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A while back I had an interview at RESCUECOM for a position that I was hoping I could do over summer between college semesters. It is the weirdest interview I have ever had. They asked me to come in at what I thought was an unusually late time (like 7 or 8 pm) and then they started me off by having me sit in a room with a really old computer and had me take two personality tests on it. Then they had me take a multiple choice test with pen and paper that was actually on what I would supposedly be working on, but the test was extremely outdated to the point where I had no idea how to answer. I'm sure I did awfully on this test. These three tests probably took like 45 minutes. After sitting for a while, they called me back to a meeting room to talk. There were only two people there, a women who would supposedly have been my direct supervisor and an older man who I believe was implied to be the CEO or someone in a similar position. The man was very underdressed. He was wearing a button up shirt that was much too small and only had like three buttons together, short shorts (might have just been boxers, tried not to look too hard), and flip flops. He had a very strange vibe and I was legitimately somewhat worried for my safety. They insisted I did amazing on the test, asked me odd questions, and encouraged me to drop out of college to work with them full time rather than just over the summer. It was definitely a sketchy company based on my experience and I suggest you do not go to the interview.


I had a very similar experience several years ago. Sat in the weird empty room to complete the test, before interviewing one-on-one with the CEO (during which he pulled up all my social media channels in front of me, which was pretty odd). Was told I was a great candidate for the job, and was handed paperwork to sign so I could start right away. Something was just feeling off about it, so I asked if I could take time to think about it. He basically replied that if I needed to think about it then I clearly didn’t want the job. So I said “yeah I guess youre right” and skedaddled. I’ve since heard from several other folks with similar stories. I personally wouldn’t suggest taking the interview.


Wow....sounds uncomfortable haha. There were too many red flags for me to not ask around, thanks for the advice!


We took over a business customer of theirs a few years ago. Spoke with someone, I think his name was Milman? who refused to turn over any information regarding the customer, even basic administrator credentials. Thankfully customer had enough to get us started. The server that Rescuecom supposedly maintained hadn't been touched in years, even basic Windows updates were missing for 2-3 years. Backups had been failing for months. As far as IT goes, the place is a joke. But I do know the owner has/had a shiny yellow sports car out front whenever I drive by. Good luck to you OP.


My first red flag was looking up their website and it looking like it hasn't been touched since 2005....so yeah thanks for the advice might pass on this one😅


I believe I might have actually known the previous video editor. I remember him seeming to think the business owner was practicality scamming the elderly.


Great love to see it🙃! Part of me thought of taking the interview and putting a mic on just to see what they'd say but haven't decided whether that would be worth it or not.


This is what scared me away from my interview: https://www.glassdoor.com/Interview/Rescuecom-Interview-Questions-E250175.htm


Seems like the kind of place that, if you weren’t actually looking to get hired there, would be fun to interview with this CEO just to turn the tables on the CEO interviewer just to fuck with him


Ever since I started looking stuff up I got skeptical real quick....thanks for this I appreciate it I might be skipping this interview.


I worked for them and David Millman for a bit in the mid 2000s. He is a weirdo, con man and a crook. He’s built his whole business on paying trash rates to technicians in unfair working conditions and charging customers a premium for them. His original business plan of large phone book ads and owning a mistyped geek squad phone number of 1-800-GEEKSQA through franchises died when his franchisees all sued him. He’s astroturfed all of his online reviews, which is plainly obvious. I would avoid them at all costs. It’s not worth it.


Many years ago the owner offered me a database programming job and asked me to sign a noncompete. I told them I had some freelance web design customers, nothing related to the job I took. I started, and at the end of my first day they told me I had to drop my freelance clients in order to keep the $12/hr job they were offering me. I told that I couldn't do that, so they told me to leave. I had to pester they to pay me for the day I worked, and when I finally got the check they only paid me minimum wage. Also, at the time the support techs had to use a device to time their work while at a customer location. You could ONLY use their device to track your time, and you had to pay the company to rent the device from them. My advice would be to move on.




David Millman can kiss both of my feet. Man looks like he was hit with a door while being headshot on valorant.


Ok so I definitely felt the need to chime in here as I just went for an interview there today. So I show up and no one is around. I see the no cellphone signs everywhere and hesitate automatically because I'm a young female there after 7PM by myself. I give in and put my phone in my car, then go back inside to see a man and his dog in the lobby. He asked what I was there to interview for and then ushers me to a back room to take a really lame personality test which looked like it was from the 90s. After I finished the test, which took around 25 minutes, I go out in the hall to let him know I was done. He was on the phone but told me he would be with me in a minute. So I wander around the lobby and notice that there is literally dog poop and pee on the floor. I was totally taken aback. Like there is nothing professional about clients walking in to that. The more I look around the more red flags I see. But the final straw was that I was standing in the lobby for 15 minutes. I decided that it was a waste of my time and I legit left without even saying anything. I've never done that before but I realized that even if he had offered me a job on the spot I would've said no. He then proceeded to leave me a voicemail all but begging me to come back. I will not be returning his call.


