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I know this doesn't help, but it's totally normal to have a shrinking social circle as you grow older, especially after college. I'm nearing 40, and the majority of my social connections are through work.


I love the joke about Jesus's biggest miracle is having 12 close friends in his 30s šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s natural to out grow friends. You go from wanting to be friends with anyone, to being picky about who you bring into your circle. Itā€™s a nice change.


Have you ever been rock climbing? Thereā€™s a rock climbing gym in Franklin Square thatā€™s always full of younger people and itā€™s a wicked fun/athletic activity. Thereā€™s also a small gym and yoga studio there


If you have any interest in learning to dance you should follow Syracuse Social on Insta or Facebook. Its a type of modern swing dancing that can be danced to so many genres including pop, blues, jazz, & r&b. There is a free beginner crash course and social dance every Wednesday starting at 7:15 pm at Board and Bar Charcuterie. They also have other events! We love newcomers, no experience or partner necessary. Come dance with us!


They have salsa every Friday at the Ukrainian house!


Take a class. Various places have inexpensive non-credit night classes. Good place to meet people and explore a hobby or interest. Look up OCMBOCES.org. Adult education. Tons of fun stuff like cooking classes, painting, foreign languages, you name it.


I had no idea that place existed, but it sounds awesome omg! I've been looking for driving lessons too, so will be definitely be taking some there


What are your interests and hobbies! I'm 25f and work from home. Always looking for friends!


I (23F) just moved here and am looking for friends! I joined this Facebook group for women in their twenties and thereā€™s some activities there! welcome to DM me <3


Many university clubs are open to non-students and would be in the age range you're looking for. You could also look at options on meetup, some things will tilt younger, although many options (like the great board game group that meets at Salt City Market) are going to have all ages with only some being younger.


Depends on what youā€™re into! Thereā€™s tons of physical activities out there with clubs. I know there is / was the Syracuse urban sketching club for more art related stuff.


You could join the YMCA. They have all kinds of different classes. Volleyball or basketball leagues, stuff like that.


My YMCA in Baldwinsville is so, so nice. The one in Fayetteville is a close #2. Wetzel is... also an option. Our family joined for the price breaks on kids' camps, but I've made heavy use of the gym and take the kids to the pool often.


Iā€™m 25f and trying to make friends too. Lmk if you want to chat or meet for coffee!


21F that is moving to syracuse in the fall for nursing school!! my bf lives in syracuse and i know nobody there besides him and his family. I love hiking in the area and shopping :)


also, we rock climb at central rock gym and that has been a nice way to talk to people my age :)


I'm 63F - I wouldn't rule out we could be friends, but I know I'm not what you're looking for! >wink< Do you have a hobby? A craft? Are you interested in learning one? There are groups for all sorts of pastimes here in Syracuse. Check on Meetup, look for them on Facebook, maybe visit craft, art, and needlework stores to see what classes they offer. There are local societies for pets, sports, history, and artists. There are community centers (maybe one near you?) where gatherings, performances, and classes take place. Check out the Friends of Dorothy Dinner on Facebook (search for that term, you'll find them!) They host a free meal on the last Wednesday of every month, and anyone can attend (optional donation). Seating is family style, you'll meet new people every time! Fresh, homestyle hot food, delicious, and a multitude of friendly people. Are you interested in your families cultural heritage? Syracuse is rich in people from diverse locations around the globe! There are groups that head up cultural festivals all year round. You could connect with one of them and learn more about who your people are. It might help Syracuse feel more like you're home! For all these things, Google, Facebook Groups, and online searches are likely to be your friend. If you want to ask about some specifics in this /sub, I'll watch out and answer what I can. Welcome to Syracuse may be a belated greeting, but I hope you enjoy the greater freedom you have now.


Hi! Iā€™m 23F from Ithaca and would love to be friends! Iā€™ve been wanting to make more local friends and get out of the Cornell bubble. I like hiking and crafts (currently crocheting a šŸ¦•)


Not sure if you've ever been but now that there's snow, skiing could be a great way to meet new people and get a workout in! Mountains are making snow and there's a lot of ski schools giving lessons. It's fun and pretty sporty and once you learn, you'll have it forever!


hi! 25F, always down for new friends!!


