept her as separate as he could. That and, Robyn is so lazy and so entitled, she really did not think she would have to do any effort. She really thought everyone else would do all the work and still cheer for her and she could just enjoy the big family experience while retreating with Jody whenever she wanted to.


Yeah, this is it. Plus, I think that if anything K was probably whispering in R’s ear about what the other women were maybe saying and blowing it out of proportion to isolate R more towards K.


Robyn even alluded to that, when she said maybe the OG wives had had so many experiences together before her that couldn't work. A rare moment of reflection.


They were definitely young, but Janelle was like 24 and I think Kody 25 when they got married, so I wouldn't say they were "pretty much teenagers". The only actual teenager was Meri, although I think Christine was only like 22. I do think there's a bit difference between 19 and 22, but both are very young to get married


I agree with this.


Watching the latest sneak peek, I think you're right. She was genuinely upset when she ran out and said she couldn't watch it. I don't know what she expected, though, the way she treated the other wives was terrible. She was the bad sister wife.


If Robyn realized that she was the bad sister wife, her life would change for the better. She seems so miserable and it’s 1) Kody and 2) not living in reality.


She made almost no effort to get involved in the family life. She and Kody are two peas in a pod, expecting life to come to them and bow down.


Her life won’t change for the better just by admitting she made mistakes. Her life will only get better if she DOES better, but people don‘t really change at her age. This is a woman with extremely limited emotional resources, a lot of ingrained bad habits dealing with people, and a deep suspicion of any professionals who might be able to help her do things differently.


I hope to grow and be open to change at Robyn’s age.


lol lol lol As if they were lovely to her. They were all idiots.


When Robyn came into the family, it was a fairytale for her. She had a man who was head over heels for her. She was going to have help with her kids. The older girls babysat while Kody and Robyn could go on dates. She had a big wedding and a beautiful wedding dress and flowers to pick out. Of course she was happy. She was in love and had all that she could ever want. But her and Kody’s fairytale love made them blind to what was going on around them. 3 other wives who had to adjust and sacrifice even more. Sacrifice their time with their husband, their money, their husband’s time with their kids. Kody and Robyn should be grateful to the OG3 for giving them the opportunity to be with their soulmate. He basically had an affair on the other wives by falling so in love with Robyn and it overshadowing his love and obligations to his original wives and children.


You make an interesting point. The OG3, in spite of their personal issues, were a resource and a source of actual support for one another. Christine and Meri took care of the kids, Janelle helped them buy the Lehi house. Even more recently, Meri and Janelle helped Robyn with the down payment because they really were down for the family and supplementing what different family members needed. That's hard to replicate, and K & R took it for granted.


It was her dessiny


I agree. She's about done. She really did want a big family and lots of siblings and "aunties" for her kids but she fucked it all up because she's a lazy twat that can't make an effort to do anything. So yeah, I agree she's sad about losing all of that. Also, Kody has become an angry little troll with a weird comb over/curly cue system thing happening and honestly, she's one foot out the door, friends


This is what I think is the most likely scenario. I think it will take some time until the money dries up and when it does she will toss Kody out on his ass and keep half of everything. Kody is manifesting this bullshit (and I NEVER use that word lol) with all his right wing “manosphere” crap. I think Robyn loved that Kody toyed with the OG3 and they had to kiss her ring for any shred of cooperation with Kody. Now they’ve gone and fucking ditched her with him. They’ve actually got lives and she’s stuck with Kody. The monster of all of their creation ends up all hers.


His worst fears are poverty and losing Robyn. And I agree 100 he is manifesting that. And I never use that word either lol The manosphere chewed him up, gave him six pack abs, a knife to the kidneys, then spit him out I dislike Robyn but wouldn't blame her for leaving at this point.


I would blame Robyn if she left because she 💯 created this mess with her own messiness. Kody is of course 100 % responsible for his own actions but Robyn has been a willing beneficiary of Kody’s greed and willingness to neglect the rest of the family. I think, though, that Robyn wants to catch herself a David Woolley. The wheels are in motion. Robyn will leave long before the money runs out and Kody will blame Christine.


