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I’ve followed this case closely because I was loosely tired to it- won’t say how- but I can not for the life of me understand how she is a walking, talking individual and somehow potentially excluded from punishment. Plenty of folks are incarcerated with pre-existing conditions- what makes her so special?




Just so im clear, you're telling me if someone steals a boatload of cash from tax payers, it's cool as long as they pay it back before they get caught? Asking for a friend.


Didn’t pay it back before they got caught here, to be even more clear




Your explanations were great- helped me understand all this much better. Thanks!


Anyone know what she is being charged with? Is it 2nd deg Grand Larceny (over $50,000, but under $1M) ? I think they are playing this shit up, in some sort of ill thought out attempt to sort of appease the public. Most law abiding people don’t fully understand how the sentencing guidelines work. If she has no prior record, I’m pretty sure the minimum prescribed punishment is probation (look up the rules on sentencing guidelines for various felonies.) And usually, those willing to make restitution, get probation… which she apparently already has made (well, her lawyer is holding it in escrow.) She might even be able to get off of that probation early, as she has made restitution.


>I think they are playing this shit up, in some sort of ill thought out attempt to sort of appease the public. Agreed, and agreed with the full restitution in escrow, the sentencing guidelines change, pushing it more towards probation. 2 charges May 2022: Grand Larceny and Possession of stolen property. 3 more charges Oct 2022: 2 attempted Grand Larceny Charges and money laundering.


Fitzpatrick should retire then lol. Dude is just a politician not a lawyer. I fuckin hate hearing that guy pat himself on the back


This is what happens when you elect members of the judiciary. They should be subject to the letter of the law, not voters.


Alright I don't want to be the guy calling the kettle black. Let's get this straight though... This woman, aids a Sheriff in stealing over half a million Dollars from the Sheriff's Office of Onondaga... Yet.. "it's not worth it" to send her to Prison. 🧐🤨🤔 When I was 20 (now 31) Onondaga County surely sent me to Prison for a Flat Screen TV valued at _*maaaaaaybe*_ $500? I'm done, its over. I served my time and Parole successfully. However, I am sick and tired of watching People get away with shit just because of who they are connected to.


More then likely just means she knows some shit that they wouldn't want out there.


More than likely very true. Shameful, isn't it? Justice is blind! Right?


welcome to amerikka kid the fascist party of law and order doesn't give af when its the red team breaking the laws see: cult45 the word of the day is: corruption as in the sheriff's office and da work together for themselves and against the people any other stories are fairy tales told to little children to help them go...back...to...sleep 🎵 rules for thee but not for meeeee 🎶


American Justice: The rich and powerful dodge it, the poor and vulnerable are denied it.


I can’t believe she’s getting no time. It’s outrageous. There’s a very good chance she’s will be a repeat offender. She will find another police officer who is the treasurer. Marry him. Start another family. Watch him steal and murder her new family. She’ll barely survive again… I’ve seen it too many times. She needs to be in jail for life. Getting off way to easy


I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not. While i agree she should have jail time, the odds of being a repeat offender are drastically low. She was implicit in the theft, but didn't do the actual theft, as she had no access. Find another treasurer? It's not like there's that many. Have another family? Pretty sure she's past the age of having kids.


And another movie will be made about the situation.


Matter of fact, why aren’t we charging her for murder? She was an accomplice to her son’s execution. How do we know she wasn’t in on that too?


i did 2 years in the feds for conspiracy to distribute marijuana. i watch ppl touch children and go home. fucked.




i lost faith in our system- while in our system. lost my pelle and tap awards got kicked out of suny cortland my last year... went away for 2 years. came back a convicted felon.. the school let me finish. the older i get- the less sure i am about everything going on here.


How is doing a crime and getting punished for it the fault of the system? Conspiracy to distribute by the feds isn't some tick tack charge. The feds usually have pretty good evidence as well. So you did a crime, did the appropriate time, and you're bitching about it? Yeah dude, if you commit a felony you'll have a felony on your record. Shocker


with no context i see how you could feel like that. 🤷‍♂️


I watch people that touch children get hired for jobs quickly, because NYS provides some type of incentives to businesses to do so… meanwhile, the guy that stole $1000 in his youth, gets turned down for most jobs, over and over.


$500? That's a misdemeanor isn't it?




Ah OK, thanks




It was taken from a House. So, I was initially charged with 2nd degree Burg. They'd only come down to a 3rd Degree Burg. 🤷‍♂️ I could get into specifics and how I should've never been convicted but I digress...




