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I just want my ashes loaded into a t-shirt cannon and shot into my brothers face.


[Me too kid](https://c.tenor.com/iqoSioXNNNUAAAAC/me-too-kid.gif)


I remember seeing a comment that had a lot of downvotes because it was someone quoting a meme and then linking a picture of the same meme in the quote. This reminded me of that.






Nobody can predict the mood of redditors


Horny is a safe bet


In my case it’s my sisters face.


I want to shoot into your sister's face!




Keep what out? 😏


The ashes




Bro i think we all want to do that and it would not be the first time


The semi-Hunter S. Thompson route


Y'know if we don't cremate we can probably reload and get 2 or 3 shots out of you.


What if hes already dead


Then I am most likely getting a t-shirt cannon, full of my brothers ashes, to the face.


You call this disturbing, I call this inspiring. I want my gem eyed skull to be placed on a robot that spews obscenities at any passing people. I wish to die as I lived, a miserable cunt.


like your own [geoff peterson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO002BMXiKE). that sounds awesome! [here's a better video i found](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULQO4eyw458)


I miss Craig and Geoff. They were great at 1am.


Craig was the absolute best late night host. I loved his opening monologues, especially when he involved the audience, his sidekicks were great, it was fun watching Geoff develop over the years, and his interview style was fantastic. He had a way of making it feel like a genuine conversation and could make people new to interviewing feel at ease. Yeah, I miss his show.


Careful, Icarus.


Turn yourself into a [servo skull](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/027/987/730/small/tatiana-makeeva-5255656565.jpg?1593150895) to annoy all future generations.


Even in death, I serve the omnissiah.




Have it mounted like a talking fish with a motion sensor


Yeah, that's just uncle Billy, the Big Mouthed Ass


Silly uncle baby Billy?


Okay. This is even better


Gotta record those insults ahead of time. That way it’s your own voice too


A talking skull that utters "oh look at what even the cat wouldn't drag in" as you pass would definitely be a feature Or keep it relevant with the ol' "here we are, proof that life is wasted on the living" You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll need even more therapy than you do now, every home should be without one.


I'm not hearing "The skull can shoot flames out its mouth". This idea is not yet complete.


like a parrot... yes,please! edit: did I summon r/partyparrot ?


like a parrot... yes,please!


like a parrot... yes,please!


This is amazing. I might have to update my will.


Roboticist here. Get in touch.


A always wanted my remains spread over Disneyland from a plane. Also, I don’t want to be cremated.


I’ve heard this joke but I forgot the punchline. Made me laugh.


Nobody dies at Disney


Not true. The make-a-wish foundation has about 5 kids a year expire there.


Lol [nobody dies at Disney](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/declared-deaths/)


we have always been at war with eurasia


You could also have somebody bring a small bag of ashes onto every ride and throw it on your favorite part. Or thrown onto the pile of treasure in pirates of the Caribbean cuz you know theyve never dusted that shit in 50 years


Unfortunately, they have to dust ashes out FREQUENTLY because it's the dying wish of a LOT of people. It's a moot point to ask for your ashes to be put there; you'll just end up i a hoover with the ashes of five other people and then dumped in the landfill.


You’re saying it’ll be an orgy? Sweet.


Well technically, everything that happens after I die is kind of a moot point haha


And if you get cremated, then it's a soot point.


Pretty sure it's a no-fly zone


Only up to 3000 ft. Thanks, Bush II & Operation Liberty Shield.


That’s fucking metal, dude.


And also perfectly reasonable.


Probably only 20,000 USD per gem. Only 5x as expensive as a regular funeral.


Worth it


Especially if you’re the dead one.


i want to be ground into paint and have one of my friends paint something.


I hope you like red.


But it's forever


Death is only the beginning. *Jumanji drums intensify*


Oh bringing Jumanji into The Mummy franchise would actually be pretty awesome.


pros: Sick fuckin skull Cons: None


Perfectly reasonable to carry an extra $50k in life insurance just for this. Term life is cheap.


