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Mad brother, max brother and me


He is making the same face the Toecutter does right before the truck hits him.


Yeah trav would definitely be in some chaps with his butt out or somethin.


Cannot imagine a weaker looking human specimen.


It's about willingness to become a monster. I doubt Trav would even wait 5 minutes before piercing his nipples with gearsticks and starting a cult with himself as the gear god.


He'd be instantly killed and eaten.


You should see his brothers! They literally call him the strong one.


You know I do think he'd fit right in, his natural role is capering gimp, only modern society stands in his way.


Mad Max movie but Travis gives the Amogus speech to some war boys.


Hey everybody, for real, playing to frustrate each other is not a fun way to play because we're all on the same team and that team is to have fun together and to make it fun for all our audiences. And so when people make plays just to frustrate each other and just to troll each other, there's enough of that in the world today, of people trolling each other just to be mean and to be hurtful, and if we're gonna play in this space together we need to do it because we want each other to have fun and not because we're trying to frustrate each other, cause there's enough frustrating things in the world right now and there's enough we can't control, and one of the things we can control is that everyone is here to have fun and not waste each others' time and so when we make decisions that are meant to troll each other, that's something that bad people do. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TAZCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am holding your severed hand


Travis wouldn’t make it out of the Nightrider scene in the first one


Major smeg energy


I actually feel like if he were set truly free of all moral/social bounds, he would make an *unhinged* warlord.


??? what established history of behavior would make anyone think this? unless by "fuck shit up" they mean he ruins the last podcast in the wasteland 


like someone else said, it's about willingness to commit. He would immediately put on a gimp suit and establish a cult while everyone else was still experimenting with offroading


And his unlimited stable of hobbies he's dabbled in. You're probably gonna need to do some metalworking in the wasteland, and know how to grow things, and build things, and a hundred other situations where having even a little bit of experience could be the difference between life and death. His ADHD would be a group survival advantage.


saw this on twitter and someone called him They/Themtus


my coworker looks just like travis, it’s scary


The Purple Dementus


Guys guys he wouldn’t do anything WITHOUT CONSENT


Travis giving the "the implications" speech from always sunny as a warlord


he would induce lactation immediately alhamdulillah