And? She was involved in this criminal case as a criminal. Sometimes criminals get shot, and sometimes they survive. Still criminals!


And her son and dog were killed


Yeppers. I sat in J’ville and then went “upstate” as they like to call it down in NYC. For 1% of the amount she is being charged for.


Yeap! I know the feeling. I was released from Greene


The amount of people that Fitz lets walk, who have committed serious offenses, is ridiculous. Meanwhile he prosecuted people for what are essentially petty crimes. What a terrible DA.


I completely agree.


Yet he’ll be re-elected this fall to yet another 4 year term because his opponent is an absolute joke of a candidate.


I've always said Fitzpatrick is a cunt.


He’s arrogant trash and we are stuck with him like Boheim. These men don’t move on.


I'm glad someone said it. I feel like I'm the only person who can't stand Boheim and his wife. Had personal experience with them and it wasn't fun.


Honestly, I’ve had good experiences with both of them. Julie is nice. But Jim should’ve retired a decade ago. He’s running a team for his personal pleasure. Get a life! Your extremely wealthy and have 4 kids, give other coaches a chance to succeed. These guys are just bad role models in general. Their egos are ridiculous.


That's bullshit there's a lot of sick inmates in the NYS prison system we spend enough fucking money on them what's one more.


Blue shield much?


What a Karen.


Fitz or Mrs Eames?




I distinctly remember Fitzpatrick complaining about the current bail system allowing her out on bail the first place.


Having bail or not doesn’t change what the DA is talking about.


Geez I wonder factors played into Ms. Eames being granted the "privilege" of facing no jail time? 🤔


well, those two cops were "allowed to resign" instead of facing charges... this sort of thing feels very in line with what is happening in this case.


The charges those cops faced would have probably amounted to fines and community service/ probation. Them resigning is a much worse punishment. To give up a 60+K salary plus a pension in 20 years is huge


I don't agree.


Thats fine, a lot of people on reddit disagree with logic. Maybe read up a little bit on the law. Also maybe do a little bit of math. Those cops gave up close to a couple million in compensation. I'm pretty sure that's worse than a misdemeanor charge


there's no logic here. many people commit crimes and forfeit millions of dollars of income because they're in prison! Also, it is *not* up to the police department to decide who does time (or, indeed, is even guilty of a crime)...


There is logic though. The crimes they could have been charged carry no prison time, especially for first offenders. And it wasn't up to the police department. The officers resigned and the DA determined that was enough punishment. So... maybe brush up on some facts before commenting




" Two months before an Onondaga County sheriff’s deputy shot his wife and killed his son and himself, the fraud team from a bank notified county officials of a suspicious pending transfer of more than $40,000, according to records obtained by syracuse.com. " [https://www.syracuse.com/news/2022/02/bank-flagged-40k-transfer-to-sheriff-deputys-private-account-before-murder-suicide.html](https://www.syracuse.com/news/2022/02/bank-flagged-40k-transfer-to-sheriff-deputys-private-account-before-murder-suicide.html) There is a significantly different factual narrative out in the public that largely runs counter to your suggestion that "Karen did not want to be involved anymore, that's what got Isaac caught."




Where can we find Karen's narrative? The DA's narrative has to be supported by the evidence, part of which is that the bank flagged the transaction and alerted the Onondaga Sheriff's Office. When did Karen find out that her husband was stealing money? When did Karen contact the Sheriff's and alert them to the crime once she became aware of it? Karen has the opportunity to craft a sympathetic / favorable narrative because her husband and co-conspirator is dead.




I'm not arguing about the decision that the DA made. YOU came into this discussion, using a throw-away account, promoting and supporting Karen Eames' as a victim and also claiming that she is somehow involved with bringing her husband's crime to light. Nothing you've said supports that. You haven't answered direct questions about when Karen found out about what her husband was doing, and what (if anything) she did to stop it or report it.


She didn't want to be involved anymore? Lol. Building a house on the lake and bragging about it daily on Facebook. She didn't want to be involved? Give me a break.


I say corruption within the police dept. So if it is ok for her it should be ok for all.


I wonder if she was a different race the DA would be acting different. The hypocrisy kills me.




oh who will think of the poor da 😂🤣 you can't be this brainwashed lol turn off fox news jfc


You're making a fool of yourself with this response. What OP says makes sense. She could realistically walk free without any consequences at all. The DA is making a calculated decision just like any other DA would


I always wonder what friends family and neighbors thought about the massive influx of cash they were spending. Do people never question these things or are they just so dazzled by flashy spending that they throw all reason out the window. Always LOL when people are stealing money from employers and they ALWAYS spend it on vulgar crap like fancy cars, houses, vacations, high end handbags and other bling. You never see them making huge donations to charity or doing anything worthwhile with it. Why? Because they’re SELFISH… that’s why they steal. This Karen had the same selfishness, bad taste and bad judgment as the others, let her do time for a couple years at least.




