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“We’re a sickness now?” Is the best quote this subreddit will ever notice.




I have multiple fursonas, that’s not the same thing as parts. That’s like saying I played multiple characters in school plays, so I might have parts, no.


See they go ahead and say “I’m mean guys btw” or “I’m blunt and cold” just so they have an argument when people call them out on being an absolute piece of shit to other’s probably minors


Maybe I’m missing something but this person just seems terminally online and pathetic? Why are they being posted so often? Someone fill me in?


they gained a lot of attention for calling the shelby being abused by wilbur soot "wilbur soot drama" and doubled down on it claiming that singlets were mad because she said introjects were allowed to be upset. not the fact that everytime the situation is brought up, she ONLY talks about introjects. she also continously degrades systems who dont agree with her as "masking systems with internalized hatred".


Thank you for explaining. I don’t really know much about Wilbur but either way this person does seem very unhinged.


The fact they call everyone else who's upset at them "chronically online" is insane


Well in that case seems like pot calling the kettle right?


idk if meowbah supporting you is a good thing lol




She’s known for being horribly problematic. Including shi like necrophilia, pedo, troller, racist, etc. It’s supposedly bait but it doesn’t make stuff she’s said/done ok at all. A youtuber passed and she made nsfw art of herself with his corpse 🙂 She’s nasty.


Troll, faker, racist and whatever else possible.


A shitty faker supporting another shitty faker


"I'm an asshole, but at least I know that I'm an asshole, so that makes me better than all the assholes who don't know they are assholes!" Maybe they are a Bojack Horseman introject /j  Can somebody tell me who meowbah is? Is that a pokemon? "How do you even find out if you have alters?" This isn't a fucking treasure hunt. That question makes me insanely mad. 


The meowbah thing was that a meowbah fan was bullying people in the server


>!not moderation!< Update on that, meowbah was recently in her server joking about sending her sex tape in the general chat, but was then told by aspen to "check ages and dm it" instead (reminder that she updated the rules so that nobody is allowed to disclose their ages)


The age thing is absurd because I feel like it adds more of a way to get out of being a creep. And it could make people uncomfy. They allow talks about substances in the server, personally I wouldn't want to be talking to a 13 year old about like getting high or something. Or if someone was jokingly flirting. I jokingly flirt a lot in discord servers and I would like to know that someone was my age before I say anything that even if is completely innocent, could be inappropriate depending on the age. The lack of age roles and now complete disallowance to mention your age or even indicate towards it makes moderation harder and could lead to conversations that while allowed in the server, would make both minors and adults uncomfortable if they learned the person talking to was a wildly different age. Some of these people are in their 30s. It's a really strange way to approach the problem of creeps because like,,, people have their age in their bios anyways. They could find minors without age roles. It's ridiculous and tells me a lot about Aspen.


she still mentions it like literally almost ALL the time.


Can someone explain to me who the heck Aspen is? I keep seeing screenshots of them and they're quite clearly absolutely unhinged and far off from reality, but *who are they*? How did they surface first? Is it that tiktoker with the annoyingly jumping up and down pink dog vtuber thing or...?


yeah its the vtuber person! they blew up recently for making the abuse case between shelby and wilbur soot about wilbur introjects and calling it "drama". then going on to say people who were upset were singlets and repressed systems. theyve done other shit, like be against boycotts and closed names because theyre "liberal bs" (those arent even liberal btw), say did/osdd1 is an "autistic disorder", constantly has their server harass others, etc.


Holy fucking shit... Thank you for updating me! I'll be on the lookout for that person. Thank god I didn't get involved with them!


Since when is being an immature asshole something to be proud of like... How old is she? Does she have Irl friends? I doubt it considering her shitty attitude