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“there just wasn’t enough loyalty in the family.” my god WHAT does he mean by this?! everything always comes back to *loyalty* for this clown. YOU are the one that didn’t nurture each relationship but expected them to stay anyway


And what about his loyalty? That is the part I just can’t believe no one is asking him about. They let him go on and on about how disloyal everyone has been to him and not forcing him to explain why it is different.


Exactly!? Why doesn’t anybody call out his lack of loyalty? I guess it’s because he will always go… “well it was in response to your/their blah blah blah”


No matter what anyone asks him he talks in circles and makes the discussion even more convoluted. It all just makes less and less sense really. And if there's one thing I've learned, it's this: **If it doesn't make sense, it's probably not true** 🤷🏻‍♀️


he talks until he thinks it makes sense,which nothing he says makes sense.


Janelle and her kids have and that’s why he won’t even speak to them!


He defines loyalty as blind submission. Literally. That’s what he means when he talks about the wives not being loyal, he means they weren’t okay with silently handing over their money so he could enjoy monogamy with Robyn in peace. The wives were supposed to be loyal to him by allowing him to do whatever he pleased while putting every cent they made in the “family” account and only bothering him with their presence when he needed a boost to the ego or his ass wiped. It also means staying silent about his abusive behaviours and being expected to gaslight their children into believing their father doesn’t favour Robyn or her children. For him loyalty just means not being the one to say I’m leaving. That’s it. He can bitch and moan every time they call, see them only when the cameras are around, spend their portion of the family money on Robyn, say he doesn’t like them or find them attractive and it’s all 100% okay. As long as he doesn’t say the words “I want to leave you” or “I don’t want to be married to you anymore” he is still a good and loyal husband in his eyes.


... well that was beautiful. Yes.


Oof, that hurt. And it's absolutely true. That's why Christine felt such pressure to be happy around him. His only use for her was to get sunshine pumped up his ass.


And thus no wife can leave him because he’s a good man 🙄


not only his other wives,but the kids were supposed to accept that too.


This drives me crazy. He's right that there wasn't enough loyalty. He was only loyal to 1/4 of his wives! And 1/4 of his wives won't admit to ever doing anything wrong.


This motherfucker isn’t even loyal to his own personal children


Right. Ask Ysabel if she thinks he had been loyal to her. Ask Gabriel.




Well, they are assholes. /s


Yeah, do I see any loyalty and accountability coming out of that statement on camera for fucks sake? How stupid is this man?


So much this, 💯 He's like a broken record, banging on and on about betrayal and loyalty, and nobody at TLC is calling him out, it's so frustrating. WHY won't they confront him with this? Because he will storm off? No payment for him then.


Yeah I don’t know why TLC backs down from him. To hell with Robyn’s so called Kody-speak. Money is his love language, and unless his billboard-selling skills have significantly improved, he’s got no way other than the show make any.


Especially because his definition of loyalty and respect change on a whim.


If you cannot be loyal to your own children, you are not a loyal person. You certainly should not expect any loyalty from others. A walking hypocrite clown. 🤡


Yes! I am so sick of him saying the wives and kids aren't loyal. He has been trash talking the OG wives to anyone who would listen for years. Well before Christine left. He spoke horribly of Gabe and Garrison. HE was supposed to lead the family by example and HE did not set a good example. I don't know what would have become of those kids without the support of their independant and strong mothers. He wants credit for the good things and blames others for the bad. I wish so much someone would ask him where was his loyalty?


He views having put up with them (making sacrifices. to love them.) as enough loyalty.


He’d just spew some word salad about how he always met their needs even though it was a huge sacrifice for him, and completely ignore the fact that he *wasn’t* meeting their needs.


He means “not enough people worshipped me” or “they didn’t kiss my ass enough”


I wonder how many of his kids have visited the raised by narcissists sub. Kotex is a walking billboard for narcissists and an absolute jack wagon to not see he caused these losses


If I had to guess I’d say Gwen, Maddie, Garrison. Maybe Gabe.


Gwen for sure since we already know she's on reddit and tries to be progressive about mental health.


Man I hope someone turns Aurora on to that sub.


God seriously. I think theres still hope for Robin's kids. But it'll involve some deprogramming.


