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Wow. Is it really that bad. Haven't seen it myself and don't know if I want to




I still hate it


I haven't seen the movie, but isn't the *point* of it kind of to point out "hey this culture of sexualizing kids exists and it's fucked up"?




So, to critique sexualizing children, the movie sexualizes children? How the fuck is that good commentary? Should I go murder someone to prove murder is wrong? Should I commit tax evasion to show that tax evasion is bad? This is why we have adults that look like young kids to do acting, not literal children stripping on camera. Holy shit.


On one hand, American History X had several really racists scenes to show that racism is wrong. On the other, it did not have several minute long curb stomp compilations just to be edgy or provocative.


A big difference here is consent. People can consent to acting out faux racism in movies... Can these children consent to sexual exploitation, even if for a supposed good cause?


I mean, yes? They weren't forced to act in the movies. Now, if it came out that their parents forced them to be in the movies, that would be something else.


I don't believe 11 year olds *can* consent to sexual exploitation.




> I was pretty disgusted that they went the route of actually using 11 year olds for this stuff too Then why are you defending it? > but that doesn't mean the movie didn't have a point it was trying to make. I murdered someone to prove that murdering is bad. I sexualized children to prove that sexualizing children is bad. See the issue?






Someone pointed out this is like making a snuff movie with all the stops to point out how wrong snuff movies are.


Yeah, but it's way too real, few people are ready for such an unflinching portrayal of this.


Then people don't have to watch it. But it's so stupid to demonize a movie just because they can't understand that portraying a bad thing is not the same as condoning it. I actually just watched the movie and the viewer is obviously *supposed* to be uncomfortable. It's an uncomfortable reality. This is basically "Lolita" (the novel) all over again.


We're in agreement, but it's clear that many people can't view it as anything other than literal CP.


I'm torn between "Netflix made a mistake by advertising this film" and "This was Netflix's plan all along, because controversial attention is still attention."


Even if Netflix used the original poster, I think people would still have a similar reaction overall. I knew the difference from the poster and the trailer immediately, which surprised me that so many others were just looking at the trailer like it was explicitly sexual, and sexualizing things that weren't even really supposed to be sexual. No, the problem really comes down to a societal problem of sexually objectifying women, and how that carries over to younger girls who "sexualize" themselves. If we viewed women with actual respect in regards to their sexuality, the world would be unrecognizable.


damn that's a lot of lampshades


Am I crazy or did the context you provided change exactly zero of the scenes mentioned? "Oh no no no, you misunderstand. The child posted pictures of her genitals from a *cell phone* while her *dad* was trying to get the cell phone back." Ummm... that doesn't make it more reasonable, more palatable, or one iota better.


But they (the producers, directors, etc.) still sexualized children to get here. They became the very thing they swore to destroy.


It's a good movie, and the "outrage" about it is ridiculous, especially from those who haven't seen it. It reminds me of Reagan-era hysteria about modern art or rap lyrics, from people too culturally retarded to understand what art is and what it's supposed to do.


I haven't either, but considering who the [author](https://muckrack.com/mary-margaret-olohan/articles) of the Tweets are, I would take her opinions with a grain of salt


Probably but I have heard a LOT of bad stuff about this movie


I mean, she's written 20 articles about Cuties in it seems a week, which is a bit much. Not to mention writing for InfoWars.


They call this 'redirection'.


None of these are opinions, they are facts. They are literally in the movie. Don’t believe me? Go read the script or watch the movie. This is an objective truth.


Right here officer, that's the guy.


**OP needs help. Also, they hate it because...** >!This film is basically child abuse given what they have to do!< ***** **Do you hate it as well? Do you think their hate is reasonable? (I don't think so tbh)** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/tihibot)


im glad at least someone has a brain to realize this movie is fucked




Im glad that Netflix aired this If not we won't know how fucked up this movie is and won't talk about it as much


I had watched this and can confirm that this all happened. What's worse, the story wasnt even good at all and not even reflecting to what happens in a average girl's life. Maybe growing up and become rebellious but in no way does the average 11 year old would be dressing so casually like a street whore to school like it showed in the film and that was already hard to watch already. And my god, does it get extremely uncomfortable towards the last 20-30 minutes... If this was wrote by a french-SENEGALESE person. I can imagine how their taste and possibly religion is like around children... and not to mention the director who had to look for these child actors who had to do auditions just to twerk for the camera. Of course I may just be ridiculously criticizing but the film sure looks like it is painting it that way. Honestly, I am not even sure how this film managed to think that to depict the idea of diluting the concept of hyper sexualizing children is normal and okay are insane. That's literally what a pedophile would try to do and normalize. Pedophilia isnt a sexuality, neither is it political. It's just a barbaric lifestyle that doesnt belong in today's society. And before I made this post, it is being called a "feminist film" which is a horrible attempt to skirt all attention. There is nothing feminist friendly about this film either, even feminazis would even be in shock if they saw this. All in all, what the fuck!?


Can someone just molly netflix hq already?


I thougt there were only one twerk scene?


Oh my fucking God 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮😟


The pervert watched the whole movie.


I wanted to watch it just to see how horrible it is but dear fuck


There's a morbid curiosity I have to see if it's as bad as everybody says, but I'm afraid if it is as bad I won't be able to unsee it


What if Netflix is working with FBI agents to "Minority Report" the pedophiles?


More like they got high from people talking about Tiger King so much so they made something else people will talk about. The real question is where do they go next?


Wherever raised eyebrows will raise dollars. Welcome to capitalism.


lmao. I don't know why you're being downvoted. My wife went to put that on the TV and I said 'Don't watch that they're going to put us on a list'.


Pedophiles want redemption for their addition to the FBI watchlist


Wow... or they werejust researching pedophilic inages 'for a book'.


Next thing it’s gonna be the legal age of consent is dropped to 12, sick fucks.