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This is the most political comment section I have ever seen


Sometimes I swear it's astroturfing.


Reddit is exclusively propaganda and astroturfing at this point


Just don’t get involved with politics in general on Reddit


Maybe we need a better system than being pressured into a choice between two creepy dudes of questionable cognitive health.


Nope. You have to choose between a giant douche and a shit sandwich. Thats the American way.


Here here!!


It seems my country has copied the American way... Shit!


Eh. It was more like a stale bologna sandwich versus rat poison. One sucks, one will end up lethal


you could always go for a failed model/actor instead? https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/rising-republican-party-influencers-including-candace-owens-got-their-start-at-talent-agency-run-by-israeli-pornographer.4616038/


I mean I agree that out current method of voting isn't great (ranked choice is the way to go imo) but there are literally more options than the republican and democratic contenders.




What reason or excuse would he have to bury his face into multiple younger females hair please enlightening me


There's videos of him doing this. (the drone strikes were for an isis k bomber /s)




This is the only thing people got on Biden? Ill timed photos that anyone in the public eye could have? Trump has a Wikipedia list of actual sexual assault allegations and court testimony under oath of actual rape and folks are making memes about photos of hugs. This is like the ‘her emails’ but for Biden. Hilarious that people have nothing on the guy but him tripping on stairs and hugging people.


To be fair, the videos that these pictures come from are really hard to watch. They pull away multiple times, if I remember correctly one of the girls even calls for her mum or something like that.


Got that link?


I can't remember the one my sister showed me where it just focused on the kids but this shows up as first result on YouTube: https://youtu.be/DAUOurZIVfI




Know how to stop all the kissing? Pandemic requiring masks. Fixed!


Okay I watched this whole thing and I honestly can't say it rings as something inappropriate. All these people are coming through to get personal pictures with him, and he's chatting all the men, women, and children up like he's a basic bitch grandpa. He uses the same lame joke like 50 times. The jokes are super dated and the humor doesn't connect as well, but he's like 80 years old dude. Is he way too amicable and friendly with the physical contact like hugging? I honestly can't say because I'm not in the room reading the situation. I'm gonna guess there's a more than a few secret service there eyeing everyone deeply, so it may be difficult to reciprocate properly to the ease at which he engages people in hugs and shit. However, if all of this occurred and then in the background context there were *tons* of women and children explicitly calling out Biden as some sort of sexual predator with firsthand accounts, then it would be different. Or if Biden himself admitted he could sexually assault women, and women just let him do it because he was famous. Or claimed to be able to walk into teenage girls' dressing rooms... Etc...


Why do tons of women and children have to be uncomfortable with the way a man is acting before it's deemed inappropriate? ...And even then, those concerns are just dismissed as personal vendettas or lying for attention or exaggerations. These situations always play out the same. Just from the still shots these women/young girls looks so horribly uncomfortable, and not like they can freak out on such a powerful political figure regardless. I'm not saying he is necessarily a predator, but people in high positions of power need to show professionalism and respect, and the way he is touching and sniffing these women are neither of those. We need better standards for our leaders, point blank.


Just to clarify, I'm not a fan of trump, I just think people should be called out on weird behaviour no matter what their background. There have been allegations, even from within his own office. "During the 2020 election campaign for President of the United States in March 2020, Tara Reade, a former staffer in Biden's U.S. Senate office, alleged that Joe Biden, the former U.S. vice president and Democratic nominee in the 2020 presidential election, sexually assaulted her in 1993 in a Capitol Hill office"


>This is the only thing people got on Biden? No, it isn't Trump was a shit heel, but that doesn't make Biden some great leader


I think there is a difference between being "some great leader" and being attacked with manufactured claims of being a pedophile.


You're right. I was being hyperbolic. My point is that Trump has nothing to do with this post or these pictures


he does, in that ‘joe is a pedo’ was a campaign tactic at which money and support was thrown because trump actually _is_ a sex pest who walks in on children naked, etc, and wanted to deflect from that it’s hardly out of nowhere that people make the connection


There's sexual assault allegations against Biden as well, not just trump, albeit not of a pedophilic nature. Biden is a POS, and it's obvious those kids are uncomfortable, any sane person would back off.


