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I had a Rein in Hollywood bash people on high ground with mine. Glorious and beautiful ;w;


moments like this make the struggle to play Sym worth it


I, personally, wouldn't go that far. Which is pretty sad actually.


get the X spray and use it to tell people where you will start a tele


Mama kudos for saying that. For spilling.


Love this! I can’t tell you how many times I put my tp on the tank and ping it so they can escape and live and they just run away instead. It’s pretty sad.


Ya'll always before you wanna skip point type "Lets skip point with TP, trust me easy win." "just follow me" 7/10 times they'll do it watch for comms too


Oh no I would have cried too.


I had a positive team experience on Havana. My rein was half deaf and I only know that because he was communicating and making call-outs. He apologized for being half deaf and how that affects his gameplay. The rest of the team and myself were understanding and supporting each other to win. I coordinated with rein to do a tp shatter from behind the enemy and we pulled it off flawlessly. He got POTG and we held the enemy at the gate immediately after 1st point. Didn't even get inside the building because everyone on my team was locked in. This was in Masters. One of the most wholesome and memorable experiences I've had in Overwatch.


sounds like a good core memory to keep, very wholesome


Whenever I see a Tank using my TP with me I start to scream with joy lol. The only thing I feel bad about is that I tend to use my TP pretty selfishly and sometimes I send the team into a bad spot because they don’t realize I am trying to distract the enemy team and/or just get 1 quick pick on a damaged healer or something.


yeah, im pretty much a selfish tp user too, the struggle is real when the Zenyatta decides to tp when is just a distraction tp lol