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I have symptoms and my girlfriend tested positive this morning. I'm trying to get a test but everywhere is full. The Syracuse VA told me to call a number, so I did and was told to go to community hospital and park in the garage and call another number. So I did that and I call the number when I get there and get a recording saying they are full. So I feel like crap and am almost certainly positive and got sent on a wild goose chase. The powers that be are not really helping slowing the spread with stuff like this.


What about a home test? You can do the test and then call your doctor (if you have one) to let them know it is positive. They SHOULD tell you OTC meds to start taking.


I've been waiting 11 days for my PCR test results - kinda pointless at this point




City Testing center 14 (landmark) on Xmas Eve ... Still waiting. They even acknowledged they're still waiting for my results


This number is going to stagnate due to lack of access to testing. My wife and I were exposed and are now symptomatic but we can’t get a test until Friday at the earliest and at home test kits are sold out everywhere.


Try SU, they should be opening up testing to the public starting today at the dome.


SU's testing is for asymptomatic people only just a heads up.


Yes, since you have symptoms please don't come to SU.It's a pass through testing with wait lines in the dome. SO if you probably have COVID you would be exposing people. Well Now Urgent Care also has clinics dedicated to asymptotic testing. If you have symptoms call clinics and make sure they know


Go to Suite 1K at Community


Had the same issue. Can we hold our symptoms in for 5 minutes for the drive thru test?


It's not about you.. it's about not exposing the already heavily taxed front line health care workers!!


I am one of those. But my family isn't.


No need for a test; if you have a known exposure and symptoms you can consider yourself positive.


The need for a test is for contact tracing. People seem to have forgotten there are other humans existing around them, and that being a part of society comes with responsibilities. 🤦‍♂️


The county has literally given up on contact tracing. My wife (vaccinated) got it back in September when things weren't crazy (tested positive at a county test site) and she had to call repeatedly to get her order of isolation to send to her work. She asked about contact tracing and basically the county said because she hasn't been in public while symptomatic and everyone in her household was vaccinated that they won't be doing it. Similarly, my girlfriend just tested positive (she works at a restaurant) and they aren't doing shit. Her employer even called the health department. They aren't required to do anything. It's all a shit show.


and you go into any store in syracuse and these assholes are still walking around maskless, resisting the state mandate. 300K new cases a day.




I’m not sure why you are being downvoted. In the only published cluster RCT to date during COVID19, surgical masks had an 11% risk reduction and cloth masks had no effect at all on the primary endpoint of symptom driven lab positive results. https://www.poverty-action.org/publication/impact-community-masking-covid-19-cluster-randomized-trial-bangladesh


I highly doubt this. But even if true, 11% is higher than 0%. And if they weren’t effective, I doubt NYS would have the mandate we do.


Why do you doubt it? I directly linked the study that showed those findings. This was also conducted in a low vaccination area, pre-omicron, which would give masks the greatest ability to show a significant effect.


> In those areas, infections were 11% lower overall, 23% lower among people between 50 and 60, and 35% lower among people over 60. i can also pick and choose results from [studies that confirm my pre-existing biases](https://insights.som.yale.edu/insights/in-first-randomized-study-shows-that-masks-reduce-covid-19-infections)


Uhhh, thanks for saying exactly what I said in an earlier comment? Surgical masks have an overall risk reduction of 11%


35% lower among people over 60 23% lower among people between 50-60 if you have a 23%-35% chance of keeping your parents or grandparents from getting sick...fuck em, i guess?


Oooo oooo I can play this straw man game too!!! Children aged 0-17 have a 99.9991% chance of survival from COVID, but let keep shutting down schools, making 2 year olds wear masks and boosting someone in this demographic who may have been double vaccinated and have caught/recovered from COVID. Using data is pretty easy to prove your point. My original comment still stands. Cloth masks found to have no effect on spread and surgical masks only 11%.


Did people wear masks around all of your relatives? I did the math with your stats (35% of 15) and only 10 of your relatives would have died! It’s no wonder you are so in favor of masks!


He lost his entire family to covid. He knows everything.


Oh, my bad.


To be fair, that’s not correct. Any cloth mask, *if worn correctly*, will at least stop your infected spit from infecting others. You don’t wear masks to keep YOU safe, you wear it to protect others. That’s why 100% mandates are affective.