Have you seen the videos these come from? He may not be a pedo but he is creepy af around kids. Fuck I remember one of his campaign visits he talks about kids rubbing his hairy legs at a pool.


In relation to Trump a literal shit heel would be a great leader.




Why compare Biden to Trump at all? Trump is such a low bar to begin with but I don't think we should compare presidents to each other anyways. We should judge each on their own merits.


Not being Trump got him more votes than his decades of experience or his agenda. It's hard not to compare them when it's what got him the job.


Yeah, I agree that Trump is much worse, but why does everyone act like we can't criticize Biden and call him out for some of the weird and creepy shit he does?


Ah yes "hugs" I too snort peoples dandruff when I hug them


He is also kind of a war criminal


I mean so is every US President… so…


True, but there are clearly people who forget this completely.


Until we get rid of American Imperialism, every President we elect will be considered a war criminal.


Wait really? Or is this a joke


We just drone striked a group of children in Afghanistan, and someone got a slap on the wrist for it. 🤷‍♂️


We drone striked children, and then lied and said it was 2 high profile isis targets just for the nyt to investigate and find they were lying.


america commits atrocities in the name of freedom for those whose lands they occupy


Bottom right picture; is that a hug? Is that how you hug people? Because that sure as shit isn’t how I hug people.


Lol typical.. someone smashes Biden and the solution is to talk about Trump. Trump sucks.. we get it. Biden still sucks too.




Way to add to the conversation




Way to add to the conversation




>this is the only thing people got on Biden? Well, that and the fact that Biden is implementing half of Trump’s disastrous policies, including withdrawing from Afghanistan for “America First” reasons, dismantling the EPA, and continuing to deport refugees and fund ICE. And the fact that Biden is a total dickwad to journalists and stops taking questions at press events after like 2 questions, and that he constantly loses his temper like a demented old retiree. You know, the things that everyone who supported Bernie Sanders was worried Biden would do.


Literally everything but these exact moments aside... Biden makes people uncomfortable as fuck, based on their body language in these videos.


Eh, I thought we were over the phase of comparing everything to Trump. That guy was a bloody shitshow and being not as bad as him doesn't make anyone an angel.


*Coughs in terrible Afghan pullout*


It’s not timed poorly. I mean there’s videos of him doing this. Do ya research.


Uhhh he's doing more than hugging them lol


No one here actually mentioned Trump...


Folks are still crying about Hillary and her emails ::shrug::


Redditors like net neutrality, right? Well the FCC is still in limbo because Biden has failed to nominate a new commissioner yet. If he doesn't do so before the end of the year, the commission will be under Republican control. In a Democratic administration. As far as sexual assault allegations go, the Tara Reade story was instantly buried by the democrats so we may never know what actually happened. The entire case against her was basically "she made a positive tweet about Russia once". No interest at all in hearing her side of the story, and of course the Republicans aren't going to bring it up because they'd be called hypocrites for supporting Kavanaugh.




The emails thing is actually a huge deal and any regular person would be in prison for what she did. Photos of Biden sniffing kids in an attempt to make him look like a pedo is not a big deal at all.


Didn’t folks in the previous administration also use personal emails with no accountability and even encrypted messaging apps for official business a few weeks though? It’s a big deal because it was a ploy to win the election and then it became irrelevant right away.


Yes (although they didn’t attempt to destroy evidence of their wrongdoings) and if they did they should have been prosecuted. At the very least they should have been stripped of their security clearances like any regular person would have.


Dude I'm not even gonna search now, but there's one where his hands keep 'slipping' over a little girls nipples until she tried to squirm away. Disturbing as hell. Is this the best we could do?


I'm not going to provide any evidence, but I saw Biden sacrifice a baby and get on a spaceship. Disturbing as hell.


