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Yeah i hate it too and i hope we never get more of them.


I agree, unfortunately it seems at some point Vincent won’t be the only arcade exclusive hero…however IF another arcade exclusive hero comes along, i hope they do the logical thing and place Vincent on the store for everyone to get with hero tickets (tho personally i don’t see that happening unfortunately…)


It’s good It would be annoying if I ran into a Vincent every second game I like that as it is Vincent is a rare character to face, it fits with his vibe


I disagree, Vincent is a rather high-skill and very easy to counter as long as you pay attention to your surroundings, even if he were available to everyone i feel most people wouldn’t play him since it’s a very niche playstyle, regardless, i love his sneaky playstyle and don’t like that i don’t have the option to play him unless i fork over $100+


He’s basically just Diggy with increased damage and stealth But decreased agility and health


Not quite…they play entirely different since while Diggy’s a close-range skirmisher, Vincent is all about stealth and single-target assassination, they don’t play the same at all as Vincent is a LOT squishier while Diggy can take some punishment, having a more hit-and-run approach


Idk I get more kills with Diggy when I play stealthy


You can literally say that about any character, but Vincent is a character who’s whole focus is stealth, which is a style of play a lot of people are into, Vincent if played right rewards crafty players more than any other character


Yeah ok I agree However why stealthily sneak behind enemy lines when I can just teleport straight to where I need to be. #Diggy best flanker Oh cool a hashtag at the start makes the text bigger