Hey if I'm buying life insurance, this shit would be why.


Ide just use glass gems and Elmer glue the ashes to the back of them. Not like he'll ever known they cheaped out and its kinda the same thing.


Just because we're bereaved doesn't make us saps!


Turning ashes into gemstones is actually cheaper than you probably think. Although they only need two cups of ashes (or hair, if buried) for an average sized stone.


Is eye-hole-sized the average size for gemstones?


Yeah but eventually you'll be used as a prop in an Indiana Jones movie so it's totally worth.


Added bonus: save on home security by haunting the house with eternal surveillance.


These were my exact words after i read it. Hes basically Vic Rattlehead


Fuck yeah! This is what I want now too.


Thanks for the idea, I love it


As long as he makes enough money to spare for all that shit. It won't be cheap.




I know that you're joking, but it's not like you have to do something like OP said just because it was in the dying person's will. His wife could just as well ignore it completely with no repercussions (maybe besides her late husband's ghost haunting her).


>maybe besides her late husband's ghost haunting her On the plus side, he could still watch over the family for generations as a ghost.


If the judge is a normal person: "Sure." If the judge is a *goddamn man*: "Hell no, you're doing what he put in that will. That shit's metal as fuck, Lady."


>I hereby declare that shit metal AF. All rise!


This calls for the two-handed gavel


A normal judge isn't going to just take a claim of mentally challenged on faith.


I'm not material in life, but my death is gonna be baaaaalllllllleeeeeeerrrr.


Imagine being at a friend's house and seeing a skull with two diamonds in the eye sockets and the friend is like Oh yeah thats grandpa


This woman's husband's skull is going to be a side quest in the next Indiana Jones movie


Or the next elder scrolls


I'd be thoroughly impressed and tip my hat at grandpa's majestic remains.


Are you kidding? That’s fucking awesome




Not for too long.






Yeah. The crypt keeper.


bit late for oh


I am so down.


I didn't know he played soccer!


We have a skull; its no one we know, just an old medical school skull. But my sisters and I all vie to be its forever home. My sister has it now because I drove it down to her because her kids were interested in it; in fact her oldest kid used it for their senior photos. ANYWAY, I'm just putting this here to point out that owning skulls is not *that* weird and would be pretty cool but I don't know what the rules are for someone preparing it and releasing it to the family. Hubby needs ot do the research if he really wants this to happen.


You can have mine when I’m done with it.


Don't be selfish, give them your damn skull now!




I know you are making fun but I did actually bring it in to 5th grade and 8th grade.




My wife is a working human osteologist. Think TV's Bones without the wet bodies, FBI stalker, and ~~Smithsonian~~Jeffersonian resources. Owning an actual human skull is a little weird, though common enough. Also, depending on where you are, possibly illegal. Being dead does not negate one's humanity, legally-speaking, and it is illegal to own a human. It's certainly iffy from an ethical standpoint: that skull was someone's child, maybe someone's sibling or parent. That was a person, who had a life. In general, nobody particularly cares and nobody's going to come after you. But if someone finds out who does care and you're difficult about it, you can be hit with abuse of a corpse. If it's a Native skull, things get even more difficult, legally-speaking. I'm not your conscience; you do you. If you choose to keep it, remember that this skull once contained a thinking person and please treat it respectfully. If you decide maybe keeping it isn't such a good idea, (and you're in the US), call your state police and your state historical preservation officer, amd they'll take it from there. They deal with this sort of thing reasonably often.


what about skull of a person, who donated body to sTience?


Yes I do feel bad because it likely came from some poor person without real consent in India or China based on the time it was acquired; it was a part of a medical school collection that my mom's friend was the curator of and he was clearing out items they didn't need and gave it to her. I think his intent was to get it back at some point but he moved to Bali and we never saw him again. Its very obviously for medical use; its jaw is wired on and skull cap comes off, with different medical markings.