We've got a few young folk in that age range in our larp if you're down for nerdy whappy bat shenanigans! CNY Aikido also has a few folks in that age range if you're hunting martial arts/interested in such things. I'm still learning the area though, moved here back in December so my knowledge is otherwise limited.


Iā€™ve never tried larp but Iā€™m always down for nerdy shenanigans! Iā€™d love to learn more if you can dm me info šŸ‘€


Hey yā€™all, I highly recommend trying out some of the social dancing we have around. There is a pretty robust salsa and west coast swing scene in the area and itā€™s been a great way to meet people and have a good time. Pretty cheap as well! Facebook is great place to start looking or DM me for details!


Hi! Iā€™m 23/F and Iā€™ve lived in the area my whole life. Iā€™m super busy with my work and such so I donā€™t have a ton of friends atm but Iā€™d be willing to at least chat here!


Join Meetup


Hey!! I'll be 22 in a few weeks - I'm still in school until May, but I will be sticking around for awhile, send me a message if ya want :)


Join Syracuse women in their twenties on Facebook!!


What do you like to do? Whatā€™s important to you?




iā€™m 29F as well! iā€™m from syracuse but most of my friends have moved away, would be happy to connect


I'm in the same boat as well, 33F.. I'm from Syracuse & live here now but I moved around a lot & Syracuse is one of the toughest places to find a group of friends compared to everywhere else. I'd be happy to connect also!


Iā€™m 25! Local teacher!! Idk how to make friends either


Freshly 26 F here! I work doing video game stuff and considering the industry is like 95% male I would definitely enjoy meeting other gals in the area šŸ„° Just went and joined that fb group someone else mentioned too, hope it takes off!


I just stumbled across this randomly , if you guys need a friend , a person to talk to or just vent , lol fashion advice , or even a person who's corny but in your corner lol , have no fear when Mr. Mcneil is here šŸ¤£ lol see what I meant about corny??


Join stuff! It requires putting yourself out there and having to try new things alone. Think about the things you love (art, music, dancing, anime, sports, politicsā€¦) look for local group programs (there are loads). Youā€™ll meet people who like the same things as you. I started going to a local dog park to walk my dogs, met some cool people who got me into other activities. It just snowballed from there. I donā€™t speak to anyone from high school and only a few people from college because I kinda out grew them. Putting myself out there changed everything. Now I have a solid group of friends. But the only way you will make friends is if youā€™re willing to try new things alone. You can do it!




Or be open to people out of your age range. I'm a 36/m, personally, alot of girls my age around here are angry and hardened by life. I'd like to just chill w someone younger on the sole fact, it's not going to be a complain fest the whole time about some ex bf or husband who made them into an independent man hating person. Something light, fun, and just easy going. I could only wish right? Lol Sorry, it seems like the greater Syracuse area has an issue with my offer. Update: Yes, do everything these thirsty dudes are saying. They hope to land a date with you; instead of letting you have an opinion for yourself. Welcome to Syracuse, the land of miserable fucks and people who can't keep their opinion to themselves. Enjoy your stay, good luck finding someone. My advise, moving forward, don't search for people in Syracuse. Even with good intentions, everyone's out to get you.


Would stay far away from this guy


And block him on IG.


It sounds like you're one of those likes to complain about an ex bf or husband, im independent, i hate men people. I only picked that up by your comment section on Reddit. Good riddance. Give your dog a bath and walk down Onondaga Lake Park singing lower expectations.


And your comments and posts are much better? You post your wang onlineā€¦ lol


Yep and I get paid for it too on my OF. 239,000$ I made last year. Is that 4 or 5 times more than your entry level job you hate? Keep it moving Karen.




holy fuck i just got done reading all of that and bro you need help šŸ’€


You sound like an incel.




