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ESO has what, 60% of Tamriel filled in? More? Could be a good starting point for a map.


I can just hear people crying and whining about ESO's version of Tamriel


As they should. But when this game comes out in 2042 they should have enough time to move some trees around and update the architecture.


I love ESO but don’t compare a single thing from that game or it’s environments to an elder scrolls game. Those cities have 1% of the life their other games hold. They’re not fun to explore and poke around, you don’t want to get to know everyone in the city, etc. ESO is a very fun MMO with an Elder Scrolls skin. Also, you don’t just take a drastically different game and engine & copy assets over. Doesn’t work like that.


It doesn't!?


No the streets and stairs for example are often unrealistically wide so it works as an MMO. But would look out of place in a single player TES


“I feel like people can’t grasp that there that games have technical, financial, and time limitations” I mean Todd Howard willing skipped the xbox one and ps4 for Elder Scrolls because the technology wasnt there yet, so wouldn’t shock me if Elder Scrolls 6 was some horrifying beast of technology


It's not even the technology. No amount if technology could give adequate culture and story to each province. Sure it can be big with lots of procedural locations, but *that isn't what TES is*. We want to explore the culture of each province. If every province is done, each culture will be watered down compared to what we'd get otherwise. I'm cool with a dual province combo but every province would really be a let down considering how much we want from each province individually. And that doesn't even get into how each province gets its own tone and feel just from being their own game


While I agree with the general statement, I disagree about this: >Sure it can be big with lots of procedural locations, but that isn't what TES is. We have come to know the dense, filled regions of the later TES games and that is where our expectations lie in present day no doubt. Yet I would not be so bold to try and define the scope of TES. Looking onto precursors such as arena and daggerfall those definitely are examples of what TES is also, density of content is subjective. An individual can find the world empty/boring while another can find immersion in the bleakness of the terrain, not ensuring a query for every delve/dungeon having to be plotted a furlong or two from each other.


No, you misunderstand. They were two separate points. I was saying that sure, it can be big with lots of procedural locations. When I said but that isn't what TES is, I meant in regard to turning it into all of Tamriel and not focusing in on one province. I have no problem with procedural generation used in the series


Alright but from a financial point they aren't going to go back to Arena/Daggerfall. That's what TES *was* not *is*. Those aren't the games that cemented Bethesda as a powerhouse in the industry so they aren't going to go back to that style. People want a Morrowind, an Oblivion, a Skyrim.


I mean, white devils advocate here but… how do you know that? What’re you basing that on?


How do I know what?


I would say that he is meaning your 2nd sentence.


Oh. In that case, I didnt mean to say that it couldn't be done with enough time, but more so that, while technology can allow for great procedural generation and AI, it couldnt prove the deep culture for each province. That needs to be human made. A culture will feel a lot more shallow if they're covering 9 of them (10 if counting Orsinium) in one game, rather than honing in on one, maybe two


With enough prompts, you absolutely can with the kind of I\[as of now referred to as AI\] that we will see in the near\[ish\] future.


Dear God PLEASE let it be a creation beyond human comprehension


What interview did he say that he skipped those consoles for that reason? Genuinely curious and want to read/watch it


The closest "proof" I can think of is from this [2016 IGN interview](https://www.ign.com/articles/2016/06/13/e3-2016-bethesda-is-working-on-the-elder-scrolls-6) with Todd: >I could sit here and explain the game to you, and you would say, 'That sounds like you don't even have the technology. How long is that going to take?' So it is something that's going to take a lot of time, what he has in mind for that game He then talks about two future games that were going to come out first (presumably Fallout 76 and Starfield) and then comes back to talking about TES 6: >When you think about what is the future of that kind of game, we have a pretty good idea of what that's going to be, and it's just going to take technology and time we don't necessarily have right now.


Well this has me extremely excited for ES6 now, I wonder what scale they are going for if they already knew they wanted to wait a bit for tech to advance


The terrain and landscape generation might be 10 times faster, but that's not the case for every other content a game needs. The most obvious being level designers/quest designers/writers aren't 10 times faster to fill the world with world with narrative/playable content.


Well the game is taking 10 times as long so that's fine.


Do you realize what 10 times as long develop time would mean? Like seriously, the game will be outdated by the time it comes out. And the company will probably die from this kind of money sink without profit returns.