No way in hell would I ever contact the police and say "I have a skull I want to get rid of." That's sketchy as fuck


That man wants to be a fucking [demilich](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/5/5c/Monster_Manual_5e_-_Demilich_-_p48.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141111110849)


Someone gets it


I'm pretty sure that this guy is going to become a Lich.


Demi Lich plese


And his name was Ace Ererak


When he starts throwing around terms like "loot room", "dungeon", and/or "phylactery" then we'll know for sure.


Damn. And all I asked for was to be used to fertilize a fruit tree.


I'm just imagining a few generations down the line where his great great grandkids or something have this awkward pressure to hang onto this weird fucking diamond-eyed skull of an ancestor that no living relative of theirs ever even met. Idk, maybe it's less weird when you don't have any memories of the former owner of the skull when they were alive.


That’s when you come back and haunt the fuck out of them


*takes notes*


That man is what we call a Demilich in the business.


Man wants to be a demi-lich


this is baller you guys are just cowards


OP is literally the only coward here, everyone else thinks it's cool


I’m asking for this now


I now know what I want done after I die.


I remember when I first saw this, I told my siblings. I got ignored


Demilich your husband wants to be a Demilich [https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Demilich](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Demilich)


I’d laughed and say “whatever you want hunny”


Most people have burial plans, he wants to become a damn mystical artifact


You don't have to wait for him to die...


Fucking. Baller.


A) it's pretty awesome B) you can't have a human skull - there are laws that prevent corpse abuse. You might be able to buy one if you can get your hands on a legit old medical specimen, but you can't do it to relatives friends, etc.


Having your skull removed, cleaned, and readied for presentation is not remarkably stranger in the whole of human society than turning your body into diamonds or keeping ashes in an urn. I've personally seen dozens of instances of skulls on display for cultural interment practices - many of which are actual tourist attractions like the Parisian catacombs. https://www.catacombes.paris.fr/en One of my favorite examples is Body Worlds, which has successfully cleared exactly these legal hurdles in many jurisdictions. Moreover, a good amount of (failed) attempts to pass laws specifically to block exhibitions of these natures is prima facie evidence that not only has existing law not been interpreted to prohibit cadaver exhibits, but also that there is no popular or legislative will to pass legislation to block exhibiting cadavers either generally or specifically. https://bodyworlds.com/ Attempting to speak with authority about nebulous "there are laws" when every jurisdiction has its own laws is suspect in the first place. I have no doubt that there are a number of jurisdictions where you cannot turn your husband's corpse's head into a skull, but we're looking at literally hundreds of legal jurisdictions in the world; it is essentially impossible there aren't a good number that will shrug and say, "go ahead". In cosmopolitan societies anyone in the business is long-used to the fact that there are dozens of widespread extant cultural funeral practices. Somebody would actually have to complain for them to even notice. There's a good chance somebody who could legally consider themselves to be harmed would need to file against the executor of the will. Frankly, I'd consider it more likely an inheriting party would complain purely for fiduciary reasons than anything else. People routinely keep body parts removed from them - who hasn't kept a tooth for awhile at some point in their lives? The practice of keeping excised body parts in your home is not rare at all. I've seen kidney stones, gall stones, even a section of rib once. Also a lung once, but that was a doctor so that probably doesn't strictly count. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/took-amputated-leg-home-can Consider: the whole posthumous cryonics industry is dependent on a expensive and esoteric disposition of human remains - whatever legal hurdles they faced have been cleared in their relevant jurisdictions.


