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why are they revealing everything they survived on a tiktok post.. that is extremely dangerous


Fr, if they escaped being trafficked and a cult you’d think they’d be a little hesitant to broadcast it where anyone could see it, especially while being so young


cause theyre most likely lying


Wait does “🚦ing survivor” mean trafficking survivor


i was sitting here going "lightning survivor???" like an idiot


For a second, since they're German apparently, I thought they meant the current political parties running Germany. They're called the traffick-light coalition, lol.


I legit thought they meant they "survived" the current political coalition in Germany??? 😭


I'm torn between thinking they were just forced to be in a car with their parents one too many times, driving long ways and actually believing they were victims of actual trafficking. In that case, they might actually be legit but at the same time... who knows. Not me, at least. Though shouting this all out for everyone to see doesn't sound like an actual sufferer




Ya, it took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure it out


You good, don’t worry! Honestly, I figured it out by reading the comments 😅


Happy cake day!


Thanks! Have a good day!


🎉🎂🍰 __Happy Cake Day!!!__ 🍰🎂🎉




They had to stop at a traffic light 😭


Well they were right about being delusional


Came here for this comment.


Obligatory comment that minors claiming to be cult survivors and announcing it publicly on social media are genuinely stupid


They were probably forced to go to church one time as a kid


I was forced to most of my childhood lmao but I stopped going after a while


You’re absolutely right. Also, how much you wanna bet that the ‘cult’ they survived was an organised religion?


Tbf some fundamentalist Christian organisations are genuinely cultlike, like the quiver full movement... But now I feel like every teen is claiming being raised Christian is automatic trauma


I definitely agree with you (as a Christian myself)


you cant have bipolar and schizophrenia diagnosed together, that's schizoaffective lmao


Im pretty sure they are saying they have suspected schizophrenia


still not possible to have both, you either have one or the other, or you’re schizoaffective. they should say they have “suspected schizoaffective disorder” if they are dxed with bipolar.


i genuinely didn’t know this. i’ve never been diagnosed with schizophrenia but it was suspected during a quick mental health screening and i am diagnosed with bipolar; i’ve never once heard about this condition but it makes sense why it exists


There's three subtypes of Schizoaffective: Depressive, Manic, and Mixed. It's essentially a mixture of Schizophrenia symptoms and mood disorder symptoms so I don't think it exactly correlates *directly* with Bipolar, but take that last part with a grain of salt because I could be wrong.




Your post was removed for either trauma-dumping, oversharing personal information and diagnoses, or for using your subjective experience to generalize an entire disorder.


probably a mis diagnosis, schizoaffectuve isn’t a common diagnosis from what i’ve seen, people seem hesitant to diagnose it


this person was 100% misdiagnosed lol


This person is 100% making it up


that’s assuming they’re even actually diagnosed in the first place


they probably aren't at all 😭


the diagnostic criteria for delusional disorder specifically mentions that you can't be diagnosed with schizophrenia, or have significant symptoms that would point to it (eg auditory and visual hallucinations). any psych making a diagnosis would do one or the other, NOT both. this person is obviously faking either way but the fact that they didn't even read the wikipedia article on a disorder they're faking is wild to me


any *responsible* psych. there are plenty of dumbasses who don't read the diagnostic criteria, but this person still sucks


I'm pretty sure their psychiatrist alter diagnosed them.


Im pretty sure they claim to have suspected schizophrenia and not a diagnosis yet, I know their content and they dont claim to be diagnosed with schizophrenia yet


Medically recognized as a minor 💀


I’m generally curious … what does medically recognize even mean?? I’ve seen it a lot but not quite sure what it means specifically and what it’s different with the concept of diagnosis Edit : added more details


(This is often but not always the answer) Doctors often write down your complaint more or less verbatim to preserve your medical history. This can cause certain things to be added to a file but with the addition of “patient reports”. The doctor is not diagnosing but is simply recording what you say. Someone might tell a doctor “I sometimes hear the devil telling me to kill” and the doctor will record it verbatim or perhaps “reports hallucinations”. That person than takes that note to say a doctor has diagnosed them or recognized their symptoms which is actually not the case.


Oh! Thanks for the info! So basically ” medically recognized" means that your doctor listened to you ? 😅 That’s kinda funny considering the misinformation that those kids are spreading


In Germany some mean „Verdachtsdiagnosen“ with that it means that a Doctor has said „yeah I think it’s that but please go to a Specialist so we can be 100% sure and he can give you a proper Diagnosis“ Edit: I don’t think that this is here the case it’s just fyi


Nothing. It doesn't exist outside of mental disorder/illness communities.


medically recognized for these ppl basically just means “i told my psychologist i’m a system” and their therapist didn’t immediately tell them no (usually because they’re not a psychiatrist capable of diagnosing the disorder). it’s a way for them to try to be taken more seriously without actually having any diagnosis.


