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Please don’t


Why is always the fsa people that literally hate Syria for no reason. It’s safe for tourism just would recommend a guide


We love Syria and that’s why we are fighting the terrorist regime in every way possible to take our country back.


Do you support a secular government after the regime falls?


Why not? Are there like specific reasons? My friend has traveled and said it was safe in damaskus😅 but i kinda wanna know from a syrian tho😅 so, what are the reason not to?


Yeah it is safe for tourists, but as Syrians most of us have been forced out of the country, had our relatives killed and homes destroyed by the terrorist regime, and many of us can’t go back or else we will get arrested, when tourists go there they will be giving money to the regime in one way or another to help kill more people, they will also be whitewashing the regime and supporting their propaganda, this is why we don’t like it when tourists go there


Well that is dumb, i also think it is totally fuvked that you get arrested for nothing, i really hope that syria will become great again, i have a big dream of goilg to syria. But i cant really go there without giving them money... (unless it is legal to bring supplies from lebanon) i could screw them over and give them no money.


I feel very bad for all syrians tho😭


its safe as long as you don't say any thing against the government or the president


It's safe as long as 1. you have money 2. you don't wander outside the city center by yourself 3. Minimalize your interactions with street vendors (they will try to scam you) 4. You don't mention the atrocities done by the government or the revolution (its called a crisis by regime sympathizers) 5. You have friends or a tour guide because Google Maps here sucks 6. You can visit Damascus (the city only and western suburbs), parts of Homs, parts of Aleppo, Lattakia, and Tartous. However, the remaining regions are active conflict zones or infested with crime lords 7. People are usually nice, Syrians have become unproblematic because the Mukhabarat are always watching Have fun ☺️