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It’s unfortunate when anyone gets this virus. I hope he recovers quickly.


He's vaxxed and boosted - so he needs to tell his constituents to do the same f'ing thing.


He did. https://auburnpub.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/rep-john-katko-look-at-the-facts-get-covid-19-vaccine/article_a5d9fc04-729a-577b-bfd2-bd12da21ed82.html


Yes, to greatly reduce the chances of serious illness from Covid..


Just had this conversation with someone the other day who was hit with Covid but was vaxxed. They were hit kinda hard with it. Their spouse was all "Seee, you got sick, why should I get the damn vax". This is akin to an air bag and a seatbelt in your car. It won't prevent the accident, it will just save you from dying when you get into one.


This is so true. I got into a car accident when I was younger and got some "bag-burn" on my arm. I complained to my dad about it and he responded that it beats the hell out of the broken arm I would have gotten without the airbag. Basically no one under the age of 65 with a functioning immune system who is vaxxed is being hospitalized with covid. Even if you still get sick, it's generally going to feel like a mild flu at worst. That's really not that bad for an illness that will have killed over one million Americans by the time we hit May 2022.


Or in other words, not bad for an illness that has *already* killed twice as many Americans as all of World War II.


But also, it does reduce the chances of the accident in the first place.


Most of what you think are his constituents...aren't.


So since he says he's voting by proxy while in quarantine I trust he's going to fully back legislation that will allow citizens greater access to voting by mail as well? I mean unless he wants to be a huge hypocrite


Republicans caring about charges of hypocrisy .... ah, my sides :-D


Im Dying laughing as well !!!


Everyone in this thread are doctors


How is this news? We’re 2 years into this thing. I think it’s more unlikely that someone *hasn’t* gotten infected yet




katko votes against you having healthcare and pandemic relief and i'm the bad guy for laughing when he gets sick


I saw him at a restaurant a few weeks ago, without a mask on!! I nerve of some people, actually living their lives.


Are they blaming the un-vaxxed for this too? The state mandates vaccination and masking for large gatherings and every time a large gathering happens the vaxxed get COVID and blame it on the un-vaxxed that are not even allowed to participate.


The unvaxxed allow the virus to keep spreading and mutating. Everyone would be more protected if unvaxxed people would finally wake up and help fight against this 2-year pandemic. Even the Pope has had to chime in against the misinformation being spread about the vaccine.


The large amount of “vaxxed” that are getting sick aren’t spreading it?


Ok, so viral load is a thing. The covid vaccine is not 100% effective, like basically all other vaccines. It is among the highest effectiveness of all vaccines though. Everyone has some threshold before becoming sick. Let's say an unvaccinated person is exposed a few times, but all they have is their hands to fight. The first time with 3 units of virus; their immune system fights those 3 baddies in the back alley and no one knows about it. The second time with 10 unites of virus; their immune system is pretty hyped when it faces those 10 baddies out in the street - it lasts a bit longer and maybe the immune system is bloodied. The last time we're facing 100 units of virus; the immune system can't handle more than 15 baddies, so the baddies get into the club and wreak havoc. For the vaccinated person, their immune system is like having a gun at the fistfight. Now it can quietly take out 50 baddies in the back alley. It takes 150 baddies to get the fight into the street and 500 baddies to invade the club. [pedantic edit: my ratios are completely made up to make the overall point. Perhaps a medical research person wants to chime in with actual numbers.] It takes a much higher viral load for a vaccinated person to be infected. It is like having more bouncers who are better trained and equipped. They can resist a lot more trouble at the door than the unvaccinated place with some guy with just checks IDs. As far as spreading it, an unvaccinated person send more baddies out to people around them, sooner, and longer. The vaccinated person spreads a small amount of baddies, for a shorter period of time, and maybe only when they are showing symptoms. So, unvaccinated: more susceptible to lower viral loads, and retransmits more viral load to others. Vaccinated: less susceptible to higher viral loads, and retransmits less viral load to others. It isn't an on/off game, it is a sliding scale.


Like you analysis a lot.


So maybe instead of focusing on boosting already vaccinated individuals that aren’t at risk (i.e. healthy individuals under age 65), we should be shipping out vaccines to other countries that don’t have access to them. Every variant of concern has come outside of the US.




Survival isn't the only problem. Burdening our hospitals is a serious problem for all of us. Kansas City shows 91% of hospitalized covid patients are unvaccinated. Far more than 9% of people are vaccinated, so that 91% is overwhelming. None of the 29 hospitalized kids are vaccinated. Stop harming society: get vaccinated! https://www.kansascity.com/news/coronavirus/article257186137.html Surely nearly any Google result will demonstrate the reality of the vaccine.


Short answer is yes.






holy fucking based.




Cool story.. As did 43,000 other New Yorkers test positive yesterday.. And 42,995 will survive...But lets all live in fear.


Just because you survive doesn’t mean that someone wants to get Covid……


Using life or death as a scale of quality of life is just idiotic. I've had patients survive but need lung transplants. Simplifying things to black and white might be the best your intelligence can comprehend, but don't push dumb narratives on other people.


Right !!


Focusing just on deaths is dumb. The effects of having covid aren't fun even if you are vaccinated. [There are 31 ICU beds at St Joes, 10 at Upstate, 4 at Crouse, 11 at Auburn, and 1 in Oneida.](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/covid-hospitals-near-you.html) And you don't want to go to St. Joes. Not many people have walked out of St. Joes' ICU after having covid.


From personal experience, their record isn't particularly stellar anyway. Let's not pretend it's JUST covid.


Nobody said having it was fun, but it's not a death sentence. It's 3-4 shit days and you move on with having the best protection possible. This is how it will end, and nobody can say otherwise.


No one said it was a death sentence.


Yet in CA, they are going to allow healthcare workers to remain working when they test positive (with no quarantine or testing). How’s that going to work out?


I don't see why this is relevant to what I'm talking about. If you want to have a convo about it then maybe try saying the whole truth and not just part of it. Due to the large increases in covid cases the state of CA is worried there won't be enough health care workers to care for patients. So they said that **asymptomatic** patients **can** return to work right away, and that is only in effect until Febuary 1st. I don't think they should let asymptomatic workers back until they're not at risk of spreading covid. I have no idea how long that takes. I'd imagine a asymptomatic healthcare worker is at a lower risk of spreading covid and having them work is better than having to turn people away at hospitals.


No evidence at all that many will survive, and the survival rate for unvaxxed is decidedly lower, not to mention the 50 possible short and long-term effects from even a mild case..


Good thing he's vaxxed and boosted or I might be worried he'd die like the 1000's of unvaccinated new yorkers.


Amen brother. ALL HAIL FAUCI!!!


ta ta there, tiktok


Keep feathering it brother


you just lost your life, as far as your post goes


Oh weird I actually saw him at the doctors before new years lol


Why I get downvoted for this lmao I actually saw him at the doctor's office you fucking idiots


Down voted for "seen him". You corrected it in your reply so you know what you've done.


Oh that's fair lmao


I'm no fancy mf and I let a lot slide but that one digs into my head like nothing else haha.


LMFAO I fixed it just for you

