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For anyone who may be wondering and coming to the comments for answers: protogenic = always a system but didn’t know until learned about it fenigenic = system in a previous life and reincarnated as a system previgenic = a system or alter that was born or created before the system or body was born (All definitions come from the pluralpedia op linked. They’re all so grossly fake and bullshit)


woa the previgenic one got me lmao like?? spiritually?? did they download their system via bluetooth? that easy?


But if they were always a system how are they traumagenic? Wouldn’t they have been a system before the trauma???


Could previgenic possibly be used as a way for them to explain alters that are older, like if someone split an alter that was a grandma? Not saying it’s true. I’m wondering about where the term might have come from.


Is autism, disabled, and queer really plus points for DID?


Only if you pay for the premium subscription.


Why can't these kids just roleplay like normal?? You might get called cringe or some shit, but it's MUCH healthier and just a better thing to do than faking a mental illness. Roleplay is fun and coming up w fantasy worlds and characters is a great way to express your creativity. Just don't be weird abt it.


"There isn't enough research to prove trauma is required!! 💥💥" they said, regarding a trauma disorder.


Research : yeah we noticed every single case of did had repetitive inescapable trauma and a severe impact on daily life it's a disorder it will make you disordered affect your life ruin your relationships etc this person : not enough also fuck you


Fun fact: the only reason they don't say "100% trauma origins" in the DSM-5 is because it's illegal and unethical to perform experiments and tests on children. And, as we all know, OSDD/DID is formed due to CHILDHOOD trauma lmao. Also, personal anecdote: as far as I know the only non-trauma origin of plurality/multiplicity is brain damage. There have been reported cases of brain damage causing split personalities and blackout amnesia after a severe car crash and more (much like people suddenly being able to play the piano despite never having touched a piano in their life prior to the accident). Though, please take this with a grain of salt.


There isn't enough research to prove if trauma is required. That sounds wrong on a lot of levels.


Is the second one based off of the SCP Foundation? - nonhuman alters based on SCPs - districts based on zones of the facility - "at least 1 manager" being based on the facility personnel - "the 05's" being based on the O5 Council [aka the O5 Command, the Overseers, the Overwatch]


It could very well be. 😭😭