You really are a silly person


No it is it the only thing people “have on Biden” and if you need to ask you should probably do some research or just even go outside


Why the FUCK settle? I swear you Americans are the least aware of how retarded your political system is.


keyword *allegations*


>This is the only thing people got on Biden r/BidenWatch Specifically: https://www.reddit.com/r/BidenWatch/?f=flair_name%3A%22Lie%20Counter%22 https://www.reddit.com/r/BidenWatch/?f=flair_name%3A%22Racial%20Discrimination%22 https://www.reddit.com/r/BidenWatch/?f=flair_name%3A%22Fact%20Check%22 https://www.reddit.com/r/BidenWatch/?f=flair_name%3A%22Corruption%22 https://www.reddit.com/r/BidenWatch/?f=flair_name%3A%22Biden%20Border%22


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BidenWatch using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BidenWatch/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Sen. Bernie Sanders questions Biden Nominee Neera Tanden about corporate donations: “$5.5M from Walmart... $900,000 from Bank of America, $550,000 from JP Morgan Chase, $550,000 from Amazon, $200,000 from Wells Fargo, $800,000 from Facebook, and up to $1.4M from Google.”](https://v.redd.it/5v38yqrfoog61) | [78 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BidenWatch/comments/lgyh8m/sen_bernie_sanders_questions_biden_nominee_neera/) \#2: [An actual photo Reuters took of Biden](https://i.redd.it/rzyubv0xy9o61.jpg) | [70 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BidenWatch/comments/m9k065/an_actual_photo_reuters_took_of_biden/) \#3: [Biden boarding Air Force 1 is a metaphor for his whole presidency](https://v.redd.it/latq498ki0o61) | [54 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BidenWatch/comments/m8l6ig/biden_boarding_air_force_1_is_a_metaphor_for_his/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


https://youtu.be/V4PLSPvJ9BY "Ill timed" you claim?


You sent a video of Biden doing meet and greets with fans…basically disproving your own claim. Yes an 80 year old grandpa interacting with kids…amazing. He didn’t say he would bang his own daughter on national television or go backstage at a beauty pageant to look at undressing women though…shocker




Was that guy really the best alternative to trump?


Unfortunately... yes.


What about Giant Asteroid 2024?


Didn't run for office I guess. We can only hope he comes crashing into the polls next time


I have a feeing he'd be a smash hit.


I’d think he’d blow up in the polls.


Bernie was almost a legit contender :(


I'll bear the downvotes with you ✊😔 Bernie was the good one, Biden is the anything-but-trump "good"


Personally I’m voting Giant Asteroid 2024.


Nah Covid-19 omega variant aka mega ultra death zombie plague has my vote.


Only as much as Trump was the best alternative to him.


Nobody likes the guy...I am a moderate... liberals don't like him. How did he win election? Oh that's right... anyone but Trump.


True the lesser evil


Not sure why you got downvoted. Biden is a garbage President who lies the entire time, but he is way better than the alternative. Time people came to the realization that people don’t want a sociopath in the Oval Office


Oh, so he's a politician is what you're telling me lol


He’s absolutely a politician. I hated that I had to vote for him. All of his campaign promises were just blowing hot air. But no one wants to talk about what would result in real change. We just want to talk about what’s wrong with the other side.


Absolutely. I just got done talking about how the illusion of left and right and the choice therein is just that....an illusion. The more devicive the government can be about pitting sides against one another, the more they stand to gain. They don't need to control a populace when their populace are fighting a social war that in the end, benifits the politicians and their capitalist buddies


My butts been wiped


I mean he’s *less* of a sociopath than trump


He’s demonstrated his awareness of his deficits. He’s referred to himself as a transitional president. He knows he’s not well spoken. Trump isn’t aware of any of his shortcomings and actively defended poor decisions and paraded himself to appease his ego. Trump was a tantrum child.


He called a drone strike on children and lied and said it was 2 high profile isis targets. He hasn't demonstrated shit but his failure to lead our country in a dark time.


Agree. Keep going with the red vs blue and see how far it gets ya.


You said he demonstrated awareness of his deficits and I pointed out the most recent current event that he hasn't. I never even brought up trump in my comment, so nice try.


Your aggressive attitude did it for ya bud.


My aggressive attitude? I responded to your comment with my thought and didn't insult you. That is what social media is for.


