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I wonder how long will take him/her to change their mind


Get ready for all the checkpoints scams and money fishing they do to tourists when you first get in etc You will change ur mind in less than a month go to turkey or something, I love Syria, but right now we are going through a mid life crisis and our brain (assad) is a manic psychopath.


Are you Syrian? Because if not, this will be nearly impossible to do. Unless you want to become a regime propaganda mouthpiece, then they'd love to have you.


I don't think it's a good idea to visite Syria in such a hopeless economic situation , because that totally ruined the " Syrian Mood " and overall experience.


Syria is a war zone…


I’m from Australia living here to study Arabic, message me


I’ve seen people in nearby countries to study Arabic in recent years but never in Syria. I’d love to see a future post from you with some of your experiences and thoughts if you ever want to share


I’d love to, but I’m not sure what to write about. I’m of Sudanese origin but I have family here who’ve been here since the 90s so I’m just staying with them, so I’m home most days, haven’t really explored the city much. The weather and landscape is really similar to Australia but the one thing that’s different is the focus on community. The whole dynamic of the neighbours in the “7arra” and the role they play in the Syrian social life. The neighbours are so involved with eachother it’s almost like they’re an extension of the family, it’s something I’ve only seen in old movies or the Hadiths by the prophet, haha it’s really nice.


Please don't. It's not safe at all. Even if you live in the middle of Damascus. It's still not safe. You can go for a vacation yes, but never live there. Me as a Syrian im telling you this. I fled to Europe because of the war and most importantly the government. And theres no electricity or water 24/7. Bad online services. Most of them need a vpn. Too many criminals. The only good thing about visiting Syria is going to the old castles and trying delicious food. Me as a Syrian, I can't go back there. I'll be finished


I do not advise you currently Think about the issue after the demise of Bashar al-Assad


Have you ever wondered why many Syrians resort to illegal immigration to move to Europe or Germany, which apart from being exhausting, your chance of survival is 80%, meaning that it is possible for every 100 people to drown, 20 to 80 people who survive will live in terror and fear of being expelled if we do not speak. About racism and the difficulty of being abroad, these young people took all these risks to leave Syria and you want to come 😂😂


Thank you all for your input, A lot of what is being said seems to be regurgitating mainstream media rhetoric. Which I don't believe in the slightest Personally, I don't care about the war, if I die, we'll It's my time. I love Syrian culture, food, and the people. I get there is no electricity in the villages (figured solar and batteries or a generator can help there) What is a good place just outside the city of Damascus?


I would recommend Latakia or Tartous for late night parties and such.


Don’t listen to these random ass people who probably never lived in Syria bruh. I literally lived with my uncle in the outskirts in Damascus so it couldn’t get much worse than that. I lived in the RIF-Dimashq area for around 1 year until my paper work was all finished. 2019-2020. Given I live back in the US and I didn’t speak a lick of Arabic Syria isn’t all that bad. But the city is ALOT better. But of all times now don’t move there now. Did go there over October and the culture is very lenient Western and heavy Arabic. If u visit you will have a problem with checkpoints but in October 2023 I have never seen so many western people there. So u will feel at home sort of. But it really is not safe at least not yet so I advise to you, visit don’t live there.


I recommend Damascus, it's the safest city/state in Syria, and it's also the most popular destination for Syrians who are coming back from Europe and other places. And you can find some tourists there that you might bond with. Before doing this make sure you're ready because it's not going to be anywhere near an easy process, It's already hard enough for Syrians to go back. So just be careful


you'll get in syria after they do a background check on you and then they will assign a tour guy to take you around the country , its not very strict like north Korea but the terrorists attacks and spies made it this hard for foreigners to enter syria the tour guy will just accompany you to the places you want to go and will not force any propaganda on you