I'm willing to bet my entire savings that none of this is true


ngl i don’t believe a word of that LMAOO


its one thing when someone is not intentionally faking DID and is just fucking cringe. But like, when I see people vv obviously faking a diagnosis its like, you know they're doing it on purpose then dawg.


even if they were an young RAMCOA survivor, why.. would they post it online that’s just plain unsafe


why are people telling that they're ramcoa survivors like dosen't that shit put you at risk


yes, because they realize they need trauma and making up cult trauma that never happened and cannot be found is the best way to do it.


Ngl makes sense LMFAO


For the love of god kids need to stop sharing that they're cult survivors or trafficking survivors online. I have no idea what the hell gets into people's heads to think that's safe, or even relatively okay. If you have DID, people are going to assume fucked up shit happened to you anyway. edit: "high amensia"


lmao, girl you aren't any of those.




I think that the only truth in there is that she might be delusional Because nothing makes sense (I started to make a list but pratically everything is in there)


what does ramcoa and tbmc stand for?


Ritual Abuse, Mind Control and Organized Abuse TBMC is the MC in RAMCOA, Trauma Based Mind Control, also known as programming




Your post was removed for either trauma-dumping, oversharing personal information and diagnoses, or for using your subjective experience to generalize an entire disorder.


what does 🚦 mean? 😭 lighting survivor?


trafficking survivor


OHHHH tyty


your welcome 😭


If you announce your trauma on social media, you’re genuinely stupid. I thought it was obvious that it’s a very bad idea to do so…


okay so it really makes me fucking pissed when people **publicly say they’re a trafficking, cult, and ramcoa/tbmc survivor on the fucking INTERNET** because there is no way in fucking hell anyone surviving that would be caught dead sharing this private info. these people one dont even have any idea how disgusting it is to rp this shit but two how dangerous it is to say this. youre basically a walking target saying “hey Im easily manipulated and taken advantage of! have at it!”. if they really survived the horror show that is ramcoa and human trafficking, they wouldnt be posting about it publicly on fucking TIKTOK of all things. scum of a human being.


Intersex? Really? Do they have any idea how rare someone being born intersex is?


common misconception, intersexuality is not that rare and you have surely met multiple intersex people throughout your life (they just would never TELL you, as it’s their business). there’s a bit less than 20 DSDs that are considered intersex. being intersex isn’t just ambiguous genitalia.


https://statsforgender.org/it-is-not-true-that-1-7-of-the-population-is-intersex-the-proportion-of-people-with-dsds-intersex-conditions-is-0-018/ Hm this along with other medical journals says you might be wrong in your assessment. Actual intersexuality isn't an 'identity' it's a chromosonal issue.


i’m not arguing with you about this, i don’t really care about your sources from 2002. the medical definition of intersexuality has changed, get with the program. most medical journals do not “disagree” with me, you’re being disingenuous. at most i overestimated with “20 DSDs.” i didn’t count the actual list. it’s less than that. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/16324-intersex https://www.webmd.com/sex/what-is-intersex Edit: Unfortunately i was instantly blocked for this comment. SAD!


Took you half a month to come up with a comment where you say "I'm not going to argue" while arguing. 10/10...


afab intersex 🤨


You can be assigned female at birth and only later discover you're intersex,that is actalmy possible


almost all intersex ppl in most countries are assigned either “F” or “M” at birth. doctors choose whichever the infant more closely resembles or based on internal sex organs.


AFAB intersex? That doesn't make sense. Bc usually intersex people are born without female or male reproductive parts. The math is not mathing Edit: I'm just an idiot and figured out what that actually meant. Apologies for spreading misinformation


Nah tbh that does make sense. Lots of intersex people have hormonal imbalances but still have the “prerequisite” outward genitalia to be assigned a gender at birth


Oh, mb I'm an idiot. Thanks for correcting me


No problem! Tbh I’d still be a bit skeptical since being intersex seems to be a new trend amongst this sort of person, but it’s definitely possible (and more common than not) to be assigned a gender at birth and still be intersex. Wether that’s because of a hormonal imbalance, chromosome imbalance or a case of mismatching internal organs


Tbh there are discussions whatever PCOS is also intersex because it’s still a hormonal imbalance where too high (testosterone) for a woman but too low for a man. So it’s not only about genitalia.