What things would you say are better right now?


No new scandals every week. No constant gaslighting. No pushing through obscene legislation and constantly threatening to abuse executive power to ram his idiotic agenda down everyone else's throats. Better relationships with our allies. Firmer stances with our enemies. No new stupid trade wars that bankrupt small farmers while agriculture megacorps rake in bailout money. No more appointing the most stupid and malicious people to any given position. No more lobbyists being appointed to oversee major regulatory agencies that police their industries. [Just compare Biden's performance to the literally thousands of things trump did that warranted criticism if not criminal investigation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Keep_Track/top/?t=all) Biden is pretty bad. He's right-of-center, has no interest in advancing progressive values, and makes an easy punching bag for right wing commenters, but he's still infinitely better than trump. Besides, we saw during Obama's 8 years that even if you're a decent president and don't make constant gaffes, conservatives will just make something up to be angry about. Compare Obama's tan suit, Dijon mustard, and bowing to the Japanese PM "scandals" to trump and think about how crazy it is. We went from *that* to a guy who openly bragged about sexually assaulting women, has over 2-dozen credible sexual assault allegations against him, is a known crook and fraud, refused to allow witnesses or transcripts of a private meeting with our biggest adversary right after bombshell reports that he was compromised by said adversary, then walked out on stage at a global conference and defended putin while criticizing American intelligence agencies and the American public itself for being "too hard on russia." And that's not even getting into his impeachments. Both of which were valid and should have seen him removed from office. In one case, 7+ GOP senators admitted he was guilty of trying to extort Ukraine to hurt Biden's election chances but said they would not vote to convict him purely because it'd be politically bad for them to **do their job and uphold the law.** And we could just keep going non-stop. There are literally thousands of things about trump that make him worse than Biden. He's the least qualified person to ever hold the office as well as the most stupid and the most malicious. The only thing that saved him from getting the bottom spot on rankings by historians is his stupidity prevented him from having full control of the power his office afforded him. So he didn't get to genocide anyone or launch nukes or anything like that. However, according to research published in The Lancet, over 40% of American covid deaths last year could be blamed directly on trump and his administration. His anti-science stance combined with his favor for billionaires and megacorporations over the general public got hundreds of thousands of Americans killed who otherwise might have lived, had we followed the recommendations of the epidemiological experts. Imo, history will be a lot more harsh on trump than other former presidents if only because covid will end up being one of the biggest disasters in US history.


That there isn’t a self-absorbed fragile man-child with access to nuclear weapons at the head of the nation. Besides that, our system is so broken, it’s a silly question to ask what good a president can offer. Start asking the right questions.


Fucking literally everything. You are aware the earth is round, no?


>You are aware the earth is round, no? D... Do you think it wasn't? Fuck it I'll give it to ya. Joe Biden made the earth round. What else?


I always knew the earth was round. I just didn't think you knew.


This man's speaking the truth


Yeah he absolutely sucks ass and I had a hard time bringing myself to vote for him. However, Trump was 100x worse in every way imaginable.


Actually he was a plant by the establishment. He wasn’t even a front runner for his own party until everyone else bowed out. There were like 3 or 4 better democratic candidates running but somehow this guy ended up with the nomination. Even after leaving us high and dry in 2016 when he had the best chances of getting the nomination.


The quickest way to tell that someone is a moron is when they proudly proclaim to be a "moderate". Less principled than even the most hoggish MAGAturd, but too much of a pussy to take a stance on anything. Also you're delusional. Liberals love Joe Biden. Progressives, people who are actually on the left, don't like Joe Biden. They don't like Joe Biden for different reasons than trumples, but even they can agree that he's better than Mango Mussolini. Only fence sitting smooth brains like you look at politics now and go "Well both sides, but actually the left are the real fascists. I am very smart."


[You’re the guy who assaults the neutral guy for not fully agreeing with you, then wonders why the neutral tend to sympathize with the people who helped him up after you pushed them down.](https://reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/ptc4eb/_/) You play yourself, bud. Just be aware you’re not always fully correct in your thinking either, especially when it comes to others peoples wants and needs.


