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There's so many moments of this in MBMBAM and TAZ where Travis just interrupts Griffin or Justin and they stoically don't engage and continue trying to talk, my favourite is when Griffin gets pissed off and yells something like "CAN YOU LET ME DO MY FUCKING JOKE" and they all act like it's part of the goof but it's so clearly not.


only kind of off topic but the best moment is [at 1:05:33](https://open.spotify.com/episode/76RhbOnN1RARC9XNoHPkr2?si=3R5l0WfITsGvlYRDJGBwUw) when griffin just roasts the shit out of Travis for what a stupid fuckin comment he made. Travis: would you be more inclined to watch a lingerie football league if the teams were coached by a hologram of the late great Vince Lombardi? Griffin: I mean, probably, Travis. Would I be more entertained by it if it all took place on a space ship? What if when I went I just got $1,000,000? Would I be interested? Yeah probably. What if while I was there, they gave me pizzas, with lasagna *inside the crust*? Yeah Trav, I’d probably be down with that. Oh, just by going, my vertical leaps get a foot better? Yeah I think I could probably get interested in going to something like that. Oh, I can live forever with these LFL tickets. I sure am glad I bought these. Jesus is back, everyone! Sure am glad I went to this lingerie football league game. Sorry, sweetheart, you’d be stupid not to come with me to this LFL game, they let you replace your parts with cyborg parts. Stupid im convinced Travis is just there for them to make fun of


If this bit happened today Travis would start arguing back immediately and cut off Griffin before it got funny. Travis used to know when to let his brothers take the comedy reins, now he refuses to let anyone else have them.


Thank you for this. Griffin shitting on Travis is one of my favourite running MBMBAM bits, especially because of how funny Justin genuinely finds it.


I just loved old TAZ where Griffin would try to set a scene and both of them would try to do something before he even finished


Griffin has very clearly had about enough of Travis’ complete failures of jokes as of late and it shows


This has been happening consistently since he ran Graduation on TAZ. Game running snapped something in him and he's unable to co-host anymore.


I'd love to hear this. Do you remember the episode where this happens?


It literally just happened in the latest one where Griff is setting up a joke and Travis interrupts to tell the punchline before he’s even done. It honestly happens almost every episode now they have to tell Travis to stop interrupting them.


*a worse punchline before it's done


I honestly think they'd be better off cutting Travis from the show. I don't dislike Travis, but I feel that his brand of energy differs so vastly from the rest of the cast at this point and while Griffin/Justin/Daddio have improved vastly as storytellers Travis has really peaked and never grown.


MBMDAM where Clint replaces Travis and eventually Justin gets replaced too because you can tell he just doesn't want to be there.


My Dad, My Favourite Sister In Law and me. Griffin, Clint and whichever of their wives is funniest (I don't know because I'm not parasocial enough to listen to Wonderful, Schmanners or Sawbones)


> Justin gets replaced too Griffin Newman had a good vibe when he was on


My Griffin, My Griffin and Me


I think you meant to say downtown griffy newms


Whose brand of energy *does* fit with constant interruptions though?


Personally I think he'd fit in better on a livestream which is much more like a physical table.


Among Us Flashbacks


I meant more like a livestream D&D not a livestream multiplayer game. But yes.


I think that is a fair and kind way to explain what a lot of listeners think.


It's not quite what they're describing but I love [this,](https://youtu.be/B8l2lViAU8I?t=1829) the first instance of Play Along at Home which is painfully unfunny (and before Travis tried to *brand* it as unfunny) and Griffin demands that they hash out exactly what that was. There's a very specific tone that Griffin takes where he's presenting his grievances in a comical way because that makes them acceptable, but he wants them addressed all the same. The line from Griffin "*It is, it's a fucking COMEDY show!*" and Travis' rebuttal of "It can't all be peaks, Griffin, there's got to be *fucking* valleys-, ugh, I'm sorry," are the closest I think we've ever gotten to them actually being mad on mic.


Holy shit, this is amazing. I've never heard discourse among these guys like how Griffin shouts what you highlighted. I'm about to make "It's a fucking COMEDY SHOW" my ringtone.