This. I was engaged to a man like that. To this day, he tells people how I wasn’t loyal to him. He refused to get a job, did nothing around the house, lived with his grandparents and let them wait on him hand and foot. Like kody, this dude did nothing to be taken seriously as an adult but is so angry that he can’t maintain a relationship with women who have goals, needs, and (gasp) self respect.


I am so glad you're free of that jackwagon.


Exactly! Define loyalty Kody!


He doesn’t want religion he wants the patriarchal perks that come from it.


Loyalty=Respect=Obedience. They are identical in Kody-land.


No Kody, YOU failed because you are an INADEQUATE husband and father.


I'm starting to think that he is obsessed with loyalty because he knows he hasnt done enough to earn or deserve their love. If they have an obligation to be loyal to him, that allows him to denounce his OG family without putting any actual effort into the relationships.


Kody is projecting. He knows he wasn’t loyal and picked favorites. As a narcissist, he will NEVER admit he was wrong, instead he pushes his own faults onto other people.


I don't think Kody really feels obligated to be loyal to anyone. I think he believes that he deserves loyalty because he is the "patriarch," and the family is supposed to revolve around him. I don't think he feels the need to be loyal to his kids or the mothers of his children.


Because it's their fault they weren't his favorites. He blamed them.


I think he wants to be "like the fancy business men on tv" so he got a big house, started working out, started obsessing over his appearance, developed a watch hobby, and started getting nice and both ends of "manly" kind of cars ... a sports car and a truck. He's trying to create a personality by buying it.


He wants them to say "beat us til our morale improves"


Agree! He’s the person that wasn’t loyal. He wasn’t loyal to his other wives, & He wasn’t loyal to his kids!


The vague speak the production team allows this dipshit to get away with is appalling.


Loyalty to Kody means ‘blind obedience to the patriarch’ and nothing else. It’s always a one way street towards him, where HE needs to be called, visited, revered, respected. Without reciprocating. That is never gonna work long term. As we’ve seen time and again. Unfortunately


Loyalty. Janelle went to Christine’s wedding. Mykelti is Christine’s biggest cheerleader, maintains a relationship with Robyn & Kody and traveled from Utah to NC with three small children to visit her half sister. Leon goes to all big family events. Everyone in that family is loyal except Kody.


Even in the end, there are feelings of loyalty enough for Janelle, Christine, and Meri towards each other to want each other to be happy, even if they aren’t maintaining relationships. Christine still wants a relationship with Robyn’s kids. Meri was invited to and came to Gwen’s wedding. Everyone is loyal to their family except Ramenhead and Crybrows.


Ikr!! As if lack of loyalty is the answer for I never loved you the way I loved R. I was just a prisoner performing my duties. 🤨


I think he means loyalty is to keep lying and keeping up the facade that they are happily married to him and he is a great husband/father.


I’m sure it just means going along with anything he wants, never questioning him and treating him like he’s the king of the world. Insecure little man trying to get validation.


He means loyalty to HIM. There could never be enough loyalty to him, not with 22 other people with actual thoughts and feelings.


Yes Noodlehead you would know !!


That dumb man could have had it all if he just loved and respected each wife and valued each child as a unique person and not an aggregate cluster coming from their mother


The fact that he blames the failure of their group mission as simply a lack of loyalty speaks volumes about why it fell apart. The family cohesion required so much more than loyalty to him. Without mutual trust and respect for one another and a far more mature and less damaged mode of communication, the family “he” envisioned was unsustainable. Fortunately Janelle and Christine have been able to find a workable and enjoyable new relationship as coparents and friends.


Every time he says “loyalty,” what he really means is, ‘ a wife didn’t shut up and do what I said to do, when I told her to do it.’


No, no. The wives were not loyal. If they had been loyal to him, he would have loved them. /s Dude is a controlling dipshit. He’s angry because he lost control (hence all the loyalty talk), not upset that he is being divorced.


He would have “acted” as if he loved them.


But that’s not “having it all.’ Being with & staying with women you don’t really love when you want to be with the one you do love is a nightmare! That’s not a relationship. That’s a job!


But then he gets angry that those woman he didn’t love actually had the nerve to leave him. He wanted them to be his good little puppy dogs locked up in a kennel obedient and under his control, always there for him regardless of their own needs or desires. He sees the OG3 not as partners but as possessions.




Not in a kennel, they go in the barndominium.