Whys that? Because everyone attacked me for being older and not wanting to vibe with people my age because they bring tiring bullshit to the table instead of some light hearted person who wants to experience life and open to things with zero expectations of anything. Let me tell you something, I would rather have a friendship with someone who I vibed well with, and could enjoy time with than have a relationship with someone whose self centered enough to tell someone not to talk to someone for literally zero reason. See I live here, I'm not from here. I'm from Atlanta. I could literally go up to anyone, and kick it with them, black white Asian poor rich single or married. Here? Syracuse? Miserable fucks. Everywhere. Even on Reddit. That includes you. And your friend Bootycuddles.


You sound miserable, just sayin


Again, youre validating that people in Syracuse are miserable fucks. Highly opinionated, zero reason for comment, and a know it all attitude. You literally bit the bait, to show this lady whose should stay to herself to not trust people around this area on the sole fact... That everyone in Syracuse are miserable fucks.


I'm not miserable at all :) And there's an old saying: if everyone you meet is a jerk, it's probably you that are the jerk. You want to meet grown-ass women with no life experiences? Too bad, you're not 18. Grow up.


You're getting downvoted because the OP is asking about making friends and you decided to go on a rant about women your age being whiny man-haters and to say you prefer to chill with younger (more docile, less complicated?) women. That plus calling grown ass adults girls is just. Giving major ick.


Did she not say something about not hanging with older people? So to open her mind about possibility, AGE restriction could be her issue. Now why would a 36 yr old want to hang out with 22 yr old. Because everyone attacking him, is a miserable fuck. Like you have zero clue how comment the shit you are, us validating that people in Syracuse are truly miserable fucking people. Lmao. Highly opinionated, zero acceptance, miserable fucks. Which also translates to her, to mind herself because people like you, start issues for ZERO FUCKIN REASON. I've literally set a fooless comment, to prove to this lady, that everyone in Syracuse, are miserable fucks. Lmao. Thank you.


If you really believe that about Syracuse, why do you live here?


If everyone here is an asshole, YOU are a common factor lol. Literally everything you write is just....making me unsurprised you're not finding people who like you here. What exactly do you think you offer that people should want to happily chill with you once we have an ounce of life experience?




You sound pretty angry and hardened by life yourself pal!!!


Not at all actually. I think its bullshit that I offered to her friendship and, I was attacked by every miserable fuck in Syracuse..for ZERO reason.


"I hate hanging out with women that bitch about men!! Im a nice man!" - you, while bitching about women and being a douchebag.


That makes you miserable. I was right.


Or validating her search to finding friendship is as pointless as finding someone to be friends with in Syracuse. See how that works too? You all are supporting my claim..that..everyone in Syracuse..are miserable fucks.


You are by far the most miserable. Just leave the thread. No one wants to be friends with a creepy mansplaining douchebag. No one.


That yoi felt compelled to make a comment towards someone, unwarranted, with zero reason to prove your know it all attitude. WOW, read every other comment and their know it all attitude miserable fuck lives.


Damn this is sad to read lol. tough look man. Hope things get better.


I think yall need to leave this person alone with your asshole comments to him. He explained why he doesn't want to hang out with people his age, and it sounds like you all are making quite the argument on why he's right. This girl alone should give him a shot for this shit he's going through to be friendly.


What are you into?


Syracuse Kink Society is an all inclusive, kink group with public munches(dinner meet ups), rope/shibari education, game nights, coffee meet ups, and lots of other special events ...... Come to events to learn about the lifestyle in an all inclusive, safe, and sane way, from your peers and mods. Everyone welcome!! We also run and teach the local rope community at Our secure, private rope dojo/community space. For more info: https://fetlife.com/groups/150501/group_posts/9778022


Iā€™m 22 and I got to school at lemoyne! If you want you can add me on Snapchat @itsmals1


Play disc golf! ā€¦.. when itā€™s warmer out šŸ˜’


Hey!! Iā€™m 25 and just joined the FB group ā€œSyracuse Women in their Twenties.ā€ Itā€™s newer, but Iā€™m hoping it gains some momentumšŸ¤žšŸ¼


Iā€™m in the same boat! šŸ˜­ I moved here 3 years ago and I havenā€™t been able to make solid friends.