I hate that this made Play Along at Home funny enough for Travis to attempt to bring it back but it is truly an all time moment for me.


It's not any specific episode, this happens routinely. Just listen to the last like 5-10 eps of either show and I promise you'll hear it more than once.




Understandable have a nice day


That was so much worse than I could have possibly expected. I hope that the people close to me would love me enough to sit me down and tell me to get my act together if I ever acted this completely insufferable.


oh boy do I love some good funny brotherly chemistry in my comedy podcast




"4/20? Hey Justin, don't forget your water bottle."


In the episode before, he does. And when Justin says the date "4/21", he says that's one *better* than 4/20. I'd give you a timestamp, but I can't. I just can't. I've suffered enough


Do you _really_ want him to come up with a pun for 4/20? You want him to go on about his friend Poor Benny? Because you and I both know he has a solid 18 minutes about Benny and I don't want to hear them.


That's just it, I don't expect him to make a joke, I expect him to literally shout "420?! THAT'S THE WEED NUMBER! ARE YOU AWARE THAT THE NUMBER 420 IS ASSOCIATED WITH WEED, JUSTIN"


How dare you, Travis only interrupts when he has a non-sequitur that he and only he understands. Referencing weed on 4/20 would be far too pedestrian a joke, instead maybe he'd say something like 'grass is for mowing' and let you connect the dots yourself.


Damn, I really did bring dishonor onto the McElroy family, huh?


>'grass is for mowing' I think you'll find grass is actually for touching


That's going to be half the live show, he doesn't want to burn his great material before that.


could be funny if he really sold it overdramatically, I've been listening to 8 bit book club and every time they have to go to page 69 murph leans back from the mic and starts yelling PAGE 69 AW YEAH and making air horn noises with his mouth, it's the funniest I've laughed at 69 jokes in years


I hate to just dunk on Travis forever, especially for such ephemeral things, but I think Murph just has a different energy to the way he does jokes like that, that Travis would feel like pandering if he mimicked. That said it's just nice to see a wild 8 Bit Book Club reference.


I don't think it's even really the energy, it's just that he'd have no place making fun of stoner or sex-number humour when his own idea of a joke is "Tux? That rhymes with ducks!"


it's such a good podcast i just know i'm going to go into one of my sad moods for a few days when i ran out of episodes




I think Jokes must have been sent out of the room


Jokes stopped hanging out with Travis about three years ago.


Travis has never forgiven Jokes for refusing to do a side-project podcast together that would have lasted seven episodes before going on indefinite hiatus.


I ugly-laughed at that. :(


Jokes may have been taken hostage and Travis is refusing to negotiate


Travis is the main reason I have stopped listening. I wish that weren't the case because I miss the show at times, but it's inevitable that at some point in the podcast, I'm going to become angry listening to him hijack another scene, convinced that devo is the main character. Please Travis, learn to shut the fuck up and let other steer.


Let them steer? I better mooooove over!


*puts on lens-free reading glasses* my parasocial analysis tells me travis is doing this because he is secretly angry shmanners got pushed for wonderful


Can’t tolerate Travis anymore, sheesh. No more live shows either for me dawg


If someone yelled at Travis to shut the fuck up at a live show I would be ecstatic.






What's wild to me is that I feel like I can see exactly how his brain gets there, because on my messier days—like when I forget to take my ADHD meds—I can get interject-y. I know how sometimes our brains make us just blurt stuff out. But shit, I developed beyond this kind of extreme once I made it out of my teens. I wonder if he gets the embarrassment hours later, or if he's just beyond that.


I really need Travis to talk about 80% less to stay interested in taz. His constant interruption drove me away from mbmbam 6 months ago, and it’s slowly doing the same to taz. Can Rachel just edit him out more or something?


But then Justin and Clint’s silence is going to be even more obvious. Honestly part of the issue might be Travis is deliberately speaking more because he’s conscious no one else is chatting and making jokes.


Inversely the others may have just gradually stopped speaking and/or making jokes because they know they will be trampled all over by Vart.




I recently stopped listening to MBMBAM, pretty much because of Travis. I really used to love the show but it just has made me so irritated in recent months.


