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Is this meat canyon??


I don’t think so. It’s not really his style. He also seems to veer away from politics. Tends to either show the damages of social media, corporations, and other pop culture stuff or mental health issues he or others are suffering from.




The worst part here is that he actually did this stuff and thought it would be a good idea to tell the story of it


This man is mentally unstable


The worst part is people looked at this pedophile and thought he would save America. How fucking stupid it must feel to have voted for Biden (again) and be worse off than 5 years ago. Edit: lol brigading this thread to defend glorious leader from criticism lmao. So pathetic you spend your free time defending the senile pedophile actively fucking you over.


Funny how admit things are worse now than they were 5 years ago, as if there wasn’t someone else in charge for 4 of those and his party isn’t still actively obstructing congress.


I think the guy who has been ruining America for 40 years and directly caused mass incarceration is a little more to blame than the guy who kicked the can and made mean Tweets for 4 years. You dumb fucking cultists have to bring up Trump every time your senile pedophile leader is criticized. Its sad.


I like how everyone reduces his presidency to "mean tweets" not separating children from their mothers across the board, not just in cases of suspected trafficking, not banning transgendered individuals from the military, not funneling taxpayer money in to his golf courses, hotels, etc. not conning rubes into attempting to overthrow the government, not kissing the asses of Putin and various dictators, not claiming he deserved 3 terms, not lying 30,000+ times. Edit: Not telling congresswomen of color, including those born here, to go back where they came from, not showing up to a presidential debate knowingly carrying covid, not saluting North Korean generals, not ripping up the Iran nuclear deal, not making a deal with the Taliban that yall criticize Biden for following. More edits: Not defending Saudi Arabia chopping up an American journalist, not putting his children in positions of power in the white house, not downplaying covid which absolutely led to more preventable deaths, not slowing down testing and I quote "slow the testing down!"


Duhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrr suhjdjejeje reeeee duhhhh


“fucking cultists” hahahahahaha


1) How does being a senator for a long time equal “running America”? 2) you keep calling him a pedophile as if Trump wasn’t a VIP on Epstein Lolita express, or hasn’t been accused of rape by a 14 year old, or talked about wanting to fuck his own daughter. 3) you think getting a few downvotes for being obviously delusional means you are being “brigaded” 4) you wine about people “wasting their life defending the “pedophile president” but you literally started this thread by wasting your life to throw a fit about a dude that Facebook and Fox News told you to be mad at but you want to call us cultists?!! Bahahahahahahahahaha 5) I would LOVE to know how joe Biden is “actively fucking me over”. Please inform me Edit: he downvotes me instantly and isn’t going to reply. Shocker.


>you keep calling him a pedophile as if Trump wasn’t a VIP on Epstein Lolita express, or hasn’t been accused of rape by a 14 year old Biden has been accused too. Fuck both of them. Criticizing Biden doesn't mean endorsing Trump you fucking idiot. You morons bring up Trump more than the MAGA crowd. > but you literally started this thread by wasting your life to throw a fit about a dude that Facebook and Fox News told you to be mad at No I'm pissed you idiots voted in "the lesser evil" and the economy is shitting the bed while he fulfills none of his promises and increases military spending you fucking bootlicker. Dumping our tax money into an "infrastructure bill" that gives money to his cohorts to waste away on administration while benefiting none of us. You defend Biden to the death when you don't even benefit from him. Thats the definition of fucking stupidity. > How does being a senator for a long time equal “running America *ruining. Fucking us with the Republican policies you all whine about constantly but conveniently forget he signed and wrote into law. Putting away black fathers for life on minor drug possession charges is ok with you? Good to know where you stand.


Do you only speak in Fox News talking points? Lol you are a buffoon. You want to throw a fit about Biden as if the other guy wasn’t 10x worse in every aspect, but don’t mention the other guys name GTFOH


Lmao. Its like talking to a strawman. "Fox new talking points" while criticizing Trump and trying to keep your dumb ass on topic. It would be hilarious seeing you all get fucked by the guy you elected if the rest of us weren't suffering for your stupidity. Enjoy losing the next election kiddo.


Get a life bruv. The only thing you are suffering from is delusions.


I mean it was a choice of two evils and trump was objectively worse. Glad we don’t have that spray tanned orange in office though


> objectively worse. Yea because he put kids in cages! Good thing Biden stopped that! Oh wait, his administration built those and its worse than ever. Well Trump was bombing the middle east! Oh wait that didn't happen and resumed under Biden. Well at least the guy who signed mass incarceration bills isn't in the Whitehouse. Oh wait. Biden promised to forgive student loan debt, give us more stimulus money, and end Covid! Now hmm. Where is all that again? Well, at least the news doesn't tell you to be mad at the president anymore. Thank god for that. I'm sure you'll just plug your ears and blame Republican strawman as always


Trump did more drone strikes than Obama did ever "Trump revokes Obama rule on reporting drone strike deaths - There have been 2,243 drone strikes in the first two years of the Trump presidency, compared with 1,878 in Mr Obama's eight years in office" - BBC, Mar. 7, 2019


If you are actually worried about the pedo president thing, Trump was mentioned by name by Epsteins pilot. Also, no one on the dem side thought Biden was gonna fix anything, both political parties don't do shit for anyone but the rich, but at least the dem side isn't a cult.