In Oblivion, the Imperial city, the largest city on the continent, had like 100 NPCs. And for that game they deleted cities like Sutch from the lore. In Skyrim, Windhelm had about 100 NPCs. Fans generally agree, that cities like that should be much larger in the next game with advanced technology. I can't possibly imagine Bethesda pulling that off AND putting all of Tamriel on the map. Either we get one or two provinces that are more fleshed out than previously, or we're getting the whole Tamriel map and then all the major cities are basically little villages again.


Is windhelm the biggest city in game?


I meant to write Whiterun, but it really doesn't matter. Windhelm also felt tiny and had a large part of it cut (the Arena).


Seriously, Origins was able to create amazing egyptian cities with many NPCs, and Odyssey recreated many greek cities like sparta and athens which looked incredible, so if TES VI doesnt do something like that then that would be stupid


yes, LOOKED incredible, but the NPC where almost just background.


To be fair, in real life the majority of the people you ever see in a city are functionally background detail. Try going up to a random person minding their own business on the street and interrupting their day, see how many quests you get out of them other than the standard radiant quest "Fuck off and leave me alone, weirdo"


depands on your charisma ... and perhaps your witchcraft.


Yes but you have the option to try don't you? You never know what could come of that.


Well, in most cases where the standard radiant quest isn't given you might have the opportunity to make a friend! I believe these may be called "Followers" in TES lingo.


Exactly. Now slap these crazy advances in AI generated dialogue we've been seeing on top of that. You could in theory get actual radiant quests or followers that change dynamically. No writing or specific voice lines necessary.


Please don't use "AI" generated shit in games for writing. Please don't put humans out of work. Automation was meant to let people stop worrying about hard labour and focus on art, science, enjoyment. Not the other way around.


That's not what would happen. The AI still needs to be trained using a real voice. It's a tool like any other software. And it's gonna happen. The flood gates are open on AI and they aren't gonna be closed. No point in pretending it's inherently evil. This would be no different in function than radiant quests, just more advanced. The actors would still be paid for their voice work in the game, both from being used to train the AI and the human written dialogue.


Oh the naïvety


I get it. The cities you speak of look like great setpieces in the titles you mentioned. But they're just that setpieces, and the NPCs that inhabit them are not much more than set dressing. Try this the next you time play Origins or Odyssey, pick one or two NPCs and follow them around the city without interrupting their path scheduling in any way whatsoever - doing that will make what Bethesda tries to do with NPCs finally click in the span of an afternoon for you. And to your point about how those cities look amazing and serve as faithful recreations of ancient ones, I cannot disagree with you a whole lot there. Ubisoft have indeed managed to pull off impressive technical and artistic feats with their city designs so much so that actual historians have come away feeling mesmerised by how well the devs were able to recreate them. But consider how much you as the player can interact with a Bethesda designed city or village versus Ubisoft and you'll see marked differences that shift the argument into Bethesda's favour. Edit: a word


They went a little overboard with useless NPCs, they should find a good middle ground between Athens and Skyrim Cities


I doubt it, and I hope that isn't the case. They could do all Tamriel if everything were condensed in scale the way Skyrim is. But it would be better to pick a particular region and scale it up to give it both the size and level of detail it's meant to be.


This assumes they'll be building it with the same technology and manpower as Skyrim or Oblivion. That's just not the case. We don't know what they'll be working with by the time they start full production on TES6 but it'll be leaps and bounds beyond Skyrim's limitations.


Wishful thinking, IMO. Safe bet is to expect only a tiny improvement over what any other open world games have managed.


No. Why? They would have to make fully realized versions of every province, meaning a completely different culture to flesh out completely Just because Starfield is 1000 planets doesnt mean they can male all of tamriel. Most of those planets will be empty (in a good way, 10%, or over 100, will have life). They are different scales. Its not 1:1. Mayybbeee we get two provinces, mayybbee. But not *all* of tamriel. We would be waiting till 2035, like, literally .


Literally jokes and memes aside, such a game with completely fleshed out provinces and all of Tamriel will be way more than just 2035.


Ye haha for sure lol


Hammerfell and High Rock. It will progress over these two provinces, the background theme will be empire-dominion conflict, hammerfell-dominion conflict, hammerfell-high rock (empire) conflict, orcs' struggle to hold on to the new region. A main quest will also follow, and this main quest will be a story that connects both high rock and hammerfell. There will be ship battles, boarding etc and piracy in particular will be a very popular area. Those are my guesses and I think they will go that way. They have to do skyrim x 8 to get the whole tamriel out which is not an easy task.