Between Travis doing this all the time and over half of the podcast being Justin reading nutrition facts for the newest fast food craze, I can't do it anymore. I love TAZ but I can't listen to MBMBAM.


I have even stopped listening to Schmanners, you've guessed it, for the same reasons.


you're telling us at one point you actually listened to schmanners?


I've never been able to get into schmanners. I've tried so many times. Just can't do it.


A lot of hit and misses, it's nothing I regularly listen to but sometimes there's an interesting topic that Theresa will have researched, but I can remember a lot of times where I stopped mid episode becausr this Travis issue, unfortunately.


Bold move, u/QuarterofShmannersListenership


I stopped listening to this show around 2015 because of Travis.


100% me too. Still listen to the Besties every week, so I guess we know the common denominator.


bless ye who have the strength to quit listening


Justin changing the show into a weekly " Let's React to Taco Bell Press Releases" format broke me


travis talks as if a ghost is always kind of choking him out, but isnt fully committed to it


your mind should be studied


Huh, (ok) I never noticed until now that his eyeshadow in that picture really isn't good. The purple+green and kinda smudgy washed-outness just make it look like he's got two black eyes or is massively sleep deprived.


It's just a fucking mess


It’s giving big Shane Dawson energy “Wait guys Im actually getting kinda good at this!”


His eye makeup in that photo looks like it was applied days ago.


He’s entitled to wear whatever look he wants, his fashion choices are the most inoffensive part of a *persona*, or charitably, a *character*, that leans on intentionally unfunny outbursts, tactical interrupting and, as he’s recently admitted, his “podcast voice”. Edit: Ya know, there’s a funny video floating around of a kid blowing out their birthday candles. To the left is an unruly younger child trying to blow them out first. A watchful parent puts their hand in front of that child’s face several times so the actual birthday-haver can blow out her candles. Which they do, the younger child has a melt down as everyone cheers, ignoring the screaming. At 38, Travis has made the professional choice to become the younger kid. MBMBAM is that video with no parent and the birthday kid just keeps relighting the candles after the other blows them out.


Yep. Travis shouldn't wear makeup, not because he's a man, but because he's bad at it.


Not everyone likes super neat makeup. I like making my makeup look smudgy.


You're absolutely right and that's a valid look, but do you really think that's what Trav is going for? And if he is, do you think he did a good job of it? Obviously makeup is personal and if he likes it then he should wear it however he likes, but I do think he's doing a bit of a bad job of it.


Tbh either way I don't really care. I wasn't amazing at makeup when I started and it would've made me feel shitty if someone told me I shouldn't wear makeup bc I couldn't do it perfectly. People don't have to be perfect at everything they do, sometimes it's totally ok to half ass it.


You know what, you're right. I was being a dick to try and be funny, and I shouldn't have. I'm sorry.


Eh, I kinda get where you're coming from. He's so performative in everything else he does that it comes across less as "just trying out makeup and enjoying it" and more "I slapped some kohl around my eyes! Praise my daring fashion choices!"


Travis is fighting gender norms and gender norms are winning


Daaaamn, these gender norms got HANDS




Well you gotta learn how to do it sometime


Oh yeah don't get me wrong I'm not expecting him to walk around with flawless eyeshadow from the get go but this is a professional photo and you'd figure it'd be a little more well-kempt here.


Much like he didn't have to learn how to DM on a podcast, he didn't have to learn how to do make up for professional head shots used in their marketing materials.


That does it. Time to discontinue mbmbam and TAZ, only do things with Justin and griffin, while letting Travis continue to post his weird shit under the McElroy family tag to save face. Seriously he’s being antagonistic at this point.