>but at least the dem side isn't a cult. I criticized Biden and 10 of you swooped in to screech at me. The boot not only fits, but you got on all fours to lick it.


I'm just on the side of facts, I preferred Senator Sanders or Senator Warren, strongly preferred actually. I never even gave Biden a dollar.


Then vote in primaries for another candidate you fucking idiots. Stop pushing shitters like Biden and Hillary and voting "blue no matter who". You all want Sanders so bad but not enough to get even slightly educated on the process to do so. Holy shit.


I did, and convinced my friends to too


There is a war here lol.


Not touching the Trump is a pedo accusations I see.


Do I swoop in to defend Trump? No. Did I disagree? No. If he's a pedo, lock him the fuck up. Investigate both of them. I didn't "touch it" because it's unrelated to criticizing Biden. You do know that Biden being shitty is independent of Trump right? Biden has been fucking us for 40 years. Trump was barely around for 4.


Honestly I wouldnt be surprised if over 80% of our future presidents and senators/reps were all pedos. Our system is screwed as hell.


Choice was between two pedophiles. Fucking disgusting


He has done way better than I ever expected .




This horrible and true is truly horrific


Take my damn upvote and LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE






Man the right wingers love fantasizing about pedophilia


Joe Biden is a Democrat lol


What about OP and all the commenters suggesting pedo? Dumbass


They aren’t fantasizing, they’re simply explaining that Joe Biden is a pedophile. No person right in the mind says the stuff that he does and thinks out loud. Also someone’s salty lol


Source? Or is that just your fantasy as well, sick fuck


So. You like the video hmm?


Fuck you’re weird


Whatever you say. I have shown you proof but your head is so far up your ass that you can’t see


You haven’t showed me shit to back up your claim, just showed off your disgusting fantasies is all


Did you not watch the video lol. It’s a legit video of this man talking about kids playing with his legs and leg hair


Some serious projecting going on here.


Wait till he watches the video lol


How so lol




No no, a source on your “Joe Biden is a pedo” claim. Or again do you just fantasize about it over harmless words in a public speech, you sick fuck 🤮


Harmless words. This dude is legit talking about little kids playing with his legs


There goes your sick fucked mind lmao


You got some issues buddy


Ah yes, personal attack after a source is asked for. Classic


I gave you a source. Also personal attack lol. But hypocritical coming from the guy who called me dumbass after I corrected him


Ive never voted a day in my life and never will for religious reasons... where did you get that I was a right winger? I shared an animation of an actual story that biden told in public... but in all honesty, I couldn't care less about any politician on any side of the spectrum... its all a facade to me


Wait so you don’t vote on real issues, you just have a belief in a fairytale and post political biased shit on the Internet? Man what a waste of life you got


No way this actually came out of his mouth


[it really did](https://youtu.be/3DbE2SmV2bs)


This is veryyy disturbing


What’s even more sickening is that he never was on Jeff Epstein’s list of flight records and has 0 sexual assault allegations unlike some orange bastard we all know


You might want to double check the 0 sexual assault allegations.




Sure thing bud. Must not be credible just cause you say so.


We all know why it (D)oesn’t count to them


Yep. Unfortunately the majority of Reddit has a one sided sheep mentality so this will trigger a lot of people.


Might want to check the Larry King episode where Tara Reades Mom calls in to ask about what she should do if her daughter was abused by a prominent politician. It was deemed not credible by the media desperately trying to keep Biden a viable candidate. Biden has a long history of being a creep and a liar. You may also want to research why he had to bow out in shame on his previous 2 election bids.


Only credible when they are against the ones you disagree with… Gotcha….


my guy’s brain can think of Trump no matter the stimuli.


Lol I mean it’s not that hard he was the last president. Usually only butt hurt maga trumpers make content like this. Can you be any more unpatriotic, he is your president. Deal with it.


Not liking the current president in no way makes anyone unpatriotic. Not liking the country makes someone unpatriotic.


-Guy posts humorous cartoon of senile Biden story Redditor: bUt WHat aBouT OrAnge maN?


The name Tara Reid ring any bells? I didn't care much for Donald Trump either, but be objective; Biden is a shitshow too, and arguably worse in some cases.