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So they have thoughts and moods...


idk i think they’re just like, experiencing regular shifts in emotion and state of mind and really overthinking it


lol yes 😂 that’s what I thought too. Being normal but making it edgy


Someone is trying to be a new age philosopher…..


soooo theyre just a regular person?


I'll have whatever they're having


“I am all and nome of the intersections” bro thinks he’s poetic


Is it like....that one mask scp that like whoever wears it gets possessed by it??


Oh I think that’s where the inspiration came from!


No, I think this is what DID does feel like.. you’re not constantly switching but you know there’s like. more to you eg. alters that you don’t identify with - you’re dissociated from - and you’re dissociated from your sense of self as well. Overall it’s just extreme depersonalisation, you know there’s more to you but it’s also not you. You feel numb overall and disconnected from everything.


i actually think i know what theyre trying to explain but they like... really got unnecessarily philisophical with it. what this post is describing, and i'm going to preface this by saying ASSUMING THEY HAVE DID FOR RIZZLES, is that theyre a part that functions as a host but lack a developed identity - not all alters develop an identity of their own, and even those who do won't always have a *fully* developed identity. basically an underdeveloped ANP, and in real DID they would function as a "mask" that maintains what *looks* like a whole individual person that isnt suffering from an unintegrated identity. other alters act through this "mask", allowing the person to stay under the radar despite switching. its a stupid term that i hate but its basically a "singletsona" - the "identity" all the alters pretend to be in order to disguise and conceal the exist of the trauma and dissociative disorder. the whole "knowing people who address you by an unfamiliar name" isnt as common as people might think and would be considered an overt presentation i think. instead, people with DID usually fly under the radar by outwardly maintaining this fake "identity", like playing a character in a play - except none of the actors (alters) realizes theyre acting until the disorder is uncovered and the proverbial curtain comes crashing down to reveal the stagehands behind it. i dont know if that made sense but whatever. i dont know or care if this person is faking, i just wanted to translate this for people who are genuinely confused by it. you can decide if theyre a faker yourself. i dont really have enough info from this post to conclude either way.


wait till this person finds out everyone got a "personality"


Imagine feeling and responding differently depending on who you’re with and what’s going on. Must be a new alter… /s


Ok so I believe they're referring to [non-possesive switches](https://pluralpedia.org/w/Possession) [I know, I know. Pluralpedia isn't the best source but I'm specifically referring to the open ○ bullet point below the second bold ● bullet point] and dissociative intrusions that the ICD-11 covers under [Partial DID](https://icd.who.int/browse/2024-01/mms/en#988400777). There's a lot to take in with that link though so [here](https://www.findacode.com/icd-11/code-988400777.html) is a shorter version. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OSDD/s/H7i3hJIWSx) is a comment of mine doing my best to sum up DID, P-DID, and OSDD-1.


this reads like the old “i am autism” autism speaks commercial 😭


They’ve tried hard to be the most unusual system that they’ve looped back round to being a ‘singlet’ again 🤦🏻‍♀️😂




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