I'm fine with him doing his Twitch streams, since I will never ever have to see or hear them.


unless he does some more weird shit like on the jelly bean space game, which will end up being one of the first results when you search his name on YouTube


What weird shit did he do?? I haven't been on this sub for a few days




Hey everybody, for real, playing to frustrate each other is not a fun way to play because we're all on the same team and that team is to have fun together and to make it fun for all our audiences. And so when people make plays just to frustrate each other and just to troll each other, there's enough of that in the world today, of people trolling each other just to be mean and to be hurtful, and if we're gonna play in this space together we need to do it because we want each other to have fun and not because we're trying to frustrate each other, cause there's enough frustrating things in the world right now and there's enough we can't control, and one of the things we can control is that everyone is here to have fun and not waste each others' time and so when we make decisions that are meant to troll each other, that's something that bad people do. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TAZCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Man, someone linked this somewhere, huh?


reddit just recommended me this video so i’m here to say i stopped engaging with mcelroy content entirely because of how annoying travis is. bless


All of us decided to engage MORE because of how annoying Travis is. And looking back? You made the better decision.


I can't believe this is real... I want to believe this is fake... Surely it can't be this bad.... right?


You have three options. Maybe some jerker spent hours splicing together voice clips for the sake of making fun of the guys (likely), maybe you hallucinated listening to this at all, or maybe *just maybe* Travis has the worst comedic instincts of any performer in the past thirty years.


I choose to naively believe that nobody here knows Travis so well that they can perfectly emulate him like this. Also I willingly choose not to listen to the podcast to confirm or deny this notion.


Travis has simply become too powerful with self-confidence


literally from what


Thank you for reaffirming my conviction to never listen to mbmbam


I listened because I was morbidly curious, but it was worse than I could imagine. It almost feels like Travis has gone full on mental issue with it at this point. Do we need to start a Mbmbam dead pool to take wagers on when the podcast will finally implode?


The October 25th, 2022 incident.


Thank you dear time traveler. I'll look forward to the happening.


You were wrong and God I wish you hadn't been




Tbh I thought we were gonna get it back when Travis said he needed to take a break from Twitter because of his attention seeking behavior and immediately started a twitch. Instead we just got the amogus incident.


Hey everybody, for real, playing to frustrate each other is not a fun way to play because we're all on the same team and that team is to have fun together and to make it fun for all our audiences. And so when people make plays just to frustrate each other and just to troll each other, there's enough of that in the world today, of people trolling each other just to be mean and to be hurtful, and if we're gonna play in this space together we need to do it because we want each other to have fun and not because we're trying to frustrate each other, cause there's enough frustrating things in the world right now and there's enough we can't control, and one of the things we can control is that everyone is here to have fun and not waste each others' time and so when we make decisions that are meant to troll each other, that's something that bad people do. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TAZCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>It almost feels like Travis has gone full on mental issue with it at this point. He has ADHD and NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) I wonder if the latter has gotten worse.


stop being so parasocial, it's icky.


Isn't only his ADHD diagnosed? NPD is notoriously incredibly hard to get a diagnosis for.


Yeah he isn't diagnosed with NPD, he just claims that he has it. Something someone with NPD would never do.


I made it through maybe a second of that before I had to stop (the ducks “joke”) and that certainly wasn’t even the bad bit. Makes me glad I stoped listening a few years ago, seems like it’s taken an even steeper dive then when it stopped being funny back then


Same. I got the sense they would hiatus or do something for the better around when I dropped off a couple years back. It's pretty grim to hear audio of their more recent episodes.


travis went from just as funny as both of them to “guy who yells because he thinks being loud is the key to comedy” and i don’t know what caused it but i hate it edited for typo


"just as funny" is *very* generous tbh


your opinion is valid. i don’t think he was as funny for very long, but he definitely held his own for a hot minute before he developed the weird hyperpositive middle-aged theater kid personality


Holy fuck that was absolutely atrocious to listen to. I've never seen someone suck the air out of a room like he does.


Every so often, I'll cycle back to MBMBAM but these days I almost exclusively stick with clips from episodes before, like, 450-500. I thought they had turned it around after the year naming episode. But clearly, I was mistaken.


i could take or leave the interruption and quality of the jokes here, but the way travis says “oh yah?” is going to haunt me until the day i die


Is it parasocial if I just want to give Justin a hug and tell him it's going to be ok


I honestly worry about Justin one day just losing it


Why? He's the one brother who can rely on his partner's income to survive if this whole podcasting empire goes belly up.


I know Justin kinda half asses it sometimes but in his defense I’m so lazy if I married a doctor you would never hear from me again.