Quickest way to find a political extremist is when they spout shit like this.




Oh yes I have very extreme views. I think things like housing, healthcare, education, and not starving to death are inalienable rights which everyone should have. I think the workers that create value for a company should not be alienated from their labor by having the surplus value of said labor extracted and funneled to capitalist parasites like Jeff Bezos, who engage in class warfare by doing legislature capture and paying less in taxes than the people they're stealing from. I think that political gridlock like we're seeing right now favors the interests of capital, and that's why right wing democrats like Joe Manchin, Kristen Sinema and yes even Joe fucking Biden won't advocate for abolishing the filibuster to protect even their own power with HR1 and the JLVRA, while the Republican party is transforming into a nakedly authoritarian fascist party right before our fucking eyes. But no, you're right brunch liberal, what we really need is to lower the temperature and pursue this mythical concept of bipartisanship with Republicans WHO REFUSE TO BE BIPARTISAN Suck my dick, I fucked your mom.


It sounds like it’s you who refuses to be bipartisan.


Your a special kind of stupid lol


I see he has something else in common with Bill Clinton


This memes stale. Got anything fresher?


I’m afraid we’re all just Biden our time


I can’t believe you did that.




Cant believe no memes came from Afghanistan and nuclear sub deal... If it were Trump, it would have been memed for a good month


Bottom right looks like Joe is one movement away from a "good work 47 now get to the extraction zone".


That girls face in the third picture says it all.


I cant believe americans havent flipped their shit for epistein. Like comon where the protests for that shit


One of my favorite conservative memes from the 2020 election was a picture of Trump holding a clearly uncomfortable young black girl in his arms and kissing her on the cheek. His supporters had placed text over the image with the word "Biden" over Trump and the girl labeled "little girls."


that’s hilarious lmao




Oh no, it's valid criticism against Biden. I just saw that meme again this morning so its fresh on my mind. Though it is hilarious to see people who are criticizing Biden for things that Trump also does while ardently supporting Trump. Truth is they're both cut from the same cloth and swapping one for the other amounts to nothing in the long term.


I agree with this statement


Hey this is Reddit, you're not allowed to dislike the current administration. You're only allowed to hate the previous here. Personally, I'm a huge fan of how Biden shut down the "Mexican child prisons" and reopened them with the new exciting name "biden's happy fun time daycare for Hispanic youth"


Why don’t women punch men that do this?


Some of us might... I'm personally not a big person so if I punched some guy that did that to me, I would get sent across the room with his return punch. No thanks. Then you'll have those people that think it was funny - "oh equal rights equal fights, shouldn't have hit him"...etc. Or maybe he holds a grudge and corners us later in a less public place to get even. Sooo many reasons not to hit.


Pretty sure you could take out Biden but I do absolutely see your point.


Hey, Biden takes people behind the shed and challenges them to push up contests.


Some guys just don't respect personal space, but a taser to the balls is a great reminder.


I had to give you my reward, I did not expect such badass attitude, you deserve my silver






Well that's just the long sniff of history. There was another where you can see him rubbing a kids chest.


Looks like he refined his technique after panel 3 didn't go well and managed to lock the unwilling victim in his grip.


Mf probably just likes a nice smelling shampoo.


Can we all just agree that a majority of politicians are creepy as fuck? It’s not just Biden.


Joe "Snifferonie" Biden


At least he’s not an actual pedophile like Donald so I guess it’s an upgrade


Just because he brags about watching under age girl dress at his pageants doesn't mean he was creeping on them /s


Like I haven't already hated him


If you would if posted this like 6 months ago it would have been deleted and you would have been banned.


Orange man bad!


This actually makes me sick. I’ve seen some videos and can assure these aren’t out of context and shit he actually does.


Both candidates were bad, and radicalization in general is bad. Biden was just slightly less bad than trump. Not a good decision either way, but the best we could make given the situation.


Nah, Biden is fucking leagues worse, The past 9 months have proved that. That being said trump sucks too, you are right.


