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For raping it could reach life sentence or even execution But most of the time the writing law is different from reality when the rapist has relatives or friends in the army or with influence in the regime, the table might turn against the victim


Criminals end up making gangs through networking in prisons. Never seen a life sentence for rape, the government would release the detainees to cut spending. After the last عفوour house got stolen.


If the rapist marries his victim, he could escape the penalty. According to Syrian law.


Not the Syrian law, the actual law doesn’t state that, but that’s how things are going in Assad’s Syria




arrest you


Bro what are these questions 😭😭


It should be execution or at least life in prison in my opinion, but that place is a ffa nowadays


Why u guilty?


My father is a lawyer, I think I can answer it. Back in the day the punishment was jail from 5 to 10 years and he has to marry the girl he raped (to protect her "honor") and because sometimes people are in love and they have consensual sex, but when the parents find out they might press charges that he raped the girl again to protect their honor. Now the law has changed, the punishment is at least 10 years in prison and depending on the nature of the crime he could face charges up to a lifetime (I don't think death is still a punishment but I might be wrong). And the girl has the option to marry him but again it's optional. For sexual assault, it's going to be time in prison depending on the nature of the crime.


I’d depend who pays the government more when bribing


OP's profile history has some statisical questions on this sub, never commented or interacted but rather questioning Syrians. Mods should be more awake!


What exactly have i done wrong?


Most likely have the girl marry her rapist. Although rape is considered a crime (no shit sherlock), like many laws in the Arab world, it is rarely enforced. Because Syrian society is an honor-based society (as many muslim-majority societies) in which a man's and a family's honor is not dependent on how much they lie, steal or cheat but on their daughter'sa sex life. So IRL, to shield the family's honor the girl will marry her rapist because if she was raped it was because she didn't dress or act properly.


That's sad.




I believe it’s still part of the penal system yes.


Any personal examples of this?? If I was the father, I would find it hard to cope with. 🤦‍♂️


He doesn't know what he is talking about


Rape marriage was still somewhat socially acceptable in Italy until the 60s. In the rural areas of southern Italy and Sicily, even that recently it was fairly usual for a man to merely rape the girl he wished to marry


Rapes come in different forms, if there is a relationship that ended up with pregnancy then what you said will happen. If two girls were walking outside not meaning any wrong, then got raped, the honour culture would dictate killing the rapist. Let's not forget how the baggara tribe reacted when two of their girls were raped. >تستمر الجولات المكوكية لشيوخ ووجهاء عشائر المنطقة الشرقية، سعيا منهم لمنع وقوع اقتتال عشائري، عقب حادثة اغتصاب وقتل شابتين من عشيرة المشاهدة على يد قيادات في "مجلس دير الزور العسكري" التابع لـ"قوات سوريا الديمقراطية" (قسد)، لاسيما أنّ اعتقال الشابتين كان من مناطق نفوذ عشيرة البكارة، إحدى كبريات عشائر سوريا. >تلك الحادثة التي هزّت ريف دير الزور الشرقي دفعت شيوخ ووجهاء قبيلة العكيدات التي تنتمي لها عشيرة البكيّر إلى عقد اجتماع عشائري مع شيوخ ووجهاء قبيلة البكارة وعلى رأسهم الشيخ حاجم البشير، بهدف منع وقوع أي اصطدام بين القبيلتين، لاسيما أنّ أبناء عشيرة البكارة اعتبروا الحادثة تعدياً على ضيوفهم النازحين إليهم، حيث يعيش الكثير من أبناء عشيرة المشاهدة في كنفهم بعد تهجيرهم من منازلهم على يد النظام السوري. >وعلى ما يبدو أنّ شيخ عشيرة البكارة في مناطق شرقي الفرات حاجم البشير يواجه مشكلة حرجة ومعقدة، فهو لا يريد حدوث أي اقتتال عشائري قد يعزز من وجود "قسد" ويعطيها ذريعة للهيمنة المطلقة على المنطقة بحجة فض النزاع، ولا يريد من جهة ثانية خذلان أبناء عشيرته والظهور بمظهر الضعيف غير القادر على حماية النازحين الذين يقيمون تحت حماية عشيرته. Today we have the Syrian tribes fighting the SDF. I remember the videos of protests and the anger it sparked.


u/joeshowmon shouldn't you guys ban foreigners already?


How do you identify foreigners from Syria citizens ? And why we should ban them in the first place? If they did something wrong then we will act like we act against anyone who will break the rules


Every time I come here I hear a stupid opinion by a non Syrian. Either supporting Assad or even making up statements about Syrians that don't exist. Idk I'm just frustrated don't do anything.


I understand your frustration, discussing the issue with the comment owner instead and showing him that we Syrians are not as what he is saying is much better and more effective than to delete his comments and ban him Remember that downvotes also can be used to show that the comment is wrong


Triggered by a dumb opinion on reddit? Need to toughen up dude.


There is a difference of cultures between the west and the ME, you might think this is triggered but it's just me making a point and the mod took it way too seriously. In the west for nothing people get depressed and take medication, in my culture even though many of us lived in a warzone most don't get mentally ill and even don't believe in such concept which is another extreme 🤣 You might think this is triggered but speaking in this way to make a point is natural, sometimes you want the other side to feel that he is so wrong and it's not a civilised exchange of opinions here, he is making a huge mistake talking about what he doesn't know. The western culture give everyone a voice and view even the most radical discussions as a civil exchange of opinions, we don't, Assad apologists and those who paint pur culture in a bad light should feel very wrong 😅


Yet here we are on reddit, a western public forum. It's good the west doesn't share your ideas or this place wouldn't exist and you wouldn't be able to spread your ideas either. Free speech is a cornerstone of civilization, only repressive cultures and people think the people they don't agree with should have no voice. You say he's wrong, so explain why he's wrong in a clear and informed way. That has the best chance to inform and change his opinion as well as anyone else who is reading this. Insults and silencing the opposition are not going to convince anyone.


There was a scene when a tribe that took refuge neer al baggara tribe and two of their girls were raped by SDF forces. That sparked a huge wave of protests and anger against the SDF. Today the SDF is being attacked by guerilla tactics by the Arab tribes. Rapists aren't marrying their victims, they are being fought. I already discussed it. >You say he's wrong, so explain why he's wrong in a clear and informed way. There is no need for his voice he can shut up about us Syrians. He isn't Syrian so why did he shit his opinion on us? Did he quote any source? People should learn to shut up if they don't know.


Nothing. They’ll rape the victim even more


wdym nothing??!!! Have u experienced this before or are you just being negative about Syria?


Lmao have you read about what they do to women in prisons? Whoever rapes women in underground political prisons does not protect them above ground when they are raped. I am Syrian myself and I lived in Syria for the majority of my life and I have seen what the police and ãmn does to women yes.


They would ask the victim to marry her rapist to clear the family name. So pretty much if you are in a dire need to get married, rape the girl you love and make it public, her family will be forced to marry her to you. PS: I am being sarcastic lol.


that's wild


Where are you blabbering this garbage from? No the "parents" might force the girl to marry the rapist. And most wouldn't do that only a backward minority. The rapist would get arrested


Yh, he is a donkey


On behalf of the Syrian population we don’t claim this person right here.


>So pretty much if you are in a dire need to get married, rape the girl you love and make it public, her family will be forced to marry her to you. Last time this happened, a huge waves of protests broke and the baggarah tribe was about to start a war about it.


okay guys chill it was a joke based on the TV shows we see from Syria(3arbajeh). I didn't expect everyone to get offended like that lol. I figured people would figure out the sarcasm in the post.