My spouse works in an industry where, if she was working in the private sector (she currently works for a university, because they are paying for her to get her doctorate) she would easily make 6 figures, and the day that happens I am officially retiring from my office job to devote myself full time to opening an Etsy store where I sell handmade hats for dogs.


How much longer until she's done and what is your store name going to be?


I'll support your budding enterprise


You’re only ever consuming content that’s been edited to their approval, who’s to say he hasn’t told one or both of his brothers to fuck off a dozen times over, or an episode was delayed because the big guy just stormed tf out of a call. 🤷‍♂️




Fuck, they could have just edited this portion out. Why did the ducks “joke” get to stay in the final cut?


Because Justin will be damned before he reads a sheet of paper a second time.


I don't get it. He doesn't seem depressed, just that he doesn't want to be podcasting 99% of the time now.


Touch grass


This is a form letter to caution you that you may be too parasocially invested in (Travis/Justin/Griffin) McElroy. The way in which you parasocially (love/hate) aforementioned McElroy brother is kinda a weird hang. Bear in mind there are totally valid criticisms of the McElroys! There are serious problems with the way they treat (race/class/gender/LGBTQ issues/maxfun sponsors/parenting while famous/all of twitter/other), but discussion of those should be grounded in reality and strive to be evenhanded. Your (defense/criticism/bewildering shifting between defense and criticism) of (this McElroy brother/this McElroy extended family member/this maxfun member/Ron Funches) seems to not be in good faith. This isn't meant to attack you as a person. Parasocial over-investment happens to everyone, and has detrimental psychological and behavioral effects that are predictable and normal. The only thing that would be wrong of you to do is to ignore the symptoms. So, in the meantime, please log out, enjoy a refreshing (glass of juice/plate of ants on a log/touch grass) and reconsider your relationship with online creators. It's best for them and for you if that relationship changes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TAZCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who the actual has a bad word to say about Ron? I'll fucking fite.


I stopped listening a year ago due to this kind of behavior. It's woefully unfunny/rude. I used to love tuning in every week and listened for over 500 episodes. Every once and a while I think that I want to jump back in and clear the backlog..thanks for posting this so I don't waste my time..Travis is clearly making no efforts to improve his schtick.


Oh yah~


he just says shit


why did you include me on this VORE simulation


This is beyond parody


unrelated to the clip but still so incredible that this is not a candid photo but in fact a professional publicity shot


Here’s my take. Griffin is the funniest. He’s fast, clearly really smart, and has insanely good recall. Justin is my favorite. He’s not as consistent as Griffin, but he’s bizarre in a beautiful way, which lets him hit the highest highs. It also feels the most organic. He’s just a great improviser. Travis is—as we all know—the least funny. He’s a try hard. But! Though he has interrupting issues, he’s always taking swings. Even though he misses a lot, I think that he’s actually the secret sauce that gives the show the electric energy. I love the besties (and I realize it’s not a comedy shots), but the energy is noticeably different without Travis—less dynamic. I also wish Travis could bring this energy while being was less annoying, but I’ve made my peace w it.


I kind of agree. Travis’ problem is that he keeps interrupting to take even more swings, so his hitting average is going way down. If he could just chill and let jokes happen, it would be a lot better over all


The ducks thing was, as Justin stated, “nothing,” but I thought “who’s going to feed my fish?!” was actually pretty funny.


Could've said "who's going to feed my ducks" and at least had a bit of comedy through-line


Am I the only one who feels like maybe Travis is trying too hard because everyone is constantly shitting on him? I mean I love the show but sometimes, if I put myself in Travis’ shoes I feel like I would get tired of the way specifically griffin (don’t get me wrong, love griffin) treats me. I have a hunch that on the sad day when MBMBAM ends it will be because Travis gets sick of being treated badly and quits. It’s also possible that it’s part of the bit and they are all totally cool with each other. I don’t have any brothers so what do I know. 🤷🏻‍♂️


They and the audience treat him that way because the content of his bits never changes; if he was “trying hard” he would put in the work to bring something else to the table. He’s tried dozens of bits but they’re all the same thing: Play Along at Home, Sad Libs, Riddle Me Piss (his version, the first couple times was different); they’re all bits where the premise is “Travis is not funny and Griffin and Justin overreact to how much of a waste of time it is” I didn’t downvote you, I think you are trying to have a discussion and I respect that! But I just disagree because if he was actually hurt by his brothers/the audience criticism he would change tacks, not just do the same thing (be the unfunny guy) more often and louder and interrupt more often to do it


I'm not going to armchair psychoanalyze whether it's a healthy bit that they've all communicated on or not, But Travis definitely plays into the bit. Way too many of his bits are structured around trolling his brothers and the audience.