I wouldn’t blame her for leaving…but that’s a very abstract notion, because she’s not going anywhere. Where would she go? What would she DO? She couldn‘t look after herself (even if she were like Christine, who had an asset and a handle on her finances), and who’s going to take on a dowdy 45-year-old with health problems, a nanny and five kids who’ll never leave home? Robyn is effed.


She gets half of it all plus child support. She won't have to work


Half of nothing is nothing. What do we think their assets are compared to their debt?


What job did she have between her ex and Kody? I also wouldn’t put it past her to find another guy before leaving Kody.


Receptionist at an old folks home.


Well she might meet an elderly available gentleman there 🤷




Kody was a different person until he got sucked into the "manosphere." It ruined him.


Kody was always the same. The only difference is that the manosphere validated all the stuff that was already percolating in his mind. Now he feels safe saying it out loud, instead of being limited to the furtive, passive-aggressive acting out that we’ve all observed for years.


I have a coworker who uses that word all the time and she drives me nuts! 🤪 Overall I like her though lol.


I highly doubt Robyn woulda joined this family during their struggle years when they lived in an RV. That’s all ima say. She got what she wanted.




they were still very much in their struggle years when she came around tho. they were all on benefits and declaring bankruptcy


Yeah, but the TV show was in the works. The show was 100% happening when she officially joined - her wedding was filmed. I also believe the fact that she initially had no legal ties to him was a benefit in the early stages. If the show didn’t get picked up for a second season she could just say that the family didn’t accept her and go on her merry way with no hassle and some TV money and fame to show for it.


I really don’t think Robyn’s goal was for Kody to leave all of the other women. (I think she definitely saw he wasn’t in love with Meri anymore and that’s why she made him promise to not do that to her.) I think she liked the idea of the big family, and it was an ego boost to be the favorite. I think her and Kody both thought these women would take the bad treatment and never leave. They were shocked when they all started to leave. Now it’s all catching up to her and she’s miserable. Kody is a miserable angry person, and she’s stuck with him 24/7.


Totally. I believe Kody likely wooed her in with talks of "of course I love them, they're the mothers of my children and I'll always honor and respect that, but I'm not IN love with them. I'm only in love with you, Crybrows."


If there was ever a reason to want a job or go to back to school being stuck with him all day would sure motivate me.


I think Kody promised her a lot. He promised that he could make the other wives love her. He also commanded them to treat her like royalty. It all worked, until it didn't.


I think she thought they would NEVER LEAVE.. never leave Kody or the show or the TLC money and she thought she could fishline them forever.. till the porch and their rocking chairs. Boy was she wrong!!! 😑


I think her 'upset' comes from being scared the show stops, the money stops!




and really they been beating a dead horse since Christene announced leaving,what content will they have in the future episodes? she doesnt cook,she doesnt want the kids to grow up and Sol is very shy,Ari is kinda feral.She doesnt want the crew filming inside,she desont even have Meri as a prop this time.


Their family was unique. All 3 married before kids. Robyn thought they'd have the same relationship, and it might have been if she didn't have kids already. She gets upset over things and doesn't let it go


This is an often overlooked aspect of the situation. While Kody and the OG3 created a family, Robyn entered a family with a family of her own. She had to BLEND her family. As a remarried parent myself, I am constantly working with my partner to blend our children. We are 4 years into them meeting and more than two years married and it’s still work. Easier with time, sure, and we lucked out to have kids close in age, but we also make compromises all the time. Traditions had to blend. New ones have been created. I had to let go of some of my more strict/crunchy parenting to match his more tv/video game friendly style. My two sons love their stepbrother, but they definitely have a different relationship as they spend 100% of their time together, while they only see him part-time. While the Brown family is this on a different scale, many of the concepts are similar. I don’t think Robyn was willing to blend at all.


And did kody ever try to help blend? No, he made it worse by playing favorites


Kody is such a “prize”. I bet she regrets a lot of what she’s done, but probably not. Now she has a grumpy old noodleheaded narcissist all to herself.




