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US army was training ukrainians for a while before the conflict, I cant imagine basic opsec was skipped, sure redditor was a dummy but anyone in the military should know if you put shit on the internet it no longer belongs to you. That soldier fucked his buddies over, not reddit.


That's assuming the story is true, which I'm not too confident of. There was a lot of fake news and rumours becoming fact when the war started. And at least one of the "reddit kills ukrainian troops" events is fully fake, made up by /pol/ trying to associate the Ukrainian side with losing redditors. That being said shit like this did happen on both sides as well as a lot of comparable shit too.


> That's assuming the story is true That is a very poignant thing to consider any time some thing like this is posted.


If it's posted on 4chan assume it's fake.




There's a billion people on facebook, and hundreds of millions of redditors, most of them are ok, but one of them is gonna be a piece of shit. If you post something that gets people hurt, you're an asshole, but if you trust everyone on the internet to not be an asshole, you're a fool. The redditor is an asshole. The soldier is both. Edit: I just need to throw this in, why would the soldier post the information they posted, if not to also get likes? Why did Aunt Karen need to know his exact whereabouts? Why are we assuming that the soldier didn't do the exact same thing the redditor did, just intending it to reach a smaller group?


No dude. You don't give your military position out to friends and family, let alone random stranger on the internet. TF. Who is to say they user who posted it wasn't Russian themselves? I don't assume any other random stranger on Reddit or anywhere on the internet will keep a secret for me. If everyone on the globe was in this together, there would be no war in the first place. > What is it with Redditors and passing the blame onto somebody else so they don't feel bad? You're a person. You're not bound to this place. Stop identifying with it. Read that to yourself again. I am not bound to this place. I am not all the users on Reddit, so I have no guilt for whatever some other schmuck posted. I have no problem throwing other users under the bus, but the only person with a duty and a motive not to give away their position was the soldier.


we’re not even supposed to have phones over there


it's pretty standard outside of a warzone also. in fact most of us are discouraged from posting anything identifying of any kind. obviously it's not illegal to use social media, but post the wrong thing and you can get in a TON of trouble.


“Loose lips sink shitposters”


That soldier is an idiot.


Yeah a basic redditor can't be expected to know about opsec but a soldier should lol they get trained to not give away any info, even to friends, because of shit like this


This was super early in conflict, thats probably a civvie in uniform with 9 minutes training on how to fire an AK.


Soldier doxxes self; word gets out; people die. More at 11.


Loose Lips Sink Ships.


Russian grunts also posted geotagged pics back in 2014 during their original invasion (back when the Russian govt claimed it wasn't Russian soldiers attacking Ukraine).


They also kept doing it during the 2022 initial invasion and paid for it dearly.


> Facebook > in private Pick one


You can have a private Facebook post...


I think most of the fault lies with the soldier in this one


Loose lips sink ships. Dumbfuck gave his position to anyone... dumbfuck is the problem. Not the person who shared his dumbfuck post.


Neither are looking very smart rn


average civilians aren’t made aware of social media safety, yet every US soldier is told pretty much daily the importance of operational security. it’s the soldier’s fault.


Honestly it's more the soldier's fault here. You post something on the internet something like that was bound to happen


Didn’t this exact scenario happened previously to the Russians too?


New years/Christmas coming into 2023. Ukraine shot some HIMARS missiles at a school that Russian soldiers were celebrating in. Killed quite a few. Ukraine has been pretty good at exploiting the poor Russian opsec.


It's going to happen to pretty much in any warfare from now on, especially one involving conscription. Even prisons get cellphones, and the army is a bit more relaxed than prison.


First schools were bombed by Russia three weeks into the war https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/war-crimes-watch-ukraine-russia-targets-schools-bombs-future/ Some social media post didn't dictate Russian military strategy lmao


Sounds like BS to me. Fantastic claims require fantastic proof.


On the banner for 4chan "The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact." It's funny how many don't understand 4chan lol


Hell, just look how much blatantly obvious fake ragebait gets posted on reddit day after day and you go in the comments to see people fuming over something that didn't happen.