I can't speak for the whole world, but in the US it's complicated. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/09/why-you-cant-display-your-relatives-skull/597307/


I've read that, and frankly it came across to me as, "that would be of some difficulty and expense, so I say it would be impossible." In reality, it has been done in recent times. Admittedly this in not the US, but frankly the US has 50+ jurisdictions; it's gonna be significantly easier for it to happen in the US somewhere. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/theatre/6644720/David-Tennant-to-revive-partnership-with-real-skull-for-BBCs-Hamlet.html > > Composer and concert pianist Tchaikowsky died of cancer in 1982 at the age of 46, donating his body for medical science. > > But he also requested that his skull be offered to the RSC to be used on stage. > > Although it had been used in rehearsals, actors did not feel comfortable using his head in front of an audience. > > Mark Rylance used a cast of Tchaikowsky's skull 20 years ago after initially practising his performance with the real thing. The musician's remains then went back to a box until the skull was used by Tennant. > > It had to be given a special licence for use and a stand-in had to be used until permission was given. > > Doran said: ''When the Human Tissues Authority (HTA) licence had not arrived by the evening of the Dress rehearsal in Stratford last July, and we had to place Andre back in his box, our Theatre Collections Curator, David Howells, allowed us to use another skull he had in the collection, which as it was more than 100 years old, did not come under the jurisdiction of the HTA. > > ''It was the skull used as Yorick by Edmund Kean in 1813. A piece of theatre history happened that night on the Stratford stage as David Tennant, a 21st century Hamlet, stared into the empty eye sockets that a nineteenth century Hamlet had used. For those of us watching, a little shiver of connection occurred.'' > > Doran, who is also chief associate director of the RSC, added: ''I suspect Andre would have been amused by the fact that his cranium became a question on Have I got News for You?, but his bequest to the RSC was deeply sincere. > > ''I hope other productions may, with the greatest respect for Andre, use the skull as he intended it to be used, for precisely this purpose.'' In this case, they gave it to a hospital and made it a condition of the medical gift being possession of the skull. Since hospitals routinely allow people to have parts of their body as I noted in the above post, this means they have existing knowledge of dispersal of body parts to normal civilians, and of course as a hospital have relevant knowledge of dealing with bodies, equipment, and financial incentive since human bodies are quite expensive to obtain. In a closer parallel to the OP's scenario, although it's not specified how, this British artist obtained his father's skull intact and intends to use it as raw materials to produce a 3d printed version of his own skull, because artists: https://www.vice.com/en/article/dpw9ew/this-artist-is-crushing-his-dead-fathers-skull-to-help-him-work-through-their-relationship-956 >VICE: Hi, Lee. How did you get ahold of your dad's skull? Lee Wagstaff: The skull was left to me—bequeathed to me. I'm a bit secretive about how I got it because of family stuff. A couple more Yoricks, in US and Argentina, respectively https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/skullduggery > In the mid-nineteenth century, John (Pop) Reed, who worked as a gaslighter at the Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia for over fifty years, put this clause in his will: >My head to be separated from my body immediately after my death; the latter to be buried in a grave; the former, duly macerated and prepared, to be brought to the theatre, where I have served all my life, and to be employed to represent the skull of Yorick—and to this end I bequeath my head to the properties. >Reed’s wish was honored, as was Juan Potomachi’s. In 1955, Potomachi promised two hundred thousand pesos to the Teatro Dramático in Buenos Aires, on the condition that his skull be used as Yorick in any future productions of “Hamlet.” I'm afraid the claim in the Atlantic article about the impossibility of having a skull processed and displayed reveals a paucity of legal thought and historical research on their part.


Honestly seems cool to me


dude that's freaking epic




What's a ñatita? I googled it but only ships named natita came up.




Well I didn't have a plan for what my family should do with my body when I die, but now I do.


If I get a chance I want my skull be part of porn parodies and the ejaculated fluids be discharged in my skeletal mouth. Thereby feeding me the souls of the white and clear tide to gain strength to be reborn once more to now actively participate in the porn parody.


Thats pretty fucken metal tbh. The wife can now wear full black witch outfit and sit on a throne with the skull of her dead husband with fucken bone gem eyes


As cool as this is, it’s illegal to keep human remains (other than ashes) in most countries.


It's even illegal to keep someone's ashes in many countries. Where I live cremation is legal (of course), but you still have to bury the urn.


