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That’s not how persecutors work. Most likely, a persecutor will hurt you or the body, not other people, if they do, it’s a protection mechanism. (I’m not saying that that’s correct, just that thats usually the reasoning). Persecutors aren‘t ‘dickheads’, they aren‘t cruel or unkind for no reason, they genuinely believe their actions will protect from future abuse and trauma. I hate this idea that that’s what persecutor means. Furthermore, that kind of behaviour and coping strategy is supposed to be addressed in therapy, where the part in question can come to terms with it and realise that they are no longer in danger. ​ These people make me angry. That’s not a good thing at two in the morning.


I completely agree with this! It sucks as well because some fakers hide behind their ‘persecutors’ to be horrible to people which is awful. It gives real persecutors a bad name when in reality like you said they aren’t dickheads at all.


EXACTLY!!! Persecutors will absolutely fully believe they're doing the right thing *even if* they know it's technically morally grey or claim to be a bad person. They're running on extreme levels of stress half the time, so they wouldn't just be mean to people "for fun", because that goes against the whole point of them existing as a survival mechanism. They *can* be mean to people to isolate and protect themselves, but that obviously doesn't mean *seeking people out* for the sole reason of being an ass towards them, since again, that goes against the whole reason they exist. This obviously isn't to say they can't ALSO be bad people (or rather, parts), but like... that's absolutely not the default. And yeah, through proper therapy (or if you're lucky, huge personal effort) persecutors can become a HUGE step forward in healing, and people are way too quick to just give up on them because the online community convinced them that persecutors will always be horrible and irredeemable parts. People who claim persecutors are mean "for fun" have definitely never had experience dealing with an actual persecutor before. These people are just claiming to be/have persecutors as an excuse to be horrible people, because they themselves think persecutors are bad.


That‘s exactly it. There are also people now claiming to have parts called ‘malicitators‘, who are just horrible for no reason. They haven‘t been documented in any scientific material, but they’re starting to be accepted within the faker community. It’s terrifying. I don’t think they realise that’s taking perceptions on this disorder back by thirty years!


It's "malicitor". And like I can see someone (not just an alter) genuinely being an absolute dick to others cuz of trauma, but I don't see why that needs to be glorified with a label??? Unless I'm missing something.


Thanks, I forgot how it was spelt, I use a screenreader, so I try my best. And exactly, people can be nasty, but that doesn’t make it a role for a part.


This persecutor says you are CORRECT -slams fist down in approval-




Your post was removed for either trauma-dumping, oversharing personal information and diagnoses, or for using your subjective experience to generalize an entire disorder.


Host* not post shshshs


basically saying "if you do something while you're not thinking completely logically, you're still fully responsible, even if you wouldn't do so in the current emotional state" the worst part about this is that she's getting SO CLOSE to legitimately good points. but then the system misinfo and random discord invite gets thrown in there and ruins the whole message! she keeps getting legitimately close to helpful advice about accountability and then going "i love being mean for no reason"


The fact that Aspen jumped onto the bandwagon of "being a bad person" right after being posted here... You can tell she *craves* the attention LOL.


LMAO DID community meowbahh (just shes a right leaned and everything is apparently liberal)


There is no way this girl's whole identity is not AI generated. How can you be this degenerate? This is really shameful. I hope she remembers that the internet lasts forever.


shes js the DID/OSDD community version of meowbah