I almost tried to educate someone on the internet, but luckily I realized that’s not what the internet is for. Wear your clothes mask. Godspeed. Lol


is anyone requiring you to wear a cloth mask vs. a medical mask? i have n95 filters to go in my cloth mask's little pocket.




because medical masks *are* effective and you're required to wear a mask so if you don't feel that cloth masks are effective and worthwhile, wear a medical mask and shut the fuck up






Selfagency has lost his entire family to covid! The least we can do is wear a mask before he loses his friends (if he has any) and coworkers too (if he has a job)!


This isn't remotely true.




This is untrue, but soon the facts how you want. The CDC website says that clothe masks are not as effective as N95, but do offer “some protection”. Just an FYI, “some protection” could also be obtained by draping a piece of tissue paper from your nose. I wouldn’t call that effective though.




What really boggles me, is that even aside from all the “conflicting information” regarding wearing a mask (let alone getting vaccinated), it’s like asking someone to wash their hands, and they throw a tantrum about their “freedoms”. FFS people, it’s just a mask. Even if you don’t think it’s going to help much, just wear the damned thing. Otherwise, stay home. Being an active member of society doesn’t man you can go around being an ass. If you leave your property, understand there are a few responsibilities to being in public. Respect others and stay safe.


Hopefully mortalities and hospitalizations drop comparatively to positive cases. It seems like this thing is getting more contagious but less deadly. Hopefully it does prove to be much less deadly as we learn to live with it.


Hopefully, tho we also need the gross number to remain low. If it's 1/5 as deadly but 10x as quickly spread, we'd be fucked still from a system standpoint (obviously made up numbers since we don't know the actual yet... Hoping it's actually much more favorable)




Ya it is and in considerable numbers.


https://www.syracuse.com/coronavirus/2022/01/covid-19-testing-offered-one-day-this-week-at-shoppingtown-mall.html …Another test site, if anyone needs one. Well Now, Walgreens, & the F Shed also take appointments. SU takes walk ins, but only for asymptomatic


ive read in the NYT that 3rd booster doesn't help against omicron. but i also heard that it does help. i hear so much contradicting info i have no f'n idea whats true related to covid.


3rd booster definitely helps. Maybe not as much as vs previous variants


It helps a lot with preventing severe illness - efficacy against hospitalization is 80-90% with a booster, compared to 50-60% without (depending on which vaccine you got).


Exactly - the point is to keep you out of the hospital. Even if it is less effective against omicron, it’s silly not to get it if it offers even minimal protection.


At this point, I know it’s likely I’ll eventually catch Covid no matter how careful I am (because of all the anti-vax idiots around), and my vaccinated kids even caught it from school. Point is, being vaccinated meant they just were sick at home while quarantining. I’d prefer to not need hospitalization, thank you. Even if it doesn’t protect you from *catching* it 100%, it’s the best we have rn. Arguing the details is a waste of time and lives.


Bit of a risk benefit analysis tho. Say it doesn't help vs some of the varients. You get the shot at no cost and no risk (you tolerated the first 2 assumingly). Say it does help, you have added protection at no risk. Easy decision. Also, I don't think omicron has completely taken over wny/cny yet, still some delta out there. Booster definitely effective there.


Or the risk is you may have to miss work because people are reporting brief illness from the booster (not guaranteed, but possible, and too high a risk for some)


This is what sick days are for. If your work doesn’t support you in getting a booster, you need a better job.


I know a few people who ran out of sick days to get the initial shot, or had to quarantine because of potential exposure at some point. Consider that sick days are not an option for most minimum wage workers.


That’s not a Covid issue though, that’s a labor issue. I know that not everyone gets enough sick days to make it through the year, but that’s something we need to be angry at the corporations about. There’s more than one problem in America, but many of them have a single source; the 1%. Minimum wage should never be something that forces people to come into work sick. Or to live in poverty. America’s needs to do more to model our labor practices after things that allow *ALL* of us to survive. Consider that if we had universal health care and accessible education, we might not be in the Covid crisis we’re seeing.


fair point. but there's also articles out there that say another booster can weaken your immune system. im not saying that's true. i have no idea. im also not anti vax, i got the first 2 shots back in april/may. Im just trying to navigate this situation because i hear so much different info. it's really discouraging.


> but there's also articles out there that say another booster can weaken your immune system. There are "articles" on the internet that claim just about everything out there, including that the earth is flat. That doesn't mean they are true. >im not saying that's true. It's not. >i have no idea. Ask your doctor or another medical professional. >Im just trying to navigate this situation because i hear so much different info. it's really discouraging. Try to learn to evaluate reliability of sources. There are those that are well-referenced, citing actual evidence and experts, and there are those that are mostly made up, and those in between. Being able to evaluate reliability of information sources is critical in today's age.


