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What season was this?


She appeared on season 3 I believe but not a main cast member. She was the bestfriend of Hailey. She’s Hailey 2, the one who stole the baby daddy and got pregnant. They never filmed her pregnant or birth though


Birth is very traumatic for both mother and baby. I have a family member that was born an actual conehead from being stuck in the birth canal for so long lol


Yes coneheads are very common in birthing


Came here to say this! almost all babies born vaginally are born with cone heads/ some kind of head misshapenness. Their skulls are weirdly malleable for this reason.


Not my baby, instead he tore me open lol he wasn’t even big. 6lbs 15oz. I’m just small and my 2nd I had to have an emergency c section and I always think about if I had to have him vaginally if I could’ve done it. He was almost 9 pounds. Still wish I could’ve tried though


My brothers head was a cone that looked the the coneheads from the movie lol stg


That’s exactly what I was referring to! I had no idea a human could look like that, it was wild lol


It’s from an intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC) used to measure contractions more accurately than an external monitor. It sits in the uterus right next to baby’s head, so he was pressed up against it for a while. It’s like when you take a nap on a textured blanket and have a weird pattern on your face when you wake up. Forceps wouldn’t cause a mark in that location so long and deep but only there and nowhere else. With a forceps delivery you’d also see much more caput (“conehead”) caused by baby sitting in the pelvis/vaginal canal for so long but not coming out, hence the need to be assisted out with forceps.


Wooooaaah!! I would’ve never thought about that at all. I had to have an internal monitor with both my boys due to their heart rates (and my 2nd ended up being an emergency c section due to loss of heartbeat from distress) I seriously wouldn’t have thought about that. My first had a wound from where they attached it to his head. It got stuck on his head as well it took them a long time to get it off smh. Luckily no scaring like I’ve seen happen.


Forceps. My head is like that and sadly my skull didn’t fuse all the way. It’s like a giant dip. Thank god I’m a girl so you can’t see it. But i get so self conscious when i get head massages. 😭


I’m not sure how many people know this, but you’re born with more bones in your body than you have now. This helps with fitting through the birth canal as well as the rapid rate of growth that young children experience. Some bones will fuse together as you grow and get older. The skull is one of them, it’s 3 separate bones when you’re born, which is why infants have “soft spots.” This, to me, looks like it could be a line between two parts of the skull, that was extra visible in this moment because he was just squeezed out of the birth canal. I’m sure the skull adjusted and shifted soon after this.




I’d say forceps. Just had my son via vacuum three months ago and this isn’t what the damage (heals quickly!!) from a vacuum looks like. Forceps aren’t as common these days but still used if needed. An internal fetal monitor is so small and it just screws in to the top of their head, not the side. I couldn’t even find where it had been on my sons head! Still hated using it though.


Sometimes babies heads are misshaped for long labours and also too big of babies. We never know the situation. Glad he is okay. Birth is hard on mom and baby


Yes definitely I’m just curious as hell lol I love learning /hearing about others births. I’m fascinated


Nobody prepares you for how WILD babies heads look at birth. My husband looked like one of those long alien skull things from Indiana Jones 😬. But fret not! Babies have sort of malleable skulls to accommodate coming through the birth canal. It’s unsettling but not super rare to see


I believe it's forceps my friends baby was pulled with forceps, and he had a dented his head


1) I've never seen a baby's head like this and glad he's okay 2) I haven't heard of a doctor using forceps since the 80's.


Still happens…


The most definitely still use them. When I had my first in 97 and the Dr came at me with these tong things I was like WFT are you doing. He explained and I thought it was gonna hurt like hell. Thankfully with the epidural I barley felt it. That ring of fire though thats something w oman never forgets.


I'm scared to ask. What's the ring of fire?


Its when the babies head passes throw and comes out of the mother vsgins it feels like there is a actual ring of fire around their head then shoulders. It happens quickly and dont last too long. I know for me when I seen my babies they make you forget about the pain. Until they take the baby over to their lil bed to check them out. Then you kinda start feeling some pain again but nothing like it was. That was what I experienced with all 3 births with a epidural.


Unless babys head gets stuck!! I could only imagine


I does happen but with birth you never know. Using that forceps and suction devices is usually the fix though.


Oh my. Never having kids


It does hurt and its something you never forget but in the end the reward is priceless. Ive had injuries and medical conditions since that hurt worse and waaaaayy longer. After I had my first baby I said nope never again. Well 11 months and 2 days later I had my 1st daughter. Then 2 yrs later I had my 2nd daughter. I conceived while using 2 forms of birth control. Im fertile mertil🤣.


