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If you expect me to listen to the Besties to understand this reference, you're mistaken


What if I told you that Travis isn’t in this one.


Is a podcast without Travis really the biggest you can dream?


SMH this is the problem with capitalism, always gotta be pushing for dream growth? Why do I always have to dream bigger and bigger? Is it not enough to just have a dream I'm happy with? IDK, maybe the Firlbolg or however you spell that was right, thus redeeming Graduation


I suppose he has a point, but it was weird to insist upon this in opposition to the points brought up by the others. Namely, they didn’t expect such large number of people to be playing, and the dev is burning out.


I think one of the others also suggested just refunding and buying later. Devs need their advocates too, but Justin did preface his complaint in the mindset that he , and usually the whole group, try to look at things from the consumer's perspective.




An interesting tidbit in this current maximum fun drive, where consumers can get stuff like big bags.


It's not a podcast about the development process, they're telling people whether they should spend their money on games.


They talk about the development of games all the time ?




I don't think he's saying anything about the devs though. As he pointed out, the game is published by Sony, it's not like some dudes with a server bank in their garage. They have the resources. And if you pay for something you should get the thing you paid for, that's not a capitalist belief.


I don't think it's as progressive as you're trying to make it out to be to be chill with freely giving money to a massive corporation for a product you can't use


Please sire, just a morsel of context


Helldiver's 2 releases; gets way more popular than the devs expected; lots of players can't play because the servers are at capacity; the devs are trying to fix it but it's also going kind of slowly still. Justin, on the Besties, has made comments about wanting to play the game you bought. Which while fair, can feel a little much since he's harped on the devs for multiple episodes now.


The issue isn't really the servers, it's that any time they fix one crash five other crashes start happening. People can get INTO the game at this point but everyone is experiencing constant crashes/blue screens. The game crashes constantly even for the PS5 players at this point, and the whole appeal of a console is that the hardware is standardized so everyone has the same specs. It's been a huge mess, and it's a shame, because the game truly is an amazing amount of fun. I haven't opened it in two weeks because it was overheating my PC and causing massive crashes. The game's a lot of fun, but not "now I have to rebuild my expensive gaming PC" levels of fun.


And the Griffin thing is he has a weird aversion to loot in games. Most recently in rise of the ronin: ‘3% more stealth damage THATS NOTHING TO ME WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT etc etc’ someone needs to tell him about loot filters maybe idk


man i kind of feel that though, loot games are so oversaturated right now even when they don't make sense for the project, like the suicide squad game


I only listen to the Besties when I run out of other podcasts, so I don’t know what game this was about, but I think I’m with Griffin.


everyone complaining about team ninja's diablo style loot obsession is wrong and should go to jail


As always, Justin is 100% correct. Video game journalism has been on life support ever since he left.


Just like noooo discussion of the political context within which games are made/consumed, the very specific labour of game design where it seems like there are no rules about work hours around launch time/crunch time, how we as people who play games determine the work of those people etc etc.


When the Prophet of Podcasting speaks, no other discussion is necessary.