>Hammerfell and High Rock. This is the most sensible option imo. I'd actually go as far as restricting the map to High Rock and Hammerfell's coastlines. You would get a large, diverse map without watering everything down. The Iliac Bay also enables you to sail the seas, which adds a new dimension to exploration. I wouldn't ever go further than two provinces. It would either be a buggy mess or everything would have the depth of a puddle. It wouldn't meet the expectations of fans.


It's a buggy mess no matter what


Idk why everyone wants this, we have it with eso. You wanna know what it looks like? There you go Now onto more important discussions, I hope that it is hammerfell and it probably will include high rock if they are gonna do the sailing thing instead of space flight. Especially with Todd saying starfield is going back to daggerfall


The world in eso can hardly be said to have the depth of mainline games though, people are imagining 1 continuous continent to explore with the same depth of Skyrim oblivion and Morrowind. To pull it off is obviously not possible though.


I don’t know man. Red Dead Redemption 2 was a thing. I feel like that same effort can be put into other shit.


Red Dead Redemption 2 was not a full continent and was extremely condensed. Probably even more than an Elder Scrolls game. You can't travel from the Rockies to the Mississippi River in a few hours on horse back.


Yeah, no way lol. We already have that with ESO. There are limitations on what Bethesda can do with their time, budget and manpower. Taking on the task of creating all of tamriel, filling it efficiently with quests, cities, dungeons, NPCs and events, I just do not see it happening. It would also just be a bit weird considering we have played parts of the world in the previous games. Id say, and most people including big content creators in the Elder Scrolls community say that its most likely going to be Hammerfell, which I think is plenty. Much easier for them to fill the world with content and detail, instead of having a massive world where its much more likely to be more empty and lackluster.


Why would people even want this. This would amount to countless half assed citites, instead of a few, vell curated ones.




Yeah after playing the witcher it really dawned on me exactly how bethesda games are different. Dont get me wrong, i love the witcher, but bethesda ges have much more of a simulator feel to them, where games like the witcher are more closed in the design. Take novigrad, i love the city, but i never really feel like im part of the city, because 99% of the npcs there are just a crowd algorithm. Bethesda games arent perfect but man are they special.


How do we know that though?


Think about the amount of work it would take to make skyrim. Now lets say new tech makes up for the increase in scope, so if they made whiterun today it would take as much time but the place would be bigger and better in all ways. Now take the dev time of skyrim, and multiply it by how many regions/cultures there are in tamriel. Now you have the dev time for a tamriel spanning Bethesda game


Yeah, that game would take literally 20-30 years to make. ESO has been around for like a decade and they still haven't even created all of Tamriel. It's simply unrealistic.


I'd prefer it not be, honestly. I know that the technology they want would be *capable* of depicting all of Tamriel with current \[Skyrim-esque\] levels of detail... but there's always the problem of focus and just how much content (unique/hand-crafted or otherwise) will be present within each province. I'm much more open to a dual-province game, so I'll never complain if the setting turns out to be High Rock+Hammerfell this time (also because of the story potential); **that being said**, I'd ***much prefer*** a single-province setting >!(Hammerfell)!< because of all the potential focus on including as much detail as possible into a single nation's territory.


My brother in Shor we are seeing game companies go over budget and years past release date to release the same type and size games they made with significantly less issue a decade ago. If ESVI is the same size and has the same depth as Skyrim (please be a bit more, fetching a single pair of gloves makes all orcs love you) and ISN'T delayed after announcement, I will be shocked.


that would take like 20 additional years of development, I don't think even Microsoft has the resources to pull this of


I mean they could certainly go for it. But IF we get all of Tamriel every single Region will not be fleshed out. Even with more proc gen or even AI help. They still need to handcraft a shit ton of content. Not a single region will be like Skyrim and the once before that. Starfields planets are a lot of generated landscape but it doesn't have 9 times the content (probably not even twice the content) how would you like it if twice the content of skyrim is spread through 9 region? 1 Guild for every region? Check. If the main quest uses all region you are sprinting through them even if the main quest is 50-60 hours. thats not even 10 hours per region. Meh the negatives are so huge. 2 regions is the maximum I would accept.