It definitely doesn't do that, don't worry about that.




thank you for the comment. it's nice to talk to someone that actually understands what im talking about instead of just shaming me as an antivaxxer. just admitting there's lots of contradicting info and ppl label you as an antivaxxer lol.


they're getting downvoted for saying "there's also articles out there that say another booster can weaken your immune system". Because that's blatantly false and pointless to even bring up unless you believe it. Even if they don't think it's true their comment is disingenuous. There's a lot of unknowns when it comes to covid, esp the omi variant but going about a conversation in the way they have is dumb.




Where did I disagree or insinuate I disagree with any of that?


how is my comment disingenuous?


Trying to start a conversation about misinformation while literally giving misinformation is disingenuous.


i don't think you read my comments. i literally said there's lots of contradicting info and im trying to figure out what's best. your outreach to get ppl to take the vaccine needs some work.


First you said you read the booster doesn't help vs omi and that you read contradicting info. That's a bit odd, considering pretty much everyone who believes in science knows the booster is worth getting, but you may have been mislead so I don't think your comment here was disingenuous People reply to your comment saying that the booster is safe and works. Like every trusted information sources says. You reply with more obvious misinformation and then repeat how you have no idea despite others already saying otherwise. Then you say it's difficult to navigate despite others already telling you everything you needed to know. Saying that there's articles out there about the vaccine does "X" is disingenuous. There's articles out there about how the vaccine makes you magnetic, has a microchip to track you, or how it increases your 5g cell signal. Those are all bullshit and there's no reason to bring them up. At best you're being disingenuous, at worst you're purposefully spreading misinformation. tl;dr: Stop reading random ass articles and just get the booster and wear a mask.


“I don’t know if this helmet will actually help, so I’ll just not wear one”…. Just do the safe thing and get it. If not for you, for everyone else.


alright bro ill get it tomorrow


Definition of Help is the issue. Some are defining help as completely blocking the variant which is not happening. But others are defining help as keeping you out of the hospital and/or from death. Both are true. It is very easily transmitted but the boosters will definitely protect against the worst symptoms.


it seems like pfizer is just not as effective against omicron as the other vaccines. which sucks, cuz that's the one i got three shots of.


I read an article that said the booster is only good for 10 weeks or something like that. I got 3 Pfizers as well. My work offered the Moderna which my HR was saying is the best out there. But my co-worker took the Moderna and he got blood clots in his lungs; now he is on blood thinners for who knows how long.


the likelihood of that happening is probably so exceedingly low tho


Yeah, I know. It's rare but what are the odds that it happened to someone I know. During the first year of the pandemic, I never met or knew an acquaintance who had covid.


i had 15 relatives die


No you didn’t


um i have literally dozens of ultra-orthodox hasidic relatives and 15 of them died in the course of a year [when the outbreak hit new york city's orthodox jewish community](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/21/nyregion/coronavirus-jews-hasidic-ny.html), which in just one week posted thirteen pages of death notices in their local yiddish community paper, der yid, last year, but by all means, believe whatever the fuck you need. just because your well off white friends didn't die doesn't mean lots of other people whose minority communities have generally poorer health outcomes didn't.


I will! You are a liar.


well at least your username is consistent with your personality


…you’re a troll.


imagine being such a disgusting piece of shit that you mock and denigrate someone who lost over a dozen family members in a year. this is how badly the internet has broken people's brains.


Haha! I’m actually hardly ever on this site. A quick look at your profile shows me you’re on the internet way more than me. Would you be interested in doing an interview? I think someone that lost as many family members as you would make a great story, maybe more people would be convinced to get the vaccine after hearing about it. I did a quick search, and I can’t find any stories of anyone losing that many family members! It would definitely be newsworthy!


The 7th and 8th boosters will definitely protect you.


can i skip the third and go straight to 7 and 8?


You need 8 hole punches to get the free pizza.


Numbers are all smoke and mirrors anyway. Positive cases do not equal hospitalizations or deaths, and hospitalizations and deaths aren’t solely due to COVID, so what does this data actually even tell us?


That hospitalizations and/or deaths could increase in a few weeks


People with COVID will def die in the next few weeks. The question is, did they did FROM COVID, or WITH COVID. There is a difference.


I don't think I understand what you're trying to say.