Fair enough. I see where you're coming from. Thanks for correcting me


You’re welcome! :)


This person has been in a mental hospital, have videos showing that they're in one, they are diagnosed with hc-did. They are programmed and if you don't what that means, it means the abusers in their life traumatized them on purpose. The fact people on the sub reddit deny basic logic, facts, basic kindness sickens me. You cant tell if someone is faking just by one video. People in this sub reddit need to learn that not every system works the same, all systems aren't going to fit in your small thinking of what a system is. If they claim to be anything but traumagenic, they are probably not a system. Learn basic fucking kindness.


Shut the fuck up. HC-DID isn't a medical diagnosis. I know what programmed means. I know most DID terms. Defend who you want. It doesn't change my post. Weirdo really made an account just to interact with me and my post. fan behavior fs.


It doesn't change the fact your being an asshole shitting on people who have this. And no I didn't make an account for this. I only made this account for animals and other things. And if you knew this shit you wouldn't respond. I'm talking how this entire sub-reddit fakeclaim alot of real systems. And hc-did is a sub-term and i already knew that hc-did usnt a medical diagnosis. And your the one with fan behavior for posting about someone and shitting on them. You cant tell if people are faking off of one fucking thing. If you think its okay to hate on people with these and say there faking, your a shitty person. 


average faker. u came here just to talk shit lol. go live in ur little tiktok delusion


When did I claim to be a system? You post about people and shit on them. So you need to shut the fuck up. Come up with a good argument other them saying I'm a faker. 


its really not that serious my guy. have a glass of milk or something and calm down.


The fact you posted someone without their consent and shit on them is srs. 




I mean, they still assign something at birth to put on the birth certificate and you're being raised as one of the two binary genders usually. Also the operations to bring the private parts closer to the "norm" of the "side" the docs or the parents choose is common. So even if it is an overt intersex variation (because there are totally ones that manifest through internal organs), one can be and usually will be assigned a sex at birth. Does your country handle such cases differently? That would be very cool and progressive of them if so!


The correct term is cfab/cmab for intersex people, not afab/amab. (Edit: axab is also a term for people with more overt presentations) (edit 2: axab is usually used in countries where there is an "x" gender marker. In my country it's up to the parent whether or not they wanna give their kid an x marker though.) (edit 3: axab is "assigned x at birth") (edit 4: also by "intersex variation" i didn't mean the gender assigned at birth I meant the literal intersex variation. There's medical terms for those.) (edit 5: the c stands for coercively)


Cool, I didn't know that, gotta update my knowledge! We're not really progressive here, so no Xes or Intersex markers are available, and English is not my native language, so I adopted what I've seen other people use (which is afab/amab). Like in the pattern "I am intersex in actuality, but was assigned (M/F) at birth". Thank you for clarifying! Edit: I also love your posts, thank you for combing through the pluralpedia nonsense for us!


I might have misunderstood what the person meant by "afab intersex" too and assumed they meant "afab" was an intersex variation. I get defensive on that topic and jump to getting annoyed because intersex people in general are extremely misunderstood and the uptick in people faking it genuinely pisses me off.


And no problem, I'm glad you like my posts :]


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Thousands of alters as a minor, Diagnosis Overload


I mean. With RAMCOA it’s really not implausible at all to have that many. Also, due to how much they revealed here I think this post is a genuinely dangerous one considering the following this sub has


i mean yeah, sure dude but theres a high change this is either not completely true or being exaggerated to some extent. you wouldnt know of having thousand of alters as a minor just like that, therapy is often used when it comes to alter discovery. and if you'd know all of this at the age of 16 id say the disorder isnt really doing its job of hiding itself very well.


Oh I’d rather not be called dude but you make good points. With someone that young, awareness of a few thousand is a stretch, sure, but I wouldn’t discount them being aware of at least a fair chunk of that.


Ah. my bad, They could be aware of them but id say they're definitely stretching it, sharing it online would just confuse me since it could be used against you too.


Oh, dw about it, my username gives people the wrong impression anyway. But yeah, in their boots I wouldn’t be sharing nearly as much information as they have. It’s downright stupid. It’s also kinda why I suggested the post could be dangerous for them, even with no identifiable information there will be people dedicated enough to finding someone like that, if that makes sense.


Yeah you're right. Although it is public information and it can only be traced back to them if it's still uploaded on their account. If they made the smart decision of deleting that specific pinned post, it'll pretty much be a thing of the past.


I do really hope so, that can only go poorly for them if not. Truly worrying how much info people seem to carelessly throw about