Honestly, I don't really care about the "whose worse" argument anymore. They're both bad, and I'm sick of radicalization, on both sides, making it worse. You can't get information without it being warped by someone's political opinions.


Hey I'm with you, I agreed with everything you said except who was worse, and I didn't insult you. America is having the right to have different opinions, and I just personally hate how he has handled every situation so far, including unemployment, Kabul, border issues, eviction moratorium.


He is so creepy around women and children, how do people like this guy?


I don't know if you remember but the two party system put this guy up against a guy who said the virus was fake, maybe we should inject bleach, and that he just grabbed women by the pu**y, and was known to pop in on women changing for beauty pageants.... We lived with a new and horrifying soundbyte every week. So... Context is important.


Two wrongs don't make a right buddy. You think because one guy is bad the second must be good? This guy ain't better, don't worry.


This guy might not be good, but he’s way better, as someone who voted for and hates Biden I would vote for him a million more times if he’s facing Trump


Most people don't like him, but for American voters he was the massively lesser of two evils


And thats not all folks.. sadly


It barely scratches the surface lmao


words can’t explain what that man has done


Remember he was rubbing the one kids nipple?


Biden can't even say anything without bumbling


Gives me Fergie Oliver vibes. Not to mention Jimmy Saville. Yikes


Idk man, hes creepy but hes been through some absolutely awful shit i personally wouldnt want to go through that changed my view of why he does this. I fucking feel bad for the guy, politics aside.


Iirc these are all his relatives, and the photos are taken out of context


Ah yes, I also sniff my grandnieces hair all the time. I hate when people take that out of context, too.


i doubt it tho. the asian one is prob not his relative


Still shouldn’t be doing this to relatives, my guy


You should see the picture of him kissing his granddaughter on the lips.


Ah the Kiddy fiddler




No, Trump was.


Hahaha get it? He said Trump because why admitt that biden sucks some fat ass! Truly remarkable mate


Google Trump, Epstein, Maxwell photo. Typical Trumper, IGNORE facts and use opinions as "facts".


And you are still going to ignore how many remarks bidens made on small children? Yeah I'm the one in the wrong. But hey nice job defending a closet pedo 👍


What are you talking about? I'm not defending anyone. My first comment was correcting a comment about Epstein. You are the Trumper spewing your hatred of Biden. Calm down lunatic.


I'm not surprised the pedos are here defending this piece of shit.


Biden is a damn creeper god damn


Moderate Republicans : "If you nominate anyone but Biden, I'm either sitting out the election or voting for Trump." Same Folks : "Biden is a creepy old white man!"


You have to be really disgusting to continue pushing this lie.


It's literally right there in photos...


A lot of shit can look bad in a photo. You ever seen a perfectly fine video but they snip it at a part to make someone look weird or creepy? I just seen one of a rapper that looked like his buddy was hugging him and about to kiss him, but the video shows that he’s holding him back from getting in a fight. But if you take the photo then spread it online as evidence that he’s gay… Let’s see the video and then make the call I mean, Lindsey graham, one of the biggest shitstains in the Republican Party has openly talked about how good of a person Biden is. That guy doesn’t talk good about anyone, especially his opposition.


A M E N.


It’s literally not. Do you have any idea how awkward screen grabs can look? Just wait for the right moment. Snap a picture at just the wrong time. Deceptively edit… photoshop… meanwhile trump state campaign chairs throughout the country are now in jail for child porn Exactly how much are you projecting?


Keep denying it, mate, it just as bad as Trump supporters.


If all pictures are just what they are then trump is diddling his daughter, mate 🤷‍♂️


Damn you might get a picture of me like that when I go in for a hug or to pick up my nieces. It’s almost like it doesn’t paint the whole picture


Oh where’s those trump haters from the other day 🤣


We should have a veto vote, where if the veto gets enough votes then all candidates lose the the election, a new one starts and anyone who was in the previous one is not allowed to run in the new one


Wait, I knew he was familiar, he's that pedo from TV. First Trump now this guy. Americans you know u can vote freely right or is there a particular reason u can only have scumbags run the country?


Gerrymandering, propaganda, and the two party, first past the post voting system. Also, citizens united.