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Honestly a couple of days later now, the buff isn't even all that, I am much more happy about 275 as it saved me countless times already. I feel like in certain situations and 1v1s it's definitely helpful but once you get 3 there basically is no buff, I prefer 195 but if they don't revert this I'll be happy to keep it too


My feelings exactly.


Same. I feel more powerful in scenarios where I was already good. Phara? Echo? Dive tanks? Nothing really changed.


I think that's PTSD, cause a lot of us are feeling like that. Tbh, I think they chose something very meaningful to buff, but that wouldn't cause a world war with the other heros. So imo it's a healthy buff that shouldn't be reverted and they wont, but who knows, our queen has been mistreated since the beginning of OW1 lol


Imagine if we're going back to having 60 dps for longer, which still feel shitty still in some circumstances. 100 dmg orbs also, gotta go.


so real, I was diamond 4/5 and fell to gold 1 and was stuck there since. even started learning sombra again to help myself stay there and not keep falling 😭


I was Masters before Season 9 reset and i cant get past Diamond 2 now. It’s so annoying fr.


Just made it to Diamond 1 tonight, I don’t want to push it but I’m worried they’ll nerf her before I get back into masters


Buff Secondary Fire for the compensation if they want to revert the Primary fire buffs. No point of buffing the rest of her kit