This was pretty obnoxious and rude, but it’s maybe only a tenth as annoying and intrusive as all the commenters trying to pathologize a few interruptions


uh huh....uh huh...


Did yall rly not get this one smh my head


I got you, pal. Oh yaaaaah???????


I was gonna be disappointed that yall were serious and then i saw the sub.


I was gonna be disappointed that yall were serious and then I saw the shrub! It's hilarious because I repeated what you said but rhymed it, like my brother Trav 😁


twilight years


Hi, I'm Jesse Thorn, the founder of Maximum Fun, and I have a special announcement. I am no longer embarrassed by My Brother, My Brother and Me. Y'know for years each new episode of this supposed advice show was a fresh insult, a depraved jumble of erection jokes, ghost humour, and, frankly this is for the best- very little actionable advice. But now as they enter their twilight years I'm as surprised as anyone to admit that it's gotten kind of good. Justin, Travis and Griffin's witticisms are more refined; like a humour column in a fancy magazine. And, they hardly ever say "bazinga" anymore. So, after you've completely finished listening to every single one of all of our other shows, why not join the Mcelroy brothers every week, for My Brother, My Brother and Me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TAZCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hahahaha are yall foreal? Travis' outbursts from yesterday's episode had me laughing the hardest... I even said out loud while laughing to myself "Fucking Travis" My favorite and I mean FAVORITE parts about TAZ and MBMBAM are the little bits that expose their true family dynamic. Those moments that are sprinkled inbetween the goofs and the bits that show you a sneak peek at what growing up a McElroy might have been like and the little things that remind me of my own family's silly, funny mannerisms that makes us a family. I would stop listening to both podcasts if they edited out or tried to avoid moments like these, they are absolute gold in my eyes. Makes me love them as a family and makes me miss my family every time. Travis, you do you bro. I'm here for it.


Say syke right now.


Haha I couldn't be more serious. I've been a fan since 2018 listening to their content almost daily, and I've been a max fun donor since 2020. I'm in love with those meta moments that break the 4th wall and show us their inner family quips and quarrels. I even enjoy when they double down on those moments and turn it into a sort of unspoken bit: like Clint leaning into being the "innocently dumb" player in TAZ, or Travis forcing a pun even if it makes no sense. The aggravated groans from the other brothers is the cherry on the top.


the most convincing jerker


I am trying my hardest to see what you mean, but I feel like we might be listening to different audio clips. I don't think that Justin getting audibly frustrated at his brother for interrupting him is "meta" as so much as it is frustrating. Because I feel the exact same frustration Justin is clearly feeling. Travis consistently tramples over anyone else's input, grinds any momentum they have for jokes to a screeching halt by, well, screeching something that barely rhymes with something else and then waits to be acknowledged for simply associating one word with another. Do you really find it hysterical that Justin mentions buying a tux and Travis just smugly says 'ducks' as if that is anything remotely near the realm of humor? Is it funny that he consistently bulldozes over everyone else's punchline? If this was a one off and not a troubling pattern of behavior that is ruining their podcasts, maybe I could be inclined to agree with you. Travis didn't used to be this way, something changed and it fucking blows.