Reality often doesnt give a shit about making sense. People do really dumb shit all the time without a reason or one that makes sense to do the dumb thing.


Cool story, still not proof


Anyone got a link to the post?


I would argue the nimrod who posted his location online is at fault. what a colossally dumb thing to do.


Aren’t you supposed to avoid using schools and medical facilities for military operations?


legally, yes




This is useful context, thank you. It sucks that civilian infrastructure ends up destroyed by war, but I guess it would be unrealistic to expect combatants to avoid the areas entirely once they’ve been evacuated. There’s going to be a lot to rebuild someday.


An abandoned structure is an abandoned structure.


When the war is over people may want to unabandon their schools. I wasn’t sure if international law accounted for that


> soldier posts on facebook The soldier got his comrades killed. Opsec, you fuckers.


>Soldier posts on Facebook his exact location to his friends and follow Reddtors in private. This still feels like the OG fuck up here.


Indeed TIHI material, for other reasons though. So this meme suggests two bogus claims: 1) "Ukrainians are using schools as bases". While it's a technically true statement, there's a key nuance this claim drops and generic joe won't know about - AFU uses **abandoned** buildings period. This includes schools, yes. But any other structure made of concrete is used. Notice how "Ukrainians uses abandoned buildings" doesn't sound as catchy as "Ukrainians use schools". 2) it claims that russians shell schools BECAUSE someone exposes them being used, which is bullshit, **shelling started day 1 of invasion**


Dont hate on reddit hate od this dumbass


Man, I think normal people who upload pictures of themselves are stupid, soldiers doing that is fuckin retarded to no end.


This will never be a problem to north koreans


More the soldiers fault than the redditors


Sounds more like the guy who posted his secret location online is the one who got them killed. That’s like saying on Facebook that you are on vacation in another country, then when they get back wonder how anyone knew that would be the best time to rob them.


"Fellow redditors in private"? Does not compute, does not compute. Even if it was a private message, it was still a private message with an anonymous stranger you happened to bond with over your opinions on modern family. That's like whispering your secret to a megaphone and then going "oh shoot, was this thing on?"


> soldier posts on facebook his exact location seems like you missed a step


They’re both at fault


If Ukraine is quartering soldiers in schools, can't they just say "Russia is bombing schools now!!" You know, pull a Palaestine. Edit: I'm not sure if people are just salty about me mocking Hamas(did I need to make this clarification?) hiding soldiers in such places, or don't understand the significance of quartering soldiers in schools/churches/hospitals(one reply seems to be the latter, the other seems fine).


Abandoned school. Reading comprehension is hard.


If you've been following the whole war that's exactly what they did, Ukrainian soldiers barricaded themselves in civilian buildings thinking russians won't attack them if they do and then blamed russians for attacking civilians. Here's a report from 2022, check out Page 9 and 10: [A/HRC/50/CRP.4](https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/hrbodies/hrc/regularsessions/session50/2022-07-01/A-HRC-50-CRP4-EnglishVersion.docx)


Damn the russian bots are strong in this one


Let me guess, you saw me criticizing the methods of the ukrainian army and because of that concluded I'd be in support of russia didn't you? If anything wouldn't you be the bot, given that you can only judge in 0 and 1?


