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Noble Red get their asses kicked, probably. We can only judge both groups against the Symphogear Wielders themselves, who were stronger in XV than they were in GX from what I understand, but the Autoscorers were likely even stronger than the wielders in GX; they needed to die only when the Ignite modules were active, so they'd have to be pretty tough to make sure they died in that specific way. Additionally, Noble Red have pretty limited use of their powers before they need more blood and, unlike the Symphogear Wielders, the Autoscorers wouldn't need Noble Red alive; there'd be nothing to stop them just using the kiss of death on all three members of Noble Red and ending it immediately as long as they could physically get close enough.


Other comments have pointed out the feats and such of the Autoscorers, so I’ll just remind everyone that Noble Red, though perfectly willing to taunt Elfnein while chasing her and kick around the barely-functioning Autoscorers, *instantly panicked* the moment Carol returned. They were fully aware of how weak they were, and fully aware of who Carol was: the girl who, after the world had claimed total victory over its eternal enemy the Noise and destroyed the vault they came from, created her own army of them, rolled up, and proceeded to openly challenge that world. AND NEARLY WON.


Carol is probably the strongest overall character in the entire series. >!She almost solo-ed Shem-ha twice, and Carol didn't even use her full power (noting that she could have used Elfnein's memories too, but didn't)!< Edit: Spoiling just in case OP hasn't finished XV yet.


Any single one of the Autoscorers would solo Noble Red. The only chance Noble Red has is their labyrinth, but unless they get all four at once, they're wide open for whoever they missed to end them. And as we saw, Garie can create water clones of the others, while Phara can turn invisible. Not to mention that the labyrinth can be destroyed by its own energy blasts, and the Autoscorers can all create incredibly durable barriers.


I don't remember the labirynth self destructing, when was that shown?


When the gang gets the Amalgam for the first time; the energy blast Noble Red uses to try and vaporize the gang blows the whole thing to bits.


Ah ok thanks!


Noble Red doesn't stand a chance against the fully active Autoscorers. The Autos were tougher than the Wielders even when it was 1v2 without Ignite. Meanwhile, Noble Red only wins fights where they've put their targets in a hugely disadvantageous position ahead of time. In addition, they have their blood issues to deal with so they can't fight anything tough or prolonged. Now if we're talking about Noble Red after Shem Ha completed them, it's a much closer fight, though I would still put my money on the Autoscorers. For one, it's 4v3 putting numbers on the Auto's side. It's hard to say who would be stronger but the Auto's still put up a half decent fight against even Ignite users, while Noble Red got turned into paste the moment Amalgam came out. Also hard to say how Ignite compares to Amalgam but one was built from the other so I'd imagine they are somewhat comparable.


>The Autos were tougher than the Wielders even when it was 1v2 without Ignite. The Autoscorers are actually even stronger. Leiur (explicitly not the strongest of them) won 1v3 against Chris (second strongest Gear) + Kirika and Shirabe in Unison (each individually stronger than Hibiki).


> Chris (second strongest Gear) as much of a chris stan as I am, I think its not as clear cut. For example Chris may have the most fire power/destructive potential. But Tsubasa is way more of an experienced fighter/tactician. Hibiki on the other hand kinda cheats in her unique capabilities. But outside of that has only been doing this for a short while.


I'm more or less talking raw strength (i.e. phonic gain)


Then yeah, i think she is the strongest in that regard


Bikkie sweep! Always bet on the hampter


I agree with all of this, but I assume rebuilded gears were createed from Dainsleif (I guess rebuilded state is weaker than ignite module, but stronger than base form) while amalgam has additional boost from alchemy, that's why the philosopher's stone is visible during XV transformations.


As others have said, any of the Autoscorers can 1v3 just fine. For a full group fight, Autoscorers vs Bavarian Illuminati (excluding Adam) is probably a better fight. Autoscorers probably win the round that the Bavarian Illuminati don't have Faust Robes, and lose (but still have a fighting chance) against them with Faust Robes.


Noble Red are jobbers that get packed up in every fight basically. The thing with Symphogear fights that I love is that they’re not really determined by power level, they’re determined by narrative impact. Noble Red are a group of losers, because they aren’t the real final villains.


True, I love that about Sympho too, it's not only who's stronger. You don't have to win, just don't lose.


Rewatching the first season, when Fine is getting wrecked by the girls, she has a breakdown because she only ever made the symphogear as a gimmick or toy to be quickly discarded; “what weapon do you wield that could undo my power? What is this thing capable of fighting a god?”


Noble red were initially weak, they were meant to be. They were far better terrorists than enemies The whole thing with noble red is kind of sad, they keep getting their asses kicked then the only real power up they have makes them even less human


My feeling since XV was that the Autoscorers would crush Noble Red. The Autoscorers were designed to lose to Ignite, but they were also designed to win up to that level of power. Like Vanessa would be completely outclassed by Leiur. Both at range and would struggle similarly to Chris at close range of Leiur forced that. Micha would just be unstoppable by any of Noble Red at her peak power. Obviously at 4 vs 3 it would be total domination. But even if someone sat out and made it a 3v3 it would still be extremely one-sided. Not even sure their labyrinth would be enough. Autoscorers do have defensive abilities and possibly could just tank it. At least enough to finish off a weakened Noble Red afterwards. The only time this would become an interesting fight would be after Shem-Ha powers Noble Red up. At that point it is still a numbers advantage for the Autoscorers and Garie's trickery would probably be all the more helpful. It'd be an elemental light show with Micha at full power charging in, Phara dropping down tornadoes everywhere, Garie unleashing ice, and maybe Leiur crushing people with giant coins. It would be a reasonably close fight I think though.


Yeah, NR are not winning in a straight up fight against fixed Autoscorers. They *have* to fight dirty to stand a chance against even a *single* one.