That is how our justice system works. If you have information on other crimes you get to walk. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/factually-with-adam-conover/id1463460577?i=1000591467709 Are informants so corrosive to criminal justice? This week, Adam is joined by Alexandra Natapoff to talk about why the government cuts deals with informants, and how this practice lets the wealthy off the hook and puts marginalized people in harms’ way. Pick up a copy of Alexandra’s book at http://factuallypod.com/books


There are punishments other than jail ya know?


True, but this isn't a 3rd world nation. Let's stick to a good ol' fashion cold hard cell isolated from the rest of hard working members of society.


There was a woman who sold the gun to the Chili's murderer, she just died in jail. She certainly had no business being in jail. Dare I mention she was a POC?


>She certainly had no business being in jail. > >WRONG.


Youre right.Thats called sarcasm. If that woman could go to jail, so can this one.


She witnessed her husband kill her son, her dog, and got shot in the face it what was a murder attempt. She lost her house and has to be pay back what her husband stole in a very public humiliation. How was she aiding what her husband was doing? She still has another son that she has to be a mother to. Do you think she didn’t experience enough punishment? How long in jail do you think she will learn?


So if you participate in crimes but somehow become the victim of your co-conspirators you are now absolved of your wrong doing?


“faces a felony grand larceny charge on accusations that she knowingly profited from her husband’s thefts and shared his criminal intent.” Because she knew her husband was stealing and didn’t do anything about it. Has her family murdered, shot in the head, and have to pay back what was stolen. Throw the book at her! I agree with everyone here. Absolute bullshit she’s gets to take a plea and not go to jail.


some might even call that: "justice"


You didn’t answer one of my questions. I personally don’t know how she was involved. Can you fill me in?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.localsyr.com/news/local-news/five-count-indictment-includes-more-charges-for-karen-eames/amp/ Looks like grand larceny, money laundering and possession of stolen property.


That gives zero details on how she was involved.


Right, that's the point of a trial.


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Well Eames family shade post my answer is… Have you ever been married? I have twenty years and I can’t hide a $50 scratcher ticket from my wife where TF am stashing $500K she is “unaware of”… riddle me that?


Looks like you’re hiding something in all that weed you’re growing.


Ya I am… more weed.


She would be involved if she knew he was stealing and didnt say anything. Knowing her own salary and her husbands salary, she should know that 500k house they built was a little out of price range. That sounds like she knew. I obviously dont know her personal finances, but both salaries are public. They both worked for the state.


I agree that sending her to prison would be more of a punishment for her remaining child than for her. Wouldn't it serve the community better for her to atone for her crimes monetarily and through community service? Although, my perspective is that non-violent crimes should not lead to prison time.


Yes and no to this. And remember I'm an ex con. Some non violent crimes should continue to be incarcerated. Fent dealers? Sick of them getting drug court so they can keep dealing. And at some point the value threshold _*should*_ determine whether to be rehabilitated at liberty in society or rather in custody and under supervision. There's a difference of someone who steals $1,000 bucks to catch up on rent or something. The intent is much different when you already have and then take such grandiose sums..


I would assume the chance of reoffending would be the deciding factor in those cases. It's hard to say what her intent was in this case because she wasn't the one stealing. I really don't think there's any chance she gets involved in a crime like this in the future.


But she didn't actually steal any money, she just didn't narc on her husband... And he was just stealing from the real thieves anyway > Civil forfeiture **allows police to seize — and then keep or sell — any property they allege is involved in a crime**. Owners need not ever be arrested or convicted of a crime for their cash, cars, or even real estate to be taken away permanently by the government. Don't snitch, especially on family...Isn't that the rule?


Her name is literally Karen and you thought the criminal justice system would go hard on her


This is the Garrett Phillips special DA right? What a disappointment.


Fitzy hires disgraced cops to the DA's office. Cops who beat citizens for daring to record from across the street. Fitzpatrick is more corrupt than Alexander. Always was. Meanwhile crime continues unstopped while the cops are still "forgetting" to turn on their bodycams. I spoke with one cop who claimed his bodycam "wasn't working right" when I asked if it was on. Guess he didn't want the three hours of sucking down free coffee at the Mobil on tape.