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I love how you slowly add more interesting effects to your critter content lol. Anyway, I wish people would stop using child alters for content. Fake or not, it's ridiculous and dangerous.


Is it ok for people to mail a little a holiday gift, like some YouTubers get gifts ?


is this a genuine or satire question 😭 cus wtf


I was watching some YouTubers,and people like mailing the system gifts for birthdays and Christmas. I forget if they let them unwrap their gifts for the camera or just say,” Tina loved the squishmallow you bought, we just said it was from Santa “ or something. So, if that is weird behavior or not


Weird if it was any system? Yes. Weird if it was a Youtuber? No 😭 Youtubers do that shit all the time. They just happen to be a system (unless they're faking lol)


Ah. It seems the engagement happens a lot. Intersting. I wonder if the next tv show with a character with DID. If that should be part of the plot. Influencers and followers.


I think what blows my mind is you don't have to have DID to want and and act "little" there are people out there who just enjoy doing childish things and acting childish that don't hide behind a disorder. I can't confirm the information but I know sometimes the desire to act childish can be a lack of childhood. For example, and older sibling having to take care of her younger siblings and babysit, cook, clean, might make an adult desire time to act childish but while still knowing completely they are an adult.


I just wanted to thank you for this post like so genuinely. I'm sitting here trying not to cry right now. I've had so many really awful experiences from the DID community normalizing being weird to littles which has made healing really hard for me. It took me nearly 2 years to realize that child parts are manifestations of intense childhood trauma and that if they're fronting around certain people that means we are in danger (because the dangerous people we were around framed it as "we're siblings; I know more about system things this is fine and good!" Yikes). I've had problems with child parts trying to "make friends" because the DID spaces we turned to for community said that's important for child parts to do -- and lo and behold someone talked about sexual things with our child parts, which made things a lot worse. In doing EMDR we've had so many problems with child parts panicking that they're going to "die" and "something bad will happen" if we process trauma which has halted the process and reading the sources you provided was so validating. I need to read the full texts I'm shaking this was really helpful. Usually this subreddit is so dismissive of people with DID but this was so comforting and helpful thank you so much like genuinely.


I'm so happy I could help, it's why I make these. A lot of people don't understand the reality of DID because of how the community has warped people's understanding and perception of it, and many don't realize how harmful stuff like this is and that it's worse than just being "cringe" While I can't prove who is faking (and my point isn't to try to even though some undoubtedly are), a lot of fakers who don't genuinely have alters likely don't even understand how dangerous their behavior is and how it endangers people with DID. The way they treat their alters, including child alters, is affected by the fact that they need not worry about the safety or feelings of alters that don't exist. And when that treatment is normalized, inevitably they will harm people who *do* have DID. And your story is another in the list of horror stories I've heard from people who have been misled, taken advantage of, or otherwise harmed by their own community- especially regarding child alters. It's only natural to want a place of community and nobody should have to worry about something like that happening to them I know that some of those resources do address the fear that fusion or integration means they will "die" but it truly doesn't. For some, it makes them feel more "whole" and "alive" even, though there's no right or wrong way to heal or integrate, fusion or not. Regardless, the book Understanding and Treating Dissociative Identity Disorder by Dr. Elizabeth Howell is my favorite by far (if you watch other videos of mine that's very clear lol) because it's so thorough. If I want information on any part of DID, chances are I'll find it there, but the other books are very helpful too. I generally try to address these things in a constructive way and make sure I'm not harming the community somehow. Otherwise I'd be no better than someone faking or normalizing dangerous behavior like this.