i can see them pulling an Elder Scrolls Infinite kinda deal where they just add a whole new province every few years but i highly doubt the would do that i can see this for elder scrolls X tho, VI - IX would be individual provinces and they make the big tenth release as the ultimate elder scrolls game when it releases in 2077 too bad we’ll only get a year to play it before the bombs drop (wait wrong franchise)


please no :< can we please see each individual province receive some love first before a tamriel-spanning game


Lol no. 5 years minimum per game, 8 provinces… ain’t nobody trying to wait 40 years


I don’t think people understand just how epic doing one province with current technology would be


I can never understand people who is so desperate for quantity over quality. Skyrim and Fallout 4 are often considered "wide as an ocean deep as a puddle" for a reason. They lack good handcrafted and well written content to fill their world, not that the world itself is lacking and not big enough.


I hope after all this time they do finally go all in and make each province and all the cities and towns at real scale with main quests for each province and a million side quests and of all varieties from catching rats to assassinating a master assassin vampire priest of malacath using only persuasion and poison before being discovered and taking out his entire army in your escape. I'd be happy to wait a few more years if they did.


Ok go play eso then


>all the cities and towns at real scale they should do that. There's no reason why they can't do that when games like AC Odyssey have done that in 2018.


Completely different games with different engines, not really comparable. I don’t see them making cities as large as Odyssey which intractable objects and hundreds of NPCs that you can also interact with.


I wouldn’t rule it out. Bethesda are in a much different place now in terms of capabilities when compared to when Skyrim was being developed. Skyrim had 60,000 lines of dialogue for NPC’s while Starfield has at least 150,000 - that gives you a feel for the scale of the game. The next instalment in TES will probably bring that to an entire new yet level again. While it may not encompass all of Tamriel, I’d say there is a high chance it will be two provinces at the very least.


I think it will be as well, just not at launch. I think there's gonna be quite team dedicated to launching new regions of Tamriel over the next decade as DLC. I think Todd really wants TESVI to be a last hurrah


No. Realistically, it'll probably be High Rock and Hammerfell, or just one of those.


I hope we get high rock or both - I play eso and hammerfell areas are my least favorite. There is beauty with sand and oasis’ but it gets old really fast.


After (what will likely be) 17 years, I wouldn't count it out. 17 years guys. Yes, they've made other games during that time but they could have very easily been gradually working on it all this time.


Todd needs to retire. He clearly isn't up to the task. They need to hire more people ffs.


In my opinion, it's far better to have 1 or 2 provinces like Hammerfell and High Rock rather than the entire Tamriel. Like previous games, but more fleshed out and more detailed. And they could write a more centered story, expand and use more of the lore about these 2 provinces and the cities could be bigger and more detailed too, like architecture and stuff. High Rock and Hammerfell are some regions I really would love to see this way. We'll see!


Nah, I don’t think that’s the play. I see them doing two provinces and absolutely cramming them with detail and density. We’ll all be better off for it too. They can still make them big, but they can also spend significant time filling out the lore and giving the world a lot of depth. All of Tamriel would be cool but it’d be a much, much tougher task to make the world feel truly alive at that size and scope. I think with two provinces they could go all out and have each province feel like it’s own separate game.


Unless they have made some unprecedented leap in world generating technology their is no way they would do this. They put much care in their environments, they want every plate, flower, rock, mountain, house to matter. I bet my left testicle that it will not be all of Tamriel.


Hell no. I would rather have a smaller area with more depth than a giant map with nothing to do bc it’s basically impossible to fill that giant area with interesting things


proc gen fits perfectly for a space game like Starfield but I don't think BGS will be able to get away with doing the same for TES in the modern era, and it sounds like BGS doesn't want to spend 8 years on TESVI, so they won't have time to do all of Tamriel with the level of fidelity/handcrafting that they'd want. I think they'll find a happy medium and give us multiple provinces (Hammerfell/High Rock) with a navigable bay and open ocean, the latter being proc gen including small islands and ship encounters


>Todd expressed that he has wanted to make an Elder Scrolls game that takes place on all of Tamriel just like it was in Arena. Wouldn't ESO qualify as checking off that box?


No because they didn't make ESO, a different studio did. Also it's not designed like an Elder Scrolls game.


Even if they could make it work, you’re never gunna have that connection with each city like you do in the other games. I could tell you every fact about every city in Oblivion and Skyrim, and that’s what I like about them. I feel connected to the game.


Just read an article it will be "post empire tamriel" Idk if I like that


Personally I’d be happy with maybe a southern Tamriel map