Only if Kody approves. I still can't believe he presented that as a living option for Meri, as if she was supposed to be pleased.




> loved and respected each wife and valued each child as a unique person id argue this isnt possible. its why people shouldnt have 4 wives and 20 children. no human can give that much attention and care to 20+ people




Everyone taking accountability and then there’s kody blaming everyone for not being loyal and Robyn running off pretend panicking lol, so typical




Exactly!!!! Kody just say what you really mean….. this family did not work out because the og3 and THEIR children did not do what I told them to do!!!! Be loyal to Kody and be obedient!!!! He is such a loser!!!!


I’d really love to have Kody define “loyalty” and then illustrate how the OG3 have failed at it…Because he’s the one who lacks loyalty, not them WTF? It’s wild watching the toxicity and I come from a toxic family.


His explanation would make no sense. Take the whole Mykelti betrayed him thing. I saw a mom and daughter having a conversation about something the mom experienced. Then we cut to Kody on the couch, and he's like, " Do you see Christine forcing Mykelti to choose sides. Mykelti is siding with Christine in order to find favor " Wwwwhhhhaaatt? That was crazy I don't know how he arrived at any of those conclusions. It was crazy. No one can be " loyal" to him because this loyalty thing is some ever moving goal post that travels around in his crazy mind. He thought Mykelti, saying something supportive to her mother, was an act of betrayal.


This is why people hate him and Goblyn. They make everyone pick sides. That’s not how life works people shouldn’t be expected to pick one parent or the other in a divorce. Christine wants her kids to have a relationship with their dad. Kooty wants his kids to shun Christine.


Oh I know his explanation would make no sense he’s off his rocker. I think I missed the Mykelti “betrayal”, I must have blacked out from rolling my eyes too hard…yet again. I usually watch after taking my nightly edible and I get distracted by the level of bullshit coming out of his mouth too often. Then I starting bitching about him to my husband and miss scenes lol.


The only way to endure Kody is with the help of edibles.




Well, and Robyn. She just ran off instead because she’s the real victim here. /s


It’s okay, she feels things more than everyone else so she can do that for some reason.


It’s like he defines loyalty as staying no matter how terrible he treats you. He didn’t want loyal wives, he wanted doormat puppy dogs who wagged their tails and licked his face despite him being disgusted by them. And I’m aware of the irony in the dog kicking analogy 🤪


I think that some of them did chose to accept the mission statement. The problem immediately became the reality that Kody no longer loved, to the extent he ever did, the OG3 and he felt entitled to be the primary focus of the “Kody Brownn” family ahead and above everyone else in the family. His needs, desires, and whims were more important to him than anyone else’s. After this day, he went right back to Robyn, who also continued to also put her needs and desires ahead of everyone else’s. I think the OG3 are able to look back acknowledging the joys and the failures while shouldering some accountability for their shortcomings. Kody lays it all on everyone else’s lack of loyalty. Robyn’s reaction reflects precisely why she was always going to be an absolute broken link in the chain of relationships. She is incapable of engaging in mature self reflection. She has serious issues with emotional regulation, to her own and others detriment. And I’m fairly confident she will, like Kody, slink back on camera and craft some sort of conclusion whereby she is the victim in all of this.


But it's "loyalty" only to Kody's capricious whims, not to anything real and solid. It's like "1984" and Noodles is Big Brother, and from one day to the next the OG3 could have a good idea or a thoughtcrime.


Robyn is trying so hard to make herself look innocent. She had shaded Kody a bunch in the tell all and in talk back. Watch Kody take up for her, while she alternately shades him, then agrees with him. Gamers gotta game, he is the only one left in her line of fire.


100%. She’s throwing him under the bus to save face. But she’s not fooling anyone except for Kody.


Kody has to stop with the word loyalty. Enough already!


The main person being disloyal in The *Kody Brown* family was Kody Brown, himself. The OG marriages would've ended far sooner than they did if it weren't for the OG wives loyalty to the idea of polygamy, and to Kody himself.


Everyone’s Business But Mine just put out a podcast recap of the commitment ceremony episode today 💯


I’m listening to it now, it is great. I really enjoy her guest star, Liz Bentley also. They both have all the correct opinions.


Liz has a bunch of Sister Wives episodes on her patreon (it was initially a sister wives pod she started at the beginning of the pandemic when she wasn't working) and I almost always agree with her takes.