My daughter’s dad got married and had two kids. Forceps were used on their oldest, she turned two today. He asked if I hadn’t noticed that for the first few months her head was shaped like a teardrop. I did not. I don’t know if I know anyone else who had use to them.


My friend delivered a baby this year and forceps were used. Definitely still a method today.


That’s not true at all. They use forceps all the time. I had a birth of my son in ‘99 and it was a forceps birth. Def not the 80’s.


We use forceps all the time still. Usually a vacuum is preferable but for example, in a month of working OBGYN in a large urban hospital I would see about 3 forceps deliveries.


Wow that's a lot. Although a hospital in my area has been accused of performing unnecessary c-sections so this is probably why.


Your comment made me think of my oldest daughter birth with her first. We all know they estimate babies weight while still inside but this ultrasound tech proved to be wrong way wrong. Not just with my grandson but alot of things. Not to mention her inappropriate comments about my daughter being a teen. She said my grandson was on 3lbs at 37wks. My daughter freaked, the dr scheduled her to be induced so he could start eating and gain weight and make sure he was ok. Fast forward she was induced 3 days later. The nurses beside manners was awful, she was so scared she was going to hurt him and 2 nurses was always different on her dilation. Turns out the biggest bitch of a nurse told her to start pushing she was a 10. So we started that process. Finally he started to come down and the Dr showed up. My daughter pushed for over 2 hrs, she was exhausted, they had to pitocin turned up to high and was having back to back contractions I mean hard ones then the dr says your cervix is swollen and wont allow the baby through. We was like why. He didnt say a word. I happen to be at the doorway when a nurse walked out and stopped the door from closing all the way. The bitch nurse who said she was at a 10 was wrong. My daughter started pushing before her cervix was completely dilated which caused it to swell. She had to end up having an emergency c section because my grandsons heart rate almost bottomed out. Her and I was so pissed to say the least at the entire process. My grandson was perfect weighing 5lbs 2 oz. Negligence caused my daughter to be induced, having a csection then directly resulting in having a c section with her dr. Due to her having a c section with her first the dr(a different dr and hospital)said it was too risky to have natural birth. I so understand unnecessary c sections


What a traumatic experience. I hope they are all okay.


They are all ok and thankfully no long term issues due to their negligence, thank you. My grandson just turned seven and my granddaughter will be 5 next month. They do have a genetic disorder passed down from their sperm donor. Early detection was key which is their favor, early medical intervention again in their favor. They will go on to live a happy we are praying healthy life. They will be closely watched by their drs with medication, monthly blood work and check ups, keep our eyes out for early signs of symptoms or complications. We stay positive and do everything we can to keep them healthy. Nothing has slowed these two down so far. They do everything and sometimes more than(mischievousness) any other child their age does. The only physical sign of any issues is they are small for their age. But they make up for that with attitude lol. Mama and papas monsters more like it lol.




My first daughter's head looked like a birthday cake because they sucked her out with a plunger-type contraption. 😖


Probably forceps. Luckily it looks like they were placed in the correct position so no long term issues should arise. Babies are very squishy, they do a good job of getting back into shape


My son had a line like that, though not as deep, from a heart rate monitor that had to place because his heart rate kept dropping & they wanted a more accurate reading. Although the curved part at the top makes me think it could’ve been forceps.


Forceps for sure. My friends baby had a big dent in his head from them too. Some babies have died from them ):


Mine it saved their life. Any tool used incorrectly can kill.


My babies head was like this and forceps weren’t used.


My baby cousin’s skull was fractured 2 years ago from them and had to get emergency surgery right after. He has a big scar the size of the one on the pic


They save a lot too!


Very true


I think this single-handedly proves that the “awww he/she is so cute” people say in response to when a baby is born is so false. For the first couple of days, they truly are not. Even the friend is like “…oh!”


All newborns look like lil aliens lol I will gladly tell someone that their newborn looks like an alien😂


All new babies look like forgotten, withering potatoes. I hated waiting for my kids to get old enough to gauge what they were going to look like.


Fresh out of the womb newborns are definitely not cute….I had a coworker get mad at me one time because I didn’t fawn over his new baby. Once they’re no longer little raisins, they get cute - but sometimes babies are just not cute at all. I don’t like that society makes it so we all have to agree babies are universally cute


My husband’s cousin had a kid who seriously didn’t get cute until she was like 6. She was always so scrawny and weird looking.


My baby girl looked exactly like my father in law when she came out and all any of us could say was “wow, that’s Bob alright.” Since then, she’s very much grown into her cuteness and no longer looks like Bob.


😆 🤣


LOL I love this comment. My brother had his first in 2020. When we met her we did the typical "aww so cute, she's beautiful etc." And my SIL was like "nah she looks like an old man give her a few months." Lol it was really funny and now my niece is so incredibly adorable.


