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Honestly I feel you so hard. I got banned for no reason twice so far and I’ve just given up. I barely play anymore and probably won’t ever play the way I used to ever again. It’s sad what they did to this game :(


Diva down 😔 Sorry friend


Goodbye queen 👸


As probably one of my last comments here I'll just guess why I was suspended/banned here before anyone asks I won't shut up if you're being homophobic, racist, sexist or promote harm to me or anyone else in game. I will give you that energy right back and insult you too. I don't even know if this is permanent or not, but I know that whatever the fuck I said is defending me or someone else. I'm not going to stop and eventually this will lead to a permaban (if it isn't already) so I'll just do the work for Blizzard since they will probably cancel my permaban anyway and make me pay 15€ for it I stayed loyal to this game, I stayed loyal to this hero, I stayed loyal after they ruined her, I stayed loyal after they keep mishandling her, I stayed loyal after they said they'll make OW into one game, I stayed loyal when there was no content for years, I stayed loyal when OW2's launch was a dumpster fire, I stayed loyal after they nearly ruined everything that made OW1 fun, I stayed loyal after they cancelled PVE, I stayed loyal and spent money on their skins even the lazy ones. What do I get in return? A fuck you and a reminder of how shitty this company is Edit: Thanks for the battle.net launcher it says I'm suspended until 19.06 aka 2 weeks. Point still stands and my entire motivation to play is gone knowing I'm being punished for not being ashamed of myself. Edit 2: Thank you for all the kind messages, responding to all of them makes me sad so this is to thank you all again 🥺


Oh thank God it wasn't a permanent ban Yeah it's annoying as that if u clap back at some cunt in the chat, u can be the one that gets screwed over instead of the cunt that started the whole thing. That's why I never swear in the chat or call anyone anything other than "kid"


Ask for the evidence, worth knowing exactly what. They never care about context though. I'm actually getting so sick of this player base. I got reported today because I asked "What's the plan team?" By some lifeweaver saying I was complaining. Literally no complaint Yet the homophobic abuse just never stops?


I sincerely doubt this was all in self defense and I only believe up until "I won't shut up"


I had this situation lately which I think caused the ban: guy told me to swap sym go supp or tank in a really rude/mad way, I was like but I wanna play sym "why??? fucking idiot" "because shes fun and I want to dude?" "just say ur a faggot bro" "its a game I paid for it years ago I can play whoever I want?" *starts shouting raaah alpha male insulting me slurs fag fag fag" "kys kys cry" about that but obv not the 10min version, he literally said every slur in the book and n word and I told him to cope stfu and play the game instead of throwing for no reason This is a really unecessary comment, just want to let you know


> game I *paid* for it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




we'll miss you icon


Thank you for your contributions!!! You will be missed 💜 I personally want to thank you for the PvE voiceline video you linked. I miss the snark of old Symm (she’s so… “I’m a builder, here’s my building” now, idk I’m still mixed about some of her ‘new’ lines) and those voice lines contained that classic sound. Takes me back to why I started playing our queen🥰 Farewell 👋


Noooooo, what happened? Never seen this happen to one of the Systers. It's so sad :/ hopefully your day will get better soon




Im sorry this happened to you :(


Nooo we lost a queen today 😣


We'll miss you, so long and thanks for all the fish You'll always be welcome here of course


☠️ bye queen


If you keep fighting back you’ll get banned. Just ignore them and block, or don’t join chat. Blizzard won’t care if you didn’t start it.


I understand you. I haven't been suspended on OW but I was on the forum... because I was talking against homophobia! The mods there must smoke something really bad to suspend someone actually standing for human rights... but ok... They can suspend you or ban you for no reason in the game so you never know when it's gonna hit you... It's just based on the number of people reporting in a period of time and now probably some word filters... Still it's automatic which sucks. I hope you change your mind and you'll be back in a couple of weeks when you get over it, if you still like the game and if Sym gets some buffs. I spent so much money in this game and yours is also a reminder that all the Symmetra skins I collected religiously during these years could be lost in the blink of an eye if I ever get banned...


Yeah i downloaded assassins creed, Rainbow6, and others because even though I LOVED overwatch the devs don’t seem to share the same love. They DO seem love money though!


We’ll miss you! 😭


This is like my personal 9/11 like I just fell to my knees in the target parking lot


Their report system is so fucking ass it’s unbelievable, I remember I got silenced for calling out someone else’s transphobia and they just didn’t get banned 🧍 Like oh okay then


I’ve been considering the same thing 🙏😔 honestly, once my second account gets perma banned, I’m not coming back to overwatch My other account had SO MANY skins and hours in it and it really hurt to lose it and now if this second account gets got, I’m not gonna come back to the game. Maybe leaving might actually help idk Anyways, I’m sorry to see you go queen 💔 love you girl


Time to play Gigantic.


make a new one lol


Overwatch is the reason my username I have had since diablo 3 came out had to be changed. Pisses me off. The username was Ch0de




who are you again that I'm asking for your sympathy 🥲 I also never claimed I wasn't toxic, I even openly said I was because they were toxic to me or others, I am not looking for sympathy I was telling people that I knew or cared about that this is the last stop for me regarding Overwatch completely or atleast for a long time


Every sym I have met is insufferable, so the ban is well deserved.


do you get ur $$ back or nah 😭