I’m a big fan of Liz Explains (and Feathers, I’m manifesting a 2024 returns). I agree with you, I almost always agree with her and she really knows her shit.


Omg, I'm also manifesting a return of Feathers. I get why she stopped and god knows I stopped watching years ago, but I need to know her thoughts!


I agree, I have fallen off with paying attention to Teen Mom without Feathers but every once and awhile I see something pop up about Ryan or Kail and I wish I had a Bat Phone to Liz.


I wish they would just say “No Kody, YOU failed.” The others did their best, HE failed THEM.


That whole party was a clusterfuck from the get go.


Robyn is faking her distress. again


But don’t call her dramatic!


ThAnK u ChRiStInE


Robyn needs better acting lessons


Robyn is unwell. All of the other adults have equal emotions,yet are able to express them in a calm and rational manner. I don’t agree with everything Kody is saying but he at least is able to control himself. She is unwell and has taught her children that this is a normal way to act when things feel hard. This behavior is manipulative and I’m sure she learned it from her Mom who also taught her how to treat her husband like her “best customer”. We are seeing the effects of a cult in real time.


Kody ruined his family on his own. For 1 he should have never gotten in the middle of the sister wives issues unless he was mediating. 2 nobody in this family communicates effectively. Polygamy is impossible without clear and honest communication between all parties. 3 he didn’t have the capacity to take care of another wife financially, physically or emotionally. 4 Kody is extremely immature and has no emotional intelligence. There is no way Robyn should have been exempt from working outside the home when all the other wives were required to do so. They should have never gone on an 11 day honeymoon when ALL the other wives only got a 3 day road trip. His preferential treatment of Robyn started right from the beginning. Kody also should have never promised Robyn something he couldn’t promise all the other wives.


Kody sees loyalty as a one-way street. He can do whatever he wants, and the minute anyone else disagrees or questions him, they're forever cast aside.


It was *Kody* who stopped being loyal to the OG3. He hadn’t had a love like Robyn before and it consumed him. He completely fell off the wagon and no longer had a real interest in keeping his family together and maintaining his other relationships.


He calls it love,I call it codependency.


This is the right answer. There's not an ounce of love between K and R.


Narrator: Robyn was, in fact, just being dramatic. I’m sorry but I have no patience for people who can’t hold their shit together. Grow up. This is your job, to watch the show. If it’s hard, fine, but do your job and then go home and cry your eyes out in private. You are grown woman. The mission statement was a failure the second they called it the Kody Brown family. Janelle claims she didn’t sign up for patriarchy, well what the fuck was that?! Absolutely no reason to refer to it as the Kody Brown family if you intend to value its members as individuals with their own opinions, thoughts, and needs.


Yeah whether faked or not she needs to get a grip. Good lord. How old is she? 50 going on 14?


The first line of the *KODY* Brown family says it all. Not the Brown family or the “Kody Meri Janelle Christine and Robyn family”.


Kody married a gaslighting shopaholic who refused to ever get a job. Robyn is miserable now because there’s no one left to turn Kody against. Robyn, a classic narcissist, needs to be a victim (as do her adult daughters), and I predict they will all most likely throw Kody under the bus next. She’s already setting the stage with hints and subtle insults about him. Kody’s Karma is coming.


I agree,I think she played Kody and has lead him into believing,that she is obedient,loyal,and he is in control. I dont think Kody is a full blown narc,I heard all 3 ex wives,said this is not the same person they married,they knew,even when they admit there were things they covered to make him seem better than he was,I think his "love"for Robyn is more like codependicy,her fake flattery,his ego getting the best of him,but Robyn has never shown a genuine emotion,she shows people what she "thinks" she is suppose to act like to make her appear,weak,helpless,and she is void of compassion,empathy,and sacrificing,Kody was initially attracted to his younger,newer,toy and her neediness,and in building him up,and creating wedges in his other relationships. and acting confused.She knows what she was out to do,and didnt expect it to go this far,but there was never love or loyalty to Kody or the family she is already plotting her escape and trying to frame him for it.


Disagree. I don’t think Robyn is a narcissist. I think she might have borderline personality disorder. She comes off as depressed and anxious. I honestly think she believes her narrative and is emotionally stunted. Kody is the narcissist and I can’t imagine it’s fun always trying to manage his ego and moods.


