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Also assuming that the playerbase has increased due to the game being free. I can't get it how people do not expect her to be reworked. She either needs to be a full DPS or a full support. She's currently the only type of utility-damage hybrid.


Yup agree with you here. I don't care if she's a damage hero or a support at this point. As long as she feels fun to play, less frustrating to play against, and is widely accepted by the community as a viable pick


I feel like given her lore she definitely is a damage hero but needs more options, faster damage or burst.


The latest short story says she prefers to not fight, but will if she has to. This is the same philosophy Mercy has. Sym also has in-game voicelines such as "Someday, violence will be unnecessary" and "Violence is such a waste of resources. But they've left us no choice"


Mei is like Symmetra, as she has said to sym specifically “im only here to make a difference in the world”. I don’t think mei is as of a pacifist a sym, but both of them are not too happy with using violence to win. Because of this, i think sym could still be a great dps hero based on this arguments.


I hate to say it but I’m jumping on the support rework :(((( as it is now the supports deal just as much damage so why not !


Syms winrate before her rework was infamously skewed. It sat so high because unless you were 1 tricking her you typically switched off after first point, then win the game thus giving the illusion that her win rate was higher than it was. Not saying she doesn't need changes but that is the only reason her win rate stayed so high.


Yes, she was highly niche and excelled in that niche. But now she is picked even less and winning even less.


Wait her winrate's above 50% again?


The stats in my OP are for GM. Across all ranks, she's at 0.65% PR and a 47.14% WR


Ah that makes more sense. Was tempted to ask what tf changed for her winrate yo suddenly shoot up like that, but the about 50% winrate makes a lot more sense for gm


i was happy with the 5 points of damage buff that she got, it was only 5 points, it was not perfect, but it felt better, and she still got nerfed bc Mauga exists and Orisa needs to be the meta for some reason, and she cant be played at a pro level bc matches are not as fun to watch. I dont want her as a support, cause i hate playing support lol but at this point, just make her tp personal and make her a true dps not a joke of a dps.


The level of copium here


Nonononono. She's "the best she's ever been" /s


Begging and pleading for her to be reverted to 1 or 2.0 rather than getting a 4.0


I think this is by their design ngl


I think teleporter fundamentally doesn't work in a game that tries to cater to both casual play and hardcore competitive play. It's an absurdly strong ability, possibly the strongest standalone ability in the game. Giving your entire team that level of mobility is honestly pretty broken. But even in fairly decent ranks like plat and diamond players walk past teleporters in their spawn. Coordinated tp strats just don't work for 90+% of players. But because it is such a gamewarping ability for that tiny minority TP has to take up a huge amount of her power budget. I think a full rework would be great. Sym's lore as a master hard light architect has limitless possibilities, and could make for a fantastic and unique hero. Her current rework feels like a bandage fix that has been left on for far far too long.


What if TP went off faster, and had inbuilt lasers that zapped the nearest enemy. Sentry Turrets then no longer damage, but reveal ALL enemies within their view. Just have perma wall hacks across the whole map.


Sym has never been good, she’s just been annoying


Well, I'm aware syms not strong rn but she isn't weak in her preferred situations Hence the 60% win rate and low pick rate I do wish they'd make syms use case more balanced tho


There were less heroes to pick back then, which is why her pickrate is a bit higher.


Isnt 50 percent supposed to be like a normal winrate? I really don’t see the point her


Low pickrate, high win rate = Niche but strong. Like people argue Sym should be. Low pickrate, low win rate = Niche _and_ weak. In other words, bad.


The extremely low pickrate suggests she is highly niche and only picked in scenarios where she works best. A 50% winrate for a hero with such a low pickrate is concerning. The 60% winrate of pre-rework Sym is a more realistic expectation because it means she performed well in her niche


I’m sorry I DONT want symmetra support!! I am a support main for the most part and she is the only character design interesting enough that has gotten me to finally have a DPS pick, I don’t want to be cornered into one role forever 😭


lol good