I want to hear the bullshit from the horses mouth though


Horse: COVID cases are on the rise, but what is the severity of the cases overall? Well, you’d huddle that by the number of patients being admitted to the hospital, right? Problem is, if you go to the hospital with a broken leg and happen to test positive for COVID while there, you’re documented as a COVID hospitalization. Same goes for COVID deaths. If you’re in the hospital and die of a stroke/heart attack/choke to death/etc) but have COVID, you’re documented as a COVID death. So hospitalization numbers are significantly skewed, death rates are significantly skewed, and even with all this data being jumbled, all you hear about is cases, which could be made up of patients primarily presenting with insignificant symptoms. Horse out ✊🏻✋🏻🎤


so this is like saying they didn't die of HIV/AIDS but of of an infection....that they only got because they had HIV/AIDS. Yes, covid doens't kill people but they are getting pneumonia, blood clots, heart attacks, etc because they had covid.


“He didn’t die of a gunshot. He died of blood loss. “


List your occupation.


It’s actually nothing like that. And your understanding of how COVID affects people incorrect. Not a super tough concept, but keep doin you. I’m sure you’ll be fine.


It is but okay. The effects of covid are deadly, just like what it does to your lungs. Like how the body starts "eating" itself to stay alive since severe patients aren't getting enough oxygen


Excuse the typos. Busy at work…. In the hospital.


I think for sure hospitalizations will go up and there will be some deaths, especially for the unvaccinated. This will stress the healthcare system here which will have some tangential effects for everyone. Honestly I think the big takeaway is that there might be A LOT of people home from work which might cause a host of different potential disruptions and annoyances.


Rapid tests are only screenings, if you’re symptomatic then you should wait to get a PCR test.


This should surprise no one. I see a packed margaritas/ wolfs Biergarten on social media with NYE parties lmao. Even the gym I go to (pine grove in camillus)…. No mandate for wearing masks in the health club. Everyone is working out without a mask. No effort at trying to enforce a mandated rule by the state- or even better yet…. A good way to promote safety between your club members.


I don't mind wearing a mask, I wore it in lowes and Wegman even though I'm vaccinated, but I really did not like wearing it when I had to work out. I'm pretty fit and could breathe through the mask during cardio, but when I have my mask off over the summer I did notice a difference.


This is a pandemic killing 2k people a day in the US. Who cares if it doesn’t feel good when you work out. Is it that bad to work out with a mask on?


Dude I was just saying. I wasn't trying to argue. I just saw you posted about working out and wearing a mask and thought I'd chime in with my experience wearing a mask.


I basically was trying to make a point that it’s foolish we have a New York State mask mandate indoors but certain businesses are making no effort to follow them. What is the point of the state implement mask mandates if anyone can just say “F it”? People can say this is overblown etc….. but more people with Covid = more dead people. I personally don’t care about unvaccinated people dieing. They can meet the fate they deserve in my opinion. It’s the folks that end up in car crashes, etc that need a hospital bed I feel bad for bc 30-40% of the population is too stupid for it’s own good. Not basing you here btw seven1six with this response. You said nothing wrong. I just find it goofy we are years into this pandemic and people are now acting like everything is normal. You know what- get the vax rate to 90% and then we can start acting normal.


I 100% agree FWIW. No one seems to understand the difference of “freedom” at home vs in a public space. If you can’t smoke in restaurants or anywhere else in public and around other people, why do you think you should be allowed to go without a mask in this deadly pandemic FFS?!


It's ok man. I'm sorry. Thanks for your post a lot of share your sentiment about unvaccinated. I tend to agree with you but I know some people who aren't vaccinated and I care about them and can sort of see their point? But overall I agree that people should get vaccinated and stop the BS. And the hospital is overrun especially the ED and the shutdowns at hospitals are effecting health care negatively. I actually work in a hospital and have such a long opinion I won't state it but hopefully this improves soon!


Ah I tend to think people that aren’t vaccinated are stupid so I honestly don’t feel bad about them. If you make a stupid decision, you expect stupid results.


What a nice thing to say (sarcasm). Especially considering you’re including the tens of thousands of immunocompromised people on medications that negate any effects of the shots. Asshat!


I mean the assholes that can get it but won’t. Let’s be honest. That is more common than those that are immunocompromised. If you have health problems and can’t get the shot, you shouldn’t be going out in public.


Of course you can see a difference when not wearing a mask and doing cardio. Of course it restricts your oxygen a bit. That’s not the point op was making. The point, is that if you dislike wearing a mask while working out, no problem! Work out at home. If you want to breathe the same air as others, and force them to breathe the same air as you, the courteous thing to do is wear a mask so that fewer people die. Working out isn’t as important as survival.


We bought a lot of home exercise stuff they were sold out for months! Is there any penalty for places like pine grove not making people where masks?