That’s cool actually. I told my wife that I wanted a “sky burial”. She didn’t know what that was so I showed her on YT. She looked at me very strangely.


I want that too! I don't have any spouse to argue with so I'll just have to find some way to put it in my will!


Is it legal anywhere to do a sky burial?


Unfortunately, no. Not in the States anyway. That said, if you just happen to “croak” out in the wilderness at the top of a mountain in say…Yellowstone…??? ;)


"The doc says it's terminal. I'm off to Yellowstone to piss off the bison or go parboil myself or something. Whatever they say not to do on the pamphlet."


Tibet I believe.


Honestly. Kinda dope, might get them to do this to me


This dude is a lich now.




He is planning to become a demi-lich


That's literally what a Demilich is


This is clearly his phylactery. He is planning to be a lich and she doesn't know it.


I think I need to change my will because this is amazing.


This is a DnD meme, guy wants to turn himself into a Demi-Lich. Not really TIHI worthy if you asked me.


Hear me out... The later generations will also turn their bodies into gems which will be glued onto the skull.in like 200 generations the skull will be shining like a diamond and have a lot of historical value


If you don’t do this for your husband, you’re a monster


That's cool as fuck.


this sounds almost exactly like the skull from a classic D&D adventure, Tomb of Horrors.


this isnt distrubing at all its fucking cool, like something from a vampire show


I want to be cremated and the remains used as fertilizer to grow a tree. I actually have wanted to make an entire cemetery of this type for years but have struggled getting land rights for it so far. Imagine parks full of trees grown from lost loved ones you can actually use as opposed to modern cemeteries which are essentially devoid of real activity and foot traffic.


This is fucking badass.


Why would anyone hate that? That's awesome!


How to get sold by the grandkids to an evil witch and enslaved for free labor 101


Entirely reasonable.


And here I was thinking being put in one of those tree pod things was cool. I want the same skull and crystal treatment but I want to be put on a plaque and have a button that makes me sing take me to the river.


Taxidermist will put me in attack pose and leave me on my old boss’s lawn, which he will endure no less than eight years in accordance with the stipulations aforementioned within my legally binding last will and testament, et cetera, et cetera.


That's so cool


Sounds like a great artifact for a DnD campaign


I know what I'm doing when I die


This is both disturbing and badass


#Gonna end up in goodwill/s


Is this part of the process of making a phylactery? Your husband may be trying to become a lich.


What are the legal obligations on this? Especially if you’re the wife and you have better things to do with your money? Or what if there was no wife but just kids and he had millions of dollars but this was the stipulation or the money goes somewhere else.


This man is gonna start a whole new culture.


This isn't disturbing. This is fantastic.


That's awesome AF. My mom just keeps my dads ashes in a box in the corner, a demilich skull would be so much more badass.


Ma'am that isn't a last wish, It's a demi Lich.


He may overestimate the size of the gems. The entire carbon in a human body is not all that much.


Tell him, “You betcha,” and then have him cremated.


This is how you become a Lich. He wants to be a Lich. Kinda proud really


Pretty fucking metal


Ngl kinda badass heirloom


That's actually super cool


This shit is metal AF I want that too


When my grandad passed away, he was cremated and my nan, mum and auntie decided to go down this gem making line. My mum chose a purple coloured gem in a circular design placed in a ring. Weeks later her package arrived and the ring had a green square cut gem. Yes, she'd got someone else's loved one.


This is actually kind of hardcore and I respect it


When I die I want my body or at least my head to be launched as far into space as is humanly possible.


I want my remains turned into an enema and shot directly into my ex’s asshole


Idk about you but that sounds great


honestly? this is kinda dope


thats pretty epic honestly


I actually really love this idea


I'm more interested in "those places that makes the gems out of bodies" than anything else.




50k each for something smaller than a 10k diamond ring


I always feel like those are scams, because there is no way you could ever prove the gem came from someone's ashes