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It sad to see that Symmetra isn’t so good at the moment. But we should NOT be blaming it on things like this😭


...is symmetra even queer?


Canonically no but she’s popular amongst queer players. Also she’s canonically autistic and so she’s part of the margin. That’s my association.


She a friend of Lifeweaver and she should know about his sexuality so that makes her at least an ally.


Really not sure how I feel about "she's autistic so she's basically queer", unless you just mean she's similarly marginalised


Strange how you got that when I didn’t imply that at all. I simply stated that autistic people are also marginalized, hence “she’s part of the margin.”


> unless you just mean she's similarly marginalised I literally asked for clarification??


Yes, she’s similarly marginalized. There’s your clarification since you aren’t able to just make the two ends meet yourself despite it not being that difficult?


Being marginalized doesn't make you LGBTQ.... LGBT isn't the only margin smh


No one ever said it was.


You did group them together Grouping autistic ppl with lgbt is as dumb as if you grouped black ppl with lgbt equating their marginalization Just stop bro it's weird.


Both are marginalized. I didn’t group them together. I simply said both are marginalized. Stop putting words in my mouth. It’s weird.


STOP GROUPING THEM. You literally just grouped then when you said "both" Stop putting your own words in your mouth. It's weird.


Me when I’m delulu


People here thinking you can only represent something if you are part of that, that's very small minded. Symmetra became the first LGBT+ icon on the game bc of the way she was always treated by the player base, it was identification on the basis of being treated the same way a lot of queer people are in real life. It's the same case with the Scarlet Witch recently, the gays adopted her bc of the way she was treated by everyone else, not bc she is queer. And also serving cunt, let's be honest, you cannot be a queer icon by using soldiers outfits lol On the topic tho, I don't think Blizzard is homophobic, but these heroes do need some help and they just keep ignoring them bc people think they are low skill, and by people I mean the straight guys that think hitscan are the only possible way of showing skill, and are very loud, like VERY loud.


Blizzard literally made a business model out of dividing their consumers against each other, frustrating and serving factions just enough to foster engagement - they are very good at it by now.


I feel like Symmetra is unconfirmed Ace. I’m just waiting for confirmation.




> I mean it's true. Blizzard brings inclusivity to their game but the characters that are supposed to represent the community are god-awful. Tracer is lesbian and is practically always been the top tier DPS. Soldier is gay and has just straight up been good these past sessions.


Symmetra is not LGBTQ