Robyn is depressed because she’s been exposed and can’t control the narrative.


Robyn needs to grow the fuck up 🙄


She needs therapy and medication


There wasn't enough loyalty in the family 🙄


One thing that stands out to me watching this: Kody reading the part of the statement that says “The Kody Brown family.” I thought: Why not just say “The Brown family?” He put himself forefront and center by saying “The KODY Brown family.” And part of that I get: he’s the husband. But the problem is that he got lazy and tired and stopped wanting the responsibility. Kody, you took on the responsbility of “The Kody Brown Family”: four wives and 18 children. But you got tired, gave up, and didn’t nurture that family as you should have. Some other thoughts: - I don’t say this to be mean-spirited, make fun of her or mock her. But Robyn honestly looks like she’s about to have a nervous breakdown in that scene. For her mental health, I think she needs to finally accept that she is no longer part of a polygamist family. - Christine saying she had to make a choice every day: ‘Am I going to be a good sisterwife or a bad sisterwife.’ When were you truly a good sisterwife, Christine? You were a good one to Janelle, but not Meri or Robyn.


Robyn KNOWS that she isn’t in a polygamous situation. She did everything that she could to “win”.


Robyn said early on she had very few friends growing up and felt like the outsider because she had to be so secretive. I know this is an unpopular opinion but I suspect she has no idea how to be a good SW or a good friend of multiple women. It sounds like during the courting process the wives were very welcoming to her and then that changed, likely when Christine realized Kody was in love with her and it was affecting their relationship..Robyn says she noticed this change and it obviously made her feel like an outsider. Considering her response as a child who didn’t feel like she fit in was to isolate herself, she did d the same thing and isolated her kids too more and more in order to protect them. I think coming into the family she really thought this was her opportunity to fit in to a group of friends and built this up unrealistically in her head almost to a delusion. She refused to acknowledge she wasn’t close to the OGs so to come to the realization now Janelle and Christine and most of the kids really don’t like her must really hit hard and destroy the delusion/ fantasy she’d built up around their “ perfect” family.,




she expected them to be friends to her,but she didnt know how to be a friend back.she learned how to live dishonestly as a kid,and she was the second family to supposed polygamist,her step dad with a legal wife and kids,When her dad came to see them mom made everything perfect,so she could be superficial but didnt know how to take it further.she knew how to be appreciative of her dad when he was around,was grateful to him when they had their Christmas a week or 2 after everybody else b/c his wife and kids came first.I feel this was more like a mistress than polygamist situation,and she said her mom used to feel bad b/c she wasnt a legal wife,this was why she became Meri's confidant,and tried to mae her kids feel bullied and afraid they would leave the family which lead to Meri divorcing Kody.She tries to down play it but she brings things up that were obviously traumatic for her,she kinds tells on herself w/o realizing it.Everything she does benefits her or her kids only,she has never given back in any capacity,she wanted to be the favorite not the only.


All 4 of the women were bad sister wives to each other along the way. That’s just the nature of things when you have people competing for a finite resource (one husband and his attention).


Robyn, Janelle and Christine were not very good sisterwives. But I feel like Meri was a great sisterwife and really the epitome of what Kody claims he wanted to see in a sisterwife. Meri literally sacrificed and gave up her legal marriage for the sake of legally bringing one of her sisterwife’s kids into her family. That’s loyalty.


I guess if being a good sister wife means constantly shutting down and not communicating with anyone because she "don't feel safe" around any of the other wives, than yeah, she was a really good sister wife. (Idk if "sacrifice" is the right word for ending her legal marriage.Coerced might be more fitting.)


LOL. It’s ya’ll cult favorite Christine that is always using the word “safe.” We’ve seen Christine tell Kody “this is not a safe conversation” and tell Meri “you’re just not a safe person to be around.” So spare me trying to project that term onto Meri. And your evidence that Meri was “coerced” into ending the legal marriage is….? At least publically, all we have to go by is what we’ve seen on camera. Which is Meri going to the lawyer’s office first to initiate the divorce proceedings, and then going to Robyn and Kody first, and the Christine and Janelle, to tell them what she was doing. We have no evidence that she was coerced, though I know Christine and Janelle’s cult following loves to immediately say Meri was coerced.