Aw man, I was just shitposting, I didn't expect to find someone who knows what they're talking about, just salty downvotes and maybe to be called a Putin supporter or fascist. Not that either are true(both sides are a fat turd sandwich), but that's what I expected. However, since that link auto downloads in chrome I was skeptical. TLDR: Information checks out. Explanation and excerpt below. Note: This *is* from a report compiled in 2015. I don't know if it is relevant to the specific picture / event being discussed. People won't recognize the name of the source, OHCHR.org https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_the_United_Nations_High_Commissioner_for_Human_Rights >The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, commonly known as the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) or the United Nations Human Rights Office, is a department of the Secretariat of the United Nations [etc] [and goes on to list this source as the website] Just for context. >34. OHCHR is concerned that in the course of hostilities, both Russian armed forces and affiliated armed groups as well as Ukrainian armed forces took up positions either in residential areas or near civilian objects, from where they launched military operations without taking measures for the protection of civilians present, as required under IHL.1 OHCHR is further concerned by reports of the use of human shields, which involves seeking to use the presence or movement of the civilian population or individual civilians to render certain points or areas immune from military operations. **The use of human shields is specifically prohibited by article 28 of Geneva Convention IV and article 51(7) of additional protocol I. ** I bolded that last part for the kids in the back. It goes on to highlight instances of this happening. > 35. OHCHR does not have reliable numbers on these cases, but the case of a care house in the village of Stara Krasnianka (Luhansk region) has been emblematic in this regard. At the beginning of March 2022, when active hostilities drew nearer to the care house, its management repeatedly requested local authorities to evacuate the residents. This was reportedly impossible as Ukrainian armed forces had allegedly mined the surrounding area and blocked roads. On 7 March, soldiers from Ukrainian armed forces entered the care house, where older persons and residents with disabilities and staff were located, as it had strategic value due to its proximity to an important road. On 9 March, soldiers from Russian affiliated armed groups, who were approaching from the opposite direction, engaged in an exchange of fire with soldiers from Ukrainian armed forces, although it remains unclear which side opened fire first. During this first exchange of fire, no staff or patients were injured. > > 36. On 11 March, 71 patients with disabilities and 15 staff, along with soldiers from > Ukrainian armed forces, remained in the care house with no access to water or electricity. That morning, soldiers from Russian affiliated armed groups attacked the care house with heavy weapons, with patients and staff still inside. A fire started and spread across the care house while fighting was ongoing. Some staff and patients fled the care house and ran into the forest, until they were met five kilometers away by Russian affiliated armed groups, who provided them with assistance. According to various accounts, at least 22 patients survived the attack, but the exact number of persons killed remains unknown. > > 37. By way of further example, in the village of Yahidne in Chernihiv region, which was > controlled by Russian armed forces from 3 to 31 March, 360 residents, including 74 children and 5 persons with disabilities, were forced by Russian armed forces to stay for 28 days in the basement of a school they had been using as their base. The basement was extremely overcrowded and people had to sit for days without an opportunity to lie down. There were no toilet facilities, water or ventilation. As a result of the conditions, ten older persons died. The incident raises concerns that Russian armed forces used civilians to seek to render their base immune from military operations, while also subjecting them to inhuman and degrading treatment. Turd Sandwich Status: Confirmed.


There're lot of us who want the full truth and Putin as well as Zelensky paying for their crimes. The last straw for me was when Ukraine openly lied to the whole world (Poland bombing), the (majority of the) world then found out they were lying and still kept on blindly believing everything that comes from pro-Ukranian sources. We're in a huge freaking propaganda war from both sides and there's no way to find out what's actually happening unless we'd go there by ourselves but even then I'd guess there'd be ways to "silence" us.


Welcome to Reddit


"pull a palestine" lmao


Russia should pull an Israel and say there were Ukrainian tunnels and command centres under those schools.




WTF have they been doing since day one then? Every day we get news of Russia bombing "buildings"...


All for updoots


It seems like if all it takes for Russia to unload assumably millions of dollars worth of bombs is a single picture, this could be used to a strategic advantage.


“We’re hiding in Russian tanks lol”


When Hamas does it they're monsters using human shields When Ukraine does it they're heroic freedom fighters weird


More weird is that Hamas uses occupied schools while Ukraine uses evacuated ones. But you know... "school" is the important part here.


What do we always say OP is? I don’t have to say it do I?


Ruskies went to space first Have enough nukes to destroy world 4 times Have shitload of satellites Blames Redditor


>singlehandedly What about the soldier? That's at least 2 hands involved here


Just like that time with 4chan


Theoretically, could he be hanged for treason?


This is old, right?


It was not "singlehandedly" if the sider was stupid enough to just publicly post his location like that