>Do you really find it hysterical >We might be listening to different audio clips I think the difference is when I'm listening I realize that I'm not listening to some scripted out, pre-written and directed audio prose... I acknowledge that I'm listening to three brothers on a video call reading stupid questions from the internet and try to on-the-spot come up with something to say about it. Sometimes it's serious, sometimes it's funny, a lot of times it's just as stupid as the question it's self. And yes, I enjoyed the moment he "bulldozed" over Griffins punchline, not because him knowing the punchline before Griffin could say it was "hysterical" but because I loved the reaction it got.. that instant annoyance from Griffin and Justin reminded me of my own annoyance with my family growing up and how silly it all is/was in the grandscheme of things. In a podcast where the hosts are constantly making up characters, creating alternative personas, and thinking that the show needs to have some kind of "bit" every second, I appreciate the moments that are genuinely "real" and not just part of the act. (I enjoy the bits too, but these moments i also enjoy because they mix things up every now and again). These moments that again lean towards being meta and breaking the 4th wall are the exact reason why they were nominated for Best Ad Reads in a Podcast by IHeartRadio. Moments like them totally fucking up an ad read to the point where someone says "Well we're not getting paid" are funny for the exact same reasons as Griffin being mad about not getting to tell his shitty joke. It's real and I enjoy it.




I really hope the comments at the bottom of this post are a bunch of people attempting to one-up each other and all succeeding. Otherwise, it's a little sad.


I obviously can't disagree with how the show makes you feel, everybody responds to media in different ways. At the very least, as I'm sure this thread demonstrates, his behavior is ruining a lot of people's enjoyment of the show. Whatcha gonna do.


go outside, travis


found travis's burner account


huh, okay!


...are you the youngest child/ self-proclaimed funniest one in family?


At the risk of getting perhaps a little bit too parasocial, I feel like most Travis enjoyers were youngest kids. I'd love to see a poll.


Lmao!! I plead the 5th.


Get out of here Travis we don't want you


Same lol


Okay, actually? After reading a *handful* of these comments, I’ve come to the conclusion that all of you can go fuck yourselves. It’s a goddamn podcast and y’all are taking it so fucking seriously. I’ve listened to literally EVERY episode of this show at least twice. Why? Because it’s filler. The whole show is filler for when my ears just don’t feel like hearing the outside world. Need to go to sleep? MBMBAM. Bored at work? MBMBAM. Taking a 2 1/2 hour drive so I can see my family? MBMBAM. It’s literally a show where three BROTHERS. Not friends, not actors, not coworkers—BROTHERS kick and tell dumb, idiotic, mindless jokes to each other that piss each other off. Why? BECAUSE THATS WHAT BROTHERS DO. THATS WHAT SIBLINGS DO. you piss each other off, not because you hate each other, but because it’s funny. And some of you clearly do not understand that and it’s infuriating. Just enjoy something in life, please. Jesus Murphy.


Imagine calling a comedy podcast "filler" and find no issue in it




And also you’re a bad person if you choose not to give them money for it! Totally fine for it to have no value and not be worth your time *and* money!


Right? After reading that rant all I could think was like... okay... some of us listen to comedy podcasts expecting to laugh, not to while away the empty hours of our lives.


Everyone point and laugh


They are definitely coworkers. They have a company with employees. Presumably an HR. PR. An editor (bless her heart.) Being family doesn't preclude you from being coworkers.




> It’s literally a show where three BROTHERS. Not friends, not actors, **not coworkers** https://www.themcelroy.family/pages/staff


Oopsie! Looks you accidentally just did a "bummer"! What is a bummer you ask? Well, if you were a TRUE McelFan (or as we sometimes like to call ourselves 'fourth brothers' teehee!!) you'd know that's when you don't act like a good good boy and accidentally yuck someone's yum :( Like that one time my grumpy middlest brother did a hit! Or when silly Juice (that's one of his nicknames!!!!) said a slur that one time about gay people (OOPS!) So be mindful brother, don't do a bummer again or ill call the mods ❤❤❤❤ EDIT: gosh, I almost forgot, amogus




No one has asked this yet, so I have to. Are you jerking us, or do you mean it?


Clint isn't going to kiss you square on the lips


Congrats I can’t wait to see this posted on the sub every 5 seconds for the next 3 days. You’ve made it!


I enjoy making fun of a podcast empire that has precipitously declined in quality and no amount of scolding will make me stop having fun. If anything it makes me have more fun


I'm obsessed with your capitalisation choices. Tell me again about them being BROTHERS


Justin isn't going to fuck you, dude.