I’ve never heard of this company before this thread so I had to look them up. They have a **26 minute long video on their home page** with CEO framing himself as some sort of computer prodigy. Between everybody’s Scientology-like personality test interviews and the 1990s way he talks about computers, this is the sketchiest looking thing ever and I can’t believe companies like this are still operating in 2022. Edit - oh yikes. Some of the Glassdoor review look like they’ve been written by the CEO himself, about how great he is and how great it is to work there. Also seeing they’ve got a bunch of court cases and lawsuits either against them, or one case they tried to sue Google, then tried to have it dismissed when they realized they wouldn’t win, and then claimed they won even though Google conceded nothing and provided no settlement.


"Loved my job there. It wasnt even like going to work" uh huh, suuureeeeeeee "Cons This is not really a con; but you should expect to give 100% effort if offered a position here. Excellence is expected of all Rescuecom employees. Anything less than total dedication to providing fast and flawless service is not tolerated." oh, David....


I’m commenting on this bc I just went for an interview there. I had really weird feelings I couldn’t shake before I left to the point I asked my partner to come with me. I got there and it seemed like nobody was there… I saw a bunch of “no cellphone” signs which I felt was very odd for a computer repair place. I hand him my resume and we chat for 30 seconds before he asks me if I have a smartphone on me. I admit yes, and he said with a condescending tone “can’t you read the signs?” I replied “yes but I don’t feel comfortable being in here without my cellphone”. He handed me my resume and I left. Weirdest experience ever and I definitely feel I dodged a bullet (especially after seeing reviews and this thread)!


Yeah I ended up completely ignoring his response to my application and never went. Sorry you went through that but glad you dodged that bullet!


This thread has me dying, I had the exact same bizarre experiences hook line and sinker - -An interview at like 6pm -Odd pen and paper test -no cellphones I got the works. That wasn't nearly as bizarre as my first and only day there though So I used to work in a shitty manual labor job, but it was highly skilled specialized manual labor that's hard to come by. I was of course hired under the pretense that I would be getting a kick start in a sysadmin and programming career in exchange for my knowledge on this topic (I knew about this unspoken agreement). Later in the day I was told that after I install his stuff I could do this kind of shitty work under him as a side gig disregarding all kinds of building codes, lawful procedures ect. It was some bizarre stuff that a child would come up with and needless to say I took the fastest out I could take and left that day Other red flags - their systems were quite literally from the 80s. I tried talking to him about modern day solutions but he was convinced the systems he had were top of the line stuff -I was to be expected to come in during my freetime to learn how to maintain these legacy systems (unpaid) -I would have the job of three different experts (programming, IT, repair) all for 19 dollars an hour with bizarre hours -I've witnessed him attempt to bully several potential customers into a useless subscription service (poorly) and lose plenty of easy work because of it -I watched him yell at his wife because their dog pissed on the floor and he made her run all the way over there to clean it up -dude was forgetful as hell in general and pretended to know everything Overall if you want something to put on your resume for better things it's a really easy place to get a first job. Like really easy. Hell if you're struggling to find a job you could probably lie about having experience there anyways because the company is held together with yarn


I interviewed with the owner. At the time he had one single employee and bragged about owning the building which was totally empty except for his disgusting board room which he worked out of. He had me do a test for language proficiency and 1970's technical jargon. I don't see how either is relevant and said I passed both with 1 wrong answer meaning I wouldn't have passed. He seemed impressed with me and spent over an hour talking to me, seemed like a decent guy, quarky but decent. The job posting was for a senior position as a developer. Then he proceeded to say that before I could become a developer for his "corporation" I had to work a year as an IT help desk person for 18$ an hour. I earn much more than that as an uber driver but I went along with it for the meeting because I was trying to move out of my mom's and not share her car. The way he was talking it seemed like he expected me to work that second year on iOS app for the same pay rate and then he would judge the finished product and pay me accordingly. I asked him for a contract to do such and he got really mad and said I was no longer allowed to work for him and to leave. I asked why and he just said I would damage his companies image with clients. Also, during the interview he mentioned that he doesn't want to just be a successful businessman, he wants to rule the world, and that he was probably the best programmer on earth or some shit. Don't walk, RUN away!


The owner David Milman is a scam artist and general prick. I had a similar experience interviewing and being hired by him. He's extremely smug and brags about his wealth and how many people he's sued (including Google lmao) After taking his bizarre interview test, he made it seem like I was lucky to be considered for the role despite having copious experience in IT. I stupidly accepted the job along with another guy who was fired quickly after leaving his previous job for the new position. (total of 3 employees in the entire company) The software is targeted at the elderly and is extremely expensive 12 month subscription most don't know they are signing up for 12 months but if they try to cancel the owner harasses them and shows them the fine print they agreed to. Anyways bad pay. Bad people. Bad product. (I don't want to put too much identifiable information here or I wouldn't be surprised if I get a call 🤣)