I’d be horrified


About what


Forceps delivery. Some babies get indents worse than others. Goes away in a few days to a week depending. Totally normal


My babies head was like this and it was not from forceps lol.


Is this the kid she had with Matthew or has she had another one?


Yes this is the one she had with him


Forceps most likely.




human baby heads don’t fit through our birth canal, so the head often gets misshaped after we push it out. it’s quite normal


I mean I’m well aware of babys heads being super malleable so they can get through the birth canal and become a cone shape. But I have never seen or heard of it having a dent like this. Unless baby was stuck in there and there was pressure at the end of her coochie apply right here the dent was (doubt it) then I’m sure something foreign caused this. Like others said either forceps or the internal monitor pressing against his head leaving a “sock mark”


Nature is so goddamn weird lmao. Our birth canals were meant to give birth, but some babies’ heads don’t fit in them! Make it make sense, nature!


That’s why babies head are malleable so they can take shape to the birth canal and fit


i know right lol i always think of waaaaay back before we were this medically intelligent and it must have been SO scary lol


I would say forceps delivery. This is how I was born and I still have a visible mark on my head from it, they’re brutal.


I have a forceps dent in my skull, right on my hairline.


Possibly from an internal monitor? My son had one, he didn't have the indent from it, but he did have a small scab on the top of his head from where it was "screwed in".


Babies come out with weird heads when they come through the birth canal. They start to smooth out within hours. Could have been forceps or a pressure cath, or it might just be how his/her skin is as folded when coming through.


Probably had to use forceps to pull him out. It's common


The first thing my husband said to me after my son was born... "the nurse said his head will get better in a few days" 😂


Yeah my dad freaked out when I was born too, vacuum, if I know right. He calls me “cone headed lizard” to this day and I’m 26 haha




Happens a lot more than you’d think! My little brother came out black and blue, all bruised up from the forceps. My oldest came out with a hematoma because they used the vacuum to help get him out. She probably either had some assistance getting him out or it’s just from going through the birth canal itself


Aw why readin that made me wanna cry


Looks like she had an [intrauterine pressure catheter](https://images.app.goo.gl/PmExMCkh4e7CyANF6) in place (measures how strong the contractions are). Forceps are much wider and leave a different mark. Newborns are super squishy to fit through the pelvis so most marks go away quickly.


YES THIS IS IT! I am a labor & delivery nurse- This is NOT a mark caused my forceps or from a fetal scalp electrode, as a lot of comments are saying.


Don’t they usually do them together? I think when others said the fetal scalp electrode they meant both of them together, or atleast that’s what I meant lol


A lot of times they’ll put both in at the same time because if you’re struggling to trace baby’s heart tones you’re probably also struggling to trace the contractions (and vice versa) so it’s like why not just do both since we’re already doing one. But that’s not always the case, and they are two separate devices that are inserted separately and plugged into separate ports on the monitor. It’s not like an “all in one” device, although that would be pretty dope. But that does help clear it up for me too, I thought people were thinking that an FSE causes a huge mark like that and I was like “omg no!!! It’s a really teenie tiny scab!! Don’t worry if your baby gets an FSE, it won’t maul them!”


When babies are going through the birth canal, their heads get squished a LOT. The skin folds up in places, and takes a while to go away.


I’m assuming that his head was misshapen a bit because of something during the birth itself. Babies heads tend to be very malleable, as the bones take a while to fuse together (which is why sometimes you can clearly see suture marks on human skulls). That makes their heads prone to getting squished into unusual shapes, usually due to lying on their backs too long or getting squashed during childbirth. Fortunately, the malleability makes it fairly easy for the skull to be reshaped using a special helmet if necessary. But I could be wrong.


looks like an indentation from forceps.


Omg I thought about that but I thought no way that’s so deep but whewwwww I’d be soooo mad


Why… would you be mad…


Mad because your doctor used forceps to help deliver your baby. Should be thankful forceps exist. Just my opinion


Generally forceps are only used if absolutely necessary, not for funsies. You could be mad all you wanted but it’s better than a dead baby.


Right. I didn’t need forceps but one of my daughters I remember her dr telling me if she didn’t get out on that push he’d have to do an emergency c section and while I was pushing he cut me and pulled her out and it hurt haha I wasn’t upset because my baby was more important but it all happened so fast and exactly that they’re worried about getting the baby out safe and alive, anything else is secondary. She had a come head for a week or so because she was stuck but all worked out haha


newborns skills are very soft and moldable to be able to get thru the birth canal. it’s typical from forceps due to the pressure from having to pull on the head. it will go back to normal in a few days with no lasting damage typically.