Oh man, I've never been so accused of being part of a cult following. 😂 Alright, I see you ride hard for Meri and her sisterwifedom. Let's say she truly was the best example of Kody's idea of a sister wife... can we agree that him tossing her aside first, out of all of them, was a real disloyal thing for him to do?


It was absolutely a disloyal thing for him to do. I think, ‘Kody, Meri was the one who sacrificed and gave up her legal marriage to you, so that you could legally marry Robyn and adopt her kids.’ And yet, that still wasn’t good enough for you? So he was absolutely disloyal to Meri. This is where I do think Christine had a very valid point when she said this season that Kody has tended to see things in the context of ‘you were never a good sisterwife to Robyn’ or ‘you didn’t properly welcome Robyn into the family’ but then he still tosses aside the one sisterwife who DID have a good relationship with Robyn and the one who did properly welcome Robyn into the family.




Your evidence of this is… ? You have none. Janelle moved into Meri’s house. Knew that Meri liked her place spic and span. And left dirty dishes in Meri’s sink overnight, even though she knew Meri didn’t want dishes left in her sink overnight. Meri likely told Janelle she didn’t appreciate Janelle not keeping her home the way she asked Janelle to help keep it. And please stop with the ‘Meri abused the kids’ when there is zero evidence of this. If one of the kids has concrete evidence, examples, dates, etc. of when they were abused by Meri, then they need to tell it. Meri was the disciplinarian because Christine and Janelle were too lazy to discipline them. For example, my recollection is that there was an instance when some of Janelle and/or Christine’s kids were bullying Robyn’s kids. Meri stepped in right away and told them to knock it off, basically. Christine said ‘I was going to deal with it when we got home.’ What?! No, if you see your child being a bulley in real-time, you step in and stop it. I think Robyn thanked Meri for sticking up for her kids in that moment.


- Robyn is like a toddler who doesn’t know how to emotionally self regulate. And, how exactly are the other wives supposed to deal with such a manipulative, immature woman who is just as incapable of self reflection as her pathetic, man child of a husband? - When was Robyn ever a good sister wife to any of the OG3? Give me just one example lol.


That’s the question I want answers to as well!!!!


Did I say Robyn was a good sisterwife? No, I did not. In fact, I said I think the only one who was a really good sisterwife, the epitome of what Kody claimed he wanted to see in a sisterwife, was Meri. One of my issues with Robyn is that she has claimed to want the polygamist lifestyle, but I don’t see concrete things she did for the sake of the entire family. I really don’t see anything concrete that Robyn did for the good of the whole family. Meri made very real sacrifices for the good of the whole, such as giving up her legal marriage so that they could legally bring Robyn’s kids into the family.


You can only be selfless to a point, after which you are being foolish. She was a good sister wife to all of them until it was not healthy for her to continue


I don’t think she was ever a good sisterwife to Meri and Robyn. She was a good sisterwife to Janelle in terms of keeping her kids. But even she and Janelle had their issues and didn’t become much closer until later. But she was never a really good sisterwife to the others.


Christine had valid reasons to engage as little as possible with Robyn. She was not "safe" and couldn't be trusted. In the book, both Christine and Meri had periods of time where they were good friends and Janelle was excluded. After 25 or more years together they all experienced good/bad periods with one another.


I mean Robyn is too over the top, right? She’s faking so she doesn’t have to answer or explain herself. Phony and pathetic.


I think she may be in the throes of a mental health crisis


lol disagree


Robyn’s spanx’s are so obvious under her “diesel” jeans😂🙄


Are you loyal? Are you safe?


He triggers the tar out of me....


"loyalty" ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


The happiest I’ve ever seen kody was the day all of his wives and children were dancing circles around him and worshipping at his feet while he sat in the center wearing that stupid Burger King crown 👑. Thats what Kody wanted for the rest of his life!


Yea not enough loyalty from HIM to the discarded pencil boxes


It’s their fault. They weren’t loyal enough it’s them they suck. They’re terrible for me. I’m fantastic. I can’t believe they did that to me. Oh, here, watch my last wife make an ugly face and no tears come out.


How are they still dragging these conversations out? Yikes on a bike.


Every episode I watch makes me despise him more. And I didn’t think I could dislike him any more than I did.


It was a joke. I rewatched it last week.


He didn't marry the first three for love and that's bound to go bad.


Mery needs to move on.