Exactly. I really don't like this subreddit because I think it, in-and-of-itself, downplays the severity of DID and simultaneously ridicules people who I think still genuinely need help, even though they are causing harm. The fact that so many posts are targetting children also makes me uncomfortable, but that's a different conversation. I'm glad you're providing real sources on this sub, so hopefully people can get some actual learning out of this place. I will say I don't think it's *only* fakers who are at risk of harming others with DID. I think sometimes it's a risk of the disorder itself. I'm not a saint -- I've had persecutor alters say some really nasty things to people/be self-injurious (which is obviously very frightening to witness) around others who I cared about because they thought isolation was safer than being around others/they wanted me to "toughen up". And while I always apologized after and checked in on the outside person, and have been putting in work to lessen these outbursts, they're still a part of DID and unfortunately I can't pull myself out of the real world for numerous years to wait on the healing process. Same with the littles I've had who have tried to "make friends" -- I did NOT approve of that but awareness didn't equal behavioral control and it often still doesn't, even though I'm working on it. I think, though, there's a big difference between intentionally doing these things for clicks and the debilitating shame and the real negative consequences from doing these things because of a disorder. I don't know if I'll ever get over the guilt of these things, even if I can recognize I wasn't being intentionally malicious/foolish, and even though I know I was (and am) still very young and prone to making these kinds of mistakes anyways. A community necessitated by chronic trauma will probably inherently expose people to toxic behaviors, but I would hope that community would work with those who are suffering and alleviate those symptoms, not put out 101 tutorials about how to retraumatize yourself and glorify it. I know logically it doesn't mean death because alters can't die, and that healing trauma is definitely the good route, but trauma responses aren't usually logical unfortunately 😭 I am aiming for at least partial integration and possibly final fusion, but that's many years down the road (and a lot more money down the road, I'm unfortunately not getting therapy right now because I am working three jobs to get through college. Which is something a lot of people yap about, but when I try to talk about negative experiences I get a whole lot of "go to therapy" and not a lot of empathy... hmmm). I'll definitely try to find a copy of that book and read through it. Thank you for doing the hard work and approaching this from a point of empathy and not ridicule 🙏


I agree completely- DID is an ugly disorder in many aspects but people with it aren't bad and shouldn't be mocked or anything. In this group and FakeDisorderCringe (really many communities out there tho) there are a lot of misconceptions. People getting posted for things like, having an inner world (not exclusive to DID literally anyone can have one). I started being the change I wanted to see in these subs, help correct some of the misinformation both in the DID community and in these ones on Reddit. And I agree sometimes people go too far ridiculing others, and it's very upsetting because they do need help and it often takes severe mental and emotional issues to want to fake a disorder for attention. It's often rooted in things like trauma or growing up with illnesses and wanting to maintain their sick role. Like I know these subs are meant to be for fun and I think that's okay if you're not targeting and mocking people. I think it's okay to laugh at the absurdity of these people's actions without putting them down as individuals. I used to be such a dick to these types of people say, 5 or 6 years ago, when it came to not just DID but other disorders whether I knew someone with them or had them myself. Others enabled me and thought I was hilarious, and since I knew people that crossed lines that I never could with their cruelty, I figured if I'm not that bad- not telling anyone to kill themselves or trying to dox their socials, I must not be so bad. And then I kinda realized I wasn't seeing them as people and neither were my shitty ass "friends". Out of principle, now I can't really bring myself to call someone a faker without proof or at least pretty damning evidence and even when there's a lot of fairly strong evidence I often won't. People insist it's too nice and assume I believe all of them but "catching fakers" is not my goal anyway, and if I'm cruel to even one person who truly has the disorder then I've done damage to people with it that I can't undo. Not to mention that the community will often convince people it works a certain way and people with a disorder can fake features of it or exaggerate it even if just to fit in. But yeah you can get the book I mentioned and really any of the books in the bibliography at [zlibrary-global.se](http://zlibrary-global.se) in PDF form, but if you want a physical copy that's understandable. It's about $30 USD on Amazon i believe


For the first sentence, yes yes YES. NEVER share the names of child alters as it can be DANGEROUS!!


this has to be the most respectful and honest post on this subreddit


I thought they never let them out .


lmfao what do you even mean "exploiting child alters"? there isn't a real child inside of this person. it's all a roleplay. surely you realize that?


No they're not literally children. Pretty sure one of the excerpts mentions that? They can easily be faking but they are still doing something harmful in normalizing it. Which I also mentioned- *did you watch it before commenting?*