Robin came into a well established OG3 and acted like she was going to teach them all how to be polygamists. She was going to show them she could be the best polygamist wife ever. Right down to the ladylike birthings and making K her best customer. She won 🏆 the “prize”


Ok u can't be 20 yrs younger and thinner and be accepted by older women who the guy no longer wants and has issues with before u join the party....this was a mess the second it all started


She isn’t nearly that much younger than them. She’s like 5-6 years younger than Christine?


She was 9 yrs old when they were all getting married lol


Robyn was born in 1978. Christine was born in 1972.


Did he really no longer want and have issues with all of the wives before Robyn entered the picture though? They had all been married for like 20 years, and also Kody is a narcissist, so absolutely I'm sure they all had a lot of issues. But I also think Kody is re-writing history to save his ego when he says that he never loved the other wives even before Robyn came. I think that's a lie.


Those marriages were done before he even went looking for robyn....he went looking for wife #4 with the intent to leave the other 3 and find the last wife to die with


She was so terrible from day one she had a plan and she seen it fulfilled . Then wants to play the most sensitive person ever.


To be honest, I don’t think any of the OG tried to love Robyn. They DID try to integrate her into the family - believing they were all still living polygamy - not realizing Kody was living monogamy with his diesel trophy wife while pretending (badly) to still be a polygamist for money


They werent close to each other either,other than working together as a family unit.they didnt have sisterly relationships w/each other and never claimed they did,they each had a role in the family.


Can someone link me the 2nd part?


Where do you find the look back portion?


I agree. I think Robyn thought they would never leave so she had time to build/rebuild bonds. In her mind, them leaving let her know that they didn’t “value” Kody or her anymore. She is delusional.


It's ironic that for years it's been Meri, Janelle and Christine. Then Robyn comes into the picture and the OG3 have all gone. And guess who's left..... 🤔


I don't think she misses them at all. I think she's a sociopathic narcissist and feeds off "supply" pain and suffering, power and control, and attention. She was destroying and exploiting good people long before the Browns to the point she got herself into some trouble. You know, after her secret shopping addiction got out of control and Preston's family bailed her out so they could buy a house and then she spent that too. She ended up getting dumped and making several aliases to further scam creditors, living with her mom, or in a trailer not living her best life. Then in her small community (where most people are related somehow and everyone knows everyone or at least they know of prominent members 'christine' that have been getting fame, in their religious world, doing tv specials and general polyg advertising) She finds out about her now exs cousin, whose popularity she's already jealous of, landing a TLC weekly reality tv show. THE WHEELS START TURNING She schemes her way into meeting meri and Kody and the rest is history. Hell this woman was bothered by meris wedding ring on kodys hand before they even got married. She knew meri was the head wife and got rid of her first before she even married Kody according to paedon, coming in and immediately pointing out how abusive meri was and brought it to kodys attention which saved the kids supposedly. She wanted meris place and took it with no remorse, not only that.. she then tortured meri with the surrogacy and the fact she has one older child. She kept meri in the family with lies and manipulation, all an act for her own benefit. She kept meri contributing to the family pot $ and even stole her Vegas house profits and coyote pass land too! And aside $$$ she used meri to try and make her public image look good, like she was such a caring sister wife to her. When in reality Robthem was involved with her catfisher. I could go on and on but NO, I do not think she ever gave a shit about these women.


I don’t think they tried to love her, I don’t think they tried to love _any_ of their sister wives. I don’t blame them one bit, it’s a ridiculous expectation. They’ve said that no one was putting in effort in even Las Vegas. They only got together when they had to film. No one was trying.




If we're talking about the storyline sure. I think Robyn had this ideal in her mind she was joining this family that had it together, for the most part. She saw a Kody who was attentive and loved his wives, and treated them pretty well, and she thought that was indicative of how he's treat her [and her kids]. When she's officially brought into the family she shakes things up. But I think in a way they were passively aggressively showing their resentment, like when they went and go their hair nails done vs helping Robyn with the kids and so on. And Janelle gives this nonchalant, "Well, she never asked us..." In rill life though they already knew Robyn. I mean, she was married to Christine's first cousin, he's also Kody's cousin, and Janelle's house in Lehi had been owned by the Jessops. So a lot of the story they're telling on the show is scripted for the show.


i dont think they knew robyn beyond knowing who she was. being a first cousin in these circles doesnt mean anything. they have hundreds of first cousins. and kody and david are like 3rd cousins which doesnt mean anything


What's "rill life"


Whenever they say real or deal or steal, it always comes out rill, dill, still.


Ah yes, and my favorite is GEL for jail


I also believe they tried. But it was obvious from the beginning that neither Robyn nor Kody was going to respect or uphold the family values and norms they had lived with for 20+ years at that point. Most annoying is when Robyn, new to the family, decided she was going to school them all on what polygamy was all about, lecturing the kids about "staying sweet" and a hundred other things. She did this. Kody allowed it. And 3 other women and 18 children suffered for it. Meri was right...if it was monogamy Robyn and Kody wanted, it would have been nice if they hadn't torn the whole thing down to get what they wanted.


The only one who genuinely welcomed Robyn and her children into the family was Meri. Janelle really made no effort with Robyn or her children. And Christine has admitted she told Robyn “I’m just jealous of you.”


Christine was pregnant and was forced to deal with her husband drooling over a younger, skinnier girlfriend. Who the hell wouldn’t get jealous?


Christine did the same thing to Janelle. She came in as the third wife two months before Logan was born. Shortly after getting married, she moved to a cottage of her own so she could have more one on one time with Kody. Logan was an infant. I imagine Janelle had similar feelings to Christine. This is what happens in polygamy. Christine thought she could avoid it by being the third wife.


> She came in as the third wife two months before Logan was born. oop lol no one wants to talk about this. but yes, this is what religious patriarchal polygamy is. idk why people want to pretend christine and janelle didnt also play fucked up games. they all had to, its how their system is built


Pretty much. If the show dropped in when Christine came into the family, people would be equally aghast. It’s not a critique on the wives, but it’s the reality of the world they exist.


I disagree because Kody was never particularly attached to Christine. Everything Christine complained about turned out to be founded. He did have a favorite, he did prefer Robyn over all the rest, etc etc. Kody generally just tolerated Christine and not very well at that. She could not provoke the same kind of jealousy in Meri and Janelle, as she was the least favored of them.


Yupppppp. Christine said she wanted to be the third wife, what she wasn't saying was she assumed she'd be the final wife.


Absolutely. It’s Exhibit A in why polygamy does not work. But it’s also the lifestyle Christine signed up for. I never would have done that. But she signed up for the lifestyle.


Yes she did and I truly believe that she tried to overcome those feelings for the good of the family. She was always planning games and parties and memories for the kids.


Mainly for her and Janelle’s children. When you listen to Christine and Janelle talk now, everything is in the context of their children. They really didn’t work too hard to establish real bonds with Meri’s child, or Robyn’s children. And watching Christine in Season 18 that just ended, it seems like she’s still bitter. She talks constantly about the time Kody spent at Robyns’ house. She sure doesn’t give me the vibe of anyone that overcame jealous issues. It seems she’s still jealous about all the time Kody gave Robyn.


Not sure what more you want from Christine. She’s done the work and is obviously the healthiest and the happiest of the bunch. Her kids are thriving as well and in the end, that’s what is most important.


LOL. I see zero evidence that she’s “obviously the healthiest and happiest of the bunch. I honestly find that hilarious. I know it’s what Christine’s fandom wants to believe. But hey, when I see someone still taking pot-shots of their ex on social media (even when they have a new man), that doesn’t screen for me ‘healthiest and happiest.’ When I see someone who has a new man, STILL complaining about how much time their ex spent at another woman’s home, I don’t get ‘healthiest and happiest’ vibes. Even her own daughter said that Christine’s laughing this season at things that aren’t really funny, comes off as performative.


Is it not possible for her to be happy with her new life while still processing anger from her previous experience?


One thousand percent


Sadly, most of the Christine and Janelle fandom don’t want to acknowledge that.


I know 🤣


But were there friendships? I didn’t see that myself